
The one an' only
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Chance opened his eyes as bright sunlight streamed through his blinds. He sat up in his bed and looked over at the bedside table with countless medications stacked up. Grabbing his daily cocktail and swallowing them he slowly made his way out of his room and looked up and down the hall. He didn't have a roommate, which he thought was both good and bad. On the bright side he didn't have to worry about waking anyone or well sharing anything. On the other hand it did sometimes get lonely. He blinked a few times to wake himself before heading down to the cafe.
Sasha had woken up earlier than usual. before the sun even, which was a shocker considering she normally curled up under the covers until noon, but she had a plan for today. She was going to get some fresh air- something she hadn't done in quite a few weeks thanks to some strict tubes that had been forced down her throat for a bit. Thankfully, after a bunch of complaining and perhaps the fact that she was actually getting mildly better, Sasha had them removed and was clear to breathe on her own. This meant less restrictions on her movement, and more chance at fresh air and maybe even a couple puffs of the vape she had stashed in the vase which held a plethora of dying roses. Sasha had never been a big fan of flowers but her parents insisted on bringing them to "spruce up the place" or something like that. 

She carefully slid to her feet, testing the waters, making sure she could, in fact, walk, before heading over to the dresser and pulling the vape out, stuffing it into the waistband of her sweatpants before heading out of her room and towards the exit. She knew she could at least get outside as long as none of the stricter nurses caught up. As she walked down the hall she noticed Chance and her eyes lit up with the thought of conversation. She slung an arm around his shoulders as she passed him, dragging him towards the exit with her, hoping he wouldn't brush against her vape. She didn't need a lecture today. "Chancey boy, how have you been? I haven't seen you in a whole week. Did your heart bug out on you or does my presence just shut it down?" she asked with a small chuckle, ruffling up his hair before letting her arm fall back to her side and continuing towards the exit, not bothering to look back and see if he was following.
Chance had just barely woken up when he suddenly felt an arm go around his shoulders. It was Sasha. She was a bit of a trouble maker but not a bad girl really. "As I recall it is you who was incapacitated this past week. My tickers okay, still taking that cocktail. I swear those things are just going to kill me faster. I got to reading the labels and the side effects are crazy for some of them." he said as he followed behind her. He hadn't intended on following her, it just sort of happened. He supposed some fresh air would be good for him anyways. "How have you been holding up? Have trouble breathing, or do I just take your breath away?" he said in a similar fashion she asked him. @McMajestic
"The only thing you take away is my libido," she retorted quickly, before pausing for a moment. "I actually have no idea what that means but I think Dr. Forrester used it once when talking to some guy on the main floor." Sasha opened the exit door and leaned against it, her hand resting over her shirt, feeling the vape just beneath the thin layer of fabric. It had a coconut flavoring in it and she was excited to get her buzz on. She glanced towards Chance, looking him up and down, trying to decide if it was worth bringing him along since he was obviously following her, before continuing on. "You're not allowed to lecture me," she told him, a telltale sign she was about to do something she shouldn't have. Especially since she was currently pretty high on the lung transplant wait list and she really needed it in order to actually live. Of course, she hadn't told anybody that she had recently been given a death date but who needed to know? All they could do was worry about the inevitable so she kept it to herself for the time being. @PenguinFox
"Sometimes talking to you takes away brain cells." Chance replied with a chuckle. "Libido is your sex drive Sash. I'm not sure how I feel about you saying I take that away either, on the one hand..." he trailed off chuckling as the doors opened and breathed deeply. He raised an eyebrow when she told him he couldn't lecture her. "You're not allowed to tell me what to do." he said in a mocking tone, sticking his tongue out the side of his mouth. He looked her up and down as she pulled out a vape. "Well..." he said with a hint of a sigh. "Could be a lot worse I suppose. Nicotine or no?" he put his hand to his chest for a moment to check his heart rate, it was something he often did so he wouldn't up and die, or if he did he could see it coming. @McMajestic
Bibiana had been awake for most of the night. Though normally having sleepless nights, being on chemo only seemed to heighten it. Looking at the clock she decided now would most likely be an appropriate time to get up. Grabbing the poll of her iv drip as sge made her way to the bathroom. As she expected she looked like absolute crap, good to know that what you feel on the inside shows on the outside. Sliding a baggy sweatshirt over the hospital night gown before attempting to maneuver the tube for the iv drip so that it be as comfortable as she could get it. 

A a nurse came in not soon after she walked out the door of the restroom, going through all the steps to make sure she wasn't going to kick the bucket just yet, at least not this morning. Before the nurse left she made the effort to remind Bibiana that she had Greif counciling later in the day. Something mandatory set by her parents to show her death is nothing to fear as long as you are strong, and some other bull shit they pay the guy to say.

The hospital always encouraged Bibiana to walk around when ever she could, telling her that it would help her and not hurt her in the long run. After walking around for a few minutes or so some giggling and voices caught her ear, looking to see it was none other than the two love birds. Honestly seeing the made Bibiana accept death more than she already had but to some disbelief they were actually the closest thing she had to friends in this place. It wasn't like her friends before came to visit her, even her best friend stopped coming saying to Bibiana that it was just to hard to see her this way. That was the first and only time Bibiana ever laid a hand on someone, and don't think she regretted it. 

Bibiana watched he'd as the two talked to each other, leaning on her pole when standing became to much. She thought to say hello though it seems the two were wrapped up so she stood there, taking in some deep breaths as she felt some strength come back to her.

@McMajestic @PenguinFox
Sasha glanced at him, a small smile creeping on her face. "Well it wouldn't be addictive without the nicotine, would it, Chancey boy?" She ruffled up his hair once more, laughing to herself before out of the corner of her eyes she noticed a familiar face. "Bibi! Come outside with us! Embrace the polluted oxygen and skin-burning sunlight. It's so pleasant," she said brightly, before spinning around for good measure. She supposed she had moved a bit too fast though because a short coughing fit cut off her joy at roughing it in real air rather than the filtered crap the hospital used. She sniffed once and cleared her throat before taking a long drag of her vape and blowing the smoke out away from Chance. Vapor or not she didn't want to bother his whole issue. She wasn't exactly sure if it would but better safe than sorry. "Wanna see me do tricks with the smoke?" she asked. "I've been practicing a few." Sasha took another puff though she didn't attempt anything extravagant quite yet. She'd wait and see how disappointed Chance was about the nicotine, and if Bibi was coming along for the adventure or not. @PenguinFox @Aio
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Eli Benjamin walked into the hospital with his step mother in tow. He felt the exhaustion hit him like a brick wall just walking through the door. Most of that exhaustion with emotional. Later in the day it would be physical, the weight of the toxins in his blood taking a toll on his body. They said he might feel better after the first week of dialysis. It had been six. He had been tired for years, a full body, full weight kind of fatigue that did not release him, sometimes not even first thing in the morning. For now, he would be emotionally exhausted, the smell and sight of the hospital finding him again.

He walked through the hallway and saw a few people he had recognized and grown fondly of, even if he barely knew them. The people in the dialysis room with him were almost always accompanied by very protective parents. Also, they were all at least five years younger than him. He saw two people he knew, and looked over at his step-mom, Stephanie with very large eyes. "Oh, please, can you just set up my stuff? I'll be in there in a few minutes. You don't even have to stay, I'll text you when it's done!" He pleaded. Stephanie smiled warmly. "I'll just be reading my book, I'll let the nurse know." He beamed and ran over to the group. He was immediately punished by fatigue deep in his legs and he began breathing heavily. He smiled at them, embarrassed. Sasha was vaping, and he stepped back without even thinking about it. He did not mind the smoke, but it was so ingrained in him it was instinctual. He rubbed at his AV fistula attached to his arm, the port occasionally in his way. 

"The sunlight isn't too burning today, just enough to make you itch. That part about the air is spot on." Eli said in response to Sasha, smiling knowingly at Chase. He saw Bibi from the corner of his eyes and gave her a small wave. It was nice to be around people who understood how easy it was to just up a die. A port infection could take him out. Too many missed dialysis treatments. He felt understood with these people. He felt vaguely at peace.  @PenguinFox @McMajestic @Aio
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Jade had only arrived at the hospital the day before. She had no clue where anything was or where she could and couldn't go, therefore, she was content to be in the safety of her room, already drugged up on many different medicines. The doctors had set her first surgery for 3 days out, and Jade was already convinced she was going to die that day. 

Nevertheless, a nurse who Jade already loved came into her room, smiling. "Morning Jade! You doing okay? Those meds are strong." Jade cracked a little smile and gave her a thumbs up. The nurse took her vitals and nodded in contentment. "Well your blood pressure is a lot better than yesterday's... and the color to your face seems to have returned. Why don't I take you down to the cafe? I hear they make some excellent pastries down there. Some other kids will probably be there, too. It would be nice for you to meet some of them."

Jade looked at the nurse cautiously, then huffed, nodding her head. The nurse, who went by Holly, grinned and helped Jade out of the bed. Jade tried to resist, but was too shaky to stand on her own. Holly helped her into a wheelchair, then headed down the hall with her. On the way, she spotted the group of kids outside and Holly smiled, stopoing briefly. "Those are our regulars. They're pretty nice... they may join us later." Jade tried to slide down in the wheelchair, but Holly just rolled her eyes and then continued on to the cafe.
Bibi chuckled at Sasha's response, giving the pole that was holding her iv a good shake as she looked at the others before shrugging and going over to them. "I'm dying anyways. Might as well." Walking over to them, listening to the metal clanking of her iv. She watched as Sasha started coughing before she took a drag from her vape and chuckled. "You sure you should be using that thing? I mean you sound closer to death's door than I do." Of course it was a joke but to anyone else it could leave them feeling uncomfortable, which Bibi only shrugged off. 

A voice caught her attention as she turned to see Eli, offering him a wave back as he approached. "Well well look who's back." Bibi said as she gave him a smile before looking at the others. "Are we gonna go? Cause any longer and I think I'll be ready to kick the bucket."  Just standing there Bibiana grew tired, seeing the closest thing to lean on was Eli she decided to go for it, not really giving a crap as of now. " Let me rest here a bit and I'll buy you something from the cafe." It was a deal she often made though rarely did she ever act on it. It wasn't as if she had the money and most either forgot or got better and left her behind.

@McMajestic @allizae @PenguinFox
The sun shone in from the window, casting a golden glow over Hope's face. She stood by the window, gazing out at the bright world with large curious eyes as birds fluttered around in the branches of the nearest tree. With hands pressed into the cold glass that separated her from the strange world outside, Hope desired to see those beautiful creatures that floated through the sky and sung so sweetly.

She then heard something else - laughter was it? - floating up from just outside. Pressing her cheek against the cold glass, Hope strained her ears to hear the faint sounds of laughter and traced their source back to a group of people. They all looked very strange, with wires and metal sticks protruding from them. Those people talked and laughed and looked very.. Very... Happy. This made the young girl smile. 


"Hope? Hope?" 

She felt hands on her shoulders and turned around to come face to face with a friendly-looking lady in white. She seemed familiar... But Hope could not recall her name. So instead of speaking, she smiled sweetly at the lady. "You must go back to bed. You've been out of your room for too long, Hope."

Hope didn't want to go back to her little room where she was by herself with no window, no people and no nothing. There was nothing wrong with her, she was very sure about that. She never really understood why she had to always be kept indoors away from that pretty world outside with the singing creatures and the happy people. Where the sky cried and the trees reached to comfort it.  

"May I go see the pretty world?" 

"Hope, I'm not su-"

" Please, I want to go see the green ground and the singing birdies. I've never been there."

"..Well you see...." The nurse hesitated, but nodded. "Okay, but only for a few minutes. Can you find your way down?" 

Nodding, Hope left her grasp immediately, guided by feet down an unfamiliar set of stairs till she reached the ground floor that was bustling with patients. Maybe she would've stayed to ask why they had no hair, why they were so pale or why they looked so sad. 

She broke into a fast walk, then into a jog and the  a run as she weaved through the strange see-through doors and into the pretty world she had never been in. With heavy breathing, she stopped abruptedly before the strange green carpet before her before tentatively poking the blades of green grass with her toes.

Giggling at the ticking feeling, she stepped forward onto the lawn and sunk to her knees with a bubbly feeling in her chest. It felt so nice to have those spiky things in her toes and between her fingers and she remained there for a few moments, watching the great blue sky above for the first time without glass in front of her. 

Smiling, Hope murmured, "Hello pretty world." 
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Chance sighed at Sasha's response. "Well, it would have been better if it wasn't but I guess it's not the worst thing you could be doing to yourself." he said as he leaned against the hand railing. He chuckled at the girl's attempt to entice Bibi out with them but nodded in agreement. "What's death without enjoying life right?" he called after Sasha finished. "The only trick I want to see is you stopping that, getting better and getting out of here." he said with a chuckle as he looked back to Sasha. He looked back to watch Bibi join them, but noticed a girl being pushed along by Nurse Holly. He threw a smile in her direction but was pulled back to reality by a male's voice this time. It was Eli, kidney kid. Was it a little politically incorrect to call him that? Maybe, but that's how Chance remembered people's names and conditions.

"Good to see you Eli, doing any better?" he asked with genuine curiosity. He liked it when he saw people less and less because that meant they were getting better. Sure he would lose them as a friend, which had happened many times over the years but he was truly happy for them. They got better, where as he never would. Chance would probably die in this place, but he had come to accept it and was more interested in making the most of his time now. @Aio @McMajestic @silentecho @allizae

(Sorry everyone, I got caught up in things and forgot to respond, I'll try not to let it happen again)
Eli smirked slightly when Bibi put her head on his shoulder. "Agreed. One croissant from the 'one-star' restaurant in this place." He reached up the arm that attached to the shoulder Bibi was leaning on and pat her head in affection. He looked over a Chance and gave a half-hearted smile. "Better? Worse? It's all the same - my numbers go up and they go down, depends on my kidneys mood." He chuckled, and looked over at the outside. "I'm with Bibi, lets get out there, I only have a minute. My step-mom is gonna be pissy if I don't get my butt in that bed in less than twenty." 

There was a time where Eli was so terrified of dialysis that he could not even bring it up in conversation. However, it had become like a hobby, as much as he'd been in here the last six weeks. He just hoped he could get some real information about what was going on. Why wasn't he feeling better? Why weren't his numbers moving? They should have been. Scientifically speaking, his blood was being filtered, but he guessed maybe not enough. He made a decision to ask the nurse later to tell him what was going on, or get his doctor to. But getting a seat with his nephrologist seemed about as probable as never coming back. 
"Alright, kiddos, let us slip into the grace of nature. But don't be a moron and get your ports or IV holes dirty. I refuse to be held responsible for any of you juveniles kicking the bucket, comprende?" Sasha gave them all a pointed look before turning on her heel and heading over towards a pretty garden area with a couple trees. Perfect. She needed something to lean against. She let her weight fall back against a tree and took another drag of her vape, looking back at all the pesky little patients she had befriended. 

"Oh, there's a great donut place just a bit up the road. We can either risk the walk or hijack my doc's car. I'll allow you all to vote on that one but I suggest the car since you all look like you're about to keel over," she added, before bursting into a weak coughing fit and dropping her vape as she slung her arm over her mouth to keep her cancer-infested germs to herself. Sasha knew cancer wasn't contagious but if she pretended it was she could keep everyone at a safe distance in more ways than one. That way when she died in one to two short years nobody would cry and she would only regret the things she never did instead of the people she was leaving behind. 

@PenguinFox @Aio @allizae
Bibiana chuckled when Chance spoke. "Yeah, the day I get out is the day pigs fly Chance." She sighed as she bit her lip to think. She's been in this hell hole for two years now and if she was correct she would be coming up on her third year in the coming weeks. By no means was it easy but in truth,Bibiana wouldn't know what to do if she did get better. It wasn't as if she could come back to this place. The people before her would become distant memories, this thought seemed to hurt the most. Just the thought of not seeing the again made her feel nervous, though she didn't understand why.

"A croissant? Really? Okay. I was thinking more of their" Leaning further into him as he pat her head before she pushed off of him to give her enough momentum to stand up straight. "Let go, I'm sure if we stand here any longer some nurse is gonna whisk us away and talk about how worried our parents would be...blah. blah. Etcetera." Bibiana said as she gave Eli a soft push forward. "Give it a rest Sasha you and I both know you're too smart to get the blame placed on you if we did get an infection." Sighing as she watched the girl loose her composure as she went into a coughing fit. Walking over to her she picked up the vape and waved it in her face before taking her hand and placing the vape in her hand softly.  "At this rate I may not be the one to kick the bucket first." 

Although Bibiana said it in a joking manner she didn't take her words lightly. This past month hadn't been her best, and everyone knew her time was coming to an end even though no one cared to admit. Her doctor said she have some good days and some bad days but today was a mediocre day, on the verge of bad if she pushed herself any further.

@McMajestic @PenguinFox @allizae
Nothing could beat being let out though she would never remember how many times her Nurse had set her free to roam. It was heart breaking that the girl would never remember anything she did or saw and would continue to experience everything for the first time again and again. Now she lay on her back in the grass with her hair fanned out around her and the the sun on her face. Giggling lightly, she observed little creatures high above in the blue sky. 

The sound of non-stop coughing caught the young girl's attention as she turned to the source of the sound from her spot seated in the grass. There she caught sight of that group of people from earlier, those strange people with the strange metal sticks and wires in their bodies. Though she herself would never truly understand it, she seemed to feel a dead feeling hanging over the small group and this drew her curiosity. 

Pushing up onto her knees in an attempt to get a better view, she observed the four : two boys... And two girls. One of the girls was bent over slightly, coughing, while the other was offering something to her. Something long, round and shiny. One of the boys was being jostled around slightly, to which she giggled, and the other boy was talking. They were all talking. But Hope couldnt hear them. 

Pushing long strands of loose hair out of her face, she wondered if she should sneak closer but there were no places for her to hide if she did, they'd see her. So instead, she vouched to observe from afar for now at the group of very strange people. 

@Aio  @PenguinFox @McMajestic @allizae

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