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Fantasy Hallow's Academy for Young Women


New Member
Two schoolgirls are accepted into a prestigious academy but soon find that their world of spells and magic holds more danger than they first realized.
FxF school romance with fantasy elements.

Skills/Magical talents
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Name: Hilda Fitzgerald
Age: 16
Looks: Long, straight dark hair that she wears pinned up; grey eyes; sharp features; tall, slim, and almost gangly. Wears eyeliner or lipstick occasionally and might paint her nails, but otherwise dresses very plainly when not in uniform. Keeps a silver band on her middle finger.
Personality: She might seem confident in the classroom, but is very reserved and even shy in personal matters. Competitive, prickly, practical, and traditional, she isn’t the easiest person to get along with, especially with her sharp tongue and often quick temper. She’s not the best at interpersonal relations, but those close to her will find a loyal, attentive, earnest friend. Rather anxious and self-conscious deep down, and more booksmart than streetsmart. She’s not afraid of confrontation and tries very hard at everything she does. Inquisitive and honest to a fault.
Abilities: Her strengths are in practical, concrete magics such as potions. She’s also talented in astral projection and transferring her physical self to other places.
Other: She lives with her grandmother but doesn’t really keep in touch with the rest of her family. She’s shown signs of magic since she was young and was taught not to use it, but she’s secretly practiced with the reasoning that she could control it better if she only understood it. Also enjoys reading and cooking in her spare time.
Name: Ophelia Mae
Age: 17
  • Short ginger hair, sometimes tied up​
  • Blue eyes​
  • A few freckles​
  • Heart-shaped face​
  • Mostly dresses practically, but doesn't object to dressing up for fun occassions​
Personality: While she can sometimes be bookish and reserved, she's often agreeable and friendly. She is strong in her convictions and a fierce debater when she wants to be. She believes in rights and revolution, and isn't afraid to be vocal about it. She's chatty and charming, and finds it easy to make friends. When she's not having fun among friends, she's researching magic, a topic that she considers her calling and about which she believes there is still much to learn. Some people are put off by her sometimes brash personality and outspokenness.
Skills/Magical talents: Ophelia specialises in occult magic, including tarot work, crystals, and communicating with spirits. She often works with magical plants and herbs, and keeps a Grimmoire of her discoveries and research into magical practices.
Other: Her family shunned her for her magical talents. When she received her invitation to the Academy, they were glad to be rid of her. She's been staying at the Academy since she was 12, and has mostly settled in, though she still finds herself distrusting of the staff. In her free time, she likes to visit the markets in search of magical trinkets.

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