Frost is Back Again!!!


Insert something quirky here
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Name:  Frost Icarus Marcus  

Nick: The Ice Bandit

Age: 18

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

Personality: Cold, cool, collected

Occupation: Bandit King and Latin dancing Instructor at a club he owns

Status: (Royal, Peasant, Noble): The Bandit King

Crush: (Update please): NOPE!!!!



Height: 5'99

Eye colour: Red

Hair colour: Blue

Pierces: None

Scars: none

Tattoos: none

Interests: To Rob all the Nobles and rich to give to the starving poor in the small towns

Magic: (Dont be op! Limit of two powers!) 

Weather Magic

Can see a full minute in the future if it endangers a comrade's life or his own

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