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Fantasy โ„ ๐“ˆ๐“Š๐“‚๐“‚๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐‘’๐’น ๐’ถ ๐“Œ๐’ฝ๐’ถ๐“‰?! --1x1

โ—ฆโ€ขโ—โ—‰โœฟ ๐•„๐•š๐•œ๐•’ ๐•‹๐•’๐•œ๐•’๐•ค๐•™๐•š โœฟโ—‰โ—โ€ขโ—ฆ
Mika sat in her room, feeling the typical feeling of being lonely. Her heart ached for some kind of friend who might save her from this feeling, as no one seemed to care for loneliness. her parents were always busy with their own thing going on, Mika's father was a very successful businessman and he would often be gone weeks or months and time. In fact, at that moment she couldn't remember a time where she had spent quality time with him, there was always the same excuse. "I can't do that, you know I have meetings." Or "don't you have any friends to hang out with?" or worse yet "why are you such a needy individual!" each one broke her heart. The friends one especially, as she had mentioned her parents that she would get bullied quite often and that she didn't really have all that many friends. So where was mother during all of this? Well her mother, she enjoyed the finer things in life which often was parties late into the evenings and there seem to be a party every night. She knew some of those were just excuses, but her father didn't seem to care and she figured it was not her place to try to help her parents marriage.

On this particular evening, She had attempted to make friends again that day and it ended up going wrong. People play pranks on her, they thought it was funny and now here she was again. She made one last attempt to talk to her parents about it, but they swept it under the rug and they were quick to tell her that her feelings didn't matter. So now, she sat at the edge of her window looking out at the night sky and that was when she saw it....

โ˜…ๅฝก..... it was a shooting star, so she put her hands together as she made an ultimate wish for herself. Normally her wishes were for her parents to finally notice her, but this time she made a wish for something that at this point she wanted more than her parents notice her. "I wish that I had a friend or a boyfriend.... someone, anyone who might love me!" at that moment she closed her her eyes, as if she was wishing the hardest she ever did or even could.
Moments pass and she hears a voice, a calm, attractive voice from behind say. "Hello Mika."
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Mika was about to head back over to her bed, as she gave one last look up at the sky. She shook her head, then slowly got up but nearly fell over when she heard a voice. She looked around her room, but she couldn't see anything and she was starting to think that maybe her loneliness had manifested some delusions. She shrugged her shoulders, as she moved herself towards her bed sitting there for a minute. She let out a sigh, stretching out as she laid herself back closing her eyes for just a moment.
(Just to be clear I read your entire first message. Sorry if my reply seemed lack luster.) From out of your closet a white skinned man walked out. He had white hair, pointy dog like ears and wore no shirt. His chest was absolutely rippling with muscles, about the same stature as my profile pic. A 8 pack of abs, every visible muscle was chiseled. fine tuned like a jet fighter
โ—ฆโ€ขโ—โ—‰โœฟ ๐•„๐•š๐•œ๐•’ ๐•‹๐•’๐•œ๐•’๐•ค๐•™๐•š โœฟโ—‰โ—โ€ขโ—ฆ
Mika was definitely not paying attention like she should have, distracted by her own sorrow and misery she wouldn't have noticed him at first. Finally she sat up, blinking as she just stared at him and was lost for words at first. She tried to open her mouth a few times, but absolutely nothing was coming out of her mouth. Finally after what seemed like forever she started to freak out and darted for the corner of her room. "Who the hell are you? What are you doing in my room?" Of course she would not think that her wish would have summoned anyone or anything nor did she think it had an effect on literally anything.
(Sorry was trying to reply faster. Fell asleep then lost this page... lol) I raise my hands instinctively. "My name is Rengoku. Your wish has summoned me to this realm. I live to protect you. Harm I shall not allow to fall upon you so long i exist." I emphasize in a heroic voice before walking forward. Stopping mere feet before you. "Are you the angel who summoned me?" I am curious
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Mika was not sure how to respond and even though he was speaking about her safe, she didn't know for a fact that he was there for that reason. His question caught her off guard, of course she blushed slightly and really didn't know whether or not she had summoned him. She tried to remember how she might done that, but then she went back to his comment after he had said his name. Did her wish really summon him here? "I don't think I quite understand, how could a wish summon you here? that--it just doesn't make any sense!" she would look at him quizzically as she tried to shift herself where she was hiding in the corner, although he sounded legit she was still quite hesitant.

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