Freedom Lost, paid in blood.


Lovely rose.

Forms for Prisoners

Character Forms (At least a paragraph for personality and Background)

Looks (Description or Picture):

Full Name: (Need Ideas? Go here.)

Actual Age:

Apparent Age:


Species: (Variety please D; So many demons.)




Reason For imprisonment:

How long have you been imprisoned:

3 flaws & 3 Good traits:




Forms for Handlers










My Character(s)


"I haven't decided yet."

Full Name: Haemus Tychus Onhen

"Just getting started."

Actual Age: 1000 years old.

"Gotta love these Genes right?"

Apparent Age: 22

"Last I checked, I was of the male variety. But by all means, check again."

Gender: Male

"I love a good game."

Species: Nogitsune "Trickster Fox"

Personality: Haemus like all nogistunes feeds on the pain and suffering of others. He enjoys playing mind games, and toying with people's emotions. Initially, Haemus comes off rather quiet and demure, rather soft spoken and and sweet tempered. Often you have to listen carefully or you'll miss the morbid things that pass his lips.


Haemus is a 1000 year old Nogitsune, a trickster spirit. He was raised in a small village in the mountains of Norway by his Dam & his Father and like all Nogitsune spawn he was abandoned at the age of 3 and left to fend for himself. When he was a child he looked like your average human being with the exception of curly wisps of lavender hair and pale skin.

His father and Dam were killed by human hunters and all Haemus has left of them is the silver armor his father crafted for his Dam. He cherishes it and keeps it hidden away.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Reason For imprisonment: Initiated world war I, Cannibal.

How long have you been imprisoned: 50 Years

3 flaws & 3 Good traits:

Good Traits:

1. Amazing cook.

2. Observant

3. Brilliant with a whip.



2. His Daughter is a weakness for him.


Mate: -NA-

Children: Has a daughter named Rhayzia, she's 3 years old. He didn't abandoned her per the cultural norm, he hid her away before he was imprisoned. (Nogistune's age slowly so even though it's been 50 years she still looks 3.)

Other: Feeds on the pain of others, A damn good cook, Manipulative.

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Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.a61e835cc012664ca93e2e81228e9721.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.a61e835cc012664ca93e2e81228e9721.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Kira Siphon

Actual Age: 213

Apparent Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Demon, (Specializes in inserting horrifying and insane images into her victims heads which cause them to go insane)

Personality: Usually known as the quick tempered one. Is extremely moody. People tend not to talk to her due to her cruel exterior. Her interior self is confused, lost, scared, and weak.

Background: Was the queen of demons until some other demon came and challenged her to a duel. She couldn't beat the legendary demon's power. Fled from the kingdom and was exiled from the demon realm because she was "weak". Came to the human world to wreak havoc onto the seemingly perfect world. Successfully drove thousands of people insane with brutal images that she inserted into their minds. When the government finally caught on to her they tracked her down and successfully captured her.

Sexuality: Virgin

Reason for Imprisonment: Driving thousands of innocent lives into insanity.

How long have you been imprisoned: 15 Years, since 1999.

3 Flaws:

-Weak to brute force

-Can't penetrate the minds of those who are happy

-Extremely weak to Holy Water, doesn't even have the strength to stand around it

3 Good Traits:

-Becomes more powerful at night

-Cold exterior allows her to be feared, making it slightly easier to manipulate minds (without power)

-Detached from others, so if the option comes up to sacrifice her life or someone else's life she will easily be able to save herself

Mate: None

Children: None

Extra: Constantly thinks about the demon realm and what's happening inside it. Hates angels. Is weaker in the daylight.



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Looks (Description or Picture):




Full Name: Lupa Garou (Or Lou for short)

Actual Age: In her 200s, doesn't really care to keep track anymore

Apparent Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Werewolf

Independent, short-tempered, aggressive, and occasionally coy. Most believe she doesn't have anything relatively soft about her. Though they knew she'd do anything to protect the pack, completely loyal to them. However, she couldn't exactly go around showing kindness to everyone now could she? They'd be walking all over her like a rug. Only those she allows to be close to her know that she does indeed have a soft side somewhere deep down. She knows how to use her looks to her advantage, learning quite a few skills from her years in the brothel.

Persian in origin, she was taken as a slave by the Russians when she 15 in the 1800s, sent to work in a brothel due to her exotic appearance compared to most Persians for 8 years. She was making her way to get water from a river one evening and was given the werewolf curse, or gift as she likes to call it. At discovering her new found power and freedom she destroyed nearly the entire town who had enslaved her, leaving a trail of blood and death in her wake. She fell in love with a human in the 1900s and chose to change him, not wanting to see mortality end him. He completely freaked out, not knowing how to take it. He did adjust but became ruthless and nearly killed her when she was harmlessly talking to the baker who was flirting with her. She ran at her first chance and hasn't seen him since. She refused to trust another human again, or even get close to one, only killing.

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Reason For imprisonment: Humans aren't fond of you when you go around murdering their kind, especially when it gets up into the triple digits. She wasn't exactly a "friendly" werewolf.

How long have you been imprisoned: 50 years

3 flaws & 3 Good traits:

  • Flaws
  • Short tempered
  • Silver burns like hell when she touches it

[*]Good traits

  • Loyal to those who earn her trust
  • Has extremely good senses of smell, hearing, and sight
  • Is no stranger to battle

Mate: None

Children: None

Other: She has a mixture of a Persian and Russian accent.
Looks (Description or Picture):



Full Name: Tony Holmes

Actual Age: 156

Apparent Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf/Demon

Personality: Tony is a quiet, and lonely type creature, who prefers to be alone than with others. His temper, when in play, can cause massive destruction and pain for anyone and anything about him. Unlike normal werewolves, he can change at will, though usually his werewolf form is taken, though when angry it is far more destructive and more of a killing machine. He isn't kind, but he isn't cruel either, if he wants you dead, you will be, but it won't be drawn out. He doesn't like making people suffer, but sometimes he feels it is needed for a certain person to be tortured to death before they die.

Background: Tony grew up with an adoptive family, all humans. They hadn't known what Tony was, until he got mad one day at one of the school bullies and changed, attacking him and ripping him to shreds. After that, Tonys parents invested in silver based paint, which they coated his walls with, and placed under the carpet of the room. Even the door was coated, and Tony was forced inside, weakened by the metal. This weak effect would stop him from changing for hours outside the room, even if he hadn't been forced to wear a silver bracelet around his wrist to keep him at bay. His father would abuse him in this time, hitting him and yelling at him like he was a mere animal. One day, whilst his parents were out, Tony managed to escape the room, which they had accidentally left unlocked and, in his wolf form, laid in wait for their return. As they came through the door, they were attacked by a large demon werewolf, who tore them to shreds.

Sexuality: Straight

Reason For imprisonment: the killing of both his parents, and an entire town

How long have you been imprisoned: 2 years

3 flaws:

  • His anger
  • His hate for physical contact
  • Silver and Holy Water burns him

3 Good traits:

  • Strangely Loyal. Anyone he trusts will be defended with his life
  • His senses are strong
  • If needed, can be used as a weapon

Mate: None

Children: None

Other: It is ok that he's a demonic werewolf right? His real parents being a demon and a werewolf?
[QUOTE="Mya Frame]
Looks:View attachment 73080
Full Name: Kira Siphon

Actual Age: 213

Apparent Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Demon, (Specializes in inserting horrifying and insane images into her victims heads which cause them to go insane)

Personality: Usually known as the quick tempered one. Is extremely moody. People tend not to talk to her due to her cruel exterior. Her interior self is confused, lost, scared, and weak.

Background: Was the queen of demons until some other demon came and challenged her to a duel. She couldn't beat the legendary demon's power. Fled from the kingdom and was exiled from the demon realm because she was "weak". Came to the human world to wreak havoc onto the seemingly perfect world. Successfully drove thousands of people insane with brutal images that she inserted into their minds. When the government finally caught on to her they tracked her down and successfully captured her.

Sexuality: Virgin

Reason for Imprisonment: Driving thousands of innocent lives into insanity.

How long have you been imprisoned: 15 Years, since 1999.

3 Flaws:

-Weak to brute force

-Can't penetrate the minds of those who are happy

-Extremely weak to Holy Water, doesn't even have the strength to stand around it

3 Good Traits:

-Becomes more powerful at night

-Cold exterior allows her to be feared, making it slightly easier to manipulate minds (without power)

-Detached from others, so if the option comes up to sacrifice her life or someone else's life she will easily be able to save herself

Mate: None

Children: None

Extra: Constantly thinks about the demon realm and what's happening inside it. Hates angels. Is weaker in the daylight.


WolfOfProphecys said:


Full Name: Tony Holmes

Actual Age: 156

Apparent Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf/Demon

Personality: Tony is a quiet, and lonely type creature, who prefers to be alone than with others. His temper, when in play, can cause massive destruction and pain for anyone and anything about him. Unlike normal werewolves, he can change at will, though usually his werewolf form is taken, though when angry it is far more destructive and more of a killing machine. He isn't kind, but he isn't cruel either, if he wants you dead, you will be, but it won't be drawn out. He doesn't like making people suffer, but sometimes he feels it is needed for a certain person to be tortured to death before they die.

Background: Tony grew up with an adoptive family, all humans. They hadn't known what Tony was, until he got mad one day at one of the school bullies and changed, attacking him and ripping him to shreds. After that, Tonys parents invested in silver based paint, which they coated his walls with, and placed under the carpet of the room. Even the door was coated, and Tony was forced inside, weakened by the metal. This weak effect would stop him from changing for hours outside the room, even if he hadn't been forced to wear a silver bracelet around his wrist to keep him at bay. His father would abuse him in this time, hitting him and yelling at him like he was a mere animal. One day, whilst his parents were out, Tony managed to escape the room, which they had accidentally left unlocked and, in his wolf form, laid in wait for their return. As they came through the door, they were attacked by a large demon werewolf, who tore them to shreds.

Sexuality: Straight

Reason For imprisonment: the killing of both his parents, and an entire town

How long have you been imprisoned: 2 years

3 flaws:

  • His anger
  • His hate for physical contact
  • Silver and Holy Water burns him

3 Good traits:

  • Strangely Loyal. Anyone he trusts will be defended with his life
  • His senses are strong
  • If needed, can be used as a weapon

Mate: None

Children: None

Other: It is ok that he's a demonic werewolf right? His real parents being a demon and a werewolf?

Totally accepted, though we have a lot of demons I wanted more of a variety but that's okay! ;DDDDDD ACCEPTED 

xx0mittens0xx said:
Looks (Description or Picture):
xx0mittens0xx said:

Accepted! :D

Full Name: Lupa Garou (Or Lou for short)

Actual Age: In her 200s, doesn't really care to keep track anymore

Apparent Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Werewolf

Independent, short-tempered, aggressive, and occasionally coy. Most believe she doesn't have anything relatively soft about her. Though they knew she'd do anything to protect the pack, completely loyal to them. However, she couldn't exactly go around showing kindness to everyone now could she? They'd be walking all over her like a rug. Only those she allows to be close to her know that she does indeed have a soft side somewhere deep down. She knows how to use her looks to her advantage, learning quite a few skills from her years in the brothel.

Persian in origin, she was taken as a slave by the Russians when she 15 in the 1800s, sent to work in a brothel due to her exotic appearance compared to most Persians for 8 years. She was making her way to get water from a river one evening and was given the werewolf curse, or gift as she likes to call it. At discovering her new found power and freedom she destroyed nearly the entire town who had enslaved her, leaving a trail of blood and death in her wake. She fell in love with a human in the 1900s and chose to change him, not wanting to see mortality end him. He completely freaked out, not knowing how to take it. He did adjust but became ruthless and nearly killed her when she was harmlessly talking to the baker who was flirting with her. She ran at her first chance and hasn't seen him since. She refused to trust another human again, or even get close to one, only killing.

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Reason For imprisonment: Humans aren't fond of you when you go around murdering their kind, especially when it gets up into the triple digits. She wasn't exactly a "friendly" werewolf.

How long have you been imprisoned: 50 years

3 flaws & 3 Good traits:

  • Flaws
  • Short tempered
  • Silver burns like hell when she touches it

[*]Good traits

  • Loyal to those who earn her trust
  • Has extremely good senses of smell, hearing, and sight
  • Is no stranger to battle

Mate: None

Children: None

Other: She has a mixture of a Persian and Russian accent.
Reserve a super natural spot and brace for a troll. 
Appearance: A large creature, roughly the size of an elephant. Has grey green skin that is, in parts, covered in moss. Has two rather large tusks that are constantly growing out of his mouth. Has two deer or moose like antlers on top of his large head. His eyes are rather small for his over all size.

Full name: Hmmm... He usually makes a noise that sounds like Buras and gestures to himself. So it's safe to say his name is Buras

Age: The fantastic age of 34

Gender: Let me check... Yep, he's a boy.

Species: Bull troll.

Personality: Headstrong, thinks that because he is bigger and therefore stronger he is better. When and if he is proven wrong, he is rather maliable.

Bio: He fought other trolls, he literaly lived under a bridge. One day he got bored and started to swing around and hit things. Sadly for him, the train bridge he lived uunder collapsed on him while there was a train on it, which was pulling several rather heavy train cars behind it. They got him while he was out cold, snoring like a saw was cutting through a rather stubborn log.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Reason for imprisonment: Massive damage to property. In all fairness another troll thought it was stronger then him.

Years in prison: 2 years

Flaws: Near sighted. Slightly smarter then most animals. Allergic to iron, it burns and can potentially kill him.

Strength: Size. Strength. Improved hearing ans smell, if only slightly.

Mate: None currently

Children: Probably somewhere.

Other: For the most part, he is based off the trolls in the Artemis Fowl series.
Beowulf said:
Reserve a super natural spot and brace for a troll. 
Appearance: A large creature, roughly the size of an elephant. Has grey green skin that is, in parts, covered in moss. Has two rather large tusks that are constantly growing out of his mouth. Has two deer or moose like antlers on top of his large head. His eyes are rather small for his over all size.
Full name: Hmmm... He usually makes a noise that sounds like Buras and gestures to himself. So it's safe to say his name is Buras

Age: The fantastic age of 34

Gender: Let me check... Yep, he's a boy.

Species: Bull troll.

Personality: Headstrong, thinks that because he is bigger and therefore stronger he is better. When and if he is proven wrong, he is rather maliable.

Bio: He fought other trolls, he literaly lived under a bridge. One day he got bored and started to swing around and hit things. Sadly for him, the train bridge he lived uunder collapsed on him while there was a train on it, which was pulling several rather heavy train cars behind it. They got him while he was out cold, snoring like a saw was cutting through a rather stubborn log.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Reason for imprisonment: Massive damage to property. In all fairness another troll thought it was stronger then him.

Years in prison: 2 years

Flaws: Near sighted. Slightly smarter then most animals. Allergic to iron, it burns and can potentially kill him.

Strength: Size. Strength. Improved hearing ans smell, if only slightly.

Mate: None currently

Children: Probably somewhere.

Other: For the most part, he is based off the trolls in the Artemis Fowl series.
Full Name:

Roy Reynolds.

Actual Age:


Apparent Age:





Human / Alien.


Roy is the type of person who will only supply an input at the most vital of times. Otherwise, Roy is seemingly blank. He rarely talks at all and does what he has to do in order to get by. He is not malicious or evil by any means - rather, he is a boy with some rather unfortunate luck who has fallen on some hard times. His main motivation for freedom lies with his young daughter, whom he believes deserves to grow up with at least one parent.


Roy Reynolds was born a perfectly healthy human baby boy to two loving parents. For nine years, Roy grew up a perfectly fine child. He got high honors in school and sang and played guitar as if he were a child prodigy. The boy had nothing but utmost respect for his parents. Along with him, all three were the complete stapl e of what a perfect family should have been.

At nine years old, Roy's father passed away due to Multiple Sclerosis at the age of thirty three. Within the same two-week time span that he went through such tragedy, Roy went through a life-changing experience. Walking home from school by way of the normal route, the boy came across a dying deer which had been struck by a truck. Half of its body was littered across the floor, but somehow it was still gasping for air. Normally, Roy would have continued walking, but the deer began speaking to him.

Brushing it off initially as nothing more than temporary insanity due to the unbelievable amount of stress he had been going through in recent times, Roy threw every word the deer said to him completely out the window. It spoke in English - something no other animal had ever proven to do. When the deer requested that Roy move it from the middle of the road, though, Roy had a temporary lapse of sanity. Figuring the voice would stop if he fulfilled the deer's request, the boy wrapped his fingers around the deer's arms and began moving the half of it's body which was still intact.

However, the touch did more than just help move a deer carcass. Once Roy's fingers grasped the fur of the animal, his eyes went white. The life-force of whatever was inside of the deer had been transferred into Roy, causing a number of things to happen. One, his black hair turned completely silver. Two, his light blue eyes turned to a reddish color. Three, his skin formed a number of red tribal symbols across the entire surface, from head to two in irregular placement. (IE, under his eyes, on one of his shoulders, etc.) Four, and perhaps the biggest change of them all, came when Roy gained the power to manipulate energy in its rawest form - even the energy flowing through his nerve impulses could be used to be built upon and expand to regions outside of his physical form.

The being who took over his body was known as Eukyros. The spirit was actually an Alien from a galaxy that was light years away. The spirit was a scientist that was transported into the same dimension and planet as Roy when one of his military experimentation ran haywire. Eukyros found that the noxious gases of the sun granted him incredible powers - of course, energy manipulation. The alien species was inadvertently affected by this. However, the initial form of the alien could not take the ever-flowing power, and it caused the initial host body to literally melt down. That was when Eukyros' spirit took over the nearest living form - a deer. Roy was the alien's second host. Eukyros was timid and intelligent, as well as constantly understanding. Roy knew he was grateful to be alive in the first place, and after putting the burden of a second conscience on the young boy, always acted respectful. Apparently, the human body was also capable of controlling the massive amount of energy that came with Eukyros.

Roy grew up with the other entity inside of him, eventually growing to become close. With time, Roy even got a hang of using his abilities. By the time he turned fourteen, Roy fell in head-over-heels in love with a girl in his highschool class. Growing up hiding his powers from everybody but his own mother, Roy found someone who accepted him for who he was. With time, the two made plans to get married and graduated school. During this time, the girl got pregnant with Roy's child and went through a healthy pregnancy. During childbirth, the girl died. Roy's world was crushed yet again.

The young man dropped out of college to take care of his daughter full-time, even going so far as to get a shitty paying job. One day, while he was working, a protest consisting of the city's citizens took place after the murder of a child occurred in the town square. Working as a janitor for the police department initially, Roy knew that police were gearing up in riot uniform and were being dispatched. The entire department went.

When things turned sour at the scene and police began murdering people with the use of explosives as well as clubs, Roy completely lost it for the first time in his life. Eukyros took over completely and murdered every single officer in the name of justice. Before Roy even knew it, he woke up encaged without a recollection of the events which unfolded.



Reason For imprisonment:

During a protest that was taking place in his hometown, Roy murdered the entire city's police force for using deadly force against people who were using peaceful means.

How long have you been imprisoned:

Three years.

3 Flaws:

  • Extremely quiet.
  • Mentally vulnerable.
  • Horribly scarred from his past experiences in life.

3 Strengths:

  • Jack of all trades. Roy is unpredictable when it comes to danger scenarios.
  • His soul is pure on both ends, with no intent of evil ever crossing his thought processes.
  • Wise beyond his years. The young man always chooses what words to say carefully.


Christina Mackio (Deceased)


Isabella Reynolds (4 years of age, being taken care of by Roy's mother.)

Name: Tova Stallings

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual


  • Heights
  • Being ridiculed, although not a major fear
  • Disorder / Imperfection


  • Inmates will learn how to be 'disciplined' & that this 'program' won't be a tremendous hassle.
  • To see her son again someday.
  • She won't be murdered while handling her team, obviously.

Personality: Tova has the tendency to portray a serious demeanor, mostly when she handles and is around her team. The lack of caring for the convicts sits alongside her priorly mentioned behavior. Though she may seem cold and distant, Tova does have a soft spot for things of interest - especially her son, Romeo. Albeit sociable and talkative, she would rather want for conversations to get straight to the point than dance around the bushes because there are other things that needs to be done, of course.

Other: Has a four year old son, Romeo, whom she adopted (before she was stationed and became a handler) but is under the care by her father, at the moment. Oddly, enjoys knitting on her downtime. Of Korean-Russian decent, but only fluent in Russian and English.
Looks (Description or Picture): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c02c0b95d_elf_girl_by_thealm-d61qrt1(2).jpg.d63a2c3130e27117f006f7baa14800bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c02c0b95d_elf_girl_by_thealm-d61qrt1(2).jpg.d63a2c3130e27117f006f7baa14800bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Ashton Rose

Actual Age: 250

Apparent Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Elf

Personality: Ashton has the power to inflict pain on people with the glance of an eye, although she barely uses it. On the outside Ashton is always described as sweet, bubbly, and outspoken. On the inside, she isn't easily manipulated, although her weak exterior says otherwise. Ashton is very defensive. She has problems keeping her opinion to herself, yet people seem to fall in love with her easily. It is difficult not to notice Ashton because of her very outspoken personality, she is also very creative and loves to draw, write, and sing, and loves animals. She knows how to use her looks to her advantage, and although she has had a few lovers, she is very lonely on the inside, hoping to meet her true mate one day.

Background: Ashton was a beautiful, young woman. She was raised in a small village in Germany, and has grown out of her accent. She is trained in the art of healing by her father, and was taught to sing by her mother. Both of her parents were brutally murdered by men who pillaged and set fire to her home town.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Reason For imprisonment: She killed the men who killed her parents, and burned down their houses.

How long have you been imprisoned: Three years.

3 flaws:

  • Impatient
  • Absent Minded
  • Stubborn

3 Good traits:

  • Beautiful Singer
  • Great with a crossbow
  • Healer

Mate: None yet.

Children: None.




  • elf_girl_by_thealm-d61qrt1 (2).jpg
    elf_girl_by_thealm-d61qrt1 (2).jpg
    112.2 KB · Views: 32
Last edited by a moderator:
( i hope u don't mind tabs :c)

  • ~ Reiner Igorevich ~
EmilyTheStrange said:
Looks (Description or Picture): View attachment 73313
Full Name: Ashton Rose

Actual Age: 250

Apparent Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Elf

Personality: Ashton has the power to inflict pain on people with the glance of an eye, although she barely uses it. On the outside Ashton is always described as sweet, bubbly, and outspoken. On the inside, she isn't easily manipulated, although her weak exterior says otherwise. Ashton is very defensive. She has problems keeping her opinion to herself, yet people seem to fall in love with her easily. It is difficult not to notice Ashton because of her very outspoken personality, she is also very creative and loves to draw, write, and sing, and loves animals. She knows how to use her looks to her advantage, and although she has had a few lovers, she is very lonely on the inside, hoping to meet her true mate one day.

Background: Ashton was a beautiful, young woman. She was raised in a small village in Germany, and has grown out of her accent. She is trained in the art of healing by her father, and was taught to sing by her mother. Both of her parents were brutally murdered by men who pillaged and set fire to her home town.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Reason For imprisonment: She killed the men who killed her parents, and burned down their houses.

How long have you been imprisoned: Three years.

3 flaws:

  • Impatient
  • Absent Minded
  • Stubborn

3 Good traits:

  • Beautiful Singer
  • Great with a crossbow
  • Healer

Mate: None yet.

Children: None.

No Longer Accepting D; 

divyansh said:
( i hope u don't mind tabs :c)
  • ~ Reiner Igorevich ~

  • Love the tabs :3 Accepted, duh. 

    Braxnond said:
    Full Name:
    Roy Reynolds.

    Actual Age:


    Apparent Age:





    Human / Alien.


    Roy is the type of person who will only supply an input at the most vital of times. Otherwise, Roy is seemingly blank. He rarely talks at all and does what he has to do in order to get by. He is not malicious or evil by any means - rather, he is a boy with some rather unfortunate luck who has fallen on some hard times. His main motivation for freedom lies with his young daughter, whom he believes deserves to grow up with at least one parent.


    Roy Reynolds was born a perfectly healthy human baby boy to two loving parents. For nine years, Roy grew up a perfectly fine child. He got high honors in school and sang and played guitar as if he were a child prodigy. The boy had nothing but utmost respect for his parents. Along with him, all three were the complete stapl e of what a perfect family should have been.

    At nine years old, Roy's father passed away due to Multiple Sclerosis at the age of thirty three. Within the same two-week time span that he went through such tragedy, Roy went through a life-changing experience. Walking home from school by way of the normal route, the boy came across a dying deer which had been struck by a truck. Half of its body was littered across the floor, but somehow it was still gasping for air. Normally, Roy would have continued walking, but the deer began speaking to him.

    Brushing it off initially as nothing more than temporary insanity due to the unbelievable amount of stress he had been going through in recent times, Roy threw every word the deer said to him completely out the window. It spoke in English - something no other animal had ever proven to do. When the deer requested that Roy move it from the middle of the road, though, Roy had a temporary lapse of sanity. Figuring the voice would stop if he fulfilled the deer's request, the boy wrapped his fingers around the deer's arms and began moving the half of it's body which was still intact.

    However, the touch did more than just help move a deer carcass. Once Roy's fingers grasped the fur of the animal, his eyes went white. The life-force of whatever was inside of the deer had been transferred into Roy, causing a number of things to happen. One, his black hair turned completely silver. Two, his light blue eyes turned to a reddish color. Three, his skin formed a number of red tribal symbols across the entire surface, from head to two in irregular placement. (IE, under his eyes, on one of his shoulders, etc.) Four, and perhaps the biggest change of them all, came when Roy gained the power to manipulate energy in its rawest form - even the energy flowing through his nerve impulses could be used to be built upon and expand to regions outside of his physical form.

    The being who took over his body was known as Eukyros. The spirit was actually an Alien from a galaxy that was light years away. The spirit was a scientist that was transported into the same dimension and planet as Roy when one of his military experimentation ran haywire. Eukyros found that the noxious gases of the sun granted him incredible powers - of course, energy manipulation. The alien species was inadvertently affected by this. However, the initial form of the alien could not take the ever-flowing power, and it caused the initial host body to literally melt down. That was when Eukyros' spirit took over the nearest living form - a deer. Roy was the alien's second host. Eukyros was timid and intelligent, as well as constantly understanding. Roy knew he was grateful to be alive in the first place, and after putting the burden of a second conscience on the young boy, always acted respectful. Apparently, the human body was also capable of controlling the massive amount of energy that came with Eukyros.

    Roy grew up with the other entity inside of him, eventually growing to become close. With time, Roy even got a hang of using his abilities. By the time he turned fourteen, Roy fell in head-over-heels in love with a girl in his highschool class. Growing up hiding his powers from everybody but his own mother, Roy found someone who accepted him for who he was. With time, the two made plans to get married and graduated school. During this time, the girl got pregnant with Roy's child and went through a healthy pregnancy. During childbirth, the girl died. Roy's world was crushed yet again.

    The young man dropped out of college to take care of his daughter full-time, even going so far as to get a shitty paying job. One day, while he was working, a protest consisting of the city's citizens took place after the murder of a child occurred in the town square. Working as a janitor for the police department initially, Roy knew that police were gearing up in riot uniform and were being dispatched. The entire department went.

    When things turned sour at the scene and police began murdering people with the use of explosives as well as clubs, Roy completely lost it for the first time in his life. Eukyros took over completely and murdered every single officer in the name of justice. Before Roy even knew it, he woke up encaged without a recollection of the events which unfolded.



    Reason For imprisonment:

    During a protest that was taking place in his hometown, Roy murdered the entire city's police force for using deadly force against people who were using peaceful means.

    How long have you been imprisoned:

    Three years.

    3 Flaws:

    • Extremely quiet.
    • Mentally vulnerable.
    • Horribly scarred from his past experiences in life.

    3 Strengths:

    • Jack of all trades. Roy is unpredictable when it comes to danger scenarios.
    • His soul is pure on both ends, with no intent of evil ever crossing his thought processes.
    • Wise beyond his years. The young man always chooses what words to say carefully.


    Christina Mackio (Deceased)


    Isabella Reynolds (4 years of age, being taken care of by Roy's mother.)
    Perfect, He's going to bring a delicious amount of controversy to the rp. :D  

    decomposition said:

    Name: Tova Stallings

    Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Asexual


    • Heights
    • Being ridiculed, although not a major fear
    • Disorder / Imperfection


    • Inmates will learn how to be 'disciplined' & that this 'program' won't be a tremendous hassle.
    • To see her son again someday.
    • She won't be murdered while handling her team, obviously.

    Personality: Tova has the tendency to portray a serious demeanor, mostly when she handles and is around her team. The lack of caring for the convicts sits alongside her priorly mentioned behavior. Though she may seem cold and distant, Tova does have a soft spot for things of interest - especially her son, Romeo. Albeit sociable and talkative, she would rather want for conversations to get straight to the point than dance around the bushes because there are other things that needs to be done, of course.

    Other: Has a four year old son, Romeo, whom she adopted (before she was stationed and became a handler) but is under the care by her father, at the moment. Oddly, enjoys knitting on her downtime. Of Korean-Russian decent, but only fluent in Russian and English.
    Accepted :3 

    I quite frankly want to begin now, but I don't think there is too many of us online. What do you think? Start now or wait until tomorrow afternoon?

*wears foil hat*

*hides in a bunker of barbies*



QwQ u start without me MEANIES!
Why didn't you post your comment in the OOC where it belongs? Do you deliberately avoid using the OOC tab!?
I just thought that everybody was watching the character sign up tab. Occasionally not everyone watches the OOC tab.

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