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Colosseum Flipside: World Of Battles, Brawls, and Split Personalities

Friday Night, Flipside

Lillian glared at the boy beside her.

"I don't have to be convinced of anything. This place isn't real. There's no possible way that it is. I've gone completely insane, or this is a dream. Either way, there's no point in struggling. If I'm insane, there is no escape. If this is a dream, I'll wake up eventually." She then looked him straight in the eye. "But whatever you do, don't listen to that voice." Lillian's vision blurred, but only for a second. She sighed. "According to Tavora, we're going to have to fight." She pointed to the arena. "In there. There's no way to avoid it. I don't know how to fight. She says that I have to trust her. But I don't want to." Lillian's voice was a quiet mutter at this point. She kept talking, but her words were unheard.
-Friday night, Flipside-

Tax, still in Alex's body, couldn't help but snicker.

"So you've at least partially accepted what's going on. Better than my host I guess."

'Hear that? 'No point in struggling'.'


'Aww, c'mon. No need to sulk! Didn't you hear? Soon we'll be in there fighting. Think of all the skulls we can crack open together!'

The mental tension lessened a bit.

'See? Just work with me. It'll be a lot more fun.'
Friday Night, Flipside

Lillian looked over at him, shocked.

"What are you?"

'Awe c'mon! You can ask me that!'

'Shut up. I'm not talking to you.'

"So you're not the original?" She asked, remembering something Tavora had said. "You're a 'Flipside'?"
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-Friday night, Flipside-

"What am I? Rude!"

Alex's body shuddered as Alex took back control.

"Okay, that was weird. Does your Flipside do that to you? So annoying..."

'Hey! I wasn't done!'

'You are now.'

Alex's eyes glazed over and his body relaxed as both Tax and Alex were sucked into his mind in a tug-of-war for control. As they fought, bits and pieces of their argument came out of the unconscious body's mouth.

"Dude! Stop...my body..."

"I just wanna...some..."

"I think it's...neither she nor I..."

"Between...and surviving what do..."

With a surge of energy, Tax took control of the body for several seconds before Alex took back control.

"You're going to get us both killed, dammit!"

"But at least it'll be me that does it!"

Alex took several shaky breaths before looking up at the girl.

"Is your flipside this troublesome as well?"
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Flipside, Friday night

Lillian watched as the man's body was being fought over.

"I...." She started. She didn't know how to react to what she had just seen. "I don't know what to- You.... aren't- What-?" She stammered, never managing to complete a sentence.

While Lillian was confused, Tavora took control. One of her eyes changed from Lillian's bright green, to Tavora's deep red. A smile spread across her face.

"I'm getting stronger." She said in a playful tone.
~Friday Night, Flipside~

Clark watched the fight intently, ignoring the conversation to the side of him. "Fascinating," he mumbled to himself.

Vorus scanned his surroundings in the forest, trying to find his opponent through the leaves and trees. "Where are you?" he muttered, his chainsaw humming, waiting for its next meal.

Sweets' giggling could be heard through the forest. He was taunting his opponent. Sweets used his power to create dimensional tears, using them to get around the forest quickly. He teleported behind Vorus, slashing at him with his fingers, creating slight dimensional tears which cut into Vorus' back as they immediately closed as Sweets' fingers passed, revealing bloodied slash marks on Vorus. Vorus yelled as he swung around to attack with his chainsaw, but Sweets quickly retreated into his dimensional tear, warping him somewhere else. The crowd cheered as they watched things start to heat up between the two combatants. Vorus spotted Sweets running through the treeline, so he revved up his chainsaw and swung it in an upwards motion, causing a shockwave to be emitted from the blades which sliced down the trees in it's path. Sweets was quick on his feet, however, using his power to warp out of the way, but he found himself snagging on a tree branch as he came out of his dimensional tear. He pulled on the snagged shirt as he noticed a chuckling Vorus walking slowly towards him. "I have you now," he announced, a grin on his face. The walk turned into a run as Vorus charged towards Sweets, who was able to unsnag his shirt, but wasn't fast enough to evade the swipe of Vorus' chainsaw, leaving a gash in his left arm. Sweets clutched his arm as he dodged Vorus' swipes, blood running down. As Vorus swiped and swiped, he got the chain jammed in the side of a tree, creating an opportunity for Sweets. Sweets took his free arm and swiped at Vorus' right arm, leaving a deep cut and causing blood to gush out. Vorus yelled in pain as he clutched his arm, leaving his chainsaw lodged in the tree. Sweets then wound up for a kick and swung his foot around, hitting Vorus square in the side of the head, causing a loud crack. Vorus fell to the ground, unconscious as the trees vanished into nothingness, with Sweets lifting his good arm into the air, waving off the cheering crowd.

"And the winner is SWEETS!" Ringo announced through the PA system with an ecstatic voice.

"Fascinating...," Clark said, confounded at what he saw. He was more surprised at what the two combatants did during the fight rather than the outcome.
Friday night, you-know-where

At the sound of Sweet's scream, Alex turned his attention back to the two fighters. He watched as trees fell without being touched and reality itself ripped open and close.

'What the hell...'

'These are the kind of people we will be fighting against. If you don't start working with me, we won't stand a chance.'
Friday Night, Flipside

Tavora smiled.

"Sweets is interesting. Isn't he?" She asked the boy. "But I honestly hope Lillian and I won't be up against him." She shuddered. "He's... powerful. By the way, I'm Tavora." She held out her hand for him to shake.

-Friday night, Flipside-

Alex looked at Tavora before shaking his head, "No. Nonononono. I'll talk to the other one, you can talk to this one."

Alex shuddered as as he tossed the controls to Tax Collector

"Wow, rude," chuckled the flipside as he reached out to shake Tavora's hand. "Sorry about Alex. I'm his flipside, Tax Collector. You can call me Tax."
Friday night, Flipside

Tavora smiles and claps excitedly.

"Oo! Hi Tax!" she says with a grin. "I haven't met another flipside until now!" she frowns. "I see your... host, is giving you more control. I have to get the control myself. I just hate being cramped in her hateful little body. When I'm in control I put on a smile. I know how she thinks. She hates everyone."
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-Friday night, Flipside-

Tax let out a chuckle.

"No, he doesn't exactly want to give me control. It's just that he's more or less...given up," said the flipside. "I'm guessing you've got a more competitive relationship with your host."
Friday night, Flipside

Tavora shakes her head. "She just doesn't trust me. And I find myself forcing my way into control!" She frowns for a moment but then smiles. "I'm sure she'll end up liking me."

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