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Hannibal 1x1 (GeekFlower and BlackOrchids)


Lovely rose.

Will is married to an abusive Alpha that neglects him (Ahem can I play that Alpha?).

Will meets Hannibal at the Opera, they both see the darkness that they each possess and it's an instant attraction. After killing someone on the job Hannibal gets assigned as his therapist.

It goes from there...



Will X Jonathan

Eventual WIll X Hannibal.



Alpha Hannibal

Omega Will



Jonathan Hayes

It was late - roughly 10pm and Jon still hadn't returned home to his omega. That was unorthodox in itself, practically unheard of. In their society, there was only three types of people. Alpha's, Beta's and Omegas. Jon was an Alpha, and a proud one at that. Though he had an understanding of the three sexes he didn't appreciate their value, nor their worth. He was a self righteous man, and sexest to his core. He firmly believed that Beta's were the working class, and Omega's stayed at home.

But despite his beliefs he shockingly didn't force his own omega to stay at home. Jon was married to one William Graham nee Hayes. He had brought the omega off his parents down when he was visiting in New Orleans, he had never seen a pair eyes as blue as Will's and he simply decided then and there that he had to have him.Jon decided that was on of the biggest mistakes of his life, marrying a freak like Will. He now hated those eerie blue eyes that seemed to stare into his soul, he hated how Will always seemed to know what he and everyone else around him was feeling.

hated it.

Apparently, according to society Omega's were unstable unless bound to a Alpha. They were needy, emotional little things that needed to be kept and cared for, spoiled rotten and indulged all in the name of fertility.

Well, Jon couldn't disagree more.

He wasn't interested in having kids and he never would be. He made sure Will stayed on that little blue pill and if it may occur that Will falls pregnant, Jon is prepared to sabotage said pregnancy by any means necessary. Jon decided early on in life, that he wasn't going to be one of those Alpha's that coddle and spoil their mates. Why should he? For what reason? If anything Will should be serving him, it was because of him, Will had a roof over his head, food to eat and clothing to wear.

Jon worked as a construction manager, the hours were good as was the pay. Mind you the Alpha dutifully chose to ignore that his omega worked as a profiler for the FBI and that he made more money than him. Pft, he was still the Alpha so all that money belong to him.

When Jon did stumble home, it was about 10:30 and he was heavily intoxicated. So much so, the bartender had called a taxi for him and confiscated his keys. That put him in a bad mood to begin with. He clambered out of the taxicab and marched up the steps and banged on the door.

"Will? Wake up you little shit, and come let me in!" He slurred as he continuously banged on the door. They lived in Wolf Trap, Virginia. Their home was a bit secluded and there was a river near by that Will always wanted to go fishing in.

"Open the goddamn Door Will!" He shouted and gave the offending object a hard kick. What was taking the freak so damn long?

Will was in bed curled around his pillow trying not to hear his husband. He was drunk, and Will did not want to be beaten tonight. He never did, though sometimes the abuse made him sure that he was real. But he knew that he was real tonight. He slipped out of bed and pulled on a sweater and then his glasses. He stood behind the door and looked at it sternly.

"You have a key." He said softly, crossing his arms and pulling his sleeves so they covered his hands. Will was barefooted and besides the tan sweater was only wearing is boxers. His feet felt cold against the wood. Jon hadn't allowed will to adopt a dog, Will though he might be afraid of another being there to see and protect Will. The dog would likely bite him. Part of Will longed to say the words 'open the door yourself' but he just couldn't find it. He was too afraid. He shivered and it wasn't the cold.

There was a stag rearing behind Will. "I can take him, I can hurt him" the stag's feathers bristled and it occurred to Will that stag's should not have feathers. He didn't dare mention the stag in the house to Jon, it was his fault anyways. "How was work sweetie?" Will did his best not to make the sweetie sound forced. Jon liked it when will acted like the omega he was. And some days Will just couldn't fight his animal thoughts. Some days he could. He wished he had married a Alpha who encouraged omegas to be fierce, some Alpha's like power and spirit in their partners, but the bride price Jon had offered had been so high, his father told him they wouldn't see higher. Especially for a omega who worked in the Alpha dominated carer of law enforcement. Will had at least hoped for someone who believed in Omega rights, at least he let him keep his job.

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