

Moon Pie Maven
Howdy, and well met. I'm so new here, I don't even have an avatar yet! There are so many from which to choose, that it might take a little while for me to get one up here -- hey, I only just signed up!

Anywho, I have been an avid D&Der since the heyday of the Basic edition of the game. My current gaming group tries hard to really role-play (bless their little hearts), but it just isn't enough for someone like me who really prefers to get into the depth of the character and those around him/her.

I stumbled upon this site purely by chance, so I thought I'd give it a go and see what comes of it. I've never tried anything quite like this before, so I'm sure I'll be doing some additional stumbling. Please bear with me, as I am a constant work in progress.

That's the short version. Should things progress well, then you might get the longer one. :)

Hello and welcome, Kharmin. I'm glad you found us and hope you'll make yourself at home. I started out with tabletop gaming (Rolemaster, if you have ever heard of that system), but was blessed with a GM that loved story above numbers. (Gasp!) I think you'll enjoy co-operative writing. It's all about character and story - or at least it is for me. I hope you'll find the same.

A couple of tips I usually share with newcomers: Start by checking out the rules if you haven't already. Then I recommend checking out the list of active Role Plays as well as the Role Play Recruitment and Role Play Ideas areas. Those are the best places to find a group RP to join or find a writing partner. All of those are available from the main ("forums") view of the site.

If you have any other questions as you're getting oriented to the site, just reach out. You may also want to pop by the shout box (also available from the main or "forums" view) for real-time chat with members. We're all friendly. :)

Welcome again to RpN!
Erica said:
Hello and welcome, Kharmin. I'm glad you found us and hope you'll make yourself at home. I started out with tabletop gaming (Rolemaster, if you have ever heard of that system), but was blessed with a GM that loved story above numbers. (Gasp!) I think you'll enjoy co-operative writing. It's all about character and story - or at least it is for me. I hope you'll find the same.
A couple of tips I usually share with newcomers: Start by checking out the rules if you haven't already. Then I recommend checking out the list of active Role Plays as well as the Role Play Recruitment and Role Play Ideas areas. Those are the best places to find a group RP to join or find a writing partner. All of those are available from the main ("forums") view of the site.

If you have any other questions as you're getting oriented to the site, just reach out. You may also want to pop by the shout box (also available from the main or "forums" view) for real-time chat with members. We're all friendly. :)

Welcome again to RpN!
Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll be sure to check those areas out! Co-operative writing, eh? Sounds interesting, too. :)  

Erica said:
Hello and welcome, Kharmin. I'm glad you found us and hope you'll make yourself at home. I started out with tabletop gaming (Rolemaster, if you have ever heard of that system), but was blessed with a GM that loved story above numbers. (Gasp!) I think you'll enjoy co-operative writing. It's all about character and story - or at least it is for me. I hope you'll find the same.
A couple of tips I usually share with newcomers: Start by checking out the rules if you haven't already. Then I recommend checking out the list of active Role Plays as well as the Role Play Recruitment and Role Play Ideas areas. Those are the best places to find a group RP to join or find a writing partner. All of those are available from the main ("forums") view of the site.

If you have any other questions as you're getting oriented to the site, just reach out. You may also want to pop by the shout box (also available from the main or "forums" view) for real-time chat with members. We're all friendly. :)

Welcome again to RpN!
I meant to add, yes, I've heard of Rolemaster, but I never played it. :)
I think of it as co-operative writing, or co-operative story telling. I don't know if everyone here would call it the same, but it's the easiest way I've found to explain it to people who haven't roleplayed on a forum before.

And many people called Rolemaster "Chartmaster" because of all the charts and tables. Luckily my GM managed that so well it wasn't cumbersome. :)
Erica said:
I think of it as co-operative writing, or co-operative story telling. I don't know if everyone here would call it the same, but it's the easiest way I've found to explain it to people who haven't roleplayed on a forum before.
Ah, yes I get it. I've often thought about this style of writing, but haven't really found anywhere that does it well. From my glancing through a few of the ones running here, I can see that some are significantly more in depth than others, which is fine depending on one's preferences.
Kharmin said:
Ah, yes I get it. I've often thought about this style of writing, but haven't really found anywhere that does it well. From my glancing through a few of the ones running here, I can see that some are significantly more in depth than others, which is fine depending on one's preferences.
Exactly. This site is so large with such a diverse member base, we have everything from one-line posters to people who write upwards of 10 paragraphs per post. Likewise, you'll find players enjoying all genres and of all different writing levels. That diversity is one of the reasons I love RpN; there's something for everyone.

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