Ghost Hardware




Character Sheet:







[Past and Present: Before Reintegration and After. 2 Paragraphs.]


[Ghost or Human]


[Realistic / Gifs Welcome]


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Blair King









Blair is quite the character. She appears to be sweet and caring, when in reality is quite the opposite. No one who has ever met her seem to know anything about her. In other words she tends to be secretive, appearing to feel very uncomfortable when asked about her past. Not even her own friends know how she is feeling most of the time. Though quiet around strangers it doesn't take long for sarcastic comments to come flowing out of her mouth. She is extremely perceptive and will usually judge a person the second she meets them. Usually being a good judge of character anyways. She avoids people who may have a negative affect on her life, not that its perfect in any way. She smokes, is covered in tattoos, and is overall not a very sweet and selfless person.


Blair was young, probably too young when she agreed to do the program. She had a bright future ahead of her, well, that's what people said. In reality she wasn't going to go to college and get a good job, those were all lies. Her whole life was one big lie, who she was, what she wanted to do. She spent her entire high school faking. Pretending to be nice just to be popular or get attention. Since she had no real plans for the future she thought, why not join the 'Reintegration' program?

She was her, but she wasn't her. She could feel, but she could not feel. Being this thing was not her intention at all. Why did she do this? Oh, yeah, her life would amount to nothing anyways. Blair went back and forth like this a lot. She regretted being a ghost, but loved it at the same time. It was an odd mix of feelings and emotions that went through her brain after she had been 'transformed.' There was no going back now. What's the worst thing that could happen anyways? She did this to avoid life, when she has to live life anyways. Just this time, as a ghost.






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Name: Sven Helson

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual


Sven isn't particularly outgoing. When he has free time, it's spent either painting or sculpting. A lot of his artwork collects dust in his room. The pieces he's really proud of he sells for spending money. His day job, working the till at a whole foods store, is just what he wants: it pays the bills and doesn't ask much of him. All told, Sven is very meek and speaks little. He's unsettlingly perceptive, however, as he observes things others might miss during conversation.


Sven grew up in the suburbs of Reykjavik. He had few friends, and only hung out with them occasionally. A small following developed in both elementary and middle school regarding his skill at art, with people regularly requesting his talents for projects. Over time his reclusive nature relaxed as he realized it was a great way to both make friends and money, which could in turn purchase more art supplies. Then everything changed when the teachers found out. He saw it as helping friends and receiving equal compensation; they saw it as cheating. He was heavily reprimanded and from that day forward he refused to associate with almost anybody.

This extended to the Reintegration program. Sven had no interest in talking with his partner, since he was forced into the situation to begin with. He kept to his side of the room, items clearly organized to stay exactly within his 50%, and tried his best never to talk. As often as he could, he would leave the apartment and sketch in the public gardens, observing things away from anyone who would try to talk to him.





Name: Diana Siren Morgan

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


She acts sassy and mean-hearted but she is actually a sweetheart. Her real personality is that of a sweet, shy, loyal, and very trusting young woman. She acts the way she does because she has been hurt and betrayed once, so she gives an act to make others think twice before trying to attack her, or trust her. She is also very wise and she notices things, so its hard to get one over her once she thinks something up.


Diana was a child of seven children and the only girl among them, she was the "Wendy" of their little tribe. There was many happy years with her family until bad luck came pouring down. Her youngest brother, Peter, became very ill with something that the doctors hadn't seen before. With her brother's health rapidly failing, her family became tight with money and started to get money from illegal means. That ended with them apart and her brother dead from someone backstabbing her. After that, she lived her life saving up money and living life on the edge under a new persona she crafted until she was jailed. She was offered to join the program as a way to get out of jail faster and she agreed. A month in, she still hadn't seen anything of her "partner" of the "Reintegration Program" but she feels like something is off. How they asked certain questions of her made her wonder if this was a program to help people or to pair them off. The answers she did get made her very wary of the staff that lived with them. She hopes that her "partner" in this program is normal, but she wishes that she could lock her bedroom door.

Species: Human


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