Helsing: Break The Chains

X3 Infernal Infinity

Kawaii in the Streets, Sempai in the Sheets





Appearance: Image (or images) preferred |anime only|











Erzebeth Bathory de Esced
Countess Elizabeth "Eli" Bathory

The Bloody Lady of Csejete, The Crimson Angel, The Tainted Maiden

I am a monster created by betrayal...










August 7


Nyirbator, Kingdom of Hungary (Cachtice, Slovakia)






True Vampire


The Vatican||Iscariat



The Esdeath is a snake sword crafted by Eli during her first imprisonment. A proficient weapon at all ranges the Esdeath's special ability lies in the spun Moonore that connects each of the blades. Using the weapons moonlit drive ability she can extend to and control the sword's speed any distance she desires.


Lilith is a black and silver gun sword of an intricate blade design. In sword form the intricacy of its blades makes the weapon seem useless and unwieldily. However it is a useful for parrying against other bladed weapons as well a disarming, making it an effective defensive sword. In gun mode it fires small caliber black metal hollow point bullets. These are intended to cause minor damage but invoke Lilith's Drinker ability and transfer the energy of the targets blood to Eli. The gun has the phrase "The Blood Awakens Her", engraved along it.


Lullaby is a long curved blade that fires rounds without changing shape. The weapon is good for attacking as it's lightweight and longer blade length allow her a wide range of attack. The bullets it fires are high caliber Macedonian Silver round and contain a mysterious powder. These invoke the Fade ability, spreading the powder contents of the round through the victims body to slowly deteriorate their energy internally. The blade bears the phrase "The Sleeping Demons Heart Shall Beat".

A deck of tarot cards that bear and enchantment called Razors Edge that makes them sharp enough to slice through most matter. She usually controls them when throw with the influence of her telekinesis.


Immortality: A rather ambiguous ability it is assumed that Eli's immortality is similar to that of Alucard's thus basically assuming that Eli can not be killed as she simply redirects this damage to one of the souls in her reservoir. However if asked Eli will state that she is not immortal, she is simply capable of eluding death by sacrifice.

Advanced Regeneration: Eli is capable of recovering from most nearly fatal injuries. This ability is so great that she has been known to regenerate her entire form, taking a shadowy form in the meantime. For the most part she can regenerate from any fatal or near fatal wound though the more severe the wound the longer it takes to heal.

Vampiric Strength: Eli posses an immense amount of strength, capable of leveling buildings and crushing tanks simply by using one hand. She also easily rips through vampires and can hold back even a missile with ease. She has once been known to destroy buildings by simply plucking them.

Vampiric Speed: Eli is able to move at speeds that make her undetectable to the human eye. She is capable of outpacing even machine gun fire if need be. However she typically prefers not to rely on her speed, stating that she likes her enemies to see her coming.

Enhanced Agility: Eli is incredibly agile, known to leap incredibly high or across vast distances. She is also capable of defying gravity as seen with her tendency to walk on the underside of bridges or the sides of buildings.

Reflexes: Eli's reflexes are highly honed allowing we to snag even rapidly fired bullets from the air. She is able to dodge attacks directed at her back, attributing this skill to her "sixth sense"

Shape-shifting: Eli can alter her form as she wishes, changing her appearance to suit her needs though she rarely does so. She can also transform various parts of her body into bats or wolves and other things; the most notable of these creations being large snakes.

Telekinesis: Eli is a powerful telekinetic, capable of bringing down entire airships with a thought.

Mind Reading/Mind Control: Eli is capable of reading the minds of humans and vampires alike. Though she prefers to use the information she gains to manipulate her opponents and crush them emotionally she is also capable of actively controlling their minds.

Precognition: A standard vampiric trait that allows her to see into the immediate future.

Summoning: The ability to summon familiars, the souls of those whose blood she sucked in a variety of forms that either sprout from her body or surround her in her own personal harem of maidens and armed guards. These familiars can also include animals such as horses and the weapons and abilities that the familiars possessed in life, but she can only use this ability when Control Art Restriction System Level Zero is released. The familiars can come in two ways, one is similar to a ghoul, mindless and constantly moaning in pain, while the other is the soul manifesting exactly how it was when it was alive, personality, powers, and all.

Bloodsucking: The ability to suck a person's blood and absorb their soul and, consequently, their knowledge and memories. She can also absorb blood through her clothes and skin, as she had done to earn her name. She can draw in blood over vast distances (notably the city of Csejte).

Near Immunity to Vampiric Weaknesses: Eli's abilities and health are only slightly compromised by such things as sunlight or silver. In fact, it appears that the only weapons capable of harming him to any real extent are holy Christian artifacts, but even those do no permanent, or even lasting, damage. Eli frequently says only a being more powerful than herself would be able to destroy her.

Sensitivity: Eli can see and sense supernatural activities, such as scenting a werewolf on sight and seeing blessings and holy barriers.

Combat Experience: In addition to his superhuman abilities, Eli also possesses centuries of combat experience. Though she prefers crushing her opponent by toying with them she is also capable of physically destroying them through a display of sheer force. Her battle style is both relentless and calculating.

Release States

Unlike the restraint system applied by Hellsing, the restraints that bind her only restrict her to four levels. She is able two switch between to of the levels at will but the third and forth must be released via holy command. These states differ in both appearance and power, for the most part Eli prefers her second state and will remain in that form even when relaxed.

Level Three

|Appearance| Eli's level three appearance is indicative of her lowest state. In this form she appears as she did after her long imprisonment. Her hair is straight and messy and her eyes are a bright red. Her attire consists of black jacket and black leather pants with knee high combat boots. She wears leather restraints around her wrist thighs and arms as well as a heavy collar around her neck.

|Fighting Style| In Level One Eli is slightly loathe to fight her opponent closely. She prefers to simply eliminate them swiftly, usually relying on her hands if she must fight or the use of her tarot cards to slowly tear away at her opponent from a distance.

Level Two

|Appearance| This is Eli's preferred appearance. In this form she regains her delicate youthful appearance her white hair neatened and the cross carved in her forehead now revealed. Her outfit becomes a black dress with a long lacy trim and long sleeves that cover her hands and flare at the wrists. She wears a cross on a choker about her neck.

|Fighting Style| A reserved fighter, in this form Eli uses her Esdeath and a variety of shapeshifter beast she creates from her body to attack her enemy as well as a measure of we telekinesis.

Level One

|Appearance| The form she refers to as the Angel in Chains, this form reflects the form she took at her trial many years ago, her hair growing longer and wavy and her dress becoming a delicate design of crimson and white. Around her neck she wears a heavy gold collar and shackles around her wrists and ankles all with floating chains. She says the bindings represent the imprisonment that had been her life for many centuries

Level Zero

|Appearance| Erzsebet's level zero state has two forms, the Demon and the Countess.

In the Demon form Erzsebet appears as a military commander wearing a black pleated skirt, white ruffled blouse, black cravat, black under bust corset, and a black cloak. She also wears black tights and gloves along with black armored greaves and gloves. A black cloak from which her black is red energy seeps hangs from her shoulders.

In the Countess form Erzsebet appears as a lady, dressed in a full frilly black and white dress. Her energy seeps out of her in a visible red hue that se can manipulate to form wings and other constructs.

|Fighting Style| No matter the form this is Erzsebet's originally and most deadly form. While tearing you apart mentally she relies on her army of armed soldiers and zombie like maidens to attack for her. However when drawn directly into combat she eagerly engages with the use of Lilith and Lullaby, preferring to rely on the gun form of Lilith while in Demon form and the sword form of Lullaby in Countess form.

Personality: Eli displays a sweet and undoubtably noble temperament. Usually she does not speak, preferring quiet observation. However she is both ruthless and calculating, resulting in her true personality being that of a sadist. She has a fondness for delicate and beautiful things usually toying with them until she grows bored or displeased.

She finds humans interesting and has a sort of strange respect for most of them. However her strongest fixation is with Alucard, who she sees as a possibly the only being worthy of her loyalty. She also does not see the battle she fights for Iscariot as her own, more so as a troublesome irritation that she is forced to endure.


Elizabeth Báthory was born on a family estate in Nyírbátor, Hungary, and spent her childhood at Ecsed Castle. Her father was George Báthory of the Ecsed branch of the family, brother of Andrew Bonaventura Báthory, who had been Voivod of Transylvania, while her mother was Anna Báthory, daughter of Stephen Báthory of Somlyó, another Voivod of Transylvania, who was of the Somlyó branch. Through her mother, Elizabeth was the cousin of the Hungarian noble Stefan Báthory, King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Duke of Transylvania.

An intelligent young woman she learned Latin, German and Greek. She also possessed and strong passion for books and soon learned to read and write in four different languages. Her studies eventually took her to matters of the arcane, a subject whose vast view on the universe both intrigued and enticed her.

Elizabeth was engaged at age 15 to Ferenc Nádasdy, in what was likely a political arrangement within the circles of the aristocracy. The couple married on 8 at the palace of Varannó. Elizabeth moved to Nádasdy Castle in Sárvár and spent much time on her own, while her husband studied in Vienna. Erzsebet preferred the loneliness as it provide her time to study on her own. It also prevented the awkwardness of the interacting with the husband that she was neither prepared for nor desired.

Nádasdy's wedding gift to Báthory was his household, Csejte Castle. The castle in the mountains soon became Erzsebet's retreat. It was a peaceful place surrounded by village and farmlands and nestled in the outcrops of the Little Carpathians. This would soon become the place she realize as home and the place to which she would always return.

In 1578, Nádasdy became the chief commander of Hungarian troops, leading them to war against the Ottomans. With her husband away at war Erzsebet, now known as Elizabeth, managed business affairs and the estates a role including responsibility for the Hungarian and Slovak people, even providing medical care. Elizabeth took to the task quickly, finding it a delight to her mental faculties. She enjoyed anything that challenged her mind.

During the Long War Elizabeth was charged with the defense of her husband's estates, which lay on the route to Vienna. The threat was significant, for the village of Csejte had previously been plundered by the Ottomans while Sárvár, located near the border that divided Royal Hungary and Ottoman-occupied Hungary, was in even greater danger. It was at this time the Elizabeth decide she could no longer simply maintain the kingdom through her mental skill alone. She began to seek training in combat, learning to use swords as well as other weapons. I addition to this she began to study the art of combat itself. In time she became a ruthless leader to her troops, proving her own skill in battle when doubt would arise. It was in these battles that she gained the nickname the Demon for her ferocious nature.

After many years of marriage he husband finally passed on leaving Elizabeth free of a loveless marriage and with nearly all of Transylvania indirectly in her control. She had always made it her mission to protect her lands and rule fairly but firmly. However internal forces were disturbed by the power she had

accrued. In secret war was waged, often resulting in Elizabeth and her elite soldiers engaging in various skirmishes about we estates. Many times however Elizabeth simply outwitted her opponents, drawing them in to her traps or simply manipulating them to their own demise.

However on night her smaller estate came under attack, many guards and staff being slaughtered as the household fell. When Elizabeth awoke it was to the sight of her children being murdered. Those man responsible for such treachery had remained unknown to her. Distraught and enraged Elizabeth gave in to her hatred. In an act of desperation she drank the blood of her daughter Anna. After willing ingesting the blood Elizabeth began to change, the woman becoming a vampyre and absorbing the blood that had stained the halls of her home crimson.

Elizabeth returned to Csejte taking up residence in her castle. The once kindly countess seemed colder and somehow more unstable. Elizabeth became obsessed with her revenge, desiring to tear apart all that which had betrayed her. Eventually this hatred developed into an obsession with hunting down and killing those within her own ranks whom she felt had betrayed her.

For years she hunted her prey, finding them one by one and catching them. She tortured them simply to hear the screams of damned souls, a music to her ears. Slowly she ripped them apart in mind and in body. It was also during this time that she developed her twisted fascination in human purity. She sought out that which was pure and beautiful the toyed with it, twisting and warping it until it broke, then she disposed of it.

After many years she began drawing the attention of a Lutheran Minister named István Magyari. The minister suspected the countesses true nature and desired to see her eradicated. Eventually the two clashed, the old minister proving to be a challenge even to the vampiress. Though she was still young the number of souls she had assimilated was already well into the hundreds. However in the end Elizabeth overtook the minister killing him but refusing to add his soul to her collection, citing him as an opponent worthy of ascension.

Not soon after this Elizabeth was set up by another member of the church. The Palatin of Hungary and the man whom her husband had left responsible for her, Gyorgy Thurzo brought her to trial for what was said to be the toruture, kidnapping, and murder of over 650 victims. Officially it was stated that she had been detained in her castle until her death four years later. However this was not the case.

Instead Elizabeth was recruited by the Lutheran church to act as it's "avenging angel" and seek out and destroy that which would be an affront to god. In order to control her a Holy Seal was placed on her limiting her powers and binding her loyalty to the church. The blessing required for this was said to be a holy artifact that had been possessed by the Thorzo family for generations.

For many years Elizabeth fought and killed for the church. Eventually this battle would bring her face to face with Vlad the Impaler. Though the two never fought their paths briefly crossed on numerous occasions. Each time Elizabeth could not help but marvel at the strength of such a being. It was her desire to test her strength against him that first kindled her discontent as a servant of god.

As time passed the need for Elizabeth grew less and less. In addition the original power of the seal was coming to the end of its days as the blood of the Thurzo line became weaker and weaker. Eventually the Lutherans decided to simply imprison Elizabeth, trapping her in a perpetual state of sleep.

Centuries passed and the countess remained asleep in the remains of her home. Finally her rating place was discovered by members of the Vatican. Though initially the idea was to dispose of her a change was made when the holy artifact that bound was discovered. Seeking a renewal of the blessing and using methods stolen from The Hellsing Organization, the Vatican resealed and bound her.

For years she was simply the subject of experiments, woken only briefly from her sleep states. This went on for a while until at last a mission was found that seemed well suited to the girls skills. Awoken from her slumber Eli was assigned to the Vatican's Iscariot, her mission to eliminate all that which was deemed and abomination with her priority being Alucard.
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