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Fantasy π…𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐒𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 - π‹π¨π«πž



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  • In the beginning, there was only The Voice. Its words echoed through the void as it whispered to itself endlessly, and the universe shuddered with each syllable. And as it spoke, the world was created, born from the pure force of The Voice's will. But The Voice was not content to create the world and leave it barren. It spoke again, and from its words, the gods and goddesses were formed. They were the guardians of the world, imbued with powers and abilities beyond mortal understanding. The gods and goddesses worked together to create Eznia, the planet that would be the home for their creations. They shaped the mountains and valleys, the oceans and forests, until everything felt just right. But as they worked, something unexpected happened. A titan, a massive and powerful creature, formed on its own. The Voice had allowed for spontaneous existence to happen, and this was the result. Born from leftover stardust used in the creation of the planet, titans were supremely powerful, almost as powerful as the gods and goddesses, however they are mortal despite being able to live for millions of years, they can die.

    After the first Titan was born a second soon followed. Then, a third. Before you knew it, hundreds of them. The gods did not like this, it disrupted their plans and they are selfish. Taking the battle to Eznia, the gods would leave their thrones and ascend down for war. The titans would be defeated but now the gods are left with a mess, hundreds of towering titans bodies are laying all over the planet. However, something strange happened that the gods did not intend to happen. When the bodies of the titans decay they let loose a strange particle that floats into the atmosphere, becoming one with the planet, mana. They're also skills, a skill is controlled by The Voice it seems. Nobody is really sure how it works but the more you do something, train yourself in something, the higher the chance you'll get a skill is. If a mage liked to cast fire magic, they could unlock a fireball skill. Skills are like the spells of this world, however, they're different for each person, even if some may be similar. The damage might be different, speed, size, a lot of variables go into skills. They're super important! The Voice can tell you when you get a skill, what it does and keep track of it for you.

    Now that Eznia was ready for life, the gods and goddesses decided, It is time. So they breathed life into a multitude of things and waited. Slowly the life on the planet would evolve to take on the appearance of the gods over a course of millions of years, these life forms would begin to think and soon evolve to be able to use magic as more of it entered into the atmosphere from the titans.

    Soon there would be a handful of races, each vying to be the strongest, competing civilizations would rage on for thousands of years. Until... one civilization would dare to play god. The Axion, a civilization of highly technologically advanced elves. They found a sleeping titan and decided to try and kill it, and kill it they did. The outburst of mana in the area was insane, just a spark of fire from a spell would have set the whole region ablaze. But, the elves were smart, they were going to harness this energy and acquire the power for themselves by sealing the mana into an artifact, a sword said to be able to kill the gods. This angered the gods, so they decided to send down a distraction... Towers would fall from the heavens, towers would rise from the grounds below, however only on the continent the elves lived would receive this punishment. These towers would soon go by the name: dungeons.

    Dungeons are full of wasted creations and evolutions by the gods. But that doesn't mean the beasts inside dungeons are weak, they're stronger than anything Eznia had seen before. Dragons, hydras, griffons, otherworldly looking beasts, all of it. If a dungeon isn't cleared, the monsters from within will escape and when that happens lives will be lost. Soon the continent the elves lived on could not be sustained and if the strongest civilization couldn't handle the dungeons, nobody could, so the continent was closed off and marked as forbidden by the world.


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