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One Time Luck
There are seven elements in the world we live in: fire, water, earth, wind, space, darkness and sunlight. A precarious balance is maintained by these elements. The balance that allows life to exist in the realm we call home. These elements each have guilds that protect the sacred balance. Frequent fights between guilds with opposing ideologies often lead to calamities, what the Unseers call natural disasters.

However, due to unknown reasons, Seers were not being birthed, almost as if the guilds had lost touch with their elements. Nobody knew the cause for this occurrence. And nobody knew how to solve it. Over the millennia, the Seers died out. The elements sustained their balance, but often the scales would tip over to one side, with no one to stop them. The Unseers unknowingly exploited the shaky balance, leaving the realm in a perilous status.

But out of the turmoil rose an Unseer who was out to annihilate any possible trace of the Seers. He blamed the Seers for the calamities that had taken over the realm, and, since there were no Seers left, wiped out all opposition, by labelling them Seers. He lived to a ripe age, and then passed on, but left a legacy which no one was willing to break free from. His name? Antioch Sloan. His purpose? A united world, under his command. He was a brilliant leader, however wrong his ideologies seemed. Under him, the realm developed its technology, making it easier to resist damage in disasters. And so he was revered.

Generations after him, everyone followed the same principles that were set by him. His great-grandson, at the age of just 22, was the youngest President, Pangaea had ever seen. Apollo Sloan had big plans for Pangaea, and he would see them through in accordance with his great-grandfather's philosophy. Seers had not emerged in over a hundred years, and nobody cared too much about the topic today.

But hidden somewhere deep undercover in the rainforests of Southern Pangaea, was a guild in shambles, guarding the last Elementalist Seers left in the realm. Would they be able to tip over the scales to balance the elements once more?
Hello and welcome to my first RPG on RPnation! I'm Tyrian and Iโ€™ll be playing Astrise Hecate Vega, the Space seer.
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OOC: Yay im so excited to get this started up again! I'll message everyone their posts I guess? Also should we post our character forms too?
Here's the form! Although I would prefer if we pick up where we left off, if new people want to join, it's only fair to start again. We can follow the same plot-line, but maybe have extra/replaced characters. If that's alright with everyone, we can start after everyone posts their forms. Also, the older members can choose to change their character's names if they like.






Element: (preferred element; I'll be deciding what element you'll receive based on my evaluation of your character :D)



Usual Outfit:

Name: Astrise Hecate Vega

Age: 19

Gender: Female

S.exuality: Questioning

Element: Space

Personality: Astrise is a complex person like many other people. But one could say that she moderates herself very well. She keeps a level head in a tough situation and works well under pressure, but is often seen to be lax when there is extra time. She procrastinates till the last moment, but manages to get the job done. In the Academy, she was average at her lessons, and even hid the fact that she had found a connection with her element till someone else found theirs, because it meant that she wouldn't be given any extra training. She barely does an atom more work than she has to. She isn't very talkative but can hold a conversation (in an interesting way) for hours. Her procrastination got her some places, because she read about the outside world a lot. She denies it, but an innate wisdom lies within her that often sparks when she puts her mind to it.
She hardly wants to do physical work, and hence is very creative. She finds ways of not doing things, and still getting them done somehow. Her time management skills do not exist, and she has a horrible sense of direction, and she tells everyone that she doesn't really care. But honestly, she is worried about herself. She knows that what she often does is wrong, but when she doesn't have the drive for something, it just doesn't click. And she gives up. She keeps expectations of herself low, and expects even less from herself. But when it comes to art, that's all different. It's almost as if the connection with her element helps her compose the most beautiful art pieces that are also very easy on the eyes. She herself doesn't really know where they come from, but in truth, her ideas are rooted in her core, her element: space. Astrise is terrified of being alone, and the dark. Even though she may never say it aloud, she is always grateful for the company she gets.

Appearance: Astrise has pale skin which sports a few scars from sparring matches and just plain old clumsiness. Her skin somehow, even in the heat and exposure of the rainforest doesn't tan at all. Astrise isn't what one would call tall. In fact, she comes up to about barely over 5'. Her build is pear shaped-- slim, slanting shoulders, a slim upper body, wide hips and thick, graceful legs. She is heterochromic. One of her eyes is the softest, most pure hazel, whilst the other, a striking steel grey with flecks of violet. Her eyes together however strike almost as if a cosmic balance between them, giving her a concerned yet calm look. Both her eyes are framed by long eyelashes that are an awful pain in the ass for her when they go into her eyes. Her eyebrows are expressive and ever so slightly messy. They arch above her eyes in a smooth curve. Astrise has a slim, straight nose that isn't too long, but is slightly on the longer side. She wears a dark coloured septum ring on her nose. She has long, pale silver hair that reaches her thighs. She usually keeps it in a thick braid as it adds to combat advantage when she braids metal beads into it. Her upper lip is thinner than her lower one. Astrise has long, nimble fingers, and her hand-eye coordination is rather good. Her nails are slightly long, usually coloured a deep purple or black. She wears a lot of rings with sometimes runic and sometimes planetary symbols. Overall, Astrise has a kind of intense look to her that may make some intrigued while others shy away.

Usual Outfit: Astrise usually wears a dull, mauve, drop shoulder top, trimmed with gold embroidery replicating constellations, which she tucks under her oxblood breeches. She wears a stylized golden utility belt with several daggers and potions hung on it. She wears long, leather combat boots that are resistant to minor damage. She sometimes wears a deep violet cloak over her outfit clutched together with a golden academy sigil.

Extra: N/A
Dian hasn't made an account here so I guess his role is free (wind), we'll just alter our posts a bit to fit whoever replaces him
Name: Baol Bolcan

Age: 26

Gender: Female

S.exuality: Straight

Element: Fire

Personality: To Baol, relationships are calculated moves up a chess board. She has no interest in making friends, no interest in their emotions, thoughts or problems. She's a war machine rather than a woman, and her only purpose is to grow her skill, be the best, and bring the seers back into full power. If she isn't in the training hall she's in the library huddled under piles of scrolls, in the life of Baol things are all work and no play. She's extremely goal oriented, although her motivations are a little more unsavoury than the other seers. She much prefers the idea of seers being in power again, fantasising about control and oppression, while the others are fighting for peace. Her nature is completely selfish, although she is cunning and realises she needs the others to make her dream a reality. So because of this, she makes it her mission to kick the sh1t out of them until they're deemed good enough to her. Baol picks on the weaker seers especially. She has a superiority complex, and doesn't see herself as one of the group, rather she thinks of herself as an authority, being older and more powerful than most of the others. She's very serious about the political and war side of things, and tends to suck up to the Master in hopes of getting more information than her peers. She's nice to him now, but she can very easily see herself in his place, and betrayal isn't something she'd rule out if it meant more power.

Appearance: Baol can only be described as a dragoness of a woman, standing at an alarming 6'2 ft and towering above most men, let alone women. Her body radiates authority and command, demanding respect (and more preferably- fear), being pure muscle from head to toe. Every body part is painstakingly crafted from years spent training herself to exhaustion. Her arms are particularly powerful, allowing her to dominate when it comes to hand to hand combat. Every step she takes is heavy but graceful and full of purpose, like a powerful leopard on the prowl. Her physique, combined with her height, makes her a very intimidating person, which she strongly prides herself on. She's never been insecure about her strength, rather, she uses it to excuse her self proposed supremacy on the other seers.
Baol's hair's shoulder length and frizzy beyond compare, heightened by the humidity of the rainforest. It's a blazing, fiery red, and is often tied up in a high bun, which looks more like a curly red tuft on the top of her head, but being pretty isn't exactly top of her agenda. Her skin tone is sun kissed from the beating tropical sun, her face highly structured with cheekbones that could cast shadows and a strong jaw and brow. Her lips on the other hand, are thin, dark and often curled into a cruel smirk. Her brown eyes blaze with self importance and ambition, framed with dark lashes. Her nose is rounded, nostrils almost always flared in anger or annoyance. Together her face comes across as furious and dangerous. Which usually is the case.

Usual Outfit: Fashion isn't a concern for Baol, but due to the amount of work she's put into her appearance and physique, she tends to like to show it off. Her usual outfit consists of a loose tank top, sometimes cropped to show off her abs, and highwaisted cargo pants, so as to still be practical for training. She has no formal clothing, her life's dedicated to growing her strength and power and she doesnt see the need for it.

Extra: Baol is fairly new to the guild, she was sent to see how they were getting along with training the youth
I'm on holidays a time the moment but tomorrow I'll be home and I'll be able to send everyone their posts
Name: Tonnta Ayers

Age: 20

Gender: Male

S.exuality: not really concerned with those sort of things

Element: water

Personality: Tonnta behaves with a strong motherly and nurturing nature, with a sense of faith that things will always work out once they all follow their conscience. He's a largely spiritual person, feeling most at home deep in the darkest, dampest, most wild parts of the rainforest. A place where he can close his eyes and meditate to the constant clicking, chirping and rumble of the life around him. He's very in touch with his surroundings, and when he's concentrating he can be sensitive to even the smallest of displacements, a ladybirds wings or a drop of water.
Above all things, Tonnta cares about principles and doing the right thing. Sometimes even to the point of obsession. He's in touch with his emotions and that of the people around him, making for a wonderful empath. Because of this people often find it very easy to confide in him, and over time he has learned to become a good listener. His soft voice, rational thinking and sense of moraIity makes him someone who causes people to feel at ease when they're around him. He's very mature, but can become irritated easily, which causes him to lose his sense of fun. Despite being mostly emotionally driven, he's still practical and idealistic, making him good at advice, as well as strategic thinking. The biggest downcast to his gentle nature is that his strategies often fall on the safe side, and he's almost always unwilling to move out of his comfort zone. Due to his overly cautiousness he's proven to be a lot slower than the other elementalists when it comes to developing his power, which is by far the weakest of the bunch. Training always brought him large amounts of frustration throughout his life, often leaving him with a feeling of inadequacy and displacement in the group, one of his biggest fears is that he'll fall so behind that they'll see him as dead weight to their mission, a weak link, and he'll be abandoned. This fear was what first caused his longing to reach out and help the people around him, hoping that maybe, if that day does come, they'll find him useful in other ways. So, he places his whole heart into the affairs of others, whether or not it'll make him indispensable.
Tonntas reflexe.s are genuinely good, he can run fast, climb to the highest treetops, not to mention his swimming abilities. But all his agility seems to suddenly melt away the moment it comes to combat. He's rarely ever won a fair fight during training, he's always the one flat out on the ground, scraped up knees and a broken nose. What he lacks in fighting ability he makes up for in quick thinking and he's great at using rational thinking and reasoning to diffuse a hostile situation before it breaks out into battle, as well as always trying his hardest, even if it does fall short sometimes.

Appearance: Hailing from the far west Atlantic Islands, Tonnta likes to stay true to his roots through his appearance. His skin is a very fair satin colour, which refuses to tan even in the heat of the rainforest. Instead, his skin tends to break out in freckles, particularly dotting around his chest, arms, nose and cheeks. He's also prone to furious blushing, causing his cheeks to heat up into a bright pink hue.
He's rather insecure about these aspects of his appearance, but what he does take extreme pride in his his hair. Tonnta's hair is by far his most prominent feature, it falls down his back in whips of dark, poker straight strands, ending at roughly hip length, casually tucked behind his ears in a middle part, and glossy black in colour. Having long hair was common place back on his island, in fact it was even something the men and women of his Clann took pride in, and even though it sometimes gets in the way he decided to keep it long, as a sort of homage to home. For training he always wears it in a long, dark braid running down the centre of his back, not a hair out of place.
Tonnta's facial features tend to be very expressive, and he struggles to hide his emotions, which seem to always show on his face before he himself even realises how he's feeling. His eyebrows are always to be slightly furrowed and worried, framing his dark blue eyes. His cheeks are considerably hollow and drawn, but break out in dimples when he smiles with his thin, pink lips. His nose is narrow at the bridge, and slightly upturned in the shape of a petite ski slope. Tonnta could be considered attractive in a sort of simple, youthful and boyish way. He's average height for his age, maybe a little on the short side, but his body is slim, well defined and flexible in what would be called a 'yoga body', which he hides under layers of loose clothing.

Usual outfit: Tonnta is very humble when it comes to his clothing and dresses simply and practically. On a regular day he usually dresses in very light, loose clothing, gathered at the waist in a wide wrap belt. For training he'll wear a sleeveless leather jerkin and loose pants, bound tightly at the shins with knee high, very worn leather boots. He does have one fancy outfit for special occasions, a silver tunic with wide, ordained cuffs and embroidered seems, with a white belt and a dark, woollen blue cloak he took with him from his island.

Extra: Tonnta's people were considered barbarians by the Pangaea government and labelled Seers, Tonnta managed to escape before they were raided but he is still unclear on his family's fate.

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