[From Heaven to Hell] Amnelis, the Flower of Heaven






Overview: By far the better known of the Goddess of Wisdom's temporal handmaidens, Amnelis's unique existence ensures that most of the residents of Yu-Shan either recognize her or feel an inexplicable familiarity; they may not have noticed her watching them, or remember the interaction if they did, but she is memorable enough in both appearance and personality to elicit a degree of reaction no matter the case.

Personality: Amnelis is warm and affectionate despite her normally carefully neutral appearance, uninterested in pleasing but eager to bring happiness to others regardless of the cost to herself. She sees her abilities as a blessing, rather than a responsibility, and spends as much time clumsily helping others as accomplishing anything resembling actual work. Much more outgoing than she appears, the Flower of Heaven often strikes up conversation with whoever she is observing at the time, strange affairs in which her unusual outlook, spacey manner of speech, and difficulty sticking with past or present tenses are as memorable as her piercing insight and eccentric outlook.

She speaks quietly but clearly, rarely looking at her conversational partner, but when she does her unblinking, piercing gaze seems to see through people in a way that leaves them feeling naked before her eyes. Whether her tendency to focus on the landscape instead of a conscious decision to avoid disturbing others, or a simple byproduct of her tendency to mentally multitask, is anyone's guess - not even Amnelis knows, answering with little more than a shrug if asked. She has a tendency to initiate physical contact, but no more than touches, which can make her uncomfortable to be around for those with personal bubbles.

Appearance: Quiet and graceful, Amnelis is memorable even without her assorted supernatural paraphernalia. Seemingly caught between childhood and adulthood, she exudes a curious combination of tender fragility and unbending maturity that makes her more than a little offputting, even to those that know her - she is less an adult in a child's body as an anachronistic combination of innocence and experience, couched in the quiet confidence of a god that has known power unadulterated since birth.

At once both surprisingly human and obviously inhuman, Amnelis's body appears entirely human; it is her accouterments that identify her as anything but. The ornate ring of alabaster and gold that floats behind her is perhaps the most obvious, levitating of its own accord as it slowly rotates one way or another, but the network of golden chains that surround and bind much of her body are perhaps more memorable. As slight as her frame is, the golden links are all the more noticeable, though they do not inhibit her movement, moving along with her and coming to life as allies in several of her techniques. Her floral highlights are as much a part of her as the hair they are attached to, though whether they are simple decorations or a part of her is hard to tell - they look so natural they sometimes go entirely unnoticed.

Abilities: Far more than a mere handmaiden, Amnelis is a terrifying combatant in her own right, both resembling and reflecting Sakuya's Power aspect in form and function. Amnelis uses the ring behind her as a focus for many of her mid- to long-range abilities, using it to manipulate light and heat intense enough to vaporize Orihalcum. She also possesses some degree of power over plant life, though it is not her primary focus and is generally used for little more than making flowers bloom to cheer herself up.

Her true power lies within, locked away by the chains that bind her with her own will. If the situation calls for it, they come to life, leaping from her body to entrap foes and leech their power. Far more dangerous is what the loss of her restraints unleashes, a golden glow eerily similar to an anima banner suffusing the area as intense heat emanates from her. Her heat- and light-based abilities skyrocket, but so too does her ability to actually control and alter time rather than simply acting as a traveler; she becomes able to selectively slow time in a wide area around herself, distortions and impossibility alike unraveling in patches around her as she cripples her opponent before obliterating them in the light of judgement.
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