TV & Film horrible good film

Las noches veteran

The Gillian that peers into dreams

Hi all

Lick here,

Here I wanna hear from you all terrible films that sounded horrible but...actually turned out okay. Weather graphics, was a good laugh, story etc.

Mine would have to be a film called lavalantula


Now looking at the cover you think "oh my god this looks atrocious" and I think the guys knew that, so in my opinion it's. ...a cheese movie, it's one you'd watch with pals and binge eat.

Although the spiders look good


The story is kinda cheese

So I'd give it a...5 out of 10, a meh film

So let's hear your films,

And remember be respective k
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Alright Lavalantula was pretty good, but I've gotta say... The Sharknado series and Three Headed Shark Attack were awesome, especially Sharknado.



But seriously, Sharknado is one of my favorite cheesy-like movies, and my friends don't understand why I like the movies so much. I'd give Sharknado a 7/10 just because it's flipping hilarious, and THSA (because I dont feel like writing it out) is gonna get 5/10. But I do think the animations with Sharknado could've been better.
The Brothers Grimm...What terrible movie. I really went to watch this movie with high expectations thinking I would see a movie about the Grimm brothers that had dark elements applied to it, and it sort of was for the first act, but it all goes downhill when the fantasy elements start to rear their ugly heads. The story had me yawning most of the time and the attempted comedy was simply cringeworthy, but strangely enough I found myself laughing when the movie attempted to be dramatic. If you want to watch it alongside some friends then I can assure you will laugh at the movie's ridiculousness, but as far as scores go I give it a 3/10.
I have an extreme obsession with Suckerpunch. It was such an intriguing movie and the critics tore it apart however I found it to be amazing, not to mention the soundtrack. Usually I abide by the reviews however I've watched the movie quite a lot and I found it to be pretty good to be honest.

Suckerpunch trailer-


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