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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Tekinai nodded with understanding. 'I use to think that way...' Her thoughts clouded what she was about to say, and she froze for a second. Realizing what she was doing, she perked back up a smile and giggled. "I'm only that way on the battlefield. I just can't help it." She lowered her smile slightly, swirling her glass of martini for a little bit. Next she took a sip, letting the flavour pass her lips and tongue. It tasted wonderful, yet naturally burned because of the alcohol. Although by now she was use to the burning sensation, and quite enjoyed the feeling.

Once their food arrived, she clapped with joy. The waitress placed their food on the table, then walked off to go to another table. Tekinai looked at her food with awe, as if she hasn't seen anything like it for years. When the girl walked away, she began to eat her soup with a spoon, marveling at the taste of it. She paused after swallowing a little bit of her food to speak. "This is amazing!" Tekinai then continued eating her soup, salad, and warm bread. It felt like a buffet for royalty for her, since she didn't eat before or after the interrogation, which lasted for half of a day.

@Mr Swiftshots
Genesis looked down at his soup its smelled amazing and looked even better.He began to eat his soup with some bread.

"you look like your enjoying your self huh" he said as he finished his soup.to be honest he was quite happy himself the meals he had on

his mission were horrible in comparison to the meal that sat in front of him now .

Tekinai finished up the rest of her soup and bread, smiling as Genesis spoke. She nodded, and paused from eating. "I haven't eaten in about a day and a half due to the interrogation." Her words flowed out as if it was a normal thing to not eat for that long. A smile appeared on her face after she said so, and then returned to eating her salad. She took a few sips of her martini now and then. 'This is my kind of heaven.'

@Mr Swiftshots
'A day and a half is that normal for her' he thought to himself

"So how have you been keeping since i left the hub" he asked drinking his pint.

Tekinai pondered for a second, then she answered with an unsure voice, then returned to a casual tone to be reassuring. "I've been keeping well enough to get by. Missions and taverns are my life now, nothing but lies and tricks." She chuckled a little, glancing down at her empty plate. 'Is that all? That's all I've done? Jeez... I let myself go. I hope he didn't do the same.' Her eyes moved to look at his with a hint of question in them. "How about you, Gen?" Her voice was tough, yet soothing as she asked her question. The answer was to come, but for now she needed to keep the conversation light, not diving into deep topics, not yet.

@Mr Swiftshots
Genesis looked up at tekinai with a light smile before speaking in a casual tone.

"Well I've been on the one mission for a while now so I haven't really had time for taverns or cooked meals."

Genesis finished the rest of his drink before looking back at tekinai. "To be honest this is probably the first hot meal I've had in two years" he chuckled lowly rubbing the back of his neck. @FlameintheRoses

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