Gale Morris - RubyRunner


Murder by Numbers 🏳️‍🌈🖥️
Name: Gale Morris / RubyRunner

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Race: Human

Appearance: Somewhat tall with pale skin, brown eyes, and bright crimson hair. She has a slender build and several piercings on each ear. She prefers wearing black, both in person and in the game, though in whatever game she plays she opts for whatever armor has the best stats associated with it. Gale always attempts to strike a balance between her sense of style and practicality.

History: Gale grew up in a rich family, never particularly having to worry about money, but also feeling out of place most of the time. She would often act rebelliously to get attention, which worked to an extent, but not as much as she would have liked. Eventually, the rebellious tendencies simply became part of her identity, and she spent very little time on school and most of it divided between going out with friends to cause trouble and playing games. Games, in particular, held a lot of appeal to Gale because she was able to form whatever identity she wanted to. Pay to play games she had a large advantage in, though eventually, she grew tired of relying on that handicap, and began putting more and more hours into playing and getting good at the various games that interested her.

Personality: Gale has a mischievous personality, and is often blunt and somewhat callous. She does not generally choose her words carefully, except when she's messing with people. One of her most notable talents is to say just the right thing to enrage the person she is talking to. Gale enjoys getting under peoples' skin since it's often the best way to make a lasting impression on them. Additionally, she finds that people lose control when they're angry, which is often to her advantage (especially in an online scenario). She tends to get a lot of hatred for this, though she does have a few friends who she is immensely protective of. Messing with someone who Gale likes causes Gale to become much more serious and aggressive than usual. She likes to joke around, often in a mean-spirited way, but she does have a more sensitive and compassionate side. That side rarely comes out though, particularly since she finds antagonizing people much more enjoyable.

Likes: Videogames, messing with people, reading, indie music, guitar, alcohol, roasting people/people getting roasted, graffiti

Dislikes: Losing, being ignored, being underestimated, sexism/gender roles, snobbery, "high society" activities (opera, art museums, etc), people messing with her friends

Class: Rogue


Strength:  5

Intellect: 6

Agility: 7

Spirit: 5

Constitution: 7

Total: 30

Other: [Picture to be added later on]

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