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Realistic or Modern High School For The Supernatural

Alexandria Williams

Just a depressed teenager.....
Welcome to my mother's school! To enroll, please fill this form out:




What you are:




Please check which 4 extra classes you would like to take (you are expected to choose either Weights or P.E.)

[] Art

[] Photogrophy

[] Teacher's Aid

[] Weight Training

[] Physical Education

[] Journalism

[] Office Aid

[] Potions

Romance scenes (that are appropriate of course) are permitted. And also notice, it says 'Supernatural'



Name: Ivory


What you are: A Ghost

Backstory: on her birthday, her friends got her drunk, and dared her to jump into a Black Lagoon. Of course she did it, because she wasn't thinking, she was not sober. There was a mermaid fairey near her that was chanting something. Before she knew it, she was gone. The mermaid had taken her life away.

Extra: She is SO in love with black magic, and is very friendly.


Please check which 4 extra classes you would like to take (you are expected to choose either Weights or P.E.)

[X] Art

[X] Photogrophy

[] Teacher's Aid

[] Weight Training

[X] Physical Education

[X] Journalism

[] Office Aid

[] Potions
Last edited by a moderator:
okay I'm interested:)

Can I reserve a female character?

(creating CS now)

Though I'm not too sure what your "Mother's school" has to do with the plot yet (or exactly what the plot is haha)
[QUOTE="Sugar and Spice]okay I'm interested:)
Can I reserve a female character?

(creating CS now)

Though I'm not too sure what your "Mother's school" has to do with the plot yet (or exactly what the plot is haha)

Lol, yeah. Idek why I put that there cx I was REALLY tired when I made this

[QUOTE="Alexandria Williams]Lol, yeah. Idek why I put that there cx I was REALLY tired when I made this

Heehee. Okay, and thank you.


Name: Ryan Hopper


What you are: Half-angel and half-demon

Backstory: Ryan was probably the most normal kid you could think of, he never really excelled at much or was bad at anything either. He always kept his life on balance, which he learned to do from his father's note book. His father was a priest at one of the oldest temples in the world. So Ryan learned from this notebook how to make up for every sin he committed to rebalanced his life perfectly even.

One day while he was driving home he was hit by a semi-truck and his soul left his body. on his way to judgement both the keeper of heavens gates and the keeper of hells gates couldn't decide what to do with him because he was neither righteous or evil. he didn't even have so much as a hint of of one or the other in him. So both gate keepers made this deal: to wipe Ryan's memory clean of everything but his name, give him both the powers of heaven and hell, and see which side he goes to in this second incarnation of Ryan. He would be both an angel of light and hope and a demon of the abyss and disrepair, He would have both of their powers (starting small and getting more powerful as he learns) to do with as he pleases. There would be no one in the heavenly realms to rule over him, the fate of his soul rested on his hands and his hands alone.

Extra: Ryan is standing outside the school (where the gatekeepers put him) he knows absolutely nothing about his past. All he knows is his name and that he is wearing a black trench coat, white T-shirt, and black pants. He also noticed a silver necklace that was half-cross and half-rams' skull and that he had wings now, one black, one white. He was new, this place was new, time start over.

[] Art

[X] Photography

[] Teacher's Aid

[X] Weight Training

[] Physical Education

[X] Journalism

[] Office Aid

[X] Potions

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-11_15-7-3.jpeg.6ded76494c8569325a1bb5482df0a0ba.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27075" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-11_15-7-3.jpeg.6ded76494c8569325a1bb5482df0a0ba.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Autumn Oakley

Age: 243 looks and acts 16

What you are: oak nymph

Backstory: She lived in her forest with her sisters, but she got bored and decided to see the world being really curious. Autumn was always different and now she is trying to find out who she is without her families expectations and live-styles. She has traveled the world, but decided she would get an education and meet other supernatural people.

Extra: She is a naturalist and enviromentalist. She is kind most of the time but she does have a temper. She loves night-time and hates restrictions. She can do small earth magic.


Please check which 4 extra classes you would like to take (you are expected to choose either Weights or P.E.)

[] Art

[X] Photography

[] Teacher's Aid

[] Weight Training

[X] Physical Education

[X] Journalism

[] Office Aid

[X] Potions



  • upload_2014-8-11_15-7-3.jpeg
    8.9 KB · Views: 22



Kalmia ‘Mia’ Viret


16 turning 17 the second day of school.

What you are:



Kalmia was named after the poisonous flower Kalmia Latifolia. A beautiful pink and white flower which behind it’s beauty can cause the rhythm of your heartbeat to go haywire and bring death. She is the daughter of a priestess and a soul collector (One of the gatekeepers of souls). With her ties to the spirit world being strong in both Spiritual power and blood, Kalmia can summon the souls of beast and animals to her aid. Each summon is a bound bond between her soul and the creature's soul, the stronger the bond the less taxing on her body. She can also see non-captured or uncollected spirits. Her mother died recently of unknown causes and her father, Valefor, forced her to change schools. (though she liked her last school quite a bit). She is currently sulking a bit on the inside.


She has never tried summoning a human soul.

Her favorite summon is a Longma (Dragon-horse) named Snow

Currently has a baby red panda uncollected spirit hanging onto her.



Please check which 4 extra classes you would like to take (you are expected to choose either Weights or P.E.)

[x] Art

[] Photogrophy

[] Teacher's Aid

[x] Weight Training

[] Physical Education

[] Journalism

[x] Office Aid

[x] Potions


Commonly known as mountain laurel, the kalmia latifolia produces delicate pink and white flowers in the late spring. The beautiful flower which grows just about everywhere in the eastern part of the United States is the state flower of both Pennsylvania and Connecticut. Hidden behind its beauty is a dangerous toxin-andromedotoxin, that causes palpitations or abnormality of heartbeat. The andromedotoxin makes part of the heart to beat quickly and dangerously slowly. In large doses, the toxin destroys the sinoatrial node or the sinus node or the heart's "pacemaker". When the heart's sinoatrial node is defective, the heart’s rhythms become abnormal – either too fast, too slow, or a combination, resulting to a sudden cardiac death. In smaller doses, the toxin induce severe vomiting, slow breathing, paralysis and sleep death or coma. Honeybees that have visited the flower can spread the poison that cause the "mad honey disease". Other plants with similar toxin include rhododendron, pieris, and agarista.

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