Idol Rivalry


Six Thousand Club






Name: Roseania(Rose) Colirum

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.72b252bfa3e0f249c7cb3622c70322c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1195" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.72b252bfa3e0f249c7cb3622c70322c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Shy but comes off as emotionless and concetted she is a bit of a punk girl. When you get to know her she's a bad ass vigalanty!

Name: Haru Kokume

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.6fdd0ce98c5e57036b9852937c09d31c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/image.jpg.6fdd0ce98c5e57036b9852937c09d31c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He's punk and plays guitar. He eats a lot of sweets and is very emotionless but usually thinks about his career first.



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My Girl first;

Name: Ruby Meadows

Best Friend: Roseania

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance:(put it in spoiler because image was quite big)

Personality: A very intelligent person, can be bossy if she knows shes right, doesn't care what people think of her, sensitive about her looks, gets pissed off very easily, overall a very nice, strong-hearted person, and a loyal friend! She also has a very strong singing voice.


Name: William Goodwin

Best Friend: Haru

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Personality: A very stubborn and snobby boy. William thinks he is perfect and dashingly handsome in every way. He is known to be selfish and a coward, but will do anything for his best friend Haru. He is the lead vocalist in his and Harus band.

You can start :)
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(Kk but take it out of the spoiler I can't see it)

Rose waited in her room backstage. She wondered where her friend was and walked outside in her cute costume then stretched. She began walking around.

Haru was dressed,"oi! Will its time for us to go on"he said pulling his blonde friend by the callor then jolted bumping into Rose."hey watch-"Haru said before looking at her. Rose had an emotionless face,"what?"she said then walked past him.
Will slapped Harus hand which was on his callor, "Excuse me! This is designer clothing that only beautiful people such as me are allowed to wear, let alone touch!" he screams, as he rolls his eyes at him. As he turned his eyes, he saw two pairs of black, angry looking eyes. "Apologize!" a voice shouted. He looked down to see the angry red-headed women, "Apologize to Rose, now. You stupid greasy haired twit!" she screamed even louder. She turned to Roseania "Sorry I'm late, I just got let out my class a bit late because everyone was messing around."

He laughed in her face, "Who are you calling greasy haired? I think you need to look in a mirror girlfriend, your hair is on fire." he smuggishly smerked at her. Everyone around him was laughing, she felt like dirt. "I wasn't talking to you, you pointy-nosed huntchback! I was talking to the greasy-haired emotionless git over there" she pointed to Haru.
Haru blinked a bit he was already with a lollipop in his mouth,"we slammed into each other so it was mutual"he said flatly,"anyway us bigger stars have somewhere to be"he added and began walking. Rose move out of the way then glanced at William,"stupid blonde"she said classifying him. Haru snickered at her pun then continued to walk.(I still can't see the pic can you link it for me?)
(Its not letting me post the link for some reason, I'll try next post)

"Sorry for overreacting, i just don't like it when pe-"

"What did you just call me? Your the stupid one! You know what? The clown from Junction Street called me, he said he wants his clothes and make-up back, why don't you 2 just go off in your little fantasy dream world because in reality, no one cares about you." he laughed at both girls, "You just don't understand do you? Me and Haru, we are the next stars of the generation, we can actually play *music*(he said in a baby voice) you girls obviously don't know the definition of it because you both sound like wet, depressed little cats being strangled by a overly-attached, wretched old man." Everyone was laughing at them again.

Rose was about to say something but Ruby put her arm across her and shook her head at her. Ruby slowly turned around to William with a furious look on her face. Rose knew what was coming, and had a guilty look on her face.

"You know what blondie?" she asks.

"What." he replies. *SLAP* Ruby had swung her fist and knocked William out cold on the hard ground, he was unconscious. "Let that be a lesson to you." She lifted her head up with pride and walked away with Rose.
(Erm can you please NOT control my charas thanks~) 
Rose glared at Ruby,"are you stupid?!"she snarled,"there about to go on! How would you feel if we were on and someone knocke out your partner?!"she snarled in her face."I'm going to go help his partner.... You should go cool off because what you did was seriously wrong!"she yelle then walked to William and helpe him into his room and laid him onto the couch."we need to go on stage soon"Haru said softly. Rose nodded sadly,"I'm very sorry for my friends actions"she said softly."no it's fine... Ill just cancel today's show..... That means you two won't be able to sing tonight I hope you know"Haru added. Rose looked down sadly knowing how bad Ruby was and sighed,"I'm sorry"Rose said then put a wet clothe on Williams forehead and Haru walked out closing the door behin him.
(Sorrryyyy D:, can you see the image now?)

Ruby Sat down and talked to herself 'What I did wasn't THAT bad was it? I mean what he did was worse, someone was going to show up his snobby little ass one day right? The way he was speaking to me was atrocious, why is every thinking I'm the bad one?' She got up and ran to the room, she thought in her mind 'I still better apologize' She ran into the room, 'Rose...' She gave her the 'knowing look'. 'Can I be alone with the blonde for a second please?'
Rose glared,"no.... I'm sorry but I think you've done enough.... He's going to wake up in pain...."she said then finally looked at Ruby and sighed,"fine.... But please be nice...."she said then walked out.(it's fine and no I can't do you have the link from the page you got the picture from?)
(Yea I can get It to you in the morning because I'm on my kindle now)

Ruby placed her hand on the wet cloth that was on Williams forehead, she sighed and whispered to herself 'cannot believe I am here right now.' She looked at her watch as if to say he's taking forever to wake up, she then spots a bottle of water close by to her, she quickly grabs it and pours it all over William. He screamed. 'It's you!' He backs away from Ruby and is shock because he does not know what's going on. 'Where is Gary? We have a gig in 10 minutes!' He says quickly.

"Relax, that 10 minutes was like 30 minutes ago. How's your jaw?" Ruby asked.

"Oh you mean my beautiful face that you punched? Oh it will be fine... right after I sue you!' He shouts.

"Sue me? How dare you even bring that topic up! I have the right to sue you too!and for the record, the only person who sounds like a cat being strangled is you on a broken record!' She turns her back to him.

he snorts, 'I have a better voice than you, you crazy fire head b!tch' He screams and slaps her arm. 'Oh yeah I can hit too! And there is more where that came from if you don't leave me and my handsome face right now!'

Ruby was holding her arm where William had slapped her, a tear dripped down her face as she cried 'I'm not a b!tch' She ran out the room to look for Rose.
Rose had walked into the room just as Ruby left they ha just missed each other. She blinked seeing his clothes were wet,"did my friend do this? I'm sorry"she said softly then handed him a towel and took the rag off his forehead,"do you want ice for your cheek?"she asked worriedly.

Haru jolted being that Ruby ran into him,"hey hey what's wrong why are you crying"he asked hugging her,"I'm sorry about Will but his stupidity shouldn't make you cry"he said softly and gently,"look want some candy?"he asked.
(Does rose have red or magenta hair? I can't tell sorry xD )

"No and I don't want you pity either, now go and jog on to your little red-headed brat. Also, your not the one to apologize, its your stupid bratty friend." he exclaimed, "Now I'm thirsty, fetch me a bottle of water." he pointed to the tap.

Ruby glared at Haru, "Candy? Really?" she thought. "Oh yes, that would be great. Because all crying girls want candy when they're upset..." she sarcastically said.
Haru blinked,"it's not really sexiest it's just candy is sweet and makes people feel better.... Besides I make a lot of my sweets myself...."he said."why are you so quick to snap at me I was trying to be nice"he said.

Rose blinked,"I just hope you can forgive her she's really a good person..... "She said softly then stood up and passed him a water bottle,"I hope she didn't hurt you to bad"she said. She slowly brushed her soft gentle hand against his cheek that was recently punched. 
(It's magenta because Ruby had red hair and I dot want then to have the same color)
(still not letting me put link in, my account has to be a bit older first, i'll send it to your profile instead :) )

Ruby looked down with a sad face, sighed and sat down, "Its not you" she exclaimed, "Its just... today has been such a rough day... and William h-" she stopped. "I mean, is that candy offer still available? She put on a fake smile trying to hold back her tears and looked at Haru.

William snorted. "Good person? Haha please, she is satans child. She even has the red hair to prove it." he put the bottle to his mouth to take a drink.
Haru smiled prince-like,"of course"he said and held out a box of candy,"take anything you like"he said. He then patted her head,"it's okay to cry though"he whispered.

Rose glared slightly,"she's a good person.... Better then a jerk like you!.... Although she may resort to violence you still hurt feelings.... People commit suicide everyday! And you just might be the cause for someone's!"she told him then jolted covering her mouth,"I'm sorry for my loud outbursts"she said softly.
Ruby looked into Harus eyes, she could see no emotion. She was staring... deep into them. "T... thanks." She blushed, looking away so Haru couldn't see her, a silent tear rolled down her face as she nibbled on a small, strawberry lollipop she took from the box.

"HOW DARE YOU!" William shouted. "YOU ARE JUST AS BAD AS YOUR STUPID RED-HEADED BRAT FRIEND. IN FACT, YOU ARE BOTH BRATS, GET OUT OF THIS ROOM NOW." he pointed to the exit with a frown on his face. He sat down on the chair and got a mirror out of his bag. "eeeekkkkkk!" "LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE. GET OUT GET OUT GET OUTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!"
Rose sniffled tears welling in her eyes,"you are a jerk! I thought maybe she just came off a little to harsh but you are a hideous jerk! You will never be truely loved by anyone in this world!"she cried then covered her face and ran off. She was a pacifist so she would never hit him but she was so hurt that she cried.

Haru smiled and close the box putting it away and began eating pockey,"well all the fans went home so I should get going... Bye"he said after patting her head and began walking.
(can you see the picture now? :3)

Ruby sighed and watched him walk away, she thought to herself, "I never knew he was so nice... he seemed really moody before I actually talked to him. Anyway, I should find Rose, I think I saw her go back into Williams room."

"Pfft, whatever, you 2 are obviously too stupid to see past my beautiful face." He sat down and grabbed a granola* bar from his back and started muching. His table manners were appalling, there were crumbs everywhere and he was spitting everytime he opened his mouth.

*granola bars are like oat bars with fruit in if you were wondering :3
"The problem is your face is hideous what lie have you been looking at because even a troll looks better then a hideous satan devil man like yourself you concited jerk! Nobody and I mean nobody will ever love you!"Rose yelle before slamming the door and walking away rubbing her eyes.
William screamed in frustration, "You are both b!tches and no one will ever love either of you!!"

He stormed out to try and find Haru.

Ruby was walking towards the room William was in where she saw Rose crying, she began running and hugged her. "Hey... whats up with you? Its not like you to cry." She rubbed her back as she was hugging her.
Rose cried in her friends arms,"he's such a jerk! I was just trying to be nice"she said. Haru spotted her crying and glared grabbing William by the callor,"how can you just make two girls cry?! You didn't always act like this! You used to have a brain!"he snarled slamming him against the wall,"you know damn well nobody likes you and that girl wa just trying to be nice.... You have prince looks but you sure as hell don't act like one..."he said."if this keeps on the band will be distroyed and I'm not letting my singing career go down with it"he warned.
William pushed Haru off him. "I'm sorry alright?" he brushed his shoulders and stormed off into the distance.

Ruby smiled at her with a tear in her eye, "Its ok, in future we ignore him ok?" she hugged her again and laughed. "Were getting a bit too emotional don't you think? Come on, you can come back to my house tonight? Hows about a slumber party? Just the two of us? A bit of girly time? We haven't done it in so long!" she suggested.
Rose jolted,"erm.... I don't really like that idea"she said blushing. Whenever they had a party and Rose had a secret Ruby would always get it out of her.

Haru glared and went home and groaned in annoyance,"he was never like that before.... What happened?"he said.
"Oh" Ruby said, "Thats fine then, I'll head on home then, don't forget to call me in the morning" She smiled hugging her friend again and then walking out the door, the same direction that Haru went. She noticed him walking alone, "Hey Haru, wait up!" she shouted.

It was just William and Rose left alone, no one else was there. He glanced over at her, then picked up his things and went the opposite direction.
Haru blinked,"oh hi!"he said with a smile. He was being very nice to this girl. He ate some chips as he walked. Wait where'd he get chips from?! That's Haru always having something to eat.

Rose jolted and put her headphones on and ironically had to walk in his direction. She jolted as a guy walked by and slapped her butt. She took a deep breath and kept walking. Going by William the guy put his arm around her. She gulped and squirmed from his grip and began running. She jolted getting shoved into an alley and surrounded by scary guys.

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