[Godly Knights: Bloodlust War] Black Blizzard Group

VECTOR was startled when he turned back to a human for a split second. When the girl was pulled off of him, he turned back into the monster that his WHOLE form was. "Man, you almost caught me distracted there for a second!" He said with a gurgling voice, as the rivers of magma came back to his mouth. He grinned, only his mouth being visible, and opened his mouth. A river of magma covered his arm for at least the whole length from his elbow to his fingers, and then some 5 meters more. The Magma solidified at his command and turned into an obsidian blade, indestructible. The catch was, however, that it was always incandescent, and could cut through layers and layers of pure reinforced concrete or even the densest of materials, like a hot knife cuts butter.
Jack jumped out of the roof. After experiencing the reverse transformation of VECTOR, he thought he had seen enough. He turned towards the light guy. After hearing the comment, from the light mutant, Jack shrugged. "You're just eletromagnetic radiation. You can keep the body. See you around". He walked towards the fire mutant while he was trying to cut down his partner and turned the ground beneath down to liquid, making them swim in a lot of black fluid, taking of the powers from Jack and Conner but not the ones from VECTOR, who just sank inside the black fluid, turning it into a black steam. Jack swam to one of the ice edges, carrying Conner with him and walking away. "Let's just get out of here". The black steam would keep VECTOR distracted for a while, but not for long.
VECTOR growled and snarled as he was swallowed by a river of black liquid. He somehow managed to retrieve his flame powers from somewhere in his consciousness and combined them with the almighty power that was the WHOLE form. Hot white flames emitted from both his hands and feet, slowly lifting him up and vaporizing the black liquid. "You aren't getting away from Molt!" He snarled as he broke free and soared up into the air, drops of liquid magma dripping from the flames. He opened his grinning mouth and vomited a river of magma that surrounded the two men and that tunneled through the ground, digging a huge trench around them.

He landed with a loud boom and a splatter of more magma and incorporated, the grim grin on his mostly covered face visible, with some magma slobber dripping down his mouth. "I like these powers. I am almost unstoppable!" He yelled, but then immediately turned back into human form. Pulling his mask down over his mouth, he added "Its a shame some madness just has to stop. Who are you and what business do you have with agent Arthurs body."
Without any more choice, Jack looked at Conner and nodded. It was okay to say stuff now. Jack opened his arms and grinned. No way out. "I'm the Jack of Hearts. I don't know really know the name of the kid here, but he's a cool fellow. We're here because his body was full of poison and that poison is - trust me in this - the most expensive poison of the whole world. But it wasn't for the money that we were stealing it. We were stealing it because not only it is rare, but it also is very dangerous or very good to mutants. You must ask me three questions now. One, how do I know this, and two, what is this thing? I'll let you figure the third question by yourself".
"I'm Conner, you jack ass." Conner said as he scooped up a snowball and chucked it at the volcanoe's head before lowering his mass, grabbed Jack, and attempted to jump the trench. I would like to note, he is nit able to change Jack's mass, so he would have to jump that much harder to componsate for Jack, that lard ass.
@Bea Delaine

"Arthur's dead? You mean, he's just dead? Fuck, and VECTOR's gone nuts!?" Advocte stood up, and looked at Irene. "What kind of fucking mess did I get myself into? I'm probably dead next. I won't survive out there in that cold. I'll just be gone. Just like mom, dad, Katharine, fuck." He put a hand on his forehead and then sat down again. "Fucking freezing. Is there a we to make it warmer in here?"
"Was that supposed to hurt me emotionially?" He said as Jack ran off. He was just called electromagnetic radiation, that was a first for him atleast. He grab hold of Arthur's body and created a Portal of Light. He tossed Arthur's body in there for safe keeping. His body will just stay not moving in that portal. As he sealed the entrance, he hopped down to priority two Irene.
Irene's eyes dropped, brows creased. Her eyes and cheeks felt hot and salty.. being the only apt description. Hearing it from someone else was worse.. having to remind herself to avoid connection was growing dangerously harder as extended exposure to the same people ended in giving a shit.

She nodded stiffly and stood up, gathering wood and a scrap paper along with the lighter from earlier. Making the fire in silence, she bit her lip, unable to give Advocate a look as long as her eyes were transfixed on the growing glow.

"..im really sorry... i never wanted this to happen again.. never knew someone was planning on bringing me into this mess again. Listen.. find some warm clothes and bundle up. You can use whatever i have.. and ill try to get you to a safe place.. okay?"

She didnt take notice in the new person in the room.
Ignoring the presence of the new owners of the house, the girl was asleep. Her brother was ignoring the conversation of the people as well, messing in the radio. He remebered the coordinates that were given to him, they were easy. He just had to make some effort to hear the noises quietly. A voice was answering from the other side, but it was weak and constantly cut by a massive signal breaker. Without much choice, the boy considered asking for help from the people. Acting in an adult manner, the boy walked away from the radio, leaving it at the stronger frequence, the one where he was almost hearing the other side. When he was close to the two adults, he simply said: "Can you get that thing working?"
"No I should take those two fleeing fakes, they aren't QART or Wonderland. Can't be any randon vigilantes based on thwe fact they had forgeries. There's only one other possibility then and if so they can't be allowed to escape. Kill Jack and take Conner prisoner is the plan. Now that i've secured the dead agent's body and sent back to Wonderland. Now just go to do the same with Conner only alive." Kizaru said to himself. He dashed at Conner to knock him somewhere far away and into the snow. He was now a bullet of light traveling at light speed, Connor would never aee him coming.
Kizaru stopped in the air, being held by a weird sort of force that held him down in his normal human form. He couldn't move. All the particles from his body started to spread in multiple directions. His heart was stopping while his life was vanishing. Until all of his particles stood together again, joining, forming Kizary again. He was being controlled. Jack lit up a cigarette and placed it in his mouth. "Kid, you're Wolverine and I'm Magneto. You're good, but it's like I was made in heaven especially to kick your ass. I'm not attacking you guys. I could be, but I ain't. This starts to make me think that you're actually wanting something for yourself out of this whole thing. What's in it for you, boy?".

Kizaru flew in the direction of Jack, controlled by him. Jack lowered the body of the light wielding mutant until it was right in front of him. He took out a few particles out of the head of Kizaru and shoved two fingers inside the hole he made, absorbing the information. He removed them again, making the whole be filled with the body particles of Kizaru once more.
"Wonderland?... The Mirror?... Hard to make something out of this, but it's probably Wonderland. Boy, your head's a mess. Might as well make something for myself inside this shit". Jack placed his right hand in front of Kizaru's head, locking a specific part of his brain. "There you go". Jack used his powers to throw the mutant away back to the snow.

"Listen here, you both, Speedy and Volcano, you can stay there, being dicks to us for as long as you want, but it won't change the fact that Alice is trying to fuck everyone up. You know this. We're part of illegal organization? Yes we are, but at least we're the best shot the government has against Alice, and I mean it. We have way more information than the QART on our databases, so pick a side".
"Yep, see you later shit lords." Conner shoited over his shoulder as he continued to walk away. Of course he reacted to the guy that ran at the speed of light. But niw that he was taken care of for the time being, Conner just wanted to leave. They tried there best to get the body, failed, and are trying their best to retreat. But it seems like these guys just wanted a fight. And he thought he was violent.
VECTOR stood there, and as he was about to ask the questions, a little kid came and asked them to help fix something, and then Light boy tried to attack one of the two guys. Then Jack spoke, and VECTOR thought to himself. "Jesus christ, just how many people are involved here? You two are with mister Freeze, probably. You are the third party, right? I dont know who Alice is and I couldn't give a flying shit: If she is doing something to hurt mutants, she's on my personal hit list, for sure." he paused and walked closer to the two men. "If, however, you two are not the third party and have nothing to do with the whole motor oil rain and black snow, then I wont have to make your insides into lava." He shifted into his Volcano form again and lifted the mask until the mouth was showing, drooling magma from the corners. He opened his mouth and vomited a large amount of magma into the trench he had made surrounding the two guys, solidifying it soon after. He grinned toothily at them and turned back. Pulling the gas mask down over his face again, he started to walk towards the now visible shed. "If you aren't my enemy and you can help, then feel free to have Andrews body, but under my supervision." He got to the shed and entered. He found a radio that was all static-y and he guessed it was what the little kid wanted him to fix. He saw that the antennae was mostly broken and bent, so he dug into his backpack and found his high frequency radio, from which he unscrewed the antennae from and attached it onto the radio with some duct tape.

He was satisfied when he started to hear some clear radio chatter, and he looked at the boy. "All fixed" he said to the kid, and then looked into the rest of the shed, where he saw both Advocate and Irene. "Hey you two. We should get going soon. There's probably better places to be.

Suddenly, he felt a grand headache and his head started to throb. Magma dripped out from his mask as it started to pour out from his mouth. Could he not control his WHOLE form sometimes? Was it too hard? He fell to the floor and lifted his mask to the height of his mouth, vomiting more and more magma, which sizzled on the floor and tunneled deep underground. "Dammit..." He said to himself.

@The Gil

@Bea Delaine

Irene watched in exhausted terror as VECTOR came to them and dropped. He seemed to be thinking clearer but.. it wasnt helping much with his evident overflow of power. She then decided to attempt what she was previously attempting to do when she saw him change. Maybe, she believed, if she could expell her energy she might sap some too. Get his temperature under control.

Turning crystal, she put a hand on him with timid but steady touch and felt for the energy. The new amount of power flowing through him. Maybe she could take the edge off so to speak with minimal repercussion.

"Easy hothead. Im gonna try to help you but ive never tried this before so just stay calm and dont fight it.. try ta get you control until you can give to yourself.."

(Up to you or gil if it works, fails, Irene cracks or everything goes accordingly)
[QUOTE="Bea Delaine]Irene watched in exhausted terror as VECTOR came to them and dropped. He seemed to be thinking clearer but.. it wasnt helping much with his evident overflow of power. She then decided to attempt what she was previously attempting to do when she saw him change. Maybe, she believed, if she could expell her energy she might sap some too. Get his temperature under control.
Turning crystal, she put a hand on him with timid but steady touch and felt for the energy. The new amount of power flowing through him. Maybe she could take the edge off so to speak with minimal repercussion.

"Easy hothead. Im gonna try to help you but ive never tried this before so just stay calm and dont fight it.. try ta get you control until you can give to yourself.."

(Up to you or gil if it works, fails, Irene cracks or everything goes accordingly)

(Considering that VECTOR must be fighting hard against it, all that you get is a small tiny crack)
Irene did what she could. Her hands felt the energy attract to the tips of her fingers, but she was not prepared for the entering. It was really quite creepy. First it left his body smoothly, then she felt the hot and foreign tension enter her. Letting it circulate through her and dull down she managed to sap him without taking too much.

Near the end, it became a bit much and she heard a strange noise like ice crunching, to see a thin line in her wrist. No more that a mild ccutting board incident that could be handled by five minutes of bandaid coverage.

It hit her, the sudden understanding that Vectore was really trying to help control it. The thought made her smile, as the power nolonger pushed greedily into her hands and became manageable. Tiredly, she let her hands fall away and turn back to milky skin.

"Lets get going.. tired a' being at this place."
(I apologize to everyone, I was without a computer)

The boy returned from the radio, turning the volume to the maximum capacity.

"Officer, Arthur, can you hear me?! The mission has failed! I repeat, the mission has failed! The mutants have declared war to us, you're our last hope! Make peace, agent Arthur! We're sending you to the prime labs! I repeat, we're sending you to the PRIME labs! There you'll find all the information that exists about the Wonderland, the Mirror, all this shit, even Mission ALIAS! But please, save us, Arthur! I'm... I'm begging you... It's all gone... It's an all out war... Just... Push the red button if you have to, I don't care... We can't let it happen Arthur... We can't... A droid copter will be picking you up soon... I'm sorry, for everything. For Julie..."

*Call ends*
"Foolish of me to do that, I don't care what others say but I have the QART agent's body and no one else is getting it. I made my decision and will do as I see fit." Kizaru said. He stood up and then he bursted into tons of light particles. The particles then formed themselves into construct clones of himself. Then they all just became invisibile, they became nigh formed of light but invisible light. They spoke in unison and said "Now time to pay you back for those comments you bastards." The invisible clones didn't even make imprints in the snow as the 100 of them moved. 50 of them pouncing on Jack with swords of light that'll disintegrate what he cuts and 50 pouncing on Connor with swords of light as well.
Jack sighed and joined the particles back again, feeling every single one of them as they moved through the air, forming Kizaru back again. Jack lifted him in the air and made him stay floating. He was about to say something else when he saw an droid-copter coming from the horizon, rushing across the white snow. His eyes were shining, unable to believe what he was seeing. Grabbing Connor, he jumped to the snow. Then, Jack proceeded to look at the corpse one last time, lifting himself from the ground. "It doesn't matter anymore. Keep the bodies to yourselves. Death is coming for everyone. In a glimpse. It all ends soon. What do you want, a war, or peace?"
"From what I've seen, war." Conner said with a split lip. That wasn't the only wound he took from the sudden attack. But he was able to increase his toughness to negate most of the harm. 'What a bunch of jack wagons.' he thought to himself.
Sounds of an helicopter called the attention of everyone. The soft beast landed on the snowy ground, getting near the QART cabin and automatically opening its doors. A little beep was heard from the inside. It was meant to keep playing until the vehicle would be completely full. Looking inside, all that anyone could see was a sign saying: PRIME LABORATORIES. The boy and the girl walked out of the cabin and ran inside the helicopter with a smile on their faces. They took their seats inside, waiting for anyone else who would join them.

@SekiryuuteiDxD @Beowulf @Bea Delaine @SuperChocoMilk (optional: To join or not to join the Blizzard group = @badluckjinx83 )
(Ooohh I'd love to join ^^ Is there some specific order that you reply in, or can i just post now??)
badluckjinx83 said:
(Ooohh I'd love to join ^^ Is there some specific order that you reply in, or can i just post now??)
//You can post now, I'll just have to make a little introduction for you with the Rabbit

Beowulf said:
(But I'm part of Mirror.)
//It's not really about this. If you want to know more about it, ask the two kids who walked inside the plane.

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