Flaws [Inactive]

Darth Cinder submitted a new role play:

Flaws - Everyone has something they hate about themselves, but sometimes others don't see it

"Nobody's perfect, so don't try to be."

This role play will follow the hardships and every day lives of a tight-knit group of six friends who find comfort about their flaws in one another and two newcomers who struggle to find their places with the pack. In these next few months there will be laughter, there will be tears. Smiles and scowls, whispered secrets and bellowed confessions....
Read more about this role play...

Saturday, December 27th, 2013; 9:42 a.m.

Riker's House, Senoia, Georgia

Skyler jolted awake in bed, his breath shallow, sweat matting down his hair. The room around him was dark, but he could make the faint outline of a body next to him, hidden under the covers. His eyes traveled along the shape, hoping, praying that it wasn't what he thought it was. When he saw that the mass was moving, breathing, he let out a sigh of relief. His heartbeat slowed-

And slowed, and slowed, and slowed. Until there was no heartbeat, and his breathing stopped, and he fell to the bed- And this is bullsh-t."

The mumbled cuss echoed through the empty office, followed by the crunching sound of paper being torn out roughly from its edges in a black leather notebook and crumpled into a ball. The wad was blindly thrown to the side towards the already filled-to-the-brim wastebasket. There were dozens of scrunched up paper balls littering the floor around the wastebasket, the chair at the office's desk, even on the desk's surface. Riker ran his hand through his already tousled hair, sighing and leaning back against his desk chair. He felt the chair lean back a bit too far and a moment of panic swept over him before he managed to ground himself again, reaching out to grip the edge of his desk to steady himself. A huff of breath left his lips before he stood, closing his notebook as he did so, and turned to glanced out the window behind him. The view from the second story of his new house wasn't much, simply being the right side of his neighbor's place.

Movement in the other window caught his eye and he paused, noticing a little girl positioned on the other side. She was still in her pajamas, he noticed, and her hair was up in two loose pigtails. A small hand moved up to wave at Riker, earning a smile and a wave in return. As he turned to walk around to the front of the room, his foot caught with the leg of the chair and he found his towering frame crashing down against the hard wood floor. A muffled grunt sounded out and Riker sighed, his tense body relaxing against the floor, and closed his eyes. He simply wanted to remain there for the rest of the day. It would be nice. He didn't notice that another had entered the room until he heard paw steps rhythmically thumping against the wood, and a warm tongue consistently ran along his cheek. Riker's Australian Shepherd puppy, Murphy, had joined him for the day. Normally, the dog would have still been asleep at this hour, but the loud thump caused by the force of his master's impact had him awake and worried.

Riker chuckled and pushed himself up, petting the dog as he lifted an arm to steady himself against his desk. Wiping at his face, he stepped forward, his eyes on Murphy to watch the puppy leap ahead to keep up. "
I'm fine, Murph," Riker said, amused by the dog's frantic tail wagging. "Are you hungry? No? Good. More food for me," Riker mused as he made his way down the stairs. He turned into the kitchen and pulled open one of the cardboard boxes that were on the counter, taking a blue dog bowl from it and shuffling over to the table. "Just kidding, bud. Can't have my main man starving, now can I?" he continued as he took a bag of puppy food out from under the sink and began scooping it into the bowl. He finished and set the bowl on the floor under one of the chairs at the table, blinking when Murphy immediately ran forward and began scarfing it down. He scoffed and shook his head before moving to dig through the cupboards. He found a half-empty bag of potato chips and grabbed it, promising himself that he would go out and buy something else to eat later in the day. "Alright, Murphy. I'm heading out. Your doggy door is unlocked, so no excuses if you poop in the house! And stay out of my drawers," Riker said. He ate a few chips before grabbing his keys from the counter and taking his coat from the chair it was draped over. He walked out of the kitchen and to the front door, unlocking it and stepping out. Having been up since five, he was already dressed for the day. "And no parties!" he shouted before he shut the door and locked it.

Saturday, December 27th, 2013; 9:45 a.m.

Senoia Coffee & Cafe, Senoia, Georgia

"What are you trying to say, Tristan? That you don't want me to come visit? Christmas already passed and I wasn't able to see you; please don't restrict my visiting for New Year's."

A drawn out sigh broke Tristan's silence. He sat in his chair, idly circling the lid of the coffee cup that sat on the table in front of him, cellphone up to his ear. Of all the chances Tristan's father had to call and complain, he had to choose the one hour that Tristan enjoyed the most. At the sudden thought of time, Tristan realized that it was nearing seven back in California. "Dad, why are you up so early? It's Saturday, and even if it weren't you still wouldn't have work today," Tristan said, lightly dragging his fingers down the side of the cup. The surrounding noises calmed him. His shoulders visibly relaxed as he lifted his coffee to take a sip. Before his father could chime in with another comment, Tristan continued, "Anyway, I have to go. There's a woman here whose child needs my assistance. I'll call you later so we can make arrangements."

Tristan, I know you're not at work; I can hear people in the background. If you don't want me to-"

Bye, dad!" The line cut off as Tristan's finger pressed down against the end call button on his phone screen. He set the phone down next to his coffee and pinched the bridge of his nose. The sound of his phone vibrating against the tabletop caught his attention and he glanced down, expecting a text from his father. The last person's name he expected to see on his screen, or at least at such an hour on a weekend, was Riker's. He leaned forward and slid the lockscreen open before reading the message.

Riker Daniels, Sat. 12/27 9:46 a.m.:

Yo, I left one of my jackets at your place. Can you drop it off the next time you come over or something?

Sighing, Tristan typed back a reply before setting the phone back on the table and taking his coffee into his hands again. His eyes swept the coffee shop, going over the various people dressed in suits or business attire. The thought repulsed him, having to work over a weekend, but he knew that others didn't think very much of it. Although, there were times when he needed to go into work for a walk-in patient. He cleared his throat and focused his attention back on his cup, tilting his head slightly to the side and biting the inside of his cheek.

(Mentions: @Coolaloo @xxxNiquexxx @ColaGirl4Life @Akeira @Armageddon @jewlia)

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Saturday December 27th, 2013 8:17 a.m

Evelyn's Apartment: Her bedroom

Senoia, Georgia

"Oops!..I did it again, I played with your heart, got lost in your game, Oh Baby baby! Oops I think I'm in love, That I'm sent from above. I'm not that innocent!" Eve and Alex both sung out at the top of their lungs along to the radio in Alex's parents car. They both burst into a cloud of laughter that filled the car. Alex's parents rolled their eyes but let out a softer laugh as well. "Hey if this figure skating think doesn't work out, we can always form a singing duo." Alex joked. A smile appeared on his face. He had braces but the looked cute on him. Eve couldn't help but smile as well. She laughed "Yea right." Eve said with a sarcastic tone but still in a joking way. "Hey how far are we? Are we almost there?" Eve asked Alex's parents. "Not to far." Alex's dad said from behind the steering wheel. "Hey Alex? Do you have your seatbelt on?" Eve looked over at him and realized that he didn't. "I don't like it its uncomfortable." Alex replied simply. "You have to wear your seatbelt son." His father replied back. However Alex didn't even really listen. Instead Alex just grumbled under his breath and sat back. "I'm nervous. Do you think we will win?" Eve asked to really know one in particular but Alex answered. "Of course." He said with that smile again. That calmed her nerves a bit. He calmed her. She smiled at him but was still bit unsure as if sensing this he added "Remember that promise we made?" Alex asked her. Of course she remembered. They both wore matching bracelets on their wrist made of string. It was a symbol of the promise they had made to each other. "We promised that no matter what happened we would always continue ice skating. That we would never give up on our dreams to go the olympics. That no matter we will always be there for each other." She continued smiling at him. She looked him in the eyes and felt truly lucky to have a friend like him. To have a dance partner like him. They really were inseparable.

Just at that moment a horn was blown, headlights flashed inside of the car blinding them. A scream filled the room and Eve didn't know who screamed or even if it was her. It all happened so fast but it felt like slow motion and then just like that-crash-


"Noo!" Eve screamed before sitting up in bed quickly. Her heart was beating quickly and sweat bullets were building up on her forehead. She took deep breaths in and out. They came quickly and she felt as if she had just ran three miles. Eve closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down. After a few minute, Eve was able to open her eyes and feel a bit more relaxed. She wanted to tell herself it was just a dream but it wasn't. The blue and green string bracelet that wrapped her wrist was evidence of that. The car accident had actually happened and Alex had died as a result. Now she was frequented with horrible nightmare of the accident almost every night. Tears formed in her eye but she wasn't going to allow herself to cry. Without even really thinking about, Eve reached over to her side dresser and opened the top drawer. Right in plane sight was a bottle of pills. She grabbed it without hesitation and opened the top. Then she tapped the bottle on her palm to allow the pills to fall out into her hand. To her dismay she found she only had two left. Now she was emptied. She wasn't going to be able to just have two pills all day she would go crazy. She would need to contact someone to get her some immediately. She closed the cap back on the bottle and placed in back in her drawer. Then she flung her head back and tossed the pills and her mouth. She swallowed them before grabbing her flask which lay in that same draw and took a swallow of vodka. It was her deadly poison, lacing the pills with the vodka but as far she she was concerned it calmed her and made her feel somewhat happy when she was ready to scream.

A loud and obnoxious sound flowed through the room. It caught Eve off guard and nearly made her jump out of her skin. Finally, she registered the sound was coming from her cell phone. She quickly placed the flash back inside her top drawer and closed it. Then reached for her cell which sat on top of her dresser. She looked at the screen, which was awfully bright this early in the mourning. She noticed it was a call coming from her father, David. She answered it and then put it to her ear. She was curious as to why he was calling so early.
"Hey dad" Eve said to him with a tiredness still in her voice. He must have caught it because he replied with "You just woke up?" Eve thought he must be joking. Why would she have gotten up any earlier? Then she remembered who she was speaking to. David was an early bird. He was usually up at 6 for some reason. That was one thing Eve didn't share with him. Chuck, her other father, was more like her. They didn't do mournings but nights were a different story. "Well yea, worked late last night." Eve replied, as if that was the reason for her not waking up early. "Ah, well anyways. I was calling to ask if you were interesting in to lunch with your grandmother this afternoon? She had planned for you two to go." Eve was shocked by this. Her grandmother, David's mom, wasn't exactly her favorite person to be around. She had come to visit them for the holidays and was still in town. She didn't agree with Eve's lifestyle and hated the fact that she didn't go to college. She was also always going on and on about how Eve should settled down and maybe get married but Eve just didn't agree. It was hard to enjoy yourself when placed in the same room as her as she will always find some way to critique her. "Mmm" Eve rubbed her sleepy eye. "And why didn't she ask me this herself?" Eve questioned as she through the covers off of her and got ready to get out of bed.

Eve's feet touched the cold ground and she began to make herself across the room to her bedroom door. She continued to hold the cell phone to her ear as she did this, waiting for her father to reply.
"Well she is going to but I figured I would give you a heads up before she did. I mean I wanted to convince you to say yes. I think it will be a..you know. Good idea for you two to spend this time together." He finally said. Eve smiled and rolled her eyes still walking before entering the small kitchen in her apartment. She went over to her pantry, she really needed to stock up on more food. She took out a bagel bun and figured she would eat this. She began to take the tie off of the tip of the bag that concealed the bagels. "Ah, we both know that isn't true dad. You just want to get rid of her for a little while and this is your opportunity." Eve couldn't see her Dad's face but she knew her probably know had that grin on his face. She could almost feel it. He surpassed a laugh. "Aha, you caught me." Eve shook her head still smiling as she turned around to her cabinets and stood on her tip toes to reach the small glass plates. She pulled one down and turned back to the small kitchen island and placed the plate there. "Yea I thought so." Eve knew very well that her fathers enjoyed the company of her grandmother as little as she did. Not only did Eve not agree with her lifestyle but she also didn't agree with her fathers being together. The way she saw it, it was a sin. Her religion said so. She didn't hide her disapproval either. "Hey, well she is staying with us. We have to deal with her all day and night. You could at least do me this one favor." Eve's father said as if justifying himself. Eve couldn't help but giggle some. It was rare he asked much of her so it was kinda nice to hear it every once in awhile. "Well you could say please." Eve teased as she placed a bagel on the small glass plate and went over to her fridge to obtain the cream cheese. "Well I'm paying for your apartment so.." Eve giggled. She couldn't believe he would use that on her but then again that was one of the things they shared in common, they didn't like begging things from people. "Well, alright. I will." Eve finally said. She thought she heard a sigh of relief from her father but she might have imagined it. "Great." He said. "Well I'll talk to you soon. Love you! Bye" "Love you too!" She replied before hanging up the phone and placing it on the counter.

She took a butter knife from a drawer and used it to smear cream cheese on her bagel. Then she placed the knife in the sink and went over to the couch to take a seat. She turned the tv on and it was already on the news. She was just about to take a bite of hr bagel when her grandmother called her.
Shocker. Eve sat her plate down and then answered her phone. "Well hello their grandmother. What a surprise?! I didn't expect to hear from you today." Eve joked sarcastically as she answered the phone. Her grandmother didn't seem to amused as she grunted and said. "Yea, Yea. I know your father probably already mentioned the lunch thing." She replied. "What no? I haven't a clue what you speak of." She said before taking a bite of her bagel. "Mmmhmm. Well what do you think about Olive Garden at 12:30?" She said. Eve considered this. She concluded that that was good. "Will do. See you there." Eve then hung up the phone and then slid through her contacts list before her finger landed on Landon's name. She clicked it and then quickly typed out a message


To: Landon

Hey think maybe you could hook me up with a refill on those pills?

Eve then hit send and placed her phone down. She felt comfortable allowing him to be her personal drug dealer. After all they were friends so she trust he would give her legit pills that were laced with anything plus this was his job. He did this kinda stuff for a living so she didn't think he would see it as too much of a problem. Finally, Eve felt like she could relax. She finished off her bagel as she watched some story about a robbery that happened just outside of town.

{Mentions @ColaGirl4Life }


Saturday, December 27th, 2013; 9:50 a.m.

Landon's House, Senoia, Georgia

The rays of the rising sun lighted into Landon's bedroom of his cozy
home. Landon lived basically alone so he never felt the need to buy a big place and stuck with his one story home. It wasn't bad and the monthly bill was more reasonable than other places. To others his place wouldn't seem so cozy but more like an epic bachelor pad. Most people would wonder how he got such a place but then again he was the eldest son of the Mayor so no questions were asked.

Landon rolled over on to his side in annoyance as the light finally hit his eyes. He laid in bed for awhile staring at the wall as he tried to fall back asleep but his attempts were futile. Making his way out of bed, Landon ran both his hands through his hair as he looked around his
bedroom. Landon took a step towards his dresser and almost tripped over some clothes though he was more careful than that and rested most of his weight on his dresser. Seeing as most of the clothes on the floor weren't his he picked them up and threw them over onto his bed. He could here the shower water running in the bathroom so of course his late-night guest was still here, of course. Landon scrunched the back of his hair with his hand as he pulled out long grey pajama pants and slipped them on with ease.

He made his way out into the small hallway leaving his bedroom a mess and entered his
living-room/kitchen, plopping himself onto the couch and resting his feet on one end of the couch then reaching over for the remote and turning on the news. Landon enjoyed himself as he silently listened to the anchorwoman talk and crossed his arms leaning on a grey pillow that was pressed under the weight of his back. Footsteps could be heard throughout the house and it wasn't Landon's, it was his late-night guest. "So why are you still here? Thought you would be outta here before I woke up." Landon stated this with a half-smirk as a tall black-haired male entered the room with a towel slinging over his shoulder. "Well maybe because I hate my b*tch of a girlfriend who thinks I'm cheating all the time and I still have to pay you." The tall male removed Landon's feet from the end of the couch as he seated himself. The male's name was Andrew and he was one of Landon's frequent clients and at times they were 'Friends-With-Benefits'. "Now where in the hell does she get an idea like that?" Landon raised an eyebrow as he un-folded his arms and sat up, lightly joking to the other. "Haha. very funny but she thinks I cheat on her with other woman." "Oh yes, because I'm a guy that makes it okay." Landon turned his head to the other male. "Kidding~." He spoke unconvincingly.


Landon got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen; he opened one of the cabinets and retrieved a bottle of pills that was placed behind a bunch of oatmeal boxes. Landon walked over to the counter and tossed the bottle to the other male.
"Sixty in cash." Andrew caught the bottle and pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. "Here." He handed Landon the money as he walked over to the counter. Landon took the money and walked around the counter. "Cool. So you know where the door is and call if you need anything else." Andrew nodded his head and smiled lightly as he went out of Landon's sight. Landon once again seated himself on the couch after he heard the front door open then shut. He noticed his phone on the coffee table and how it was lighting up. Landon picked it up and checked the message he had received from one of his friends, Evelyn, the girl was a great cash cow for Landon though he never said that out loud. He quickly replied to the girl.

To: Eve~!

Already went through them? Just come by my place or I can meet you. Which one?

Landon hit the send button then set his phone on the coffee table once again and relaxed as he leaned back into the couch. Most people would find it wrong to deal your friends drugs but he knew if things ever got out of hand he would stop selling to them or at least that's what he tells himself all the time.

{ Mentions: @xxxNiquexxx }

Saturday December 27th, 2013 8:45 a.m

Savannah's Loft Apartment: Living Room

Senoia, Georgia

Light slowly began to stream into the living room of the loft, creating a ray of light directed over the couch. A sleeping figure, fixated on her slumber groaned gently and rolled over, curling into a tighter ball and trying to protect herself from the light. Despite her attempts, Savannah was unable to block the powerful force, gently opening and looking around the flat in a daze. Strange. She thought to herself, noticing that everything was at a different perspective than her usual first morning sight upon waking in her bedroom. It was then that the brunette realized that she must have fallen asleep on the sofa the previous night, her hair shrewn over a throw pillow, clothes slightly ruffled from sleeping in them, and papers scattered on the coffee table.

Running a hand through her dark hair, Savannah sat up and yawned gently, feeling heavy sleep linger on her being for a few more minutes. Finally feeling the weights partially lift off her eyelids, she opened her eyes a bit wider, pulling down the sweater that had risen up to her stomach during the night. She sighed and stood, trudging into the kitchen in search of coffee beans to make herself a mug.
"Really?" She murmured, staring down at the empty container in front of her. Savannah knew she would not be able to make it through the day without her coffee, a catalyst to help her achieve her bubbly exterior.

Quickly looking at the time written on the microwave, Savannah figured that her neighbor, Ms. Garner, would be up already and in possession of plenty of coffee beans. Journeying to her front door and propping it open, she sauntered next door to the middle-aged woman's door, knocking gently and crossing her arms while she waited in the corridor. She could already hear Ms. Garner's enthusiastic Pilates instructor blaring instructions through the door, figuring that her neighbor was at her morning routine again. Finally the door opened and Ms. Garner scrunched up her nose at the sight of Savannah.

"Haven't been home since yesterday afternoon?" She asked in a sickeningly sweet voice, chuckling as she assumed she had spent the night elsewhere. "I was just up late and fell asleep." She replied with a sheepish smile, chuckling gently afterwards. "Can I borrow 2 1/4 tablespoons of coffee beans?" Savannah asked casually, being precise about her measurements as usual. "That's very specific, but sure, dear. One moment." Ms. Garner replied, disappearing behind her door while the Pilates DVD continued to run in the background. The elder woman returned a minute or so later, a small baggy of coffee beans in her hand. "Here you go!" The woman replied, resulting in Savannah murmuring her gratitude and humming while she walked back into her apartment.

Making her way over to the machine, Savannah added the necessary components and leaned against the counter, staring into her apartment with a small frown. She put together that she must had passed out in exhaustion in the early morning, the aftermath of her frequent insomnia from Adderall pills. After her hospitalization in school, she knew it was a bad idea to continue taking them, but sometimes she slipped and popped more pills she had gotten from Landon. The continuing stress of her job had her trying to stay up for hours on end to complete tasks. Though a nasty situation, the combination of coffee and a pill or two usually produced a bubbly attitude that Savannah thought was decent.

When her coffee was completed, she took her mug into the living room, lounging on the couch in her ruffled casuals and flipping through a stack of papers for work. She shuddered at the thought bringing work home on a Saturday morning, but someone had to crunch numbers and make sure everything stayed in line. Working her way through a few sheets, Savannah sighed and ran a hand through her dark brunette hair. Something was definitely needed to get her to loosen up a bit, bringing out her personality through either natural or aesthetic causes. Savannah decided on natural, thinking that getting some good food would help her cause. Finding her phone wedged between two couch cushions, she scrolled down to Matthew's number, quickly typing a message before returning to her papers.

To: Matthew Sleets 9:15 A.M.

Want to grab some Chinese or something later? Down time is definitely needed.

(Mentioned: @Armageddon )

Alice's eyes burned with passion and fury. She had just spent an entire night devoted to her new favorite video game, Titanfall. The game had just come out this week, so of course she had to play it non-stop for twelve hours, it was a given. She chewed on the inside of her lip as she paused the game. Alice was absolutely exhausted, but decided the best choice at the moment was to just wake up and hang out with friends. She really needed to feel like she wasn't a total social outcast after spending an entire night playing a video game.

Her legs nearly collapsed beneath her as she stood up, and she was forced to hold onto the nearby futon for balance. After she regained composure and control of her body, she ran a cold, wet washcloth over her tired face. That woke her up just enough to be able to get a little less horrible-looking. Alice wiped the sleep from her eyes, although she had ironically gotten absolutely no sleep. She really had to stop playing video games at night, but it was the only time she could.

During the day, she was almost always with her friends, and they would never want to play a silly video game with her. Besides, they didn't know about her video game obsession, or her comic book fascination, or her superhero adoration. All they knew was sweet, shy Alice with a cute sense of humor. Alice didn't bring the party, but knew how to have fun, and made sure everyone around her had fun.

She smiled at herself in the mirror, something her aunt had taught her when she stayed there.
"It helps build confidence in yourself." She would say. Aunt Karen was probably a little wrong in the head, but alas, Alice always smiled at herself in the mirror when she woke up.

Alice put foundation on to covered up the red blotches on her face, and put on mascara to make her look more awake. She normally wore little to no make-up, but today she looked especially horrifying. Alice turned to the side and examined her body. Her stomach was perfectly flat, but all she saw was a pudgy tummy, nothing short of a mini beer-belly. She stared long and hard at her square shoulders, wishing they were more rounded off and lady like. She could also stand to grow a few inches, as she was short for her age and weight.

She frowned and slipped on a fresh bra, feeling a bit more clean. After that, she slid on an aztec print sweater over a pair of leggings, deciding to dress up a little more than usual. But after glancing at herself in the mirror and examining how the leggings made her legs appear, she took them both off and settled on a
different outfit.

Alice brushed her hair and put it into a
side braid, before walking back into the living room. She quickly grabbed all of the Red Bull cans and put them in the recycling. She didn't need her friends coming over to see evidence of her night of social outcast-dom. After that, she put the futon back against the wall (she had moved it closer to the TV screen) and put Titanfall away in the bottom drawer, with the rest of her video games.

Surveying the room, she decided it was clean enough. Her phone buzzed a few times, so she checked it. Alice had left her phone on the small kitchen counter of her apartment, and now looking at it, had many messages from old friends and people she had met over Xbox Live. She ignored the messages and instead typed a group message to everyone in her small group of friends.

Group Message to: Six Others - 10:03 AM

Hang out tonight @ my place? Pizza's my treat, BYOB.

{Mentioned: @Darth Cinder @Coolaloo @xxxNiquexxx @ColaGirl4Life @Akeira @Armageddon }

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