I guess I can post this here?


One Thousand Club
I get that it's a roleplaying site, not a personal one, but to be honest, I'm pretty sure this the only site where the person I'm gonna talk about is not on here, and knows who I am.

I just, uh.. Yeah. I'm kind of stuck with this friend who basically makes me feel like shit.

They don't want to do anything or talk about anything unless it concerns them or something they want to talk about, and they come to me with their problems, which I gladly try to help with, but the second I ask for help with something, they deliberately try to change the subject as quick as they can..They think they're subtle about it. They even said, ''I'm not your personal friend you can go to every time you get upset.'' Which is.. really uncalled for, considering I barely try to come to them with problems because I know they'll react like that. That, and they always make things I feel happy about and achievements I make feel like tiny, trivial things, but expects me to praise them every single time they do something.They say things to demean me, and I know they're only kidding, and I've told them it makes me uncomfortable that they say it so much (Hardly ever says something fucking nice directed at me, they just take the piss out of me constantly and gush about how great other people are) It doesn't help that I'm not really close friends with anyone else

I know I sound really whiny, but I actually don't know how to distance myself from them?
"Dude, you're a dick and I don't really wanna deal with you anymore."

Then again, if you aren't me that might not work out in your favor. As a person who's been on both sides in crappy friendships (middleschool Priz was a dick.) I have to say that the best way to end something like that may be to grow indifferent towards this person. You don't necessarily have to obviously show that you don't care, since that might be perceived as snobby, just don't make an effort to talk to this person anymore. Even remotely. Like, you see them, you don't bother saying hi. If they say hi, say hi back, and if they say something, respond, but don't start anything of your own. Don't add topics to a discussion, no nothing.

Don't take my word for it though. It all depends on how you do it and how they react, I don't want to be held responsible for anything that happens due to my advice here. :P
(amdreams would like to remind you that the post below is not meant to serve as a template of what to do. She highly recommends that the reader come up with a final decision on their own and not to blindly follow her words. amdreams is not held responsible should things turn for the worse when following the advice below.)

I would be direct with them and straight out tell them that you want some space or that you don't want to hang out as much for now. I mean if this person is as self absorbed as they sound, they're probably not going to be able to take hints pretty well. So I'd sit them down, possibly outside of arm's length from anything they can use to kill you, and tell them that you want some distance. Hopefully in the most polite yet direct way you can.

But I would take time to think before accepting the advice from internet strangers. Especially with mine, there are some risks with being direct. It's very possible they will try to change the subject on you like how you said they've done before. It is also possible that when being direct, you offend them in some way and they're going to tell a bunch of people how you were being an ***** or something.The situation could end up a number of ways. So I'm not telling you to do as I say or as anyone says, but I do have some suggestions of what to do first.

1. Think carefully through your options. But don't overthink. As overthinking turns into hesitation all too easily.

2. Find some people who can support you through this. I don't know how something like this will turn out but in case things turn sour, you're going to need someone there who you can count on.

Then again, those are only suggestions. There is only one solid piece of advice I can give you and that is whatever you choose to do, never lose your drive for this. Always keep in mind that you have to get away from this person. If they are making you feel like shit, you need to get out of there as if your relationship is a flaming building. Do not hesitate. Do not weaken your resolve. If you let this continue, they're just going to drag you down deeper into it.

Always remember that you deserve better. You are entitled to friends who make you feel good. Ones who give as much (or around the same amount) as they take. You are worth it. *cue inspirational music with a dramatic pose and backdrop of some beautiful nature scenery, possibly with a tiger posed majestically that is meant to symbolize you with no context clues whatsoever*

By the way, I really like your username. It makes me imagine a typical scene from a horror film or slasher fic where the main characters are hiding somewhere on the lookout for the killer/ghost/whatever. Suddenly, you hear a soft, barely audible "achoo" and for some reason, everyone just loses their shit and starts frothing at the mouth or something as they scream and run in circles.
aa i didn't realize people had replied

Thanks, guys. I tried avoiding them today (Subtly though, I wasn't like running away every time I saw them) and to be honest, I felt way better hanging out with my other friends - normally my friend pulls me away from them and I don't get to see them as much.

And lol, thanks ^0^ this one time i heard rustling in the middle of the night, and i didnt know who was there so i was freaking out, and then i heard this tiny little sneeze. turns out it was just my cat, Rin

and thus, 'spooky sneeze' was born

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