Frost Icicle


Insert something quirky here
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
(Real World)

Real World Name: Dimitri  Tokugawa

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

(In Game)

User Name: Frost Icicle

Gender: Male


Height: 6'11

Weight: 120

Class: Enchanter

Subclass: Scribe

Race: Half-Alv

Weapons:  The staff in the mans hand also the cloths are what my character where's 


Guild(If Have One): None

(Just Questions not necessary but just to know)

Likes: WIP

Dislikes: WIP

Reason For Playing EnderTales: Has nothing else to do intresting

Crush: none

Bio: TBR


(This Is Important!!!!)

- Everyone starts at level 10 kk? If you want to try something PM me please

- Appearance in the real world is not important it's inside a mmorpg

- Also Everyone Can Check the classes and Sub-classes and Races in the other thread in the character sheet menu!!!

-Create someone who is not OP please It's annoying

-But Create someone amazing!!!


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