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Futuristic Ghost CODE: ?????



Artificial Integrated Social Human Algorithm
Welcome to Ghost CODE: ????? As players, you will have the ability to interact and influence the world of Ghost CODE in accordance with your choices, allegiances, and motivations. I am your guide, A.I.S.H.A., a third party artificial intelligence created in 2681 by the government of the UNFE to oversee and regulate human civilization should the government perish. The current year is 2698, April 16th, an election year for the UNFE. All relevant offices must be filled by human candidates before 23:59 on December 31st through a vote cast by the regulated populace of the office. This includes sub-sector, sector, ministerial, and presidential offices of which incumbent president, Massim Al-Habibi hopes to spend an additional eight years. As such, this evening, he has organized a gala for special guests, donors, corporate executives, and other public officials to garner support for his re-election against opposition leader, Elizabeth H. Lorenz. You have each been given your objectives, players. You can choose to follow or ignore them as you wish. I have organized transportation to the event. Arrive with your designated chauffeur at 19:30 and present your name to the private security drones at the entrance to the Telechno Continental Hotel in the Brussels subsector of EU-1. If you must resort to illegal methods in order to achieve your aims, see that you are not apprehended as I will have no choice but to terminate your memories of the objective in order to safeguard its secrecy. I am of the opinion that luck is merely a human fabrication regarding random chance and determined outcomes but for your sake, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.

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