[Godly Knights: Bloodlust War] Black Blizzard Group

The Gil

Weird Gentleman

The man on the black coat kept holding the head of Arthur on his hands, while more and more black veins covered the face of the QART agent. "I told you that everything would be okay mate". The heart of Arthur slowly stopped, his breath following it as well. The man took his hands from the face of the agent, letting he fall dead and softly in the snow. "Dammit, I'm still freezing". He decided it was time to finish the blizzard. He pointed his hands towards the black wind blowing and made the whole thing crumble. Advocate, Irene, Kizaru, VECTOR... They all noticed the sudden change on the weather. It was clear for everyone to see again. Noticing the strangers, the black coated man was a bit surprised. He didn't expected there was so many people. A distraction was needed. He pointed his hands towards the ground and made a large black ice barrier stand from the ground, making a wall in front of himself. Seeing that he was protected, the man calmly walked way. The remaining people were confused by the situation, unsure as to what they would be doing. Arthur was dead, but at least his cabin was theirs now. All they could do right now was:

Option 1: Analyze the body of the dead QART Arthur, searching for clues on what was that "thing" that killed him. If he was a QART agent, he probably had some strong powers, but here he didn't even had a chance to use them. Besides, he could have something important with himself...

Option 2: Go inside the cabin and try to get help. Don't get near the agent body, because looking from where you are, he looks like he's covered in black veins as if he died from some sort of disease. Some wouldn't dare to get close to a corpse in this conditions.

Individual side option, Option 3 (VECTOR only): Although the black ice wall barrier is signaling something that interrupts the powers from Advocate beyond it, VECTOR could use his flaming powers, not to melt the wall, but to fly over it and try to get the man on the other side, although it might be remarkably hard to beat him right now.


(If returning,

@Blood dog )
(Option 2, depends on what Bea chooses though since Kizaru is currently anchored to her light, lmao)

"We should probably head back to the cabin. That guy looks like he may have been killed by something contagious. I would be fine as long as I'm like this but you probably wouldn't. We should go back and looked for proper equipment for this kind of thing. You'll have time to mourn his passing when safety is confirmed." Kizaru said thinking as fast as he could being he didn't know Arthur that well this didn't affect him as much as it would the others.

@Bea Delaine
Irene watched the body with a look of pure despair and nodded slowly. His.. his heart was beating moments ago, surely... and now its not. She reached a hand in his direction and let it drop and her heart did a leap. Why the hell are you so sad? You barely know him and that fuckers the reason you are here... along with VECTOR. Their STRANGERS irene! You don't care, remember?

Her thoughts comforted her in the only way that was possible and she sighed with a bit of clouded apathy in her expression.

"Right. Make sure Elf hasn't frozen his tail off and we need to get you warm too, Flash. Another damned body for this case, huh? I guess a lot more are to come."
"It would be naive of someone to think this sort of thing can't happen. Don't worry about me I'm fine while I'm like this. Can't feel much but it'd be nice to materialized and heat up. So wonder what Pyro and Elf Porter going to do about this? Bet they'll say it's Wonderland's doing. I wouldn't know either being I'm the newest member. So are you an actual member of the Military Tools." Kizaru said. Kizaru then thought to himself, she called me Flash, atleast I got a cool nickname eat that Porter.

@Bea Delaine @Darkangel666 @SuperChocoMilk
VECTOR hear some very faint pleading over the personal radio. It was Arthur. He suddenly turned around. His heat came back to his person as he emitted a strong burst of pure white fire which propelled him forward. He sped by Irine, leaving a trail of magma hot air, which she would have noticed, and got to Arthur in no time. "No..." He said, observing the dead man full of black veins "His eyes started to puff up as he tried avoiding crying, and he succeeded. "You fucking bastard, whoever you are!" VECTOR bellowed as loud as he could through the loudspeakers on his gas mask. His voice started to grumble, turning deeper. The color of the lenses of his gas mask went from blue, to deep red, to an overwhelmingly strong white that would blind mostly anyone that looked at him. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THE DEATH OF A QUART AGENT!" He boomed. His yells echoed all over, although the wind was still howling, his voice surpassed it. He saw a wall of black ice.

Concentrating all his white-hot heat to his hands and feet, he released it to create a marvelous huge explosion of white flames that threw him up into the air and over the wall. He landed with a crash a few meters away from a man in a black coat. His heat signatures were null. "YOU!" He boomed again, looking at the man, the ultra blinding light still emanating from the lenses "I swear it, you will pay!"

@The Gil
"So pyro just had a melt down. But he could've done all that little faster though and little flashy ahahaahaahaahaahaahaaahahajajajajajhahh! I gonna kick his ass later by the way, forgot to after I used that slow version of Absolute Light. So aren't heading back Crystal." Kizaru said still in the crystal light. Crystal was his own name for Irene as she had a cool one for him he gave a cool one in return.

@Bea Delaine @SuperChocoMilk @The Gil @Darkangel666
Irene smirked at now called Flashes remark but glanced at the killer with calm bloodlust. Her hands and forarms turned like glass and the energy radiated visibly outside her arms. She aimed.

"Sorry.. gonna hafta stall before finding the elf. Nice name by the way. Fits i guess." Her voice was even as she aimed at Arthurs killer.
(Sorry that it took me so long to get back, I've been sick and trying to solve some stuff here in RPN)

The man in the black coat walked lightly over the snow, playing a little bit with its darkness. Using his shoes to dig the snow, uncovered a little bit of white snow under the black one, having fun while he was doing it. Okay, a few guys were coming right now to pick up the body, but he could already go home and have a grub. He was very hungry from all that fighting and from the blizzard he had made. Accelerating his pace, he started to head North, leaving the barriage made of black ice behind him. He shoved his hands inside his pockets. "I fucking hate this cold". Behind him, he started to hear a shout and then an explosion near him. It was one of the mutants, probably a friend from the agent. The man shrugged and then pointed his palms towards the agent, unleashing a cold black winds of ice towards him, making his body temperature lower drastically and freezing his visor. He kicked the man's broken visor and mask, breaking them and finally being able to see the face of the agent. That face awoke something inside of him that he hadn't felt before. That agent was a vision of the coming winds. "You. Where have I seen you before? You're awfully familiar, but you're not whole. No, there are almost no whole mutants in the world, I'm the only one that's the whole. But I see you. You have potential. I can make you whole, one hundred percent. You will feel your powers, hear your powers, be your powers, everything that you fire will be an extension of you. All you gotta do is say 'yes'".

((Arthurs killer and VECTOR are behind a wall of black ice, right? Is the snow still going on?))

VECTOR staggered backwards as his body heat was diminished and the gas mask broken. He fell to one knee and held himself with one of his fists as he panted. A drop of blood dripped from his mouth, making the black snow beneath him sizzle and melt. He looked up, still panting, at the man in the black trench coat. "Nice coat" he said in his natural, deep, voice. The mask had been broken, therefore the voice synthesizer that made his voice sound so unnatural was too. "It would be a shame if it got burnt." He struggled to get back on his feet. "You broke my mask, so its only natural that I scorch your coat." he said. Somehow, his natural voice felt much more menacing than when it was processed through the synthesizer. Much more... scarier. He fired a ball of white fire with a little of the heat he had left at the man in the coat. "You killed my friend." he said, firing another ball of this time redder fire. "You desecrate the land, making mutants fall ill because of your sickening snow..." He fired another, this time blue, fireball at the man in the coat. "And you expect me to believe you?!" He said. He advanced until he was just 3 feet from the man. He lifted his hand and grabbed the mans face. He felt the heat gush from his body, leaving him with just enough to warm the mans face instead of scorching it. He crumbled to the black ground, muttering a 'yes'.

@The Gil
((Bro, there is a Barrier of Black Ice. You cant see anything through it and only VECTOR had the option of getting over it))
Kizaru finally materialized, his Light Aura gave off an intense heat. "There we go, solve my heat problem. This light gives of an intense heat but I can keep the heat compressed with the light. See....." Kizaru stood on a bunch of melted snow but only what he's standing on melted. "So let's go to that shed and find some thermal suits. Don't want to vaporize anyone. Actually I'll go." Kizaru said to Irene. He ran at the Speed of Light quickly searching the shed thoroughly. He found four more thermal suits, at that moment he switched off his light aura's heat to his regular aura and put on one of the suits. He carried another outside to Irene. "Put this on it'll keep you warm. Light Speed does come in handy." Kizaru said.

@Bea Delaine
Darkangel666 said:
((Arthurs killer and VECTOR are behind a wall of black ice, right? Is the snow still going on?))
VECTOR staggered backwards as his body heat was diminished and the gas mask broken. He fell to one knee and held himself with one of his fists as he panted. A drop of blood dripped from his mouth, making the black snow beneath him sizzle and melt. He looked up, still panting, at the man in the black trench coat. "Nice coat" he said in his natural, deep, voice. The mask had been broken, therefore the voice synthesizer that made his voice sound so unnatural was too. "It would be a shame if it got burnt." He struggled to get back on his feet. "You broke my mask, so its only natural that I scorch your coat." he said. Somehow, his natural voice felt much more menacing than when it was processed through the synthesizer. Much more... scarier. He fired a ball of white fire with a little of the heat he had left at the man in the coat. "You killed my friend." he said, firing another ball of this time redder fire. "You desecrate the land, making mutants fall ill because of your sickening snow..." He fired another, this time blue, fireball at the man in the coat. "And you expect me to believe you?!" He said. He advanced until he was just 3 feet from the man. He lifted his hand and grabbed the mans face. He felt the heat gush from his body, leaving him with just enough to warm the mans face instead of scorching it. He crumbled to the black ground, muttering a 'yes'.

@The Gil
"You'll feel... Alive!". The black coated man placed his hands softly on the face of VECTOR. Black veins covered the head of the agent. A smile took over the face of the man in the black coat. "You are whole now. It is all fire". VECTOR felt sick, but better than he ever he was. He felt his blood turning to molten lava, running boiled through his veins. The veins over his face turned to an incandescent orange color. The man in the black coat laughed before turning his body in a black blizzard wind, vanishing away.
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Irene grasped as she saw what VECTOR had become from afar. Swallowing hard, she looked to Kizaru and shook her head at his offer.

"No thanks, flash. I have a feeling its about to get hot." She mumbled, biting a pale bluish bottom lip, as she crystal spread and dispersed as if her body was itself unsure of what to do but on guard.

"He, hot head..? VECTOR? You alright over there?"
"Are you saying Pyro is about comeback and attack us? That would be pretty stupid of him to challenge me again. If it does turn into a fight I want you to stand back incase I use Absolute Lighr again. I won't kill him but an inch of life is all I'll give him. The humans will then make an example out ot him causing the collaspe of the QART. It'd be good if Pyro did become the enemy when you look at the long run!" Kizaru said. He tossed off his own thermal suit and change his Light Aura to produce the necessary amount of heat to keep him warm for the moment.
Irene sighed and shook her head.

"Im not gonna hurt him.. or let you. Not like you could do too much to me when im on defense." She kept vloser to the flaming man and made it so she was nolonger giving off energy. It made things colder but she wanted to prove her concern. She slipped out of the form and to human with slight mental consolling, promising herself she would be on guard and okay.

As she came closer, her frown deepened.

"Hey.. did that man hurt you?"
"Ummm..... I not sure that's unavoidable." Kizaru said staying back nonetheless. But he's prepared to pounce if the Pyro attacked. "Elf Porter! Elf Portaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Get out here in a thermal suit! You're missing all the action." Kizaru shouted to the shed. His cloak of Heat Light took on a more flame like resemblance, he thought it went good with it's heat light function to look the part.

VECTOR lay on the ground, the black snow melting around him. He had a splitting headache, but he was feeling amazing otherwise. His body felt hot, very comforting in a way. He'd never know what the cold felt like again. His eyes opened, emitting a strong white light again. He grinned and started to chuckle. He pulled another gas mask from his backpack and strapped it on, pulling the heat resistant hood over his head. As the lenses of the gas mask started emanating the same white light, he hunched over and started to laugh, increasing to a hysterical laugh. He looked at Irene, still in that hunched over pose. "Hurt me? Hurt me? Noooooo... no. He didn't hurt me... he made me whole... I am one with the flames of hell... I am one with fire!" He laughed again, and then stopped. He looked at Irene, a feral stare under the mask.

@Bea Delaine
Irenes frown turned to an undescribable look. She gave a serious glare at her bright companion.

"Stay out of this or ill kill everyone here.. got it?"

She had to keep the situation contained as she changed back into her crystal defensive form.

"Hey hot head.. what did you do to yourself huh? Come here and touch me." She said slowly, having an idea.

She could absorb some of his energy that seemed to be heat. Get him to exhaust and think clearly. The worst that could happen is she could crack.. but that was manageable.
Kizaru thought for a moment what Irene said. Well it was only him, Pyro, and Elf Porter. That threat sure came up empty. Kizaru said "Don't mind if you try!" He turned to look at Pyro. "Hey Pyro, got a power up. Why don't you come over here and have real fight. It's obvious you failed to capture that man who killed your friend, you failed you hot head!" Kizaru shouted to him. He moved to stand between Irene and the Pyro. He was onguard even against Irene now. He honestly couldn't let Pyro turn her into obsidian, Wonderland and the world needs her. But something about what the Pyro said got to him. Could this be the third party? Kizaru just didn't know but what he does know is that Pyro is not in the right mind and needs to be taken down.
Irene turned around slowly, not wanting to prevoke the now feril VECTOR. For now, all she could do was let him... cool off in a matter of speaking. She knew that Flashy boy wouldnt let her have her way and it seemed even though she could do the most in this situation she felt too helpless.

The white haired girl ran into the cabin and scowled.

"Advocate. Seems we have to wait things out, hm?" She said, nolonger in the mood for nicknames.
Advocate looked up to see Irene having walked in. "Heh. Yeah. I guess. Wow. I can't believe I nearly froze to death just for a couple bucks. Fuck." He stood up from his seat, and looked at Irene. "Hey, uh, did you find the others? Arthur, Jack, VECTOR?"

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