Human x Monster Exchange Program [Alwaysarper x LynxAmelia] [Inactive]


I will kill you ^.^
LynxAmelia submitted a new role play:

Human x Monster Exchange Program [Alwaysarper x LynxAmelia] - When a monster gets to live a human life..

John is a boy living on his own in small town. He was just working to save up for college well he is working in the summer. He had no idea that his life could change forever. The program had been around for at least 30 years and has been very successful. The Monsters were mainly girls due to girls being born more in the other cultures. This also gave the chance for the two societies to bond and to be at peace. John had no idea that his first day summer he would get visitor at the door with her...
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On the day before summer John had woken up very early because had to work at the local kitchen. He was a chief and he had the morning/lunch duty for today. He work his butt off that day cooking for everybody that had order which he received tips for the cooking which always made him smile since it was one of his skills. After work he went to the local store and pick up a few things. He had them in a bag that he place in his lap well he bike home that day. He took the long road that gave his a great view of the area and he could see the ocean. He wished he could be by the ocean because always wanted to experience it but he had no real income to leave his home village. As he was pulling up to his house he stop by the house keeper home and pay the rent. He went arrive at his house to see a giant truck with goods and a limo. He wandered who it could be as he slowly put his bike by the front door and slowly began to open. He wandered if someone was moving in near by.
Yulai was shattered. Not only was she currently cast out of her clan, but now she had to live with humans? A man nonetheless. She sighed as she signed the contract the woman had offered. It was obvious that she had to adapt to the human world, now that she wouldn't be able to go back home. And if she had to deal with a pesky human in that time, she'll just have to do it. She found that all her belongings from her old home had already been moved to the moving truck, all that was left for her to put her paw print on the sheet of paper. Over the years, she had learned how to speak in the human language, English. After reading the document thoroughly, she turned her humanoid hand into a paw and put the print on the little piece of paper.

Yulai had grown up in the lap of luxury. She was the elder's daughter after all. So after the comfortable ride to her new 'home', her face fell looking at its facade. Old and run down, she could not imagine herself living in such a house. "Don't worry, lady Yulai," the woman cooed, "We are in the process of making adjustments for your comfort." Yulai only scoffed, "I sure hope so," she said as she stepped out of the limo, the concrete almost harsh under her dainty bare feet. "The interiors are carpeted, yes?" she asked, walking into the house. Her eyes grew wide as she looked in. Despite looking similar to her old home, it was still a far cry in the size point of view. She sat herself down on a couch there, her bare legs exposed in her tiny yukata as she crossed her legs. "You have got to be kidding me," she said, just as she saw the front door open and a young man look in.
John was in shock about all this nice things that were going into his house which he turned away from the door before he open it. He was really not sure what was going on nor did he wander if his house keeper had sold his small home. He live in the one of the nice parts of town it was just that he was making no money due paying bills, saving for college and having to buy food/ other small item.s He hope this would be all explained because he really was not sure about all this. He eventually turned and slowly open the door. He was about to take off his shoes when he notice a girl on his couch. He had a very confused look on his not really sure what to do. He quickly shut the door and closed his eyes for a few mins. He eventually open the door again to see the girl was still on his couch. He really wander what was going on. He slowly put the bags inside and walk back outside to his mailbox. He grab the mail and notice one of the letter was written in a strange language with a paw on it. He just was extremely confused.

He eventually made it back into the house hoping this was all a dream. He was guessing this was a dream so he slowly set the letter down next to the girl guessing it was for her. He notice she had features like a fox which he guessed she was into cosplaying. He went into the kitchen and began to put food away that he had bought from the store. After awhile he began to make some food more like cookies for the guest hoping she might like it. He softly rubbed his head as the cookies were baking because he was guessing he had a long day and tomorrow would be the first day of summer.
Yulai looked at the piece of paper. She picked it up with just her thumb and forefinger and held it out to the woman in the business suit who had escorted her here, "What is this?" she asked, her tone one of disgust, "Why did that human put the letter with my paw print next to me." "Oh, my apologies, lady Yulai," the woman said with a deep bow, "He hasn't been oriented to the program just yet. By the way, that is the human you are paired with," she said taking the letter from her and walking into the kitchen. Once there, the woman knocked on the door of the kitchen. "Excuse me, John," she started, producing a brochure from her suit, "We are from the human - monster exchange program."

In the meantime, Yulai could only fret about her utter lack of comfort in this place. She had always been adorned in the finest of furs and now.. She sighed and shook her head before adjusting her 9 tails behind her and adjusting her long white hair. It was definitely better than being out on the streets, that was for sure. Her ears twitched a little as she saw the woman enter the kitchen and talk to the man. Perhaps she should go and help out a little. She walked slowly through the carpeted floor and to the door of the kitchen, her tails wagging slightly behind her in curiosity.

"We have been around for a long time now and we are here to leave this young lady," the woman in the business suit said, pointing to Yulai, "in your care. As a perk, you get all of her belongings and this wonderful house for yourself. But we have to warn you, any slight utterance of her identity and

you will be.. silenced."
John listein to the women for a long time before becoming a little shock by being threaten . He wandered what this girl or others would do to him. He was a kind boy that would never harm a girl. He just wandered how important this girl was since she was dressed very nicely and he was wearing lower class cloths. He sigh because he felt bad that this girl was paired with him because he could not offer much to her. He than said something softly back to the women and to the girl so she could hear. "This may by my house but I will not take her belongs away because it will make her feel at home. I would like her to get use to her but I don't want her to get rid of her past for my benefit"

He than slowly walk over to the oven to take out the cookies. He softly place the tray on a safe surface and than took out some frosting. He than began to look for the fun items like all the different sprinkles so they could put them on the cookies. "Where might Ms. Yulai be?" He said in a shy tone. He was not use to a very pretty and power girl in his house. He really did not know what to call her because he did not want to be rude. He than wander because kind wanted to call her foxy but that would be extremely rude.

He slowly sat down in a small stool he had in the kitchen to rest. He was exhausted from his long day of work and hope this girl would not mind him going to be early. He really was not sure how to treat guest because really had nobody come over.
Her ears perked up at the little conversation they were having. And her tails began wagging in earnest as she saw the cookies being taken out. She couldn't help but salivate, mainly because she hadn't eaten in a while. But she shook her head a little before speaking, "Bonjour. Mon nom est Yulai. C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer," she dropped into a little bow, her long silver hair almost brushing the floor. The lady in the suit whispered to her, "Wrong language, lady Yulai. This man speaks English." Yulai then lifted her head, embarrassed. Then she cleared her throat a little, "I meant, hello. My name is Yulai. It is a pleasure to meet you." Then her eyes drifted to the plate of cookies. "May I have one? Please?" she asked sweetly.
John look at the girl very confused from what she had said in French. He than began to snap out of it guessing she was trying to figure out what language was around here. He wandered why she did not go to France because she could been in the city of love and free from this small village. He was guessing that she must hated here since he was a part of the lower class and really did not have much. He slowly placed the a few cookies on a plate and put it by her. He than moved the sprinkles and frosting so she could do as she pleased to her cookies. He than slowly walk over to her adviser and wander what he should ask her? "So is their anything I should know or a list of things I should follow since I will be having a guest in my house?" He was really not sure what to do since he was new to having people over for once.
Yulai cast a curious eye on the bottles the man put next to the cookies. She reached a dainty hand with long claws forward to pick one up before flashing a smile that was rather charming except for the fact that it exposed a pair of very sharp canines. Then she proceeded to take a bite of the cookie. Within moments, she began murring and her tails were nearly a blur as they wagged hard. "Thank you," she said with her mouth full before covering it with a hand and continuing to eat.
John was guessing that he would eventually find out about this fox lady eventually. He slowly than turned to the girl to tell her something. "I am going to take a quick shower and than come back to cook you dinner".

He soon left the room and went upstairs. He grab some clean cloths in his room before going to the bathroom. He notice thwt bathroom had become giantic with giant hot bath in the middle. He went to the side of the room to shower. He eventually came out clean and dressed. He slowly walk down the stairs. "What would you like for dinner?"
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