[From Heaven to Hell] Naesala, the Fist of Shadow




Overview: Relentless and merciless, Naesala is her mistress's right hand that grasps the future. Unlike her sister, she is less well known but feared, or at least severely respected, by the few that know of her existence.

Personality: A woman obsessed with her duty, her position, the Fist of Shadow sees order in a world bereft of it. She does not take well to those who overstep their stations, and even less so to those who insult her mistress - she cares little for insults towards herself, but is nigh-fanatical in her role to protect Sakuya, and must be held in check often. She attempts to curb herself in order to spare Sakuya the trouble, but has proven herself unable to do so regularly; Naesala struggles between her duty and her desires, and has not yet found an answer.

In person, she is brusque and businesslike, almost to the point of being abrasive, especially to those she believes are acting outside of their station. She routinely aggravates Sakuya with "reminders" and constantly attempts to rouse the sleepy-looking Amnelis into acting her part, but means well. It is both her strength and her weakness. Rather than an emotionless machine, Naesala cares - too much. About the world, her mistress, and while she would rather swallow molten Orihalcum than admit it, her sister. In her own broken way, she even includes much of Creation in her affections, but she is not a pleasant person to be around, she Naesala knows it. Inwardly, she despairs at her inability to close to gap, but she sees herself as a necessary evil, burying her emotions under the ironclad assurance that she must do what is right and take the darker side of her mistress's dream into herself, to spare Sakuya and her sister the pain of lowering themselves to the level of what must be done.

Appearance: Classically beautiful and clad in form-fitting armor, with raven-black hair that seems to reflect light rather than swallow it, Naesala cuts an imposing and memorable figure from the instant ones lays eyes on her. She moves with brusque purpose and practiced certainty, her pose and actions alike speaking volumes of how comfortable she is with her body and with combat, but she favors bursts of intense motion over extended activity and can - and often does - stand eerily still, a living statue that is content to watch and wait until the instant she explodes into a flurry of frenetic motion.

Abilities: More than just a pretty face, the Fist of Shadow is capable of standing toe to toe with Yu-Shan's strongest. Wielding a halberd in one hand and a spiked shield in the other, with a sord at her side, she is a master of weapons and one of the most devastating warriors in Creation, and her tremendous speed and horrifying physical strength have made her an overbearing sparring partner for Sakuya over the years, forcing the goddess to struggle to keep up and in the process accelerating her growth - and when turned into lethal intent, her unique ability to launch herself through time and space ensures that engagement distance is always on her terms during combat; she is capable of closing great distances seemingly instantly, literally catapulting herself through time to accelerate her momentum for even more devastating strikes. Naesala is equally at home with polearm, sword, or her bear hands, themselves perhaps even more lethal weapons than any steel she could bear.

Neither is her raven motif merely for show. Naesala can craft a veritable storm of crows from the shadows, avian projectiles formed of scything essence that cut anything around her to ribbons, and she is capable of transforming parts of her body into rending talons and monstrous claws that amplify her already-tremendous physical prowess. She has never evinced any interest or ability in performing a more complete transformation, and has shied away from the subject when Sakuya brought it up in the past, but the goddess suspects that her handmaiden may not be being entirely forthright with the full list of her abilities.
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