Hogwarts Friends [Inactive]


Rapper, writer and just genuinely a neat guy
Joeaikman submitted a new role play:

Hogwarts Friends - Friends at Hogwarts :P

Grace and Joe are old friends who have been separated and reunited at. Hogwarts
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He yawned as he woke up on the morning and looked out onto the city. He wondered to himself about his best friend Grace, they called each other biffles. She would probably already have done her chores by now
Grace walked back from the chicken coop dragging the basket of eggs behind her, grunting. She thought of Joe and whether he was getting his letter to Hogwarts. She hoped she would as well, otherwise she would have to go back to her mother teaching her at home.
As he looked out of the window he spotted an owl and quickly shook his twin awake
Grace stumbled into the kitchen and set the basket on the ground near the stove. Her father looked up from his newspaper and smiled, waving a letter in front of him. Grace beamed and ran to the table. "Wait until after breakfast," he said, nodding to the plates. Grace sighed and began setting the table.
He took the letters off the owl and smelled the yellowing paper, grinning to his twin
Grace sat with her siblings and parents, eating as quickly as she could. Finally, after what seemed like forever her father handed her the letter. She opened it carefully, grinning ear to ear as she read it.
Grace stood up in her chair, cheering. "I've got to tell Joe!" she cried and her mother laughed, watching Grace. Grace smiled at the two of them and ran off to her room.
She picked up her quill and began scribbling her messy handwriting, determined to tell him everything. Her owl, Ajax, watched her intently, hooting softly.
He picked up the pen and started writing very slowly, he wasn't very literate and it was a struggle
She gave the letter to Ajax and sent him off with a piece of gum for Joe. She opened her bedroom window and watched Ajax fly away, imagining Joe waiting for the owl somewhere in the city.
Tia swooped in and landed on Grace's desk. Eagerly, Grace took Joe's letter, feeding Tia a treat as she took in the words, beaming.
She smiled, hoping he got her which read,

Hope to see you at the castle!

She sent Tia back with a small letter showing her joy again.
"Could you read this?" He passed it to Rudy and jumped in delight at what he said
Grace walked back downstairs and jumped back, Charlie her older brother jumping from the attic and landed in front of her. "You get in?" he asked with a sneer. She scowled. "Yeah, why?" He laughed. "Because I didn't know if you would," he said, ruffling her hair and walking past her. She scowled and continued to the playroom.
" mum" he rushed downstairs. "Can I use the floo to send Grace a message?"
His mother smiled and nodded. "Don't be too long," she said and went back to reading.

Grace warmed her hands at the fireplace and picked up a ping pong paddle beginning to play against the wall.
She watched the fire, hoping her dream of Joe appearing would come true as she lost once again to the wall, grumbling as she chased after the ball.

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