• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy House of Opportunity



Debt: 10,000c

Savings: 14c 1p

Hourly Wages: 4c 7p
Debt: 500c

Savings: 98c 4p

Hourly Wages: 12c 3p
Debt: 900c

Savings: 58c 6p

Hourly Wages: 6c 7p
Debt: 0c

Savings: 33c 6p

Hourly Wages: 4c 2p

Debt: 0c

Savings: 33c 6p

Hourly Wages: 4c 2p
Debt: 1200c

Savings: 28c 5p

Hourly Wages: 9c 5p
Debt: 750c

Savings: 28c 5p

Hourly Wages: 9c 5p


BAR The girl hiccups, drink sloshing over the side slightly. Her eyes are nervous and magnified by her glasses, but she seems to relax visibly, shoulders loosening. "Ooohh..." she sighs, and her eyes start welling with tears. "Thaaaannnk yooouuuu," she slurs, hiccups intensifying.

And then Byakko roars, and she screams, falling out of her chair. Her drink lands neatly on top of her head, dousing her. Needless to say, this does little to help the waterworks.

Her name tag says Yume.

The bartender looks up, remaining remarkably collected at the loud noise. Peering through the archway that opens out into the gaming pit and bar area, she sees Byakko near the stairs. It's the blood that makes her yelp, and she abandons her post, rushing over. "Sir!" she exclaims frantically. "Are you alright? Let me see!"

OFFICE The secretary waits for Maria to acknowledge Emi before speaking, gazes leveling at the two yokai. She fixes her smile back onto what presumably is her face and says, "I'm sorry, but the floor manager isn't in. She's away on business and won't be back until tomorrow. I can take a message if you like, but I can't authorize a trip more than three miles away without her signature." She squints her many eyes. "What is the meeting for?"

HAYATO'S ROOM There's running out in the hall, loud voices laughing. Somebody is very happy to be off work. Hayato's eyes are drawn to the door that the noisemaker passes by, and notices a sheet of paper on the ground nearby.

MAI'S ROOM Just as Mai starts drifting into the haziness between sleep and waking, a loud thud shakes her room. Muffled voices, probably male, words just barely discernible.


"If you say anything, you're gone. Do you understand?"

"Unhand me, snake."

"Do you understand?"

"I said unhand me, foo-"

Another thud.

"I'll know if you talk."



HALLWAYS Shu picks up tidbits.

"...saw Mago down at the bar again, the big lush..."

"...heard we're having a feast of phoenix tomorrow!"

"...saw the 1st Floor Manager in the shopping district, weirdly..."

"...TIGER FIGHT ON THE FIRST FLOOR! There's blood everywhere! A girl even...."

Casino Bar

Well... that went so much worse than expected. Mago immediately rose up when he heard the roar, looking back to see what the commotion was and recognized the tiger walking down the stairs. One of the actors from the stage, and if he remembered correctly the same tiger that made a comment to him and Hana during today's meeting. Of course once he recognized the tiger wasn't dangerous or hostile he immediately turned back when he heard the waitress shriek in fear. He turned just fast enough to watch her fall off the chair and witness the alcohol spill directly on top of her head. The poor thing was beside herself and crying buckets as she hugged her legs and tried her best to look as small as possible against the lacquered bar wood.

Well Mago wasn't going to have any of that, a pretty girl like her in such a state was damn near breaking his heart. He looked up to the barmaid to ask her for help, but as soon as he did he saw she was already off to help out the actor with whatever it was that had caused him to roar like that. Mago sighed and shrugged to himself as he took matters into his own hands. He leaned over the bar counter and found a spare towel and some napkins. He grabbed both and knelt down next to the crying waitress, noticing the name on her tag read 'Yume'. He offered her the towel with one hand while he plucked the glass from off her head with the other. It was almost impressive how the glass managed to stay balanced on her hair all things considered. "Heyah, take dis. Dab dat ovah dem eyes, it'll keep da booze out. Booze in ya eye hoyts like hell, lemme tell ya."


Her head cocks painfully over to the intrusion with the rows of sharp teeth gritting so hard they gnash audibly as she stares the other yokai down.

He reeked of a sweet scent. Not sweet like when she held off eating some of her flesh and it rotted just enough so the fat slipped away from muscle and down her throat. No, this sweet was like when the kitchens served dessert, the sharp unbearably painful scent that made her cheeks ache and gums itch.

His large presence and soft features irked her greatly but he gave her an idea. Something that she'd force to happen if she had to.

Her head snaps back to the many eyed manager. "Never mind then. We will both take a three mile pass instead, won't we?"

She doesn't bother looking back, her eyes keeping locked on the assistant.

@Anomaly @Edric Yuma

Office (Floor 1)

That burning stare. Those laser eyes that pierced his wide body down to his 8-bit glasses resting in his pocket. The gritty sound of steel being thrown against gravel as the spirit in front of Emi gnashed her teeth at him.

That was enough to make any average Kodama scream and run for their life.

But not Emi. His "friendship" high had not ended yet, and Emi, using his skewed interpretation, concluded that the Jikininki was actually trying to smile, but simply had something on her mind that made it difficult to smile.

Was that "something on her mind" a burning anger at the undesired interruption? Nah, probably not.

Emi smiled back cheerfully, even giving her a small little wave. Progress! This was about as far as Emi had ever come to making friends, and he wasn't about to let this chance escape.

Before Emi could say another word, the spirit in front of him started talking again, this time speaking for the two of them.

What a development! Emi silently cheered. She doesn't even have to look at me to confirm what I'll do or not do! How close have we become?! Nodding his head along, Emi confirmed, "Yeah. I'll be going... wherever she goes." He tried his best not to sound TOO excited.

Man, this had to be the luckiest day of Emi's life. He had found a friend! Sure, he had acquaintances such as Hideki, but those relationships were on strictly a business level. This was his first time befriending someone outside of his job. Lighthearted, Emi softly began humming a little joyous forest-esk tune under his breath.

@Anomaly @Teh Frixz

Mago was down at the bar. Hayato, at least he assumed they meant him, was being threatened to being served for dinner the next day. Such were just a few of the pieces of information that Shu had been able to gather while focusing his sharp ear onto specific conversations. So far, the results had been rather disappointing. Grabbing a drink down at the bar seemed tempting, but he preferred to drink in a more quiet area where he didn't have to listen to the drunken ramblings of his co-workers. Mago himself wasn't the problem, but there was surely someone else accompanying him. The information in regards to the "phoenix" was also of not much concern to Shu.

Deciding to move to a different location to see if that helped him, Shu nearly missed someone mention that they had seen the 1st floor manager in the shopping district. Out of everything that he had heard so far, this was the most useful by far. Normally, he could care less about where anyone went, but since the spirits working in The House of Opportunities didn't take too many trips outside and being that there was a situation with a spy, being spotted where one normally wasn't was certain to garner suspicion. The 1st floor manager wasn't exempt from this. It was certainly a possibility that the manager could have been on a business trip of sorts, but the spirits who he had overheard spoke as if the manager being in the shopping district was something bizarre. Most likely, this wasn't going to mean very much, but it was always worth keeping any amount of relevant information in mind. Besides, the manager happened to be out today, the exact day where Jinbaba had made the announcement about the spy.

"...TIGER FIGHT ON THE FIRST FLOOR! There's blood everywhere! A girl even...."

Shu was promptly snapped out of his train of thought at the shouting. Well, it wasn't everyday that things got messy. He had to admit that he curious about the situation. It wasn't like he could currently do anything about the information he had received on the manager, anyway. It was bad to be too hasty and the manager was not even present today. There was nothing he could do at the moment. He couldn't even come up with a decent excuse to leave the premises as he was just a part of the kitchen staff. There was also the possibility that he would be able to pick up more information on the way.

Upon reaching the scene, the crane soon realized that the spirits had simply been over-exaggerating. The tiger in question had only injured a paw. The blood that seeped onto the floor was rather alarming for a wound caused by stepping on a sharp object, but it wasn't anything major like a fight. There were no surprises here, at least no amusing surprises.


Mai tossed and turned on her bed. Sweat rolled down her face and breathing became irregular. She thought she could sleep early tonight since her headache was particularly bad today, but things weren't looking too good. She had another nightmare. It was always the same.

A familiar woman calls out to Mai as she enters what looks like a traditional house. The woman is completely inaudible for some reason, but despite having no voice in the dream, Mai knows she is calling out to her. The woman stops in her tracks as Mai comes in her view and stares at the scene in front of her in disbelief. Mai finally looks down and finds herself drenched in blood, and that is how the nightmare usually ended. For the past several nights she had this same reoccurring nightmare.

This time, however, it continued.

.... This time it was worse. It was a lot worse. It was the worst.

Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it st-

.......... op.

Mai?'s eyes sprang on and she hesitantly sat up on her bed. She looked around her room. What was this? What had just happened? Was this real or was she still dreaming? Had she been sleeping this whole time? No, there was no way this was not real. She was simply hiding all this time. Mai? overheard bits and pieces of a conversation that was happening outside of her room. With a disheveled appearance, Mai? got up and slammed her door open.

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The white tiger felt embarrassed, somehow. He roared so loud for a very tiny matter. The pain was not even that strong, in fact, it was extremely tolerable. Maybe it was out of surprise. "Ah, pardon my sudden noise, everyone.", he said, bowing his head down for so many times to the various staff he scared and surprised. He lifts his wounded paw from the floor, the fur sticky due to the blood. "Well, I guess I'll have to head to the infirmary.", he mumbles to himself with a sigh. He was looking forward to spending his free time relaxing but now he has to worry about the nail in his left paw. What a disappointing moment.

He did not bother even thinking about why the nail was there in the first place. Just when he was about to leave his current location, the bartender, which clearly was still in duty, rushes towards him. Full of concern, she asks about how he fares, considering the fact the he had a nail in his paw.

"I'm alright.", he says. "Tis but a flesh wound." He shakes his left paw gently, letting the blood drop to the crimson-stained floor. The white tiger's eyes gaze upon her, then to her abandoned post. "I appreciate the concern, but I believe you customers need your assistance."

Tags: @Anomaly

A crumpling sound by the door brought Hayato back to reality from his brooding. Picking himself up from the bed, the basan made his way to the entrance of his room with caution, in case it turned out to be some of Jinbaba's men... But it wasn't! It was just a simple envelope. He bent over to pick it up, and shook the contents a bit before tearing open the flap with care.

... Well, this was a surprise. Peeking into the envelope, he could see some of the feathers he lost earlier. Figuring how many feathers he left behind on a daily basis, it was actually pretty rare to see some come back to him. And so nicely too. He couldn't help but play with them a bit, curious as to who would be so kind to go through all this trouble. His eyes immediately went to the letter next. As he read it, he couldn't help but form a small grimace on his face.

"Mai, huh. What a doll... Goin' through all this, even after that lil' scene?" Hayato could only sigh as he placed the contents back into the envelope, and slipped it into his jacket pocket. "Hmm... Might as well give 'er my thanks..." If Mai was awake, that is. On the other hand, it wouldn't hurt to try. It wasn't like he had much else to do, after all. With that, Hayato took a careful step out of his room. Though it was true he was still a bit paranoid about Jinbaba, it'd make him feel even worse to not properly thank a lady.

CASINO Yume takes the towel with a sniffle and does as bidden, calming down once again. She covers her eyes, then, scrunching them shut, wipes her forehead and hair mostly dry. Then she leans to the side and stares at the tiger. "Ooohhh," she says fretfully. "He's not scary... He's huurrrrt..."

As the tiger brushes off offers of help, the bartender stiffens, eyes sharpening. "Well, if you're fine, then please don't disturb my customers like that." She flounces back to her post.

As she takes her position behind the bar looking somewhat annoyed, Yume climbs back into her chair. She rests her cheek against the bartop and blinks at Mago. Her glasses have been lost somehow, likely somewhere on the floor. "You're so much niceerrrrr than I thought yoooouuuu were..."

All this and more reaches Shu's ears. A whisper is added to that list. "...I can't seem to find Yui anywhere. Have you seen her?"

A glance would reveal Hana in all her usual colorful get-up, speaking with a smaller, troll-like woman one might recognize as the hotel supervisor. The hotel supervisor shakes her head. "No, it is negatory, I have not witnessed or encountered Yui, Jinbaba's assistant, at all recently or in the last several hours, which is most curious and unfortunate."

It's a wonder the woman's speech patterns don't light Hana's fuse. It's stranger still to see the firework yokai laugh. "Well, let's hope she doesn't melt in the moonlight."

INFIRMARY When Byakko reaches the infirmary, the nurse gasps. "Did you walk here on that?!" he exclaims. "Oh, oh, sit down, really do. How lucky it is that Sugiyama is in today. It won't be long. Are you still bleeding? No? I'll try and expedite this, alright?" He bustles into the back.

Also in the infirmary is a young man, tall and lean and strangely textured, bedecked in the colors of autumn, nursing his elbow. Coiled beside him is Mina, softly hissing as she stares at Byakko reproachfully, as if he has no right to be here.

OFFICE The secretary looks at Maria with her eyeseseses narrowed, then slides her gazeseseseses over to Emi and chuckles. "Yes, I'll authorize it. Good luck with that," she says, tone lingering on the line between polite and condescending.

Papers are signed, times logged. Emi and Maria are free to go. The town is full of restaurants, food stands, markets, and even sometimes small homes, as well as the odd essential, like a little bathhouse that many House employees patronize every few days.

Some ways off, Rocco's Gambling Saloon awaits. There are several hours yet until the determined time.

HAYATO'S ROOM If Hayato's memory is any good it all - as it well may not be - he might recall that Mai works the front reception desk, or does something in that general area anyway. He might also think of the possibility of her being at the bar or break room for her down time, or in her room.

It's hard to find one person in a place like this.

A man sweeps past, uniform removed and replaced by a hooded coat which is currently making it hard to glimpse his face. His wrist peek out from between his sleeves and his pockets, where he has stuck his hands; they are a scaly green.

A thump resounds further down the hall.
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Casino Bar

Mago was glad to see that Yume was doing better after her tumble, but he was still concerned. A spirit like him was well versed in the ways of over indulgence, and Yume had clearly hit her limit several drinks ago. He was somewhat thankful the rest of her drink had spilled because now he didn't have to try and sneak it away from her without her noticing. The big pig smiled down at her and politely offered, "Ey, how 'bout I getcha anudda round, huh?" Mago looked up to the barmaid and asked, "Little lady! You'se got any a' dat uh... 'Headcleah' brew back dere?" Mago gave the barmaid a subtle wink as he asked this. 'Headclear' was a term he'd used before to hide that he was asking for plain water. It was a good trick to get the very drunk patrons sobered up without their knowledge.

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HOUSE OF OPPORTUNITY The bartender chuckles and nods, grabbing a glass and heading to the sink. As she fills the glass, Yume keeps looking in Mago's direction, quiet. Whether her thoughts are sluggish, wandering, or both isn't quite clear, but her eyes are unfocused and it's a solid moment or two before she speaks. "You're all... blurry... What'sh Headcleeya?"

She lifts her head, tries to prop her head on her hand, misses, and hits the bartop with a thunk. It probably left a bump, but she giggles. "Ooooopssssssss..."

Casino Bar

Mago couldn't help but chuckle at Yume's antics. He felt bad for her but she seemed to be so happily drunk that her mood was becoming infectious. Thankfully the water was done and the barmaid handed it to Mago with a sly wink of her own. Mago then passed it to Yume and said, "Dis is Headcleah, good stuff dat." Mago then grabbed his own gourd and uncorked it before raising it in toast to Yume. "Cheeyahs!" he said before tipping back his gourd and taking a few swigs of his sake, and at the same time squinting one eye at Yume to make sure she was drinking her water along with him.

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Not allowing Emi to escape, her hands clench hard on his flesh as she pulled him along and out of the Casino. Crossing the threshold caused Maria to pause for an instant as she held her breath but otherwise her path was unimpeded.

Finally outside the Casino and far enough off out of the reach of the witch, Maria pulls Emi's face down to her level and speaks through her unmoving teeth. "Listen puffball. Since you barged in, we are going to do this together. We are going to Rocco's and we will be staying past midnight. With out passes, we stay together and use my half to get there and yours to get back."

She lets him go and takes a step back. "Have you got all that...what is your name?" A quizzical look on her face.

@Edric Yuma
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Emi was still in a daze of bubbly happiness as the spirit pulled him along, but as they crossed the threshold, her next words pulled him back into reality.

How completely rude! Here he was, trying to make friends, and he gets called a puffball?! First he was a marshmallow, and now this?! Furious, Emi tried to pull away from the spirit's grip, only to fail and fall on his face, dirt tainting his white body.

Getting back up, now furious and red, he dusted himself off (while still in the Jikininki's grasp,) and pulled out his 8-bit glasses, thrusting them in her face as if they were some kind weapon.

"Do you see these?! Are these glasses (fumbling around for a bit, Emi slipped them on) something that you would see on- on a puffball?! I am not a puffball! I am your family friendly local Kodama!"

Emi cleared his throat, putting his glasses away. He had proved his point well enough. "Anyways, I'm Emi. And what should I call you?"

Then, after a brief pause, Emi processed what the spirit had told him. "Wait... we are staying up past 12? How exciting!" Emi grinned, completely forgetting what had just transpired. It was almost as if he were back with his old tree friends again. Huh... when did he know other Kodama? Must have been a dream or something. He tended to get those a lot when he fell asleep feeling lonely. "Lead the way."

@Teh Frixz
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The white tiger barely had the moment to respond. The nurse's reactioons to his arrival, and to the sight of his wound, were far quicker than he had expected.

Before Byakko could even speak, the nurse was off to call Sugiyama. The tiger did not know who that person was, for he rarely had injuries such as these. Most of them were simply small scratches and bruises that could be easily healed by simpy resting. He assumed that this Sugiyama was an expert in the field of medical aid. Thus, he waited.

The room would have been silent if it wasn't for someone's hissing. Apparently, Mina was there as well, coiled near the man who nursed his elbow. A strange sight to the tiger, this was. He knew very little of the slithering woman, only that she worked at the theater and was very notorious in handling her mannerisms.

Tempted to question Mina's appearance at this place, he was, but in his beliefs, it was better not to dwell in personal matters that did not concern him at all. So, Byakko remained silent, and paid no attention to her.

But the curiosity was there. And so was the intrigue of why she was hissing at him.

Tags: @Anomaly

The basan took a moment to ponder the current situation. Trying to find one single person in this grand building would probably be a bit of a challenge. ... Or a lot of a challenge. The reception desk would probably be a good place to start, but then again, it was pretty late. What if Mai had an earlier shift? Though he could always leave a message for one of her coworkers... but that wouldn't be very satisfying on his end. Knowing him, he'd be up all night thinking about it unless he knew for sure his message was passed. There were a bunch of other possibilities too, like the bar or break room... Where to start though? He could only worry in the hallway, until a certain someone would completely throw off his train of thought.

It came in an instant, but it was undeniable. A sense of suspicion shivered down his back as a figure strolled past him, hands in pockets. Now, this wouldn't be too unusual, if this figure weren't so heavily dressed. Now, why would anyone have any reason to hide their face in a place like this?

The spy...? And like the flip of a switch, Hayato's spy hunting senses were ringing once again. The mysterious thud at the end of the hall wasn't exactly helping, and Hayato could do nothing but tense up in the middle of the hall, wondering what his next move should be.

CASINO Yume does drink her water, claiming it's the best booze she ever tasted, but after another round she puts her head on the bar and falls asleep.

A trip up to Mago's room earns many nasty stares, but he can deal with that in the morning. Yume is tucked safely into Mago's bed, while Mago makes do with the floor.

And then, sleep.

INFIRMARY Mina coils herself a bit tighter, grumpily asking Byakko, "What are you doing here? Following me?"

The man Byakko may recognize as Jack, a dancer who occasionally makes an appearance in some of the plays the tiger works on and in his own performances to boot. He sighs and rolls his eyes. "Mina, you can see as well as I can that he's hurt."

Mina's mouth twists into a smirk, forked tongue flitting out briefly. "Ah, yesss... A thorn in hisss little paw. Poor thing."

"Well, I don't see anything wrong with you. Why are you here?" Jack counters.

IN TOWN Well, while the pair are out, they have to find some way to kill time. There's a park with colossal cherry blossom trees, branches thicker around then Emi is, visible even from the doors to the House. There's a very good sushi restaurant; the dark-stained wood that makes up the walls and the dim lighting are less appealing in this season, however, which might be why there's a colorful anime poster pasted on the storefront. Really it only achieves looking out of place. There's also the bathhouse, a tiny family-owned affair that doesn't even have separate baths for gender. There's even a strip club or two.

It's getting darker; there's a chill in the air, autumn's brisk temperatures dropping in the absence of the spiritfire in the sky. The town isn't busy; many places aren't open yet. Only the early risers and those who, like you, live on a different schedule, are about. Just as well; none to notice you.

If nothing else, one can always venture into Rocco's Gambling Saloon and wait there, though one might raise suspicions in doing so.

HALLWAY Another figure starts making its way down the hall towards Hayato, rather more slowly. One hand seems to be bracing him against the wall; another is pressed against his face somehow. His long hair is mussed, his dog-like ears flat against his head. It's the dog man from before, one of the ones who had chased Hayato to hell and back.

He looks up, sees Hayato, stiffens, and immediately turns and starts going the other direction.

- Kit the Fox -



"Oh, apologies, sir." chuckled a tall young man in a white kimono who accidentally bumped into the dog man as he turned a corner.

The young man was a kitsune who had never been seen before in the House of Opportunities. He was broad shouldered with a slender build, and had a very poufy tail that trailed behind him like a black-grey cloud. A pair of black tufted fox ears protruded from the top of his short jade green hair, which fell over his warm amber eyes with a sort of casual elegance that gave him an easy-going classy look. He carried a large long bag over his shoulders that seemed to contain something light and rectangular.

At first, the kitsune's casually dignified bearing suggested that he was a rich guest, as all Kitsunes who come and go in the House are, but then he bowed gracefully at the dog man like a humble servant, his tufted ears flattening apologetically.

"Kit, this way!" barked one of Jinbaba's servants from an adjacent hall, the servant was an emotionless lady spirit who usually showed new employees around the house.

"Yes, ma'am!" said Kit pleasantly. He spotted Hayato who was standing tensed in the hallway and looking at the dog man with suspicion. Realizing that he might have just barged in on some private quarrel among friends, Kit just smiled politely at Hayato and the dog man before following the servant to the adjacent hall.

A few other employees mistook him for a guest and bowed at him in pleasant greeting as he passed by.

@Turnip, @Anomaly
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Hearing Jack's response to Mina, as if trying to defend the not-so-wounded tiger, Byakko snickered. The snake woman and her unwell character should really be reformed, not only for her sake but for others as well. Especially the ones working with her at the theater.

In a quick moment, Byakko's curiosity overwhelmed his attempt to remain silent and neutral.

"Indeed.", he said. "Why are you here, in the infirmary when you clearly have no need for medications, Mina?"

Tags: @Anomaly

KIT'S ROOM Dog guy gives Kit a dirty look at first, but his expression quickly morphs into panic and then confusion. He doesn't move as Kit walks away, leaning heavily against the wall.

The servant is rattling off a lot of useless information, but as she stops in front of one door in particular, she winds down a bit.

"And this," she says, opening the door with a key retrieved from her pocket, "is your new room."

It's small. Cramped, even. There's a neatly made bed in one corner, a minimalistic desk in another, and one of the walls is set with a door that presumably opens to reveal a closet.

"Wall decor is strictly prohibited, as are food items and any preventable heat source." She looks around, face impassive. "You may substitute certain items, such as bedding, with your own." Turning to face Kit, she holds her hand out. "The key. It's yours. Take it."

"Next is the theater. That location will be directly relevant to you," she adds without inflection.

INFIRMARY The nurse returns, frowning. "Mina!" he barks, interrupting the conversation.

The snake almost seems to flinch as she swivels her head around to look. "Yesss?"

"Dr. Sotomayor tells me it's been nearly a month since your last visit."


"You know you can't skip appointments like that! You're sick, Mina, it doesn't jus-"

He stops. Mina is hissing at him, and he looks shamefaced. "...Well, we'll talk about it later," he finishes lamely. He turns and sees Bai Hu, then startles, as if he had forgotten. "Right! Yes, sir, Dr. Sugiyama will see you now." He disappears for a moment then opens a door leading into the offices. "This way."

He leads Bai Hu to a door on the end of a hall and lets the tiger in. A doctor walks in shortly thereafter, wearing a grave face.

"May I see?" asks Dr. Sugiyama.

- Kit the Fox -

Outside Personal Room​

Kit glanced back at the dog as he turned a corner. He seemed injured . . . Kit wondered if he should go and help him to an infirmary, but then it was strange that the dog wasn't asking for help from anyone.

"Oh --- right, key. Thanks." said Kit distractedly, pocketing it. He glanced at the room and nodded at the servant to be polite, but when she was done he walked back to the entrance of the hall to look at the dog again. "Ms. Lady, I think you have an injured employee." said Kit seriously.

The expressionless servant poked her head out expressionlessly to see what the kitsune was talking about.

"Mr. Dog, are you alright?" Kit called loudly, attracting the attention of some employees nearby. He strode forward to help. There was something he was missing here, if the dog was that basan's friend and they were having an argument, why was the basan tense and the dog looking like he was running away . . .

Kit gasped. Could it be unwanted romantic advances?! Kit's narrowed eyes switched between the dog and the basan. Yes, it makes sense, that's why the basan wasn't speaking and the dog wasn't speaking either --- no, wait, they have been in this relationship for a long time since if the basan had just recently confessed he wouldn't have hurt Mr. Dog. It is a hidden romantic love struggle under the very nose of Jinbaba! And if they get caught, then they wouldn't be able to make up . . .

"Erm ---" said Kit, looking at the onlookers he had attracted. "Are you having a stomach ache, friend?" lied Kit hoping that the dog would play along. He came close enough so that his face was blocked from Hayato's view. "It's alright," whispered Kit in a quiet reassuring voice, "I know your secret, I'm here to help."

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As they walked, Emi gazed around the town. It had been such a long time since he last saw the beautiful, vibrant glow of the warm town and smelled the unique smell of the outside air blended with the sweet town scent.

All the different shops were a welcome sight for his eyes. Week after week of staring at uniform rooms inside a bland hotel had gotten quite boring.

Emi tried hard to resist his urges. He really did. But when he saw that wood, the wonderful, beckoning fragrance of smell... he had to give in. "SUSHI!" Emi cried, rushing towards the store. He almost pulled his fellow spirit along with him, but thought better of it.

Bump! Emi had run so fast he'd forgotten to aim for the door, instead running into the wall beside the door and bouncing off, his tummy jiggling happily.

Slightly annoyed he hadn't gotten through the first time, Emi squeezed into the restaraunt as fast as he could and walked to the counter to order. "Give me the best you got!" Emi said, eyes gleaming.

@Teh Frixz @Anomaly
Maria, in all her wisdom, had made the regretful choice to attempt to grab onto the puffball and is subsequently whipped off her feet and into the small mise. As she dusts herself off, Maria goes to smack Emi but holds it back. It was her own fault for holding on, he had let go of her before running.

Frustrated but not that mad, she pulls the blow into a soft pat on his back. It was a classic mistake to try and pull him away now, better to let him gorge himself now so every little thing didn't distract him on the way to the casino.

Maria generally ignores the scene before her, instead going to the door to look around at get her bearings. The casino had to be close and it was getting late, that meeting was to happen soon and she'd be there to get a look at it.

"Just hurry up and eat, we have a time frame to stay on...Emi"

@Anomaly @Edric Yuma

Ah, sushi. The soft taste of the rice blended with the rich sauces and savory ingredients all meshed together in one single bite. Who couldn't resist? But alas. Emi stared sadly at his measly four sushi he had been able to afford. Popping one into his mouth, he carefully chewed as slow as he could, trying to savor every bite. he only had four sushi, every bite counted.

But... Emi turned and looked at his partner. She must want one too, Emi thought to himself. Painfully, Emi reached for another sushi, turned, and offered it (rather regretfully) to his partner. "Won Woon?" Emi asked, the single sushi still in his mouth, spewing rice on the Jikininki's face.

When he realized what had happened, Emi cried, "Oo Noo!" Further spewing rice onto his partner. Grabbing a napkin, Emi desperately reached up and began dabbing at the rice on his partner's body. Swallowing what was left of his sushi (how regretful, he wasn't able to savor the whole thing,) Emi said, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen."

Flustered, he continued dabbing, before stopping and realizing he was still holding the sushi. "Umm... want one?" He asked, straightening and holding the sushi up.

@Teh Frixz
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Current Prize Money:


Debt: 10,000c

Savings: 14c 1p

Hourly Wages: 4c 7p
Debt: 500c

Savings: 98c 4p

Hourly Wages: 12c 3p
Debt: 900c

Savings: 48c 6p

Hourly Wages: 6c 7p
Debt: 0c

Savings: 0c

Hourly Wages: 4c 5p

Bai Hu
Debt: 0c

Savings: 33c 6p

Hourly Wages: 4c 2p
Debt: 750c

Savings: 28c 5p

Hourly Wages: 9c 5p


HALLWAY Ms. Lady peers out the door with what for her probably passes as curiosity. "He seems to be managing it," she says as Kit strides forward.

Dog guy jumps when he is addressed and snarls at the coworkers who glanced up, making most of them return to looking busy. He coughs and smooths his face into something pleasant, though he can't seem to stop his ears from lying flat against his head. "I'mb afred I ndon't know what you're talkeen about," he says, with remarkably clear enunciation for someone who probably has a broken nose. "I hobe you'll eck-cuse mby unprofessional appearance, Sir. It is not mby wish to offend valuable custombers. Mbay I show you to your lodgeens?"

"He ain't a customer," snorts a nearby frog, and the canine's tail freezes in the middle of one of it's lazy brushes from side to side. His smiles turns quickly into barred teeth.

"Oh, he isn', izze?" With that, the canine lunges forward to grab Kit's shirt, trying to pull the kitsune close and growl in his face. "You ndon't know mby secrets, and you certennly ndon't need to talk as though you ndo, fool. Mby business is mby own."

"Huh," remarks Ms. Lady. "He isn't very friendly, is he?"

SUSHI BAR A waitress looks on in horror, then slides a stiff drink Maria's way. "On the house," she says by way of explanation.

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