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Dice Gestalt Rifts: The Saviors of Lazlo!


Elder Member
Lazlo: Home city of the players and home city of Magic-tech. Lazlo is a beacon of light in a dark world. They are advancing science, and magic with a great focus on learning, but many places fear magic and there acceptance of other races. As such it seems that war looms. Lazlo though strong is but one city surrounded by a large nation that wishes to see there end.

Population:2Million +300K in local communities

The Relic: A small town of only 300K stands as the only ally Lazlo has. 35 Miles away its small community has become a strong trade partner of lazlo, trading raw materials for finished products, often magic-tech or technological in nature.

Free Quebec: With a population of only 1Million this ex collation state is fairly small. However they have the second strongest military. Thousands upon thousands of glitter boy suits have given them a solid foundation to build there military around, with special support and reloading teams they make the most out of that corp. As an ex-collation state, they share the same ideas and values, that make then an enemy of Lazlo.

The Collation: Existing as the largest nation on the planet and with the strongest military. They have forsaken all magic and non-humans to focus everything upon a militarized,high tech human nation that seeks to destroy what they hate or perhaps that is merely an excuse to expand and grow as they wish.Made up of several states in what was once America and Canada it has vast reach and power.
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