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Realistic or Modern Free Skate!

In a school theres a group of close friends who all breath to skate. When a new person appears and starts skateboarding, he's thrusted into the world the skater kids are in!

girlfriends leaving for sporty guys, fights over ill will towards the new guy, bullies, brawls vs. bikers and roller bladers, death in the family, and much more!

As the new kid tries to fit in with the group of close friends some don't want to accept him and so they taunt him by saying no one likes him and they let him in because they felt pity. they do this without the others knowing. The kid tries to solve everything but as he's pulled everywhere he has to break his rules he set for himself. one being, Never make a promise you can't keep.​
Kate was sitting out on the front steps of the school with her dog Ace. Never far from her was Kate's skateboard, laying on the pavement by her feet. Rubbing Ace behind the ears, Kate looked around in boredom. Thank God I'm almost done with school... Then I can get away from all these losers. Kate thought, thinking of the 'group' of skateboarders around the area. They weren't really her friends, not that Kate cared much anyway. So, she sat at the front steps, waiting for something significant to happen.

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Brad Kaltenbach

"Get going bradley!" a heavyer set man boomed "i know uncle tom! love ya. catch you later!" a boy with long red hair called out picking up a skateboard that looked really new. "damnit." bradley hissed. "jojo go lay down!" he said to a yellow lab as it approached him. he then placed his board on the road and kicked. once... twice... three times before he went down a hill and swearved to avoid some batches of rocks and a car. after a long while he turned on a sidewalk and skated until he reached a big school. "well fuck." he muttered, picking up his board and holding it by the trucks he slung it over his back with his bag. "i'm super early...." brad sighed as he saw two girls he just played it cool and walked towards them.

@Musicomar4 @GoldenWolf (wait for others to reply if you can)
Lyle leaned against the counter, yawning periodically. The after school rush hadn't hit yet, so he didn't have much to do. He missed school, in a way. He constantly found himself losing any information he may have gotten. "... I'm ducking out early tonight, later!" He threw his apron on the counter, grabbed his board and skated towards the school to get towards the school. He arrived towards the group and hopped off "yo, what's up?" He looked between them all.

@GoldenWolf @Musicomar4 @GoldenCharizard4
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Brad Kaltenbach

Brad shook her hand "Bradley. call me what ya want." he smirked. his hair covered one eye and he was never bothered by it.
Jai put on her sophisticated voice and actions. "Well, master Bradley if! You would care to sit. We shal have tea!"
Brad Kaltenbach

"not my fault..." he mutters as he looks at his board sighing. "anyway... anyone i need to avoid at this school?" brad asks
Kate rolled her eyes as everyone met each other. Raising a brow as a new kid approached, Kate stood up and glanced at him up and down. "So, Brad." She said in a scathing tone. "Where you from?" She asked, chewing a toothpick that was in her mouth. Ace sat close by and watched without interest. Like Kate, he didn't care much for other people.

((Sorry I was gone for so long haha!))
Lyle looked at Kate "new kid?" He looked over at brad. Huh. Spiffy looking... He circled him a bit. "So, brad, huh?" He scoffed "you skate? Don't seem like the type to me..." He muttered. This kid just wasn't going to cut it

@GoldenWolf @GoldenCharizard4
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Kate waved her hand in the air dismissively, as if waving a fly away. In this case, Brad was the insect. "You won't last a day in our group, kid." She said, smirking and chewing on her toothpick.
Brad Kaltenbach

"i never ment to join it..." brad said "if you want a fight i can give ya one." he said coldly. "i rather not however, if i must i will." he says in a chilling tone.
Brad Kaltenbach

Brad tightened his fists. 'it's people like this that piss me off...' he thought "just shut the hell up." brad growls
Kate stood up. "Hey hey. You guys are acting like you're in Kindergarten. Calm down." Kate then turned to Brad. To be honest, this kid was starting to piss her off. "Listen kid, you better watch your mouth. You don't know what your getting into. You see, we have a group, as much as I may despise them, I don't think you want all of us as your enemy. So calm down and run off to class." She growled and put her hands on her hips.
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"Big words from a little guy, do you even have the balls to back it up?" He smirked, moving closer to the punk "I doubt it. I know guys like you. All swagger, no real skill. I run there faces over ramps as warm up and skate on the ground still wet from their tears."
Brad Kaltenbach

Brad laughs "and you say i talk smack!" he then punches the kid backwards and trips him, knocking him out cold. "aaand your out. lets see if you wake up quickly or wake up later." brad snickers as he drops his board and skates off to the sidewalk, practiceing on turning without knowing his trucks are all too tight.

@Lightning Quick it's possible i only stunned your character jsyk
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