If you can't stand the heat... [Inactive]


I will kill you ^.^
LynxAmelia submitted a new role play:

If you can't stand the heat... - 1x1 between LynxAmelia and Jason Rorstiel

When a guy meets a 'fiery' girl...
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Andria Smith


103 years but appears to be 17




Fire elemental


Human form


Elemental form




Christopher Taylor

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0b63550_Ryunosuke-Miyaji-starry-sky-9512225-2560-15191.jpg.8ff1926d73145a2cb468169279f68bb3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16226" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf0b63550_Ryunosuke-Miyaji-starry-sky-9512225-2560-15191.jpg.8ff1926d73145a2cb468169279f68bb3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
Chris jolted awake as his phone rang loudly, the usually pleasant song drilled holes into this sleepy brain. The others were already spilling out of the lecture hall, and as he rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes, the place finally emptied, leaving him alone. He glanced down and saw a message from his father. He had another late-night shift again. Chris yawed loudly and started to pack his stuffs. The Liturature class always bored him to the bone, the monotone voice of the professor exhausting to hear, so much that it was hard to even fall asleep.

Night had already fallen, the clock showing 6.30 PM. Not too suprising, considering it was a winter day, the snow storm the previous night had already covered all in-the-open surfaces. Chris drew his coat and scarf closer to himself as he stepped out into the freezing night. It was going to be a long walk home, he thought.



  • Ryunosuke-Miyaji-starry-sky-9512225-2560-1519[1].jpg
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Andria had just finished signing up for courses at the college. After spending nearly 60 years in service to a wizard and 40 years in dormancy, she now decided to put herself to good use. Humans... were queer creatures to say the least. They interpreted the world in such a different way, something she'd never experienced. And so she'd started, studying everything from elementary school to high school.

None of them knew her true identity. And she liked keeping it that way. It was only on cold winter nights like this one, that things got tough. She, being the embodiment of fire in all its glory, was exceptionally warm, even when trying to keep her temperature within that acceptable by humans. She still found that she left wet puddles in snow wherever she walked. And in her hurry to get home while reading her schedule for the next day, she bumped into the bundled up form of a man.

Thanks to the relatively frail form that she'd chosen for her human form, she was immediately knocked back and nearly fell.
"I'm so sorry," came her warm and slightly high pitched voice as she looked around, trying to locate her lost schedule somewhere in the snow.
Chris grunted more out of suprise than actual pain as a small girl bumped against him.

"It's alright. I didn't see you either." He leaned down and picked up a piece of paper that the girl dropped. It was a college schedule, his college to be precise. She looked a bit young to attend college, and he had never seen her around campus before. Freshman probably. He offered the girl a hand to help her back up.
Andria took his hand to stand back up. But, she suddenly whisked her hand away and stared at it and back at his hand before looking up at him. She was afraid she'd burnt him! "Are you alright?" she asked, taking her schedule back, "I-I mean, I didn't hurt you, did I?" She bit her lip before looking back down at her schedule.

Woo! I'm now a certified creep.
Chris was a little disturbed at the girl's reaction. More than that was the moment their hands almost touch, he felt a wave of unnatural warmth radiating out of it. Then he noticed that the cold receded around the girl, her breath didn't steam like his did. There was also the puddle of melted snow behind her, already partially covered in ice and a new snow layer and hard to make out. Chris dismissed those as his mind playing tricks on him. That's what happens when you're in the cold for too long, he thought. That didn't stop him from taking an interest in the girl though, and he tried to pry some information out her, starting a conversation. "Hi. I saw that you're in the same college as me. Which year are you? I haven't seen you around these parts before." Chris asked as casually as he knew how.
"Yeah.. I'm from one town over," she said, flipping her brilliant red hair off her face, "Came here for Uni. And yeah, I'm just starting college.. I'm a.." she struggled a little to find the word. And when she did, her face lit up, quite literally. "I'm a freshman!" she said, her face emitting a soft, almost imperceptible, golden glow matched by an equally wide grin. Then she pulled a puzzled expression before asking, "Which year are you? Maybe you could help me out with some of this?" she asked, waving the schedule a little, "I don't know anything about half the things I've signed up for."
Chris laughed a little. "I didn't either, when I first attend. I'm Chris by the way, second year." He offered her a hand again, partly being polite and partly wanting to figure out if what he felt earlier was real. There was definitely something strange about this girl, and his curiosity happened to be legendary.
Andria eyed his hand for a moment before toning down her temperature to a touch lower. But it was still a little too warm. At least she didn't have to worry about if she'd burnt the guy. She then shook his hand gently before withdrawing her hand again, "I'm Andria," she said, with another warm smile, "You can call me Andi. Andria sounds kinda old."
Her hand was unnaturally warm, but not as much as he had expected. Her breathe had even started to steam normally. Chris shook his head once and wondered whether it was the cold that had gotten to him, or he hadn't been fully awake and was just half sleep-walking all along. Thinking about that, he realised the night had even gotten colder than before, which he was sure to be impossible.

"Alright, nice to meet you. If you need anything, just ask around the campus and people will point you to me, I'd be glad to help. Or rather, you can just ask them for help. People around here are all nice folks. I gotta go now, you should too. We shouldn't be hanging outside with the weather like this. See y...."

He trailed off and did a double take to peer to his right behind a house. He was sure that he saw something moving, and it was huge but fast. There it was again, this time on his left. The street was deserted and houses on the sides of the roads didn't show any sign of current occupation. Chris looked around nervously, shaking his head fiercer. He was losing his mind. He had to be. He wished that he was.
Andria seemed oblivious to the strange movement. However, she was quite worried about Chris. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked. Bringing her hand down to that of a normal human, she reached up to put her hand against his forehead. "You seem to be warm," she commented, chuckling inwardly. "Come, I will walk you home."

She, personally, had to get shelter. She was not meant to stand so much cold and stay human. If she wasn't careful, her form would erupt into flames when she tries to stay warm. She took his hand and tugged on it softly,
"Which way is your home?" she asked, trying to get him to hurry.
Chris broke off his attention toward his surrounding to look down at Andi, furrowing his brows. Did she just offer to walk him home? A younger girl? That, not to mention hurting his pride quite a bit, was unsually to say the least. Chris touched his own forehead. Granted, he did actually feel a little shaky, probably catching a mild cold. And anyway, after what he thought he had seen, Chris had either gone crazy or there was something creepy out there in the dark. Either way, he did not feel like walking alone. "This way." He said and led the way, seeing the movements again, this time near the street corner.
Despite seeming completely calm and cheerful, Andria sensed something to be wrong. Her eyes turned to something alike burning coals as she glared at her surroundings in a threat : 'I dare you to step out in the open when I am here. You wouldn't, if you value your existence.' For that one second, involuntarily, her temperature shot up. But only for that moment.

In the next, she looked up at Chris with a bright smile on her face and practically began skipping in the direction he'd pointed.
"So, do you live with your parents? Or with room mates?" she said, attempting to make small talk in the awkward silence, hoping against hope that he didn't notice her change in temperature while she held his hand.
"I...uh...no. I live with my father, but he's not gonna be home tonight." Chris answereed awkwardly. The rest of the walk went by in silence, and he was on edge, imagining something would go charging out of every dark patch of shadow at any given moment. His heart pumped painfully in his chest, and worst of all, his nose started to run.

They reached the house after 10 minutes. Only then did he realised how rude he had been. "Uh...Thanks for walking with me. Do you...uh....want to come inside for a cup of tea? Where do you live anyway?"
"Oh cool," Andria said, her eternally cheerful smile etched on her face. Then she put a finger on her bottom lip while looking down the street. "Yeah, I live a couple of blocks over," she said, "That way." Then she looked back up at him, "And I would love some tea. Thank you very much," she chirped, bouncing on the spot a little. Only she knew she was bouncing in urgency. She definitely did not want to ruin her clothes...
Chris unlocked the door and gestured for Andi to go first. It was a wonder to see that she was able to still be cheerful in weather like that. He walked in behind her and turned to close the door, not before stpotting something looking straight at him. It wasn't so much as the eyes, those were hidden in the shadow, but he felt its gaze upon him, as heavy and tangible as a rock, making his stomach drop. Then it was gone. The whole thing took less than 2 seconds, but Chris felt like an eternity. Troubled greatly, he still managed to push that aside, mostly, and focus on the task at hand.

The house was even more untidy than it normally would, dust settled on all possible not-used-regularly surfaces, the coffee table in the living room was buried under a mountain of old newspaper, the couch, except for a small space to seat on, also had a jumble of discarded objects on it. "Sorry about the mess. My father and I are not the tidiest of people." He quickly did what cleaning he could, pushing stuff off the couch and relatively clean the table off papers. "Please sit. I'll be right back." He ran into the kitchen and started rummaging, glad that he had not offered her coffee. His father was addicted to coffee big time, and would not be in a good mood if his secret stack (which Chris knew all about but pretend not to) of Vietnamese coffee is touched.
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Andria gingerly seated herself on the edge of the couch. So this is how a human house looks like..

It was a wonder that she had never found herself inside a house apart from hers. Sure, she could sneak up in the kitchen when cooking was going on but she couldn't explore the place. Now, hopefully, she could do that.

"Would you like some help?" she called out, getting to her feet and trying to avoid any clutter on the floor. The last thing she wanted to be was a bad guest.
"No, no, it's fine." Chris yelled out from the kitchen, pulling on a stubborn cabinet door that refused to be opened. There had to be some tea left lying around, he was sure of it, but everywhere else he had checked except this very thing he was trying to pry open was devoided of tea. He even checked his father's coffee stack to see if he had changed his addiction. He had not. Suddenly the cabinet door jerked out all the way and Chris lost his balance, falling on his behind as a mountain of canned food and tea bags fell on him. Ouch.

He returned a few minutes later with a steaming cup of herb tea. "There you go. Sorry about the mess around here again. At least they're mostly paper. You should have seen our old house from before we moved here, it was litered with dirty clothes and dishes, and I honestly don't know why I'm telling you about that..." Chris stopped. He was rambbling again, he did that a lot when trying to make conversation. He cleared his throat. "Let's talk about you. I haven't seen you around this part of town before. Have you just moved here? Do you live with your parents?"
Andria was still watching the human struggle with the simple task of making tea through the kitchen door. As comical as it was, she actually felt sorry for him. "You didn't have to.." she said as she accepted the tea and took a cursory sip of it. "And don't worry, my room is twice as messy and may have rats in it."

She gave a small sheepish smile as she looked around the house curiously. Something had followed them, her in particular, to this house. It was certainly very dangerous for this guy to stay here. But then it was his house and she was the guest here.
"I.. don't have parents," she said rather awkwardly, "But yes, I moved here just yesterday. It took me a whole day to unpack and I am sick of it."
Chris felt for the girl. He knew what it was to not have parents, or knew enough. His mother had passed away when he was born, and his father had buried himself in work ever since, leaving Chris to raise himself. Love and affection wasn't what he had a lot of experience of, nor was taking care of a child. "You would like it here. This neighborhood is rather pleasant, everyone are friendly enough, and it's not far from the college. The weather isn't so bad, today is just one of the worst days of the year. If there is anything I can help you with, I'd gladly give a hand. Oh, and about the schedu..." Chris broke off abrubtly.

He had heard some noise in the his backyard, just a tiny noise, but it was enough to alert him. There were never anything in the backyard, not animals, not any machines, not even insects. Ever since they bought this house, the backyard was just for show, his father and him never use it. "
Wait a minute." He lifted the curtain of the back window up a bit and peered out, but everything was so dark he couldn't make out anything. "Can you wait here for a moment please? I'm just going to check this out a bit." He walked into the kitchen and flicked the outside light on, but nothing happened. Great, the bulb burned out, and he and his father never bothered to change it. Chris grabbed a flashlight instead. The unused hinge screeched loudly as he forced it open and step out into the night.
Andria honestly did not trust whatever it was that was luring Chris outside. Feeling rather uneasy, she decided to follow him out. "Hey. Don't leave me alone here, it's scary," she said in the most convincing voice she could muster. She began glowing softly, but not too conspicuously so that she could actually see where she stepped in the cluttered house. "Chris..?" she called, placing her hand on the form before her...
Chris shone his flashlight back and forth across the backyard. Broken metal scraps and wild vegetation litered in every corner, left over from the previous owner. The backyard wasn't large, but it was adjacent to a small alley, where the street light at the mougth of it was not shining. The whole thing was plunged in shadow so dark that his light couldn't penetrate it further than a few feet right in front of him. Chris couldn't see anything out of place. He felt Andi's hand on his back, feverishly hot, warming him even through the thick fabric of his clothes. He turned around to settle it once and for all what was strange about her.

It came then, unexpected. He heard 3 heavy thump sounds behind him and swinged the flashlight around to a horror show. Chris couldn't process what he was seeing, much less react. There were 3 creatures in his backyard stomping their way at him, all of them naked and had the color of soil, dark brown and huge, each standing at 8 feet. They looked..incomplete, like scultures that an unsatisfied artist had thrown away, their head had mere an out line of a face, their limps and fingers mishapen and unmatched. Their heavy footstep were deafeningly loud in the quiet night, and before he could wrap his head around it, one giant rock hand grapped his neck and threw him through the air to hit the back wall, knocking the breath out of him and his vision blurred. Stone Golems? What the hell?
As old as she was, Andria couldn't help but rolls her eyes. She'd never been a fan of Golems. Unimaginative creatures. And far too stupid. Even now, they were throwing a human around for no reason whatsoever. She let herself slink into the darkness. Good thing she'd brought spare clothes.

The first to emerge were her brilliant golden wings. She couldn't help but show them off, but she kept them within the span of the yard. She really didn't want to set fire to the buildings nearby. Her skin grew brighter and brighter until she appeared akin a mini sun in the backyard. Her clothes were burned to ashes, revealing a golden armor. "Don't say I didn't warn ya. Let's get this over with," she muttered under her breath.

And in nothing more than two seconds, it was. That was about the time it took for her to fly up and around the Golems, severing their joints with her sword, which was nothing more than fire that was in the form of a blade. As the monsters were reduced to no more than rocks and rubble, she landed on the ground gracefully. She looked much like a knight, or so she was told.

Absorbing her sword into her body, she dusted off her hands.
"And that solves that," she said before turning to Chris with a bright smile, "Was I good or what?" It took her all of ten seconds to realize that she'd just shown her form to a human she barely knew! Quickly, she dimmed down and changed into her, now nude, human form. For once, she was thankful it was dark as she scampered back into the house and rummaged in her bag for her clothes.
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Chris sat with his back against the back wall, stunned. It wasn't the impact, that had long passed and his vision had been cleared enough to see...He wasn't sure what he had seen. Flashes in the darkness, mostly. There was more. His brain refused to process the what he had witnessed. His first response, of course, was blaming it on the cold, that he had caught a flu and everything was illusional. It didn't last long.

Chris painfully picked himself up from the ground and limped inside a little grudgingly. He was not a quitter, and he decided that he would find out exactly what happened. His hearted twisted painfully at the thought that he might have invited a monster in his house.

He stepped into the living room and thankfully, Andi had put on another pair of clothes. Chris opened his mouth to ask what she was, to figure out what really happened, but nothing came out. He realised that deep inside, he still refused to believe what had happened right before his own eyes. So instead, he kept quiet and regard Andi steadily, which was to say he just stood there staring at her.
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Andi was nervous. She'd never had a human see her form. And live. She could feel her cheeks redden slightly. But then, that was besides the point. "I.. um.. I'm sorry?" she said and stood up, slinging her bag over her shoulder, "I'll just.. er.. go.. You really don't want me around here.. Will get dangerous.." She was blabbing by now. But it was true. Other elemental never liked her. She was bound to bring Chris more trouble. "Gah!" she slapped a hand on her face before heading to the door, "I um.. won't bother you again.."

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