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One x One I Will Love You Till The End of Time

Name: Zero Drakon

Nickname:Black Crow




Appearance:Standard form.

Fully Powered Form.

Sexual Orientation:Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:Evil

Where you live:Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:Senior

What kind of being you are:Demon

Powers/gifts: Immortality, Super Strength and Speed, Teleportation, Hell Fire Manipulation, Penance Stare, Demonic Magic, Demon Ice Manipulation, Demonic Attacks, Demonic Aura, Apocalypse Inducement, Demon God Physiology, Demon Manipulation, Hell-Fire Breath, Hellish Ice Breath, Hell-Fire Infusion, Demonic Beam Emission, Time Manipulation.


Likes:All things dark.

Dislikes:All things good.

Personality:Dark, Mysterious, Merciless, Cold, (Things people don't know)Kind, Compassionate, Caring

Bio: Zero was born from the fires of hell. He is far more talented and far stronger that any other demon. He rapidly grew stronger and stronger from devouring the souls of angels spirits and other demons. He became so powerful that he dethroned both Satan and God. Zero did not enjoy the life of being God or Satan so he left the throne. Zero has come back to civilization to try to live a normal life.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

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