Glade University

Fading Shadow

On the Run as always
Dear Student,

Please accept my congratulations on your acceptance to Glade University. I want to welcome you into a college community that cherishes the life of the mind but also seeks to link the spirit of inquiry to public service and engagement with life in society.

When you arrive at Glade, the Language and Thinking Program and First-Year Seminar in particular will encourage you to take your place in an outstanding student body working with a fine faculty whose commitment to teaching and scholarship is remarkable.

Glade regards learning as a joy. As the Roman philosopher Seneca put it, true joy is a serious thing. But we also believe that institutions of higher education have a duty to address problems that affect our country and the world, particularly in the realm of education. That belief is manifest in programs such as the Glade Prison Initiative, which restores opportunities for higher education for inmates, and the Glade High School Early College in Fort Worth, Texas, public schools that rethink the traditional model of high school education.

I am sure each of you will flourish in your college years. The purpose of a college education is to reframe your ambitions, heighten your expectations, and place yourself on the path to realizing your highest aspirations. What you accomplish in college is far more important than where you go. I again congratulate you on being admitted to Glade. And I assure you that at Glade, I and my colleagues will do everything in our power to make sure that you have the most challenging and constructive experience we can provide.

With best wishes, I am,

Carter Brodie-Sangster


  • Keep Relationships Pg-13
  • Keep cussing at Pg-13 Level, so no random f-bombs
  • 2 Characters Maximum!
  • All RPN rules apply!
  • No Godmodding
  • No Mary Sues, or Gary Stus!
  • No OOC in the IC area!
  • No OneLiners!
  • Have Fun!

*You will get up to three warnings, then you are kicked from the roleplay*

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