How To Save The World

Jukashi said:
The Exalted have thus far remained unaware of the Curse because that's part of what it means to have it.
No it's not. Not that I've seen anyways (and if it is, I want references). The fact that they haven't really figured things out is more a function of them not actually *trying*... that's hardly the same as being under som e form of Geas not to be aware of the Curse your under.

Flyck said:
3a)  Voila!  Several weeks, a few limit breaks, and an overall change to your shard later, and you too can find yourself free of the Great Curse.  Not only that, but you'll be guaranteed to never age, you'll look even more pristine and attractive as you get stronger (unless you'd rather be horrifying), and you'll be granted immortality unless something actually manages to kill you.
... not so much 'immortal' as 'undying until you and your masters actually achieve their/your goals, whereupon Creation, and everything in it goes bye-bye'... I thought the idea was to *save* Creation....
The best way to "save" creation would be to eliminate the corrupt government that rules it now (IE, the Realm) and replace it with a government ruled by a super powerful divine entity who can single handedly rule it and who is blessed with the divine powers of forcing it to run efficiently.  Otherwise known as "me".

Of course the Realm doesn't give up easily which is why the divine entity choosen to bring creation through it's boot camp (crush it only to rebuild it stronger), is a Dawn Caste General with all the performance and presence charms to boot.

Once Creation has been remade in my image it has officially been certified as "saved" with an official stamp and everything.   Who's going to tell me it's not?
The way to "save" Creation is to make a new one out of the Wyld, only invite the cool people, and then abandon the original to its own self destruction.
... not so much 'immortal' as 'undying until you and your masters actually achieve their/your goals, whereupon Creation, and everything in it goes bye-bye'... I thought the idea was to *save* Creation....
We are!  We're saving it from itself!  Undoing everything and forcing it into the calm and quiet non-existance.  You'll thank us later.

The way to "save" Creation is to make a new one out of the Wyld, only invite the cool people, and then abandon the original to its own self destruction.
'I'm having a party for cool people.  Would you like to come?'

Wait a minute...  I've seen this before...  Isn't this the precursor to the Shogunate Era?
Flagg said:
The way to "save" Creation is to make a new one out of the Wyld, only invite the cool people, and then abandon the original to its own self destruction.
No Homers, we're allowed to have one.
Hmmm Well i really liked the idea the Lunars book put into place of since there are really only 150 solar shards now maybe the lunars and the solars could run creation properly.

Sure some of them might still go crazy from time to time but thats the nature of such things and well without curing the great curse its at least possible

this just involves getting them to work together in the first place which could be quite a feat.


Maybe somehow in the Cult of the Illuminated Someone could pry it out of lytek that there is a curse then work on a way to cure it
I don't normally say this...  

But some of history's greatest heroes and leaders had substantial flaws to them.  So, in many ways I think the Solars would still make good leaders if put in power.  The Siddies are just too Arogant to realize they were wrong.

Now, back to my usual Abyssal self...  "KILL MAIM SLAY!  TO OBLIVION WITH CREATION!"
I'm not sure you can bring history and/or historical figures into this argument. Yes, many historical leaders had flaws, but they didn't have the world shaking powers that the Exalts have. They were, after all, just men. And each of these historical leaders didn't lead at the same time. Which the Solars did. And whilst these leaders may have been flawed, they weren't necessarily batshit crazy. So there is a difference.
Of the top of my head I remember Nero as being a batshit crazy kind of guy. Well... doesn't look like he was fit for rulership.
Sure. And it could be said that Caligula was crazy. I know some of the world's leaders were crazy, to be sure. But not all of them, like the Solars. And, again, these leaders didn't rule the entire world, and didn't have godlike powers. That's all I'm saying.
Well, gool ol' Ronald Reagan was showing early signs of his alzimers durring his presidency.  While that is not quite the same as bat-shit crazy, it does show a mental disorder...

On another note, many really sick and twisted people can pass themselves off as normal long enough to have pleasant conversations and social interactions all the while they are hacking people up in their basements and eating their livers for dinner.
batshit crazy leaders in history, a small selection of the cream


Alexander the great

Julius Ceaser

Jesus H Christ

Augustus Ceaser

Richard the Lionhearted

Lady Eleanor du Acquitaine

Pope Joan



Lord Admiral Nelson

George Washington

Harold Holt

thomas Jefferson

Abraham Loncoln

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Winston Churchill

Adolf Hitler

Josef Stalin

John F Kennedy

Margret Thatcher

all batshit crazy at some poiint in their career

most of them did great good for their country tho
How were half of these people crazy? To take a random sampling - Richard the Lionhearted, Wellington, Washington, Churchill and Kennedy. Explain to me how these people were batshit crazy. And just because you may not have liked what they did, or their decisions at the time caused an uproar, doesn't mean they're crazy. I want to know what you base these claims on......
In defense of Kremlin, just becuase some of these leaders have done great things does not mean that they were not mentaly fucked up in one way or another.  We are also faced with the problem of decades (and in some cases, centures) of mythology about the person.  Like the old "George Washington cutting down the cherry tree" thing.  Did it really happen?  Probably not, but it is a story that has been told and retold sooo many times that it has become reality.  The hard part is to try to sift thru the legends and exagerations to find the nugget of truth that is behind the story.

I remember seeing a program on the HIstory Channel about Hitler being given large doses of amphetamenes by his doctor, and that he probably had Parkinsons disease.  Does that make up for his war of extermination?  No.  But it does give a bit of insight as to why something like that could happen.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying these people didn't have problems, or even mental aberrations. But batshit crazy? There's a difference between having depression (I'm just pulling something out of my hat - I'm not saying anyone of these people had depression, though I seem to remember reading that Churchill may have had clinical depression) and being batshit crazy. To me, batshit crazy is psychopath or sociopath. That's what I mean.
I understand.  I am not a dedicated student of history, but I'm sure that many on that list had their share of problems.  Kremlin, if you do have some info on why you include, for example, Kennedy or Washington, on your list, it would be interesting to see.
The only thing I can think of for Kennedy is that he was probably an adulterer. Does that make him crazy? No. Not a good person, perhaps, but not crazy. But then, Kremlin may have other evidence to the contrary. I'd still like to see that evidence.
Well, also in Exalted context, Limit Breaks don't NECESSARILY make you batshit crazy.  Plus, there is such a thing as partial control over breaks.  In fact some limit breaks are actually relatively tame and wouldn't really be as grand of a problem...  But ones like Red Rage of Compassion definately would lead to some horrendous issues as a leader.

Flaws build character, and even in Mythology some of the greatest heroes often have some dark side to them.  Greek Mythology is full the 'flawed-hero' concept, with plenty of them as world-shaking figureheads.  Heck, the very gods themselves were the worst!  Zeus was a hedonistic womanizer, Hera was jealous and vengeful, and that's just naming the 'Big 2'.  But apparently the entirety of the populations in Greek Myths thought that the gods (despite their failings) were better suited at ruling than the Titans.
Vanman said:
How were half of these people crazy? To take a random sampling - Richard the Lionhearted, Wellington, Washington, Churchill and Kennedy. Explain to me how these people were batshit crazy. And just because you may not have liked what they did, or their decisions at the time caused an uproar, doesn't mean they're crazy. I want to know what you base these claims on......
Richard: complete blind spot/delusion to the point that he ignored all domestic issues and went off a-fighting, also had issues with his mother and locked herin a tower.

Wellington: delusions of invincibility (hell he won BECAUSE of those delusions, go figure)

Washington: many of his activities, if done today, would be considered treason and terrorism... hell he condoned attacks on civilian merchant shipping

Churchill: alcoholism

Kennedy: makes deals with mafia to be president, then uses office of president to hunt mafia.... man what?
Washington: many of his activities, if done today, would be considered treason and terrorism... hell he condoned attacks on civilian merchant shipping
Kennedy: makes deals with mafia to be president, then uses office of president to hunt mafia.... man what?
Those aren't "crazy", not really. They're just... not nice. Common ruthlessness is not insanity. In Exalted, those would be just high Conviction things... not results of any curse.
It may have been unwise, or even flat out stupid -- but "bat-shit crazy" implies (to me, as well as several others here, evidently) that there is some kind of psychiatric illness.
a wing of the white house dedicated to his lovers

and i also consider terminal stupidity to be a menta illness, if it is darwinworthy it is madness... or SPARTA
Just because you don't like someone's morality doesn't make them crazy. Stupidity isn't crazy, no matter what you think.

And there's no evidence that the Mafia killed Kennedy. Using that as a line of proof that Kennedy was batshit crazy is kind of stupid.

Wait. Does that make you crazy?

Maybe just a little crazier than other people that play a game involving leaping 10 stories in the air in a single bound, slicing souls from your enemies bodies and occasionally giving into bouts of madness for fun. Just a little. ;)

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