

New Member
Hi, I'm Georgia. I'm completely new to this site and I'm still trying to work it out, but I have been roleplaying for years. I'm looking forward to doing some roleplays, especially for Supernatural!

So, who are you?
Hello @munchette22,

Welcome to RpN!

You’ll find a lot of great members to roleplay with here. Before you jump in, make sure you’ve read and understood the Official Site Rules. After you have done that, you can head over to the Roleplays board for all of your roleplaying needs. You can create new roleplays for one on one or group settings, propose your own ideas, and join other roleplays!

We’re all friendly here, so if you ever want to chat, you can jump into the Shoutbox! Once you have made at least 10 posts, you’ll be able to access more of the site’s awesome features and send private messages!

If you ever find that you’re stuck, you can always refer to News & Updates or Questions & Information. I am always willing to answer any questions you may have. :)

Happy roleplaying!
Who I am you may ask . . . The question not WHO I am it's WHAT I am. To answer this I will rant on about science and then belittle the human race as Dino are superior in every way and are not lonely and stalking random Introductions because she has no friends and maybe wants to have a cookie and be random and leave run on sentence on everything that is not her. . . -I'm so lonely (இ﹏இ`。)- Oh and Herro plus the welcome . . . forgot that part . . . Rawry
Dinarko said:
Who I am you may ask . . . The question not WHO I am it's WHAT I am. To answer this I will rant on about science and then belittle the human race as Dino are superior in every way and are not lonely and stalking random Introductions because she has no friends and maybe wants to have a cookie and be random and leave run on sentence on everything that is not her. . . -I'm so lonely (இ﹏இ`。)- Oh and Herro plus the welcome . . . forgot that part . . . Rawry
Hi, Dinarko. *gives cookie* Haha, thanks for speaking! I really like your picture, did you make it?
Yeah . . . Dinarko is indeed talented, but due to some mishap with my arms they aren't the length they should be so I can not take credit for this beautiful selfie which is me TT^TT. Dino thanks you for loving myself as she also loves herself and will gladly take the cookie -Takes cookie-. . . - Shoves cookie in mouth-
Ahh okay, I didn't think about small arms @Dinarko . Well it's a really neat selfie.


Dinarko said:
Yeah . . . Dinarko is indeed talented, but due to some mishap with my arms they aren't the length they should be so I can not take credit for this beautiful selfie which is me TT^TT. Dino thanks you for loving myself as she also loves herself and will gladly take the cookie -Takes cookie-. . . - Shoves cookie in mouth-
And you're from The Land Before Time, that's so great
It's okay, Dino glad you appreciate her from the bottom of your heart and you are willing to give me your panties, because you like Dino a lot. . . she thinks.

Land before time was awesome! Littlefoot was kinda douchy and Ducky was a bully, but ya know I made it out alive while they died . . . whose laughing now . . . This Dino <( ̄︶ ̄)>
My logic knows no bounds my good friend, so a conversation with me can go anywhere . . .hell half the time I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. However, I keep going because I wrote it and is to lazy to delete it. . . but enough of about my illogical-nesses! How are you today my dear walking meat sack?◖|◔◡◉|◗
Thank you for your compliments, and I am doing positively good . . . I lied I'm pretty upset ^^! Currently busting my leathery ass to finish to all the rp's I started and one of my Rp partners quit on me because me character was "abusive" to his own after only about 3 posts. We had a big argument and he ended up blocking me, but I did get a laugh out of it (੭ु ᗒᗜᗕ )੭ु⁾⁾
Oh right. Well that sounds really unfair. Just try to focus on all the good RPs? At least it was a bit of a laugh. Try not to get too bogged down with it, it sounds like you're better off without it
Totally agree! I feel much better now as if I could drop kick my brother and burn his collection of . . . I'll stop there. Naughty naughty kid I tell ya! Anyway, you found any rp to join?
Oh right... Is everything okay with you? Do you want to talk about it? I do some on other websites and I'm now making one here, which is cool.
Nope, I'm completely fine now plus if I think about it it'll just irritate me to some extent. Same here, being told Dino is weird everywhere! Plus been busy for awhile so haven't been able to post, but now the weekend here I'm posting a shit ton! Surprisingly a dinosaur with no life gets busy . . . :D

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