• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Graded [Frontier] Tribulation – A Precise Last Shift (Amanda's Tribulation of Precision)

Prelude ~ "Before Adversity Strikes Love"; D-Grade Trial – Precision


Great Maiden's Blush
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Time: 3:32
Weather: The air is cold and damp, fog obscures sight, the sky is clear with an ungentle breeze.
Location: The See of Fae, Northern Border Between the Eastern Empire near Ryke, A Nameless Forest

  • Goal Of Tribulation:
    Amanda Uasal Uasal aims to succeed the following C~S letter grade trials in order to attain [Precision S]. Either triumph, an eternal reminder of Amanda's attempt at achieving greatness or death awaits.
    Language Keys:

    Please remember to use the following when speaking a language. To understand what other characters are saying, Amanda must possess the [Language] skill associated with the spoken language, other wise the text will be redacted.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • {"Sylvan"}
    1. Advanced Rules are in effect
    2. Each round will move at a 72 hour pace, if the player is not able to post within that time limit without a stated reason, then the character shall be adversely affected.
    3. Amanda is at risk and capable of dying within this RP.
    4. Amanda is at risk and capable of being maimed within this RP.
    5. If you have fun, then I'm probably doing this wrong, but have fun! ^^

Art by Johannes Roots on ArtStation
Forest of the Fey Folk
All ordinary humans who entered the See of Fae's endless forests all became fey, as in, destined to soon die. Afterall, many fae were very unfond of the species of hairless apes; but to call humans apes was an insult to apes, which the [Fae] would consider much more adorable compared to humans. Apes did not have the audacity to attempt things beyond them.

Amanda should have reconsidered this trek, she was seven times more fey than the average fool—and she was not particularly average. This was because not only did she enter the endless forests of Chearon, but she was also bordering the Eastern Empire which soldiers dared to wander into in an attempt to seize and kill fae to forcibly expand their territory. Not only that, as Amanda did hear from a foreign noblewoman with a strange accent—there were rumours of a much too ancient sepulchre of the Fae, which does not hold something dead and instead something... Resting.

It was said to be laying dormant within a place where water falls and rises, where spring stays eternally under twilight, where a nightingale stays ever silent and a smiling cat sings whilst hopping on the air and water. However, this place was also rumoured to be the reason for various casualties of otenzian scouts and soldiers... However, these were all baseless rumours and nothing entirely concrete.

The scenery of her environment was green, the woods jaggedly outlined something that was not a path but just a passage to walk through. The ever lush trees allowed the sun to scarcely shine through their whistling leaves and the wet smell of mist accompanied by the floral aroma, dirt and stone all coalesced into the air. It was strangely silent, not a butterfly flew by and not an ant climbed the bark of the trees. Not a bird sang its song and not a bird was in sight. Low-lying flowers in every colour Amanda could see gently swayed their petals in the breeze.

The floor that Amanda trekked upon was not very flat and easy to manoeuvre. Rocks and stones of various sizes, with sharp or round and unstable forms, covered the floor which itself was either like mud or dried hard dirt. Massive trees which had long since fallen were like hurdles on racetrack for horses and all the thickets had very sharp and unforgiving briar. She could easily slip on a wet rock, or be pulled to the floor but a thick briar lay low, and that was just beneath her.

Branches regularly hung in her face, and the trees she didn't know the names of had draping leaves and vines which made one's skin itch. It was as though Ivy was constantly hanging in her face. Watching where she stepped and watching what was in front of her was very important now, after all, if she slipped and fell... Who knows what she would fall into. [Trial I: Precision Based – D-Grade]

Either way, the main task at hand was first to find this ancient sepulchre by navigating past these winding excuses of a path. There were many ways to follow, perhaps following the white-spotted blue mushrooms which made somewhat... some kind of a semblance of a path. That strange scratching sound came from somewhere, or maybe the sound of running or flowing water that came from elsewhere.
Last edited by a moderator:
~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni, Nomad, Crafter, Singularity Known

Amanda decided to follow the mysterious sound of running water. It resonated softly through the dense foliage, creating an eerie yet alluring melody in the otherwise silent forest. The tales she had heard about the ancient sepulcher often mentioned the presence of water, be it mist, springs, or flowing streams.

As she trod carefully through the uneven terrain, she decided it best to create a divining rod in order to enhance her navigation. The rod, with her skilled craftsmanship, would act as a guide, reacting to the proximity of water. The material she used was a combination of the wood that lay around the area, it was by no means a very extravagant piece of craftsmanship, but it would hopefully serve its purpose nonetheless. The Fae were often associated with magic that tricked one's senses, having this tool accompany her on the search for the water's edge would quite possibly save her from such a prank of the mind. After all, who could say the water she was hearing was real to begin with?

Was this paranoia? Maybe, but better to be safe than sorry, this was, after all, a land at war.

Still, if this sepulcher contained a relic worth studying it was worth the risk. Amanda had reached a bottleneck in her crafting skill. She had seen the wonderous craft of a civilization long passed. Amanda knew she could do better, she knew her skills paled in comparison to her legendary craftswoman title. She needed to become a [Master] in her own right. She needed to secure a relic she could study, dismantle, and replicate with her own hands. If she could do that she felt she could make the break through needed to reach the next level.

With determination, she pressed forward. [Ambitious]

HP: 4 (C Grade Character)
Light Armour: 5 (B Grade)

Actions: 2/3

1. Creation - [Artificer D] - Used her skills in artificing to create a dowsing rod to better navigate toward the running water. - D Grade, 3 post cooldown. Effectiveness: Precision A + Artificing tools B + Ability D = 14 effectiveness
2. Movement, Moves toward the water while using dowsing rod. (Combo)


B- Ready
D- 3 Posts Remain
B- Ready
C- Ready
D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
B- Ready
C- Ready
D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
Chrono-Disruptor Gauntlet
B- Ready

Faynorae Faynorae
Act I, Scene I – "Take not what is not yours," Trial II – Precision C-Grade
Time: 3:36
Weather: The air is cold and damp, fog obscures sight, the sky is clear with an ungentle breeze.
Location: The See of Fae, Northern Border Between the Eastern Empire near Ryke, A Nameless Forest

  • Goal Of Tribulation:
    Amanda Uasal Uasal aims to succeed the following C~S letter grade trials in order to attain [Precision S]. Either triumph, an eternal reminder of Amanda's attempt at achieving greatness or death awaits.
    Language Keys:

    Please remember to use the following when speaking a language. To understand what other characters are saying, Amanda must possess the [Language] skill associated with the spoken language, other wise the text will be redacted.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • {"Sylvan"}
    1. Advanced Rules are in effect
    2. Each round will move at a 72 hour pace, if the player is not able to post within that time limit without a stated reason, then the character shall be adversely affected.
    3. Amanda is at risk and capable of dying within this RP.
    4. Amanda is at risk and capable of being maimed within this RP.
    5. If you have fun, then I'm probably doing this wrong, but have fun! ^^

johannes-roots-elvenforest3dsmall - Copy.jpg
Original Art by Johannes Roots on ArtStation (Edited)
Weird Waters
The first action, the action which shall decide the course of each and every other action to come. Was it the right decision? Amanda shall hold that judgement as her dowsing rod was made.

Despite being unlovely made, it still somehow looked quite beautiful... It was a strange feeling, when was making the rod with the wood, it felt almost as though they squirmed ever so subtly, pulsating like a heart and breathing like a lung. It was as wood would feel, yet it also felt as warm as flushed skin. It felt less like working with wood and more as though working with the organs of a living creature.

The sound of the running water became louder as she seemingly began to become nearer and nearer toward it. The misty grew thicker and the air colder... Before that, did Amanda perhaps ask permission from the forest's keeper before she took what was not hers? She did not, did she? It was a common mistake, humans had a habit of taking what was not meant for them.

Something skipped in the mist, from the tips of unstable stone to the delicate yet dangerous briar stems. "Mmmrow..." It whistled, like an angry feline creature yet it pranced and was tall or taller than a stag. Despite moving like a stag and sounding like some sort of cat, what Amanda would catch glimpses of in the fog was a bright orange like the sun falling into the horizon and sharp talons tearing at tree trunks and stones as it skipped upon each and coming closer and closer to where Amanda stood.

[Trial II: Precision Based – C-Grade]

In front of her, were trees—which seemed to be shifting. The sound of running was very close and the path—though obscured in the wet white mist—was ahead of her. She just had to be careful to be quick enough to not be caught by... Whatever, this thing was; and precise enough to not trip over her own feet and likely descend into something just as threatening to her life as whatever was cross with her.

It was approaching. As it got closer, the path seemed to get weird. Rocks began to jut out, some even seemed as though they began to float. The hanging vines seemed to tremble despite the lack of a breeze and the roots began moving and shifting the earth it laid beneath. Branches were reaching out like spindly hands in the shape of skittering spiders. The barks of the trees seemed to contort and as the branches pointed and outstretched toward her—it was as though they were laughing at her.

Many things were better left avoided, as it seemed that not only the mist would obscure her. The sun's light seemed to dim and become even more scarce than before. Shades of green became blue and the tree's barks became black as lead. Despite all this, creating a divining rod was a good call, as it seemed to still somewhat be able to guide her toward that loud and no somewhat hard-to-hear sound of water.
~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni, Nomad, Crafter, Singularity Known

Amanda marveled at the sudden and drastic transformation of the forest around her. The mist thickened, creating an otherworldly atmosphere as colors shifted and sounds became distorted. The once vibrant greenery now took on eerie shades, and the playful sounds of nature turned into haunting whispers. It was a testament to the potent magic that permeated the ancient woods of Chearon.

The orange creature, with its feline grace and talon-like appendages, continued to prance and skip through the mist. Amanda observed it from afar, recognizing the mystical nature of the forest's denizens. The way the creature interacted with the environment hinted at a deeper connection between the beings and the magical essence that surrounded them.

As Amanda ventured forward, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the unpredictable nature of the fey realm. The floating rocks, trembling vines, and contorting tree barks were all testament to the whimsical yet perilous magic that flowed through the very fabric of Chearon's endless forests.

Internally praising the magic of the forest, Amanda continued to follow the guidance of her divining rod. The sound of running water served as a constant beacon, guiding her through the enchanted maze. She marveled at how quickly the environment responded to the presence of the fey, adapting and shifting in a display of both beauty and danger.

The orange creature seemed to dance between the distorted trees, its movements almost synchronized with the changing hues of the surroundings. Amanda maintained a safe distance, wary of the fey's unpredictable behavior. In the realm of Chearon, appearances could be deceiving, and every creature had its own set of rules.

Returning her focus to the path ahead, Amanda relied on her newly crafted divining rod to guide her with each step. The misty surroundings created an illusion of uncertainty, and she couldn't afford to lose her way in this magical labyrinth. As an adept Artificer, she used her keen sense of magical alignment to detect potential traps or dangers along her chosen path. [Expert Artificer] [Strategist]

[Trial II: Precision Based – C-Grade]

The path ahead seemed to challenge her with its shifting terrain. Rocks jutted out, some floating mysteriously, and the vines trembled as if alive. The contorted branches reached out like mischievous hands, and the roots beneath the shifting earth seemed to mock her progress.

Amanda remained focused and determined, utilizing her divining rod to lead her through the ethereal landscape. The magical resonance of her crafted tool would hopefully allow her to discern the safest route, while she actively tried to avoid the treacherous obstacles that seemed to materialize from the whims of the fey.

"This is starting to get really interesting! Haha! Yes, there has to be an artifact here, I can smell it!"

HP: 4 (C Grade Character)
Light Armour: 5 (B Grade)

Actions: 3/3

1. Observation - [Artificer C], [Enchanting C] - Used her skills in Artificing and Enchanting to observe and attempted to avoid any magical trickery that may have impeded her pathing. - C Grade, 4 post cooldown. Effectiveness: Precision A + Artificing tools B + Ability C = 15 effectiveness
2. Movement, Moves toward the water while using the dowsing rod. (Combo)
3. Defence - Prepairs 'Termopili' to defend against any attacks. Effectiveness: Speed A + 'Termopili' B + Ability N/A = 11 effectiveness


B- Ready
C- 3 Posts Remain
D- 1 Posts Remain (Note a mistake in tracking was made last round. D has a 2-round cooldown, not 3)

B- Ready
C- Ready
D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
B- Ready
C- Ready
D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
Chrono-Disruptor Gauntlet
B- Ready

Faynorae Faynorae
Act I, Scene II – "An Unsinging Nightingale," Trial III – Precision C-Grade
Time: 3:40 ~ ??:?? (Twilight shrouds the area)
Weather: The air is cold and damp, fog limits sight, and the sky is impossible to see.
Location: The See of Fae, Northern Border Between the Eastern Empire near Ryke, A Nowhere Valley of the Nameless Forest

  • Goal Of Tribulation:
    Amanda Uasal Uasal aims to succeed the following C~S letter grade trials in order to attain [Precision S]. Either triumph, an eternal reminder of Amanda's attempt at achieving greatness or death awaits.
    Language Keys:

    Please remember to use the following when speaking a language. To understand what other characters are saying, Amanda must possess the [Language] skill associated with the spoken language, other wise the text will be redacted.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • {"Sylvan"}
    1. Advanced Rules are in effect
    2. Each round will move at a 72 hour pace, if the player is not able to post within that time limit without a stated reason, then the character shall be adversely affected.
    3. Amanda is at risk and capable of dying within this RP.
    4. Amanda is at risk and capable of being maimed within this RP.
    5. If you have fun, then I'm probably doing this wrong, but have fun! ^^

Weird Waters
As she treaded amongst the shifting path of vines and unfurling roots, laughing trees and floating stones; She'd feel the mana that stayed thick on the air of the mist. This mist was unnatural. The evermoving path itself wasn't even reacting to her, or trying to pull upon her and impede her steps—rather, it felt as though the forest was pulling itself into the creature which was attempting to have Amanda caught.

Her steps and the use of being directed with the dowsing rod were more than helpful to Amanda. What was not helpful, was the lake before her with its stream of falling waters which would block Amanda's immediate path. Not that she had the chance to do much, as all of a sudden a heavy pushed unto her.

It was fortunate that Amanda had prepared her shield, two large eyes like marbles peered wide open at her. Its sudden pounce sent them both falling into the lake—which was no lake in the first place, as they would immediately pass through a brief layer of cold and down they fell into the open air. The hues of green returned as twilight shrouded the creature and Amanda. Its talons pierced into her aegis (Light Armor [Termopili] B(5) has been damaged! Light Armor [Termopili] B(5) reduced to D-Grade(3)) as it lifted its foreleg to grab the [Dowsing Rod] (Item has been lost; [Dowsng Rod]) that Amanda had made before jumping off.

The result of that, for Amanda, was being pushed into a quicker and harder fall onto the hard ground. Luckily, she didn't land on sharp stones or thick briar—rather just hard-level ground. (Damaged! Amanda has sustained 2-Hitpoint of damage.) She was lucky, if she had fallen a few metres to the left she would have likely died from the great impact and height of falling alone. Meanwhile, the culprit pranced and stood across from her, "Mmmrowww..." The creature growled low, as it stood a fair few metres away from Amanda. It didn't seem very interested in her, rather, it gnawed on the [Divining Rod] which she had made. It was grey like stone—yet like a dandelion, an orange mane surrounded its face like bundles of bright petals, it almost moved strangely too, as if it were a flower hanging from a thin stem dangling in the winds. Its ears twitched and it opened its maw wide, revealing thousands of sharp yellow teeth; and crunched onto the branch.

robbliss - loveless.jpg
Original Art by Rob Bliss
[Trial III: Precision Based – C-Grade]
If Amanda would take her eyes off the strange chimerical creature which acted like a cat, she would come to notice the sudden beauty of the scenery around her. Each hill peak was crested in lush greens; the ruby colour of flowers' petals brightly dancing as though there were a constant breeze.

Original Art by Johannes Roots on ArtStation
Water clear as sapphire jewels streamed through to a wide waterfall, and when Amanda traced her eyes where the stream came from, she'd see how the waters seemed to reach and drape from the fog like curtains as if they were falling upward instead of down. This place seemed to match that rumoured description, yet she saw no such sepulchre.

The whispers grew louder, and she noticed a bright emerald green bird sitting on a stone protruding out from the lush green. It was very still....? No, it was no bird, but a sculpture that was shaped like a bird, a nightingale. Crevices in its wings made it seem as though they could spin, it sat at the edge of the cliffside at which Amanda was situated, pointing its head at the distant large waterfall which let heavy waves fall as though they could crush a person.

The statuette's beak had hinges but was tightly shut. There seemed to be some sort of small hatch on the statuette's breast and an intricately designed wind-up key of intertwining roots and stone stuck out on the statuette's back. Despite this, winding up the bird seemed to do nothing at all beside create a klinking and klanging mess of noises which reverberated from within the statuette.
~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni, Nomad, Crafter, Singularity Known

Amanda took a moment to absorb the surreal beauty surrounding her. The enchanting scene painted by the emerald green bird statuette, the cascading waterfall with its peculiar upward-falling waters, and the lush greenery of Chearon's endless forests created an atmosphere that surpassed her expectations.

"This is... truly remarkable," Amanda murmured to herself, her eyes wandering across the picturesque landscape. "I never imagined such a breathtaking scene could be hidden within a lake, or more accurately, beneath it. The mysteries of Chearon's forests seem to unfold with each step, revealing wonders beyond conventional understanding."

As she marveled at the ethereal environment, Amanda couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence for the magical realm she found herself in. The fey, with their penchant for enchantment and illusion, had crafted a sanctuary that defied the expectations of the ordinary world.

Despite the danger that lurked in the form of the chimerical creature nearby, Amanda couldn't deny the allure of the mystical surroundings.

Amanda swiftly reached into her bag, pulling out a Mythril fabrication gun kit and assembling it with practiced efficiency. The device took shape in her hands, a combination of sleek metal and carefully arranged spare parts. However, this was not just a standard fabrication gun; Amanda intended to enchant it to enhance its capabilities. [Expert Tinkerer] [Expert Artificer] [Expert Enchanter] [Crafter]

Focusing her mana and tapping into her knowledge of enchantments, Amanda intricately wove magical threads around the fabrication gun. The enchantment she cast imbued the device with heightened precision and efficiency, ensuring it would function flawlessly in her skilled hands.

With the enchantment complete, Amanda turned her attention to the statuette of the nightingale. The intricacies of the sculpture fascinated her, and she couldn't resist the urge to mend the seemingly broken enchantment within.

Examining the small hatch on the statuette's breast, Amanda carefully opened it, revealing the internal workings of the intricate device. The winding mechanism, composed of intertwining roots and stone, seemed to be the source of the issue. She gently turned the key, observing the clinking and clanging mess of noises that emanated from within.

Taking a closer look, Amanda identified the areas that required attention. With her fabrication gun now enchanted for enhanced precision, she meticulously worked on repairing the statuette.

With her back aching though she took a brake thereafter to heal herself and the creature that had followed her down, or rather forced her down here in the first place. Afterall, it might have been hurt too and it was one way to show she was no threat.

HP: 2 (C Grade Character)
Light Armour: 3 (D Grade)

Actions: 3/3

1. Creation - [Tinkerer], [Artificer C], [Enchanting C], [MAGNUM OPUS] - Used her skills in Artificing and Enchanting to Create and enchant a Mythril fabrication gun - B Grade, 5 post cooldown. Effectiveness: Precision A + Artificing tools B + Ability B = 16 effectiveness

2. Repair - [Artificer C], [Tinkerer C], [Metalwork C], [Woodwork C], [Fighting Style E], [Range F],[Targets F (Statue and mechanisms within)], [Lucky E] - Attempted to repair the statue with her Fabrication Gun. - C Grade, 4 Post Cooldown. Effectiveness: Precision A + Fabrication Gun + Ability C = 15 effectiveness (combo with action 1) + Lucky (+1 effectiveness)

3. Heal - [Heal F], [Fighting Style E], [Range F], [Targets F (Amanda and the Creature)] - Using the healing function on her fabrication gun Amanda attempts to heal herself and the creature. - E Grade, 1 post Cooldown. Effectiveness: Precision A + Fabrication Gun B + Ability E = 13 effectiveness


Lucky Count - 2/2 Remain
B- 4 Posts Remain
C- 2 Posts Remain

D- Ready
B- Ready
C- Ready
D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
B- Ready
C- Ready
D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
Chrono-Disruptor Gauntlet
B- 4 Posts Remain

Fabrication Gun (Magnum Opus, Not intended to be kept)
Core 1 - Artisan (Tinkerer) B
Core 2 - Artisan (Metalworker) B
Core 3 - Artisan (Woodworker) B
Core 4 - Artisan (Artificer) B
Core 5 - Fighting Style E ( Range F, Targets F ), Lucky E, Heal F.
Lucky Count - 3/4 remain
B- Ready
C- 3 Posts Remain
D- Ready
E- 1 Post Remains
F- Ready
Faynorae Faynorae
Act I, Scene III – "Floating Stones and Steps Unfloating," Trial IV – Precision B-Grade
Time: ??:?? (Twilight shrouds the area)
Weather: The air is cold and damp, fog limits sight, and the sky is impossible to see.
Location: The See of Fae, Northern Border Between the Eastern Empire near Ryke, A Nowhere Valley of the Nameless Forest

  • Goal Of Tribulation:
    Amanda Uasal Uasal aims to succeed the following C~S letter grade trials in order to attain [Precision S]. Either triumph, an eternal reminder of Amanda's attempt at achieving greatness or death awaits.
    Language Keys:

    Please remember to use the following when speaking a language. To understand what other characters are saying, Amanda must possess the [Language] skill associated with the spoken language, other wise the text will be redacted.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • {"Sylvan"}
    1. Advanced Rules are in effect
    2. Each round will move at a 72 hour pace, if the player is not able to post within that time limit without a stated reason, then the character shall be adversely affected.
    3. Amanda is at risk and capable of dying within this RP.
    4. Amanda is at risk and capable of being maimed within this RP.
    5. If you have fun, then I'm probably doing this wrong, but have fun! ^^
Original Art by Johannes Roots on ArtStation
Weird Waters
Amanda, even with her extraordinary knowledge of the arts of artifice and enchantment, would be rather dumbfounded by the statuette's internal operations. Things which made simply no sense to her seemed to clutter what she could determine was some sort of music box.

Braided vines of stone seemed to connect unto different surfaces inside of the cavity, seeming quite random; A single roughly cut and worn sapphire jewel lay prone inside of the statuette and hard, seemingly wood or dried fruit-like bits in the shapes of stars seemed to be melded onto each other; almost seemingly like gears. White flowers grew inside, and incandescent strands of light hung limply attached to the jewel. They flickered and blinked before going dim withinside the statuette.

Using the [Fabrication Gun], Amanda would work on restoring the overwound apparatus, flowers were plucked and cut out; The jewel was delicately polished and more finely cut, removing its rough edges; the strange strings attached the jewels, were interwoven and tightened around the braided stone, lifting the jewel and suspending it in the air. The stars were cut out and unmolded together... Somehow, it all began to resemble a kind of mobile hung over a cradle.

Closing the hatch, assuming Amanda wound up the key on the statuette's back again; the hinges on its beak opened and its wings lifted to frantically and somewhat inelegantly flap and flail like a child dancing—yet what it lacked in elegant cadence it made up for in the new sound it produced.

Sings the Nightingale
As the artistically shaped music box "sings" the scenery Amanda bore witness began to shift. The ground far beneath the cliffside tore from their earthly beds and lifted themselves to the air; floating apart like clouds. They were too wide a step for Amanda to simply hop along, however...

The large waterfall seemed to be opening like a curtain revealing a grand stage, yet instead, framed dramatically in cascades of glistening water was a large and intricate door which Amanda could only barely make out its true decadence from as far as she stood.

robbliss - loveless.jpg
Original Art by Rob Bliss
Amanda's healing for both her and the chimerical creature seemed to only do her fortune, she could feel the aching pain in her back slowly subside (Healed! Amanda has been restored 1-Hitpoint of her health due to Healing F) The orange creature, likely some sort of fae-beast, slowly approached her. Its face was close to hers as it gently greeted her by touching her nose with its own as though the two were cats.

[Trial IV: Precision Based – B-Grade]
It made its way over to the edge of the cliffside and then crouched down. It snapped its head to Amanda and looked at her with its doe-like eyes, expectantly. It was as though the creature was telling her it would give her a ride and help her cross the floating islandnettes which descended like stairs to the large door which was curtained behind the waterfall.

"Mmmrreooow..." It whined impatiently. The chimeric creature seemed perfectly capable of hopping between such steep and long steps... The only real problem was if Amanda could ride the creature effectively. Not to mention, it felt as though she was being watched, scornfully glared at by something other than this feline-like beast.
~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni, Nomad, Crafter, Singularity Known

Amanda, displaying her ingenuity and resourcefulness, quickly set to work with her fabrication gun and the materials at hand. She shaped the trees into sturdy components, wove thick vines into tensioning mechanisms, and assembled an impromptu catapult-like structure. As she meticulously tightened the vines and ensured the stability of her makeshift device.

Seated in the scoop of her improvised catapult, Amanda took a moment to examine her surroundings and the daunting gap that separated her from the floating islands and the grand door framed by the cascading waterfall.

With a determined resolve, Amanda fired a shot from her revolver, triggering the gears and releasing the tension in the vines. The soft bush on the other side of the gap served as a welcomed target for her descent. but would she even make it that far? [Girl on Fire]

HP: 3 (C Grade Character)
Light Armour: 3 (D Grade)

Actions: 3/3

1. Creation - [Artificer B], [Tinkerer B], [Woodwork B], [Fighting Style E], [Range F],[Targets F (Trees in the area)], [Lucky E] - Amanda turned the trees inthe surrounding area into workable parts and assembled them into a catapult with her Fabrication Gun. - B Grade, 4 Post Cooldown. Effectiveness: Precision A + Fabrication Gun + Ability B = 16 effectiveness + Lucky (+1 effectiveness)

2. Movement - into catapult scoop. (Combo with 1)

3. Activation - [Physics D], [Engineering D] - Shot the starting gear to launch herself with the catapult after setting the tightness. C Grade, 4 Post Cooldown. Effectiveness: Precision A + Big Iron B + Ability D = 14 effectiveness. (Combo with 1)


Lucky Count - 2/2 Remain
B- 3 Posts Remain
C- 1 Posts Remain
D- 2 Posts Remain

B- Ready
C- Ready
D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
B- Ready
C- Ready
D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
Chrono-Disruptor Gauntlet
B- 3 Posts Remain

Fabrication Gun (Magnum Opus, Not intended to be kept)
Core 1 - Artisan (Tinkerer) B
Core 2 - Artisan (Metalworker) B
Core 3 - Artisan (Woodworker) B
Core 4 - Artisan (Artificer) B
Core 5 - Fighting Style E ( Range F, Targets F ), Lucky E, Heal F.
Lucky Count - 2/4 remain
B- 4 Posts Remain
C- 2 Posts Remain

D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
Faynorae Faynorae
Last edited:
Act I, Scene IV – "Starlight Shooting Stone from the Air," Trial V – Precision A-Grade
Time: ??:?? (Twilight shrouds the area)
Weather: The air is cold and damp, fog limits sight, and the sky is impossible to see.
Location: Somewhere in the See of the Fae In a Nowhere Valley of a Nameless Forest

  • Goal Of Tribulation:
    Amanda Uasal Uasal aims to succeed the following C~S letter grade trials in order to attain [Precision S]. Either triumph, an eternal reminder of Amanda's attempt at achieving greatness or death awaits.
    Language Keys:

    Please remember to use the following when speaking a language. To understand what other characters are saying, Amanda must possess the [Language] skill associated with the spoken language, other wise the text will be redacted.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • {"Sylvan"}
    1. Advanced Rules are in effect
    2. Each round will move at a 72 hour pace, if the player is not able to post within that time limit without a stated reason, then the character shall be adversely affected.
    3. Amanda is at risk and capable of dying within this RP.
    4. Amanda is at risk and capable of being maimed within this RP.
    5. If you have fun, then I'm probably doing this wrong, but have fun! ^^
Original Art by Johannes Roots on ArtStation
Weird Waters
With the trees' bark and thick vines being braided and woven into what could be used as an effective catapult, it was something that Amanda could make in a relatively short time with the help of her [Fabrication Gun] and with such malleable and cooperative materials.

Suppose one would consider a few hours of constant work as a short amount of time, despite how long it felt it took to make the improvised catapult, the scenery around Amanda remained dyed in the twilight shroud. The beast watched Amanda curiously, its tilted head seeming as though it fell into a position as it stared. Large eyes would follow the movement of Amanda adjusting the aboresque catapult, tracing her hands and how they worked with the [Fabrication Gun] to weave the wood.

While she worked, Amanda felt eyes—other than the beast's—glaring at her, maliciously and cautiously, judging her every movement and hissing every time she broke a branch off a tree and every time she snapped a hanging vine. She felt as though voices, humming a tune of "lae o li o lo, lee o lee o li" as though chanting in a way. It was a nice thing to listen to after the music box's tune, although, if not a bit hostile sounding.

Finally, as she was seated in the scoop of the catapult and when she broke the tension caused by the tied vines, Amanda would feel herself violently flung, flying into the air as though she were lighter than she actually was as if the force and tension were stronger than it was supposed to be. Green leaves and the red petals of the scenery blurred as she flew over floating islands which fell and smashed into the ground with a cacophony of crackling and thuds as she passed them by.

She saw other things as well, small colourful and glittering lights glitzing past her, like shooting stars dancing in a night sky. The humming grew louder and she could vaguely make out various black eyes scornfully glaring at her with wrinkled faces.

Amanda did not seem to take into account what the impact of colliding into a hard surface would do to her frail human body, not seeming to think ahead and use her [Termopili] to help shield her from some of the damage... Luckily, her trajectory sent her plunging into a large shrub of traveller's joys, white and seemingly fluffy flowers. The beast, which was far off and still atop that cliff with the singing machine, seemed to look at Amanda for moments, losing interest and hopping out of Amanda's view.

I'm Not Safe Here.
She was now on the last of the islands the one which was only a few dozen metres near the door, the one which barely floated; being elevated just enough to make it perfectly safe for Amanda to jump off its edge. She was not safe yet however, a gleaming bolt of light flashed near her, bursting out like a firework and turning the blades of grass and flowers at her feet to stone.

[Trial V: Precision Based – A-Grade]

Original Art by k41 (@save.obscure) on Instagram
[Tiny] lithe figures no smaller than a hand, danced in the air far from Amanda's grasp, yet still in a range where she could make out their faces, which bore black eyes which seemed as though staring into an abyss of absolutely nothing. They sang amongst each other in hums and la-lidi-leela-lah-tah's which all meant something that Amanda could not understand. They seemed as though they wanted to leave, they prepared another bolt as they seemed to glitz in the air from one point to another.

colourful blasts of dancing dazzle seemed to leave sparkling trails behind them as they shot toward Amanda at rapid speeds. They stayed far in the air, but still close enough for Amanda to do something about, perchance. They twitched as though being thrown, they wouldn't stay still either.
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~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni, Nomad, Crafter, Singularity Known

As Amanda hurtled through the fey realm, the world around her became a whirl of colors, lights, and mysterious creatures. The chimerical beast, having lost interest after her departure, continued its own explorations on the cliff, leaving Amanda to deal with the challenges on the last floating island.

As she landed in the shrub of traveller's joys, her body cushioned by the fluffy white flowers, Amanda experienced a momentary sense of relief. However, the hostile presence lingered, and the tiny figures with black eyes presented a new threat. The bolts of light they wielded transformed the flora at their whims into stone, revealing their mischievous nature.

Amanda, despite her predicament, remained alert. The tiny figures danced and twirled in the air, their humming and mysterious language surrounding her.

In a desperate move, Amanda decided to use "Judgement," a weapon she had created but never employed in actual combat. The long-barreled weapon, a fusion of destructive magic and enchanting, held the power of pure devastation. It was the only creation of Amanda's that could only bring about destruction. A combination of her skills in enchanting, tinkering and old-world knowledge. It was a gun that fired nuclear warheads for bullets.

Amanda aimed at the tiny figures and unleashed its wrath, sending a bullet hurtling toward them.

The impact created a silent flash of light, quickly followed by the rumbling of the earth and air. The explosion echoed through the fey realm, its aftershock reaching Amanda as she shielded her eyes. The ultimate poison, a destructive force, had been unleashed upon the natural beauty of the fey.

HP: 3 (C Grade Character)
Light Armour: 3 (D Grade)

Actions: 3/3

1. Judgement- [Magic C], [Magic Range D], [Continuing F], [Magic AOE D], [Indirect F],[Penetrating C], [Vorpal] [Blight C (Nuclear)] - Amanda aimed at the tiny figures and unleashed its wrath, sending a bullet hurtling toward them. The bullet detonated creating an aoe Explosion of nuclear damage after hitting one or seeming to have hit one. - C Grade, 3 Post Cooldown. Effectiveness: Precision A + Judgement B + Ability C = 15 effectiveness

2. Lucky Boost - [Lucky F], [Steady Hands F] - Luck blesses this situation - F Grade, 0 Post Cooldown. (Combo with action 1)
Effectiveness: Character Grade C +0 + Ability F = 1 effectiveness + Lucky + Steady Hands to 1st action

3. Defence - Prepairs 'Termopili' to defend against any attacks. Effectiveness: Speed A + 'Termopili' D + Ability N/A = 9 effectiveness


Lucky Count - 1/2 Remain
B- 3 Posts Remain
C- Ready
D- 1 Posts Remain
B- Ready
C- 3 Posts Remain
D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
B- Ready
C- Ready
D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
Chrono-Disruptor Gauntlet
B- 2 Posts Remain

Fabrication Gun (Magnum Opus, Not intended to be kept)
Core 1 - Artisan (Tinkerer) B
Core 2 - Artisan (Metalworker) B
Core 3 - Artisan (Woodworker) B
Core 4 - Artisan (Artificer) B
Core 5 - Fighting Style E ( Range F, Targets F ), Lucky E, Heal F.
Lucky Count - 2/4 remain
B- 3 Posts Remain
C- 1 Posts Remain

D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
Faynorae Faynorae
Last edited:
Act I, Scene IV – "Sublimity Shines Sacredly" Trial VI – Precision A-Grade
Time: ??:??
Weather: The air is cold, and the sky is impossible to see.
Location: Somewhere in the See of the Fae In a Nowhere Valley of a Nameless Forest, Sublime Sepulchre

  • Goal Of Tribulation:
    Amanda Uasal Uasal aims to succeed the following C~S letter grade trials in order to attain [Precision S]. Either triumph, an eternal reminder of Amanda's attempt at achieving greatness or death awaits.
    Language Keys:

    Please remember to use the following when speaking a language. To understand what other characters are saying, Amanda must possess the [Language] skill associated with the spoken language, other wise the text will be redacted.
    • "Common"
    • ["Terran"]
    • {"Sylvan"}
    1. Advanced Rules are in effect
    2. Each round will move at a 72 hour pace, if the player is not able to post within that time limit without a stated reason, then the character shall be adversely affected.
    3. Amanda is at risk and capable of dying within this RP.
    4. Amanda is at risk and capable of being maimed within this RP.
    5. If you have fun, then I'm probably doing this wrong, but have fun! ^^
Original Art by Johannes Roots on ArtStation
I'm Not Safe Here.
To say Amanda's new solution to her problem was cruel, was more than an understatement. The pixies seemed to wince at the dame's strange contraption, it was unlike anything they would see for to them it was some mechanical atrocity which lacked both an aesthetic form and a sturdy structure, unlike the things they had woven.

But it wouldn't matter what they thought, after all, Amanda could not even understand them. Creatures who had lived lives thousands and thousands of years longer than hers, with thoughts beyond her understanding and with visions she could not dare fathom or even bear to dream of; would fade away as if to be nothing at all, due to Amanda's destructive weapon. She was lucky they didn't have time to react, they were plenty fast enough. In that flashing moment, they weren't even dust.

Although, the dame should've thought a bit further for her solution was a bit too effective. Notwithstanding the island's crater which surrounded her; a massive hole was gaping into the trees, allowing light to shine upon the shroud of twilight. First, it was like thousands of raindrops began to fall... Then suddenly a stream of water fell, rushing down and crashing into the valley. Many flowers would be drowned as new lakes were created amongst the lush green.

Debris and massive branches fell from the newly created window into the azure. A falling boulder smashed into Amanda's defences shattering alongst her aegis. (Light Armor [Termopili] D(3) has been broken! For the remainder of the RP, [Termopili] cannot be used to defend from incoming onslaughts.) Amanda would be forced to be hasty and run to that intricate door. Once the massive door loomed over her, even she would need for a moment to marvel.

It was unlike anything she saw, it seemed to be dramatically large for no particular reason, grandeur for the sake grandeur. Ashen tree stems seemed to be interwoven with pearly stones into twirl knotted patterns, which seemed to become more fine and intricate you looked. The crevices were sculpted with the shapes of flowers coming into to blossom, with images of eyes and stars and vines infinitely intertwining in flowery patterns. Symbols she didn't understand, ancient words which only the oldest creatures of this realm would know. It was a kind of overwhelmingly heavy decadence which was too exuberantly indulgent that it was to let your eyes swim in it all for hours and hours on end.

Absurdly, when Amanda would put her palm onto the door, it would immediately open as though it were light and then a board of wood. Despite this, she could see that it was stone and petrified bark and it even felt as solid and yet, as though enchanted by some sort of magic; it easily opened.

wkn fr slb
There were bells ringing as soon as Amanda stepped through the doors, she would immediately become lost, losing the entrance which may have been the only exit as well as she entered the sepulchre. The sound of water left her ears, and the twilight shroud lifted. When she looked up, it seemed as though the ceiling expanded upward infinitely into incandescent radiance, patterns so gently swirling in a manner that Amanda could not comprehend, they were ever so petty stipples of black, like staring into an inverted starry night.

The bells continued to ring as if to beckon, rooms existed without purpose but to be a work of intricate decadence of sculpted and embossed imagery; overgrown with leaves. Spaces without rooms, halls infinitely stretching and then suddenly falling into a new place. Sometimes, Amanda would feel as though she were walking up a wall or falling forward into a new space.

The bells rang frantically—soon, she would enter an utterly massive rotunda. Pillars stretched high into the veil of brightness, they depicted creatures ascending upward a braided staircase, each and every figure on every pillar was uniquely different with subtle stylistic flourishes which indicated a different individual made them. The pillars created a circle around something much... much more....

Like a prison, a prison to something massive but something so large that a human-like Amanda could simply pass through the arches created by the pillars. What it seemed to be was something Amanda could not understand or make sense of. It was made of the same atoms as her; it was otherworldly. It was like skin, like stone and like petals.

A large mass which gleamed over Amanda into the radiance of the sepulchre, it would be no surprise if that radiance WAS this thing. It made the mountains of Paizu seem diminutive, yet it was contained here in a nowhere valley in an impossible structure. It was off, or well, sleeping. She counted four rings intertwined and creaking slowly as they turned at an almost motionless pace; four wings which were made of utmost purity. She wouldn't be able to count the closed boils with slits which made them seem like eyelids, as there were too many for her to count.

What was most perplexing was the burning stone in the centre of the creaking rings, incandescently it burned, absorbing light into a black abyss and then awfully reflecting it in every colour Amanda's eyes could make and every colour her eyes could not make; all at once. The stone was in the shape of some sort of thing in a fetal position. Although, it wasn't something she could understand or something I could explain. Perhaps it was like a torso with four folded legs, or two tangled florescent vines, or four thorns curling into each other as they just out of pursed lips.

[Trial VI: Precision Based – S-Grade]

The bells were ringing constantly, despite there being no bells to ring in sight; they called to Amanda. Her final trial—something that only she could likely do. Could she open this cage? Stepping closer to the arch massive magical circles intertwined with more seals and sigils she could not understand. Something she could understand, somewhat, was [Eight Stone Pedestals] in between the eight arches. Each stone seemed to be some sort of barrier device, with a hatch which each bore an identical seal atop it.


Removing the enchanted hatch revealed the inner workings of the pedestal, which seemed to resemble clockwork—Instead, gears were like large dried badians each enchanted with strange sequences used to keep sealed some specific part of something. The floral stars waltzed as they twisted and turned mesmerizingly, they wound around stone cylinders which seemed to act like screws. All she had to do was turn it off... Somehow.
~Amanda Steelhaven~

High-Human, Legendary Craftswoman of Ryke, Business Expert, Warfare Expert, Agriculture Expert, Architecture Expert, Engineering Expert, Law Expert, Investigation Expert, Mining Expert, Expert Tinkerer, Expert Artificer, Expert Enchanter, Advisor of Caelia, Ambitious, Strategist, Girl on Fire, Flatterer, Celestine Academy Alumni, Nomad, Crafter, Singularity Known

As Amanda stood in the awe-inspiring rotunda, surrounded by towering pillars depicting creatures ascending a braided staircase, she found herself in the presence of something indescribable. The massive, otherworldly being before her, encased in rings and adorned with four wings, seemed both majestic and mysterious. It was a confluence of elements—stone, petals, and burning light—that defied comprehension.

The being absorbed and reflected light in a mesmerizing dance of colors. The intricate details of the being hinted at a complexity beyond Amanda's understanding. The rhythmic creaking of the rings, the multitude of eyelid-like boils, and the burning stone created an atmosphere of both reverence and trepidation.

The constant ringing of bells, though unseen, echoed in the vast space, beckoning Amanda toward the final trial. Before her were eight stone pedestals, each housing intricate clockwork mechanisms adorned with floral stars. The hatches atop these devices bore identical seals, and Amanda sensed that her task was to somehow disable them.

Drawing upon her skills, Amanda opted to use "Judgement." in an attempt to free the being. Backing up 100ft, she aimed the powerful firearm at the centermost point where the pillars aligned. With a steady hand and focused intent, she squeezed the trigger.

The bullet from "Judgement" erupted from the barrel with a flash, hurtling toward the targeted spot with uncanny accuracy. As it struck the centermost point, the magical force unleashed by the weapon rippled through the clockwork and seals.

Amanda had no time to slowly dismantle each and every pillar, no, such a task would take far too long and with the how tricky the fae were. Well who was to say the pillars wouldn't just self repair thereafter. She had one shot. She needed to take all eight pillar mechanisms down in one go. And Judgement gave her the best chance at that. A precise shot aimed at a spot equally far away from each of the pillars. A nuclear force imbued with magic that could, as was evident, eliminate even the toughest of Fae. It had to work.

"Like an emp, this should hopefully disable all the pillars and disrupt the flow of magic in the area long enough for the creature to brake free... Hopefully"

HP: 3 (C Grade Character)

Actions: 3/3

1. Judgement- [Magic B], [Magic Range E], [Continuing F], [Magic AOE E], [Indirect F],[Penetrating C], [Vorpal] [Blight B (Nuclear)] - Amanda attempts to dissable the mechanism with a presice and controlled explosion that will disrupt the magic in the area like an emp - B Grade, 4 Post Cooldown. Effectiveness: Precision A + Judgement B + Ability B = 16 effectiveness

2. Lucky Boost - [Lucky F], [Physics D], [Engineering C], [Architecture C], [Artificing C], [Tinkerer C], [ Enchanting C] - Luck and pure skill blesses this situation - C Grade, 3 Post Cooldown. (Combo with action 1)
Effectiveness: Precision A + 0 + Ability C = 10 effectiveness + Lucky

3. Steady Hands - [Steady Hands F] - Amanda Ensures she keeps her hands steady during this process to be a precise as possible - F Grade, 0 Post Cooldown. (Combo with action 1)
Effectiveness: Precision A + 0 + Ability F = 7 effectiveness + Steady Hands


Lucky Count - 0/2 Remain
B- 2 Posts Remain
C- 3 Posts Remain

D- Ready
B- 4 Posts Remain

C- 2 Posts Remain
D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
B- Ready
C- Ready
D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
Chrono-Disruptor Gauntlet
B- 2 Posts Remain

Fabrication Gun (Magnum Opus, Not intended to be kept)
Core 1 - Artisan (Tinkerer) B
Core 2 - Artisan (Metalworker) B
Core 3 - Artisan (Woodworker) B
Core 4 - Artisan (Artificer) B
Core 5 - Fighting Style E ( Range F, Targets F ), Lucky E, Heal F.
Lucky Count - 2/4 remain
B- 3 Posts Remain
C- 1 Posts Remain

D- Ready
E- Ready
F- Ready
Faynorae Faynorae
Isekai Hell Grade
Faynorae Faynorae Uasal Uasal

A valiant effort, but sometimes these sorts of rp's go this way. But no need to leave empty handed. Things to note: ranged attacks need an aim at some point. The higher the grade of the ranged ability, the higher the grade of the skill used to aim if trying to save on action economy. Should also be noted that artisan skills give tools sufficient for crafting equivalent grade equipment/items, but they do not count for ability effectiveness. Gear skill covers that these days. Artificer artisan can't be used to make items with built in abilities on the fly. In the future, magnum opus should not be enabled in tribs without additional oversight as it doesn't use ability cooldowns and is too flexible for the fairly tailored experience offered by the trib rps. Defense actions should not be made unless an attack is introduced to seen. There is no such thing as setting reactions in IH. At the same time, narrators should not be throwing attacks and damage at premature defenses to justify their use XD I assume some of those were just the calculated damage of the actions presented and liberties were taken in how the damage was delivered. Artisan skills are not good skills to use to make perception type abilities. I noticed some non-precision abilities used in the trib. Generally that stuff takes penalties at the least if not just being ignored for not meeting trib challenge's needs for solution. Artisan skills are not the same as harvesting skills. At the very least there were some more appropriate types of artisans that could better justify their use in that way. The catapult was pretty funny. Aya took mercy on you there.

Amanda wakes up some time after the events of the roleplay in a field outside the forests of the fae see. trying to remember what happened in the forest and how she got to her new location results in splitting headaches and fae laughter.



Faynorae - 56pts (narrator)(trib bonus)

Amanda - 38pts (trib bonus)
acquired mandatory title [Maimed] - Amanda was badly injured and suffers -1 to character grade and -1 grade to any precision or intelligence action that requires her to think or focus. She also has a scar that extends from the top of her head to her face. Whenever she does some thinking or focusing, she hears the music she heard before pounding through her head. Her scar throbs as well. Healing does not relieve this condition. A grade healing or equivalent can remedy her head the curse and scar. Maimed title may be used to narrate your own rp to quest for a healer capable enough to cure or otherwise relieve the mechanical part of the affliction on Amanda. Alternatively, the Maimed title may be used to run an rp where you play out Amanda's affliction and cash the title in for x2 points as if it were a world rp, but doing so will leave Amanda afflicted indefinitely. (does not stack with other point boosting effects)

item acquired [Fae's Cruelty] - a string of sigils that look like the fae language but dating back to something far older makes up the scar on her head and closely inspected. Whenever her head throbs from performing an action that pains her and causes her head to throb, she is able to perform magic which may be frequently out of her control. Gain the ability to perform component less magic of E grade that includes F grade range, duration, targets, aoe, and E grade Elemental Affinity Plant. The scar glows when magic is used. It is unclear when Amanda acquired the scar, but she knows it was acquired during her time in the fae see. The magic and produced and pain inflicted also is accompanied by fae laughter, but who could they be laughing at?

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