Flight OOC

You're forgetting to calculate for the sub-atomoic mech rule, dear.

If you figure this in to your calculations you'll find the true answer to be spaghetti squash.

And. Yes. Yaoi over pm. As soon as the others leave do you want me to send you a start? I suppose we can write a "MOVED TO PM FOR MATURE CONTENT. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO READ THIS PORTION OF THE ROLEPLAY PLEASE PM RENNSKYE OR BLOODYRAZE" post on the main roleplay?
Oh!~ That's right, I completely forgot, it all makes sense now. O u O

I can go work on a post that would make the rest of them leave if you'd like. c:
That would be perfect. thank you dear~

Raze, you want me to send you a starter (or, well, as much of a starter as can be had given that it's in the middle of the main roleplay) or would you rather? 
See? So much simpler when you remember your rules~
Okay. Back for now though I have to pick up my grandmother in about an hour. I'll get you that start ASAP.
Raze and I had to move our part of the roleplay to PM for adult themes - just for a short while, though, once it goes back to PG13 we'll be back on the main thread. You're watching that, neh? I'll be responding to that one soon, I swear.

As for the main roleplay...

I think we need Crow to post or we need Xavier to respond to the suggestion about searching the fair. Which basically means I need to kick Plume's butt and remind her to post. I believe that she's finishing school this week so things are a bit hectic for her. I'll remind her for you guys, though...
It's totally an excuse. Kick your finals butt, dear!

Oh. And I got a new computer so I should be running around faster soon.
I did xP

Now I just have to survive through my older brother's graduation party tomorrow.

Who doesn't love their grandparents looking at them like they're nuts due to piercings and having hair like Yuki from Tsuritama?

Hmm, maybe have Vana go nuts with the cotton candy?

Half joking, though I wouldn't object to the Flock getting sidetracked. xP
Heads up, I'm going to be AFK for the majority of the day starting now, it's my brother's graduation.

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