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I hope she is alright

( k i guess i will start it)

It was the last class of the day and Jack was writing his usual beginning of class assignments. When he was done and the students started to file in he sat down at his desk. to the left on his computer he had a sticky note that read, be sure to talk to Miss Janai about grade. He then grabbed his note book and and was about to start class.
Janai Sighed as it was her final class. Going to her locker she got her books for her last class, As she got her books she noticed a new bruise showing. quickly she hid it s much as possible. She didn't want anyone knowing about her living in an abusive home. Hearing the bell ring, she got her books and quickly headed to class "I made it" she thought softly, Lately she been late to class and falling asleep.
He watched as the rest of the students and Janai filed in. He then did his role call like usual and began his lesson. Then when the bell rung to dismiss school he sat at his desk and as Janai walked walked by he quickly spoke up and ask," Miss Janai may i have a word with you for a moment please?"
Janai looks at him as she watched the rest of the students leave "yes sir, did I do something wrong?" She asked softly as she started to get a little nervous "did he find out?" She thought as she slowly packed her books in her bag.
Jack folded his hands together and placed them gently on the table and said," No I just needed to talk to you about your grades." He then waited for her to sit.
Janai sighed as she sat down "please sir, I know my grades are bad..I am trying to improve it's just been tough at home" she spoke worriedly.
Jack nodded then looked at her grades on his computer one last time before saying," Well I would suggest talking to your parents, but since I am here let's talk about it, and don't worry I won't hold you long. Any way what has been going on? You said things have been tough at home."
Janai looked at him "it's Nothing too serious sir, I don't wanna trouble you, and my Mum isn't here anymore and my dad is working so he cant come" she said as she fixed her hair up her sleeve came down and showed a bruise
Jack noticed the bruise, but didn't mention it. He really didn't think much of it. He then nodded and said," Ok." He then fumbled through his desk and brought out a work sheet and put it on the table in front of her and said," Do this tonight. It's just some of the stuff we have been doing. Bring it back and I can see what I need to help you with. Also you may go now I have some paper work is have to do."
Janai nodded "yes sir I'll do it tonight" she spoke softly as she stood up "have a good night sir" she spoke getting up and leaving

(I'm doing this on my phone so I apologize for any grammar and spelling errors)
Jack nodded and began to do his paper work. When he was finish he stretched and a bit and gathered his things and headed home. He was so happy it was Friday. He then decided for a change of pace he would take the way home from the park.

( it's ok. I understand.)
Janai was on the ground in tears seeing her farther have a beer bottle in his hand. "Please don't hurt me dad.. I'm sorry I was late cooking dinner" she spoke as she gained more cuts of glass "you are useless your the reason your mother died a week ago!" He shouted

(It's quite difficult to type)
Jack was walking through the park and saw a house that in the window he could see a man with a bottle shouting at something. His curiosity got the better of him so he approached the house. As he did he heard shouting and as he got close he realized the man was shouting at someone and the beer bottle was broken. He realized that this man must be abusing some one. So instead of barging in he knocked on the door quite loudly.

( it's ok, just do the best you can."
Janai heard the knocking "answer it! " her farther shouted. She slowly got up and opened the door "s..sir" she spoke as blood dropped everywhere
Jack was surprised to see Janai, but regain himself and said," You should have told me." He then pulled Janai outside and said stay here, he then walked inside where her father instantly started shouting and tried to drunkenly swing at him with the bottle. Jack easily dodged it making her father run into the wall knocking him out cold. He then sighed and walked outside closing the door behind him. He then took off his coat and put it around her and said," We need to fix you up. Do you have anywhere else to stay." He then tried to stop the bleeding.
Janai looked at him "sorry sir..I didn't wanna bother you" she spoke " I..I dont have anywhere to go" she spoke
Jack sighed and took her hand gently and said," Come on I don't live far, we need to get you bandaged up." He then began to lead her to his house taking the short way.
Janai nodded following her "so now you know my secret.." she sighed following him as she wondered how long her farther will be outcold for.
Jack nodded and when they reached his apartment he had her sit down on the couch. He then said," I'll be right back with the bandages." He then left and came back with them and instantly began to fix her up. As he did he said," You can stay here tonight if you want to."
Janai nodded "T..thank you sir," she spoke "but I'm not sure where I'm gonna live. I don't have anywhere else to go sadly..the only choice is an orphanage" she spoke
Jack sighed a bit then nodded. He stayed quiet for a bit before saying," Well if they take you away from your dad I could become your guardian. I know it may be weird, but I don't want to see a good kid be put through in an orphanage." He knew about them all to well.
Janai looked at him shocked "B..but sir, you have a life..I mean what will your wife say?" she spoke assuming he was married "But I would be awfully grateful" she spoke "I don't wanna leave here..i like it here..even though i been through so much" she spoke
Jack just chuckled and said," I'm not married and i am glad you like it here, but if you don't want me to be your guardian or look after you then thats your choice." he then finished bandaging her up and sat beside her.

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