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Multiple Settings Grab A Latte While You're At It: A World-building Focused RP

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Parrot Parfait

A dude eclectus parrot
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Grab A Latte While You're At It


Worldbuilding is fun! You get to create a world any way you'd like. Post-apocalyptic despair, fantastical magic, highschool drama, the only thing holding you back is your imagination!
Though, as fun as it is to create your own world, the process kinda gets lonely if you don't have anyone to share it with.
So hey, what better thing to do than grab a latte, sit down with a friend, and watch the birth of a universe?

Hello, one and all! Welcome to Grab A Latte, an RP centered around World-building more than anything else! At its core, this RP is meant to encourage conversation and communication players in the form of world-building sessions. You can use this RP as an opportunity to begin the World-building process, to get to know people both new and old, or just to have plain old fun creating a new world. Though, before you jump right in, there are some things you need to know, namely how this RP works and the rules.

How This RP Works

To start off, everyone won't be in one massive world-building session. Instead, there will be multiple smaller sessions in their own separate threads. This thread is mainly here to serve as the main hub of this RP. As an added twist to the RP, you can visit other people's worlds. To give some structure to this RP, I've included a list of mechanics and rules that help you get started.

Individual World Rules/Mechanics
  1. Go crazy! You and your partner(s) are the masters of your universe and your thread! How you structure your world-building session is completely up to you and your partner(s)!
  2. If you want to make a new thread, you need at least one other partner to start a thread. The recommended group size is 2-3.
  3. Make your sessions in the extra pages section. When you do, post the link to your session on the Link Hub.
  4. Try to keep your worldbuilding in less than 200 words. This point is not a rule but a recommendation.
  5. OOC will be conducted on both RPN and Discord.
  6. You and your partner(s) are the ultimate authority in your thread. Unless there's a serious dispute or issue, you and your partner(s) decisions are absolute and cannot be contested.

Interdimensional Rules/Mechanics
  1. Characters can be made by owners and guests (people outside the RP) alike! These characters can originate from the thread worlds or from any series you can think of. These characters will be put in their own separate character page and their actions in a separate but linked IC thread. Note that the characters can travel between worlds.
  2. If you want to cross-over worlds or have characters travel between worlds, be sure to talk it over with the owners of the thread. It's up to you and the owners on how cross-overs or character travel will work.​
  3. Character interactions within a world should have a separate IC that's linked to the thread. (You can have the IC and world-building in one thread, but I can imagine that the thread will get cluttered.)​
  4. World 0 (Coffee Hub) is always open to (almost) everyone, granted they don't cause any trouble.​

Rules of Conduct
These don't need to be read. You've read RPN's conduct rules. You're a mature and reasonable person. While there will be times when we get on each other's nerves, that doesn't mean we can't settle things in diplomatic and tactful ways. However, in case things do get out of hand, the conduct rules are in the spoiler box.

  1. Follow RPNation’s site rules. Breaking any of the rules of conduct will gain you a conduct strike. Three conduct strikes means your banned from this RP.
  2. You may NOT post on another group’s thread unless you have explicit permission from the group. In addition, permission must be given from at least two people in the group or else it’s a no-go. If you post without complete permission, you will gain a postage strike. If you gain three postage strikes, you’re out!
  3. Any disputes between owners shall always be settled by a two-thirds majority.
  4. If there are any disputes that don’t fall into the above two categories, I am the penultimate authority followed by the admin’s ultimate authority. Our decisions hold supreme in the realm of disputes.
In short, please be a rational and reasonable human being so that I don't get a headache

Anyways, that's all I can think of at the moment! I'd like to articulate that this RP is rather experimental, and as such, I might add some new things later on (or remove them). Anywho, get out there and create! Happy world-building!

I'll add to the suggestions as time goes on.
  • You can structure the session as a plain bullet point and discussion thread on how a world will work. Though, that might be a bit boring. Instead, you can have the world be formed in realtime. Also, you don't need to go as yourself. You can come to the sessions as another character during any time period or in any setting you'd like! The sky is the limit! Also, the local of the session doesn't need to take place in a coffee shop.
  • The reason why you should only write 200 words at most is that this RP is a cooperative writing game. If you write paragraphs and paragraphs of stuff without receiving a response from your partner, then what's the point of doing this RP?​
  • I don't recommend having more than three people to a group. I find that larger groups often complicate things.
  • If you want to use your world for an RP, you don't need to link it to this one. You can have it be its own standalone thing separate from this RP.
  • If you're over the age of 21, I'd recommend getting a bit drunk for a session or two. I heard that people do the strangest things while drunk. Though, I don't condone underage drinking.​
  • (Shout out to MechKing for setting up the discord!)​

Please contact me if you need any help or have any questions!

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