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Realistic or Modern ๐–ฟ๐—‚๐—‡๐–พ ๐—…๐—‚๐—‡๐–พ๐—Œ โ€•



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please just take me out.
Last week, if anyone would have asked Noah what his plans for this week were, he would have said sleeping, relaxing and rehearsing for MTY's stage at the MAMAs. He would not have said that his plans were to practice for a second MAMA stage, a stage not with Me To You, but with a member of Mythos. Hong-Yeon. Also known as the guy who made it a top priority to hate Noah the very moment he set eyes on him all those years ago.

Why? He still didn't know. If it was that pronunciation mishap back in 2016, a year after MTYs debut and Mythos debut, Noah had long since apologized and cleared the air โ”€ there was literally nothing more he could do or say about it. Yet Hong-Yeon still made it his mission to make Noah's life a living hell every time they crossed paths. Which didn't happen often thankfully, and it wasn't as if Noah didn't defend himself, but it was still quite annoying. Bitches be testing him too much for his liking.

So when he was told by the NOVA staff and higher-ups of the company that he was doing a stage at the MAMAs with the bitch that tested him the most, Noah just damn near exploded. Because... were they out of their minds? Him. Do a duet stage with his mortal enemy? He'd rather consume a liter of hydrochloric acid then spend more than ten minutes in the same room as Hong-Yeon. But it looked like he wouldn't have a choice in the matter.

Fast forward a few days since the horrific announcement and it looked like his hydrochloric acid consumption desires were about to come true. Because in less than an hour, the first rehearsal for the duet stage would begin. It wasn't that Noah was dreading it, but he was dreading it. He'd rather be doing anything else, literally anything besides rehearsing for a stage he didn't want to perform in the first place (had no say in, actually) with someone he disliked.

He came very close to crying when all of the members offered to come with him to "supervise" the whole rehearsal and make sure he was okay. He declined the offer, of course, but was still touched nonetheless. Besides, Noah was a big boy, he could handle himself. Maybe. It would probably take all of his self restraint to not punch Yeon in the face every second, but he'd try his best.

Somehow, and he's not sure how, he was the first one to arrive to the rehearsal studio so he decided to make himself right at home. He dropped his bag somewhere in the back of the room and then headed over to the audio system, plugging his phone in and scrolling to the song he'd been choreographing a dance to during this past week. Why learn and practice the duet choreography before he absolutely had to? Besides, he'd get the choreo down right after watching the Monster dance rehearsal. There was no need to start practicing early.

A few minutes in and he was already exhausted and quite sweaty โ”€ the inner-choreographer in him had no desire to stop. The only reason he did was because the music suddenly stopped and his ringtone was heard throughout the room, signaling an incoming call. Frowning slightly, Noah walked over to where his phone was and saw a FaceTime call from Hyun-Ki.

"Hey, GiGi," he answered.

"It's GiGi-hyung to you," came the response and just then, Dae-Joon popped into the screen.

"Hey DJ," Noah greeted, ignoring Hyun-Ki.

"Hi, how are you doing?" Apparently Dae-Joon didn't give a shit about honorifics.

He knew what they were trying to ask. "No, he hasn't gotten here yet. I've just been working on new choreo."

They continued talking for a little while until the door was thrown open, making him look up. "Gotta go, hyungs," he began, standing up, "the mermaid just got here. Talk to you later." And he hung up without waiting for either of their replies.

Noah took his sweet old time plugging his phone back in, pretending he didn't even know Hong-Yeon was there. Honestly, feigning indifference or ignorance was a lot easier than acknowledging the fact that the two mortal enemies were now locked inside a room together for however long it took to learn a new choreography. But despite how easy it might be, he knew it couldn't last.

Instead of saying anything of acknowledgement, he opened up Spotify and searched for Monster, pausing it just before the music started playing. "Do you know if someone is teaching us the choreography," he began while still staring at his phone, finally (somewhat) addressing the fact that there was someone else in the room. "Or are we teaching ourselves?" By teaching ourselves, he meant himself probably teaching the both of them, but no one had to know that.

  • outfit

coded by reveriee.
fuck this shit i'm out -- ha, i wish
lee hongyeon
"C'mon man, don't be so dramatic. It's your job, just hurry on over and get it over with."

Seungjae punctuated his declaration by knocking back half a bottle of his disgusting pomegranate soju (blueberry was clearly the superior flavor, even if Jiwoong would interject by claiming that both of them were both on the bottom end of the tier list anyway). Hongyeon ignored him; maybe his reaction would've warranted such a response in any other situation, but when the issue at hand involved him (Hongyeon grimaced at merely the thought of it), those standards were thrown out the window.

"Hyung, have some sympathy," Changmin called out from the doorway. "Yeonie is going to be in a confined room with his mortal enemy." Hongyeon was satisfied to hear some distaste coloring Changmin's words instead of sarcasm; how dare anyone mock this DEFCON 1 situation (as some American like him might say)?

Seungjae heaved a sigh, collapsing against the couch next to Hongyeon. He nudged the base of his soju bottle against Hongyeon's shoulder incessantly until the blonde glanced up at him. Seungjae had that annoying older brother look on his face that meant that he was about to give what he thought was some incredible piece of wisdom. "Look man, you need to get over this. Just smile and grit through it and we can trash talk MTY to drinks later tonight."

Hongyeon rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, it's not like I'm gonna ditch,"
he retorted.
"I'm just rightfully distraught. Don't worry, I'm not gonna back out or anything."

Seungjae gave him a disbelieving look. "Alrighty then. Good luck, dude."

Hongyeon snorted.
I'll need it.


Hongyeon stood outside the dance studio door and suddenly felt a pressing urge to book it out of there.

He despised Noah. For a good reason too -- his mother always told him to beware of Byeon the Vicious, and look at that. Noah Byeon. That was definitely not a coincidence. Byeon wasn't the rarest surname out there, but considering that a fifth of the country was a Kim, they weren't the most common sight either. Hongyeon had never personally met a Byeon before. Well, before him. This was definitely the work of fate.

And sure, most of his distaste for the American (who happened to share the same birthday as him, that fucker, which definitely also meant something in the hands of fate), was attributed to his mother's words of wisdom and a childhood warning, which some people (who didn't put enough faith in the workings of destiny, which was probably why they were so stressed all the time) would consider as some baseless shit. And sure, Hongyeon didn't really have that much of a reason, outside of his very important and valid rationale that connected to his ancestors in the Chunhyangga, to hate Noah. But every time he even heard the other guy's name, Hongyeon would feel something unsettling in the back of his throat, along with the inconsistent fluttering of his heart -- his precious, beating heart that would probably give out if he had to deal with that devil face to face.

Usually, Hongyeon didn't think all that much about a dilemma. As someone who understood the cycle of the universe, and as someone who felt an intimate connection with the ebb and flow of the cosmos, he didn't stress out that much. Why would he? Fate was a single, invisible path laid out for every being on the earth, and even if he moved through life blind, it was impossible to stray off such a road.

But at the same time . . . Hongyeon was viscerally warned about Byeon the Vicious every single damn day of his life. Perhaps this was their doomed interaction of their long-fated rivalry. It couldn't end badly, but why would fate force him right down this path? Was it a sign that Hongyeon should fight his way out of it?

What am I even thinking,
Hongyeon grumbled,
if I decide to give up just because of that prick . . . well, that'd be way more horrible than actually facing him. Fucking Noah Byeon can't take me down.

And with that, Hongyeon threw the door open.

"Gotta go, hyungs, the mermaid just got here. Talk to you later."

Mermaid? What the fuck is that all about? Is that some stupid play on the siren shit or something?

It wasn't like Hongyeon despised their group concept; a lot of Kpop groups worked that way, but in all honesty, it was a little cheesy. At least he wasn't stuck with any of the cringier ideas. It wasn't like MTY was in a better position, either; judging from their name, they were probably just a whole bunch of fan service and maybe the occasional album or two.

"Do you know if someone is teaching us the choreography, or are we teaching ourselves?"

Maybe Hongyeon should've been grateful for Byeon breaking the silence, because he certainly wasn't going to.

The blonde made a show of scanning the room, clucking his tongue when his gaze landed on the only other person in the confined area (unfortunately).
"Sure looks like there's someone else here to help us out,"
he commented, a sour, derisive undertone in his voice.

Of course the companies didn't send a dance teacher. If they had, Hongyeon would've gotten a notice and he would've felt infinitely better about this meeting.

"Let's get started,"
Hongyeon muttered, moving on.
"Can't speak for you, but I'm ready to get this over with."
And get you out of my fucking hair.

coded by reveriee.
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try me. i dare you
Even before Hong-Yeon began to speak, Noah sent a quick prayer up to the heavens above, asking for the patience to make it through this unscathed and without issue. He was normally quite a patient person but something about the other tested the fuck out of his normal saint-like patience. But there was no way he could just not reply to that little jab. "Sure looks like there's someone else here to help us out," he mocked quietly under his breath.

"Good, send them to the front," he replied just as sarcastically. It was silent for a minute before he continued, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, no shit sherlock. I meant do you know if our companies are sending someone later to teach us the choreography?" He had a very good feeling that no one was coming, and usually his feelings and hunches were correct. Time to channel teacher mode.

Noah ignored the rest of what Hong-Yeon said in favor of unplugging his phone from the sound system. No need to burst anyones eardrums over an accidental loud video. He then pulled up the Monster choreography video, eyes narrowing in concentration as the video began to play. Three minutes later and his eyes were still narrowed. Truth be told, he wasn't overly fond of the choreography. There seemed to be a ton of hand and arm movements involved and he didn't really like choreography that used a lot of either. It always felt like his arms and hands were going to fall off when it was over, plus his shoulders always ached (shoutout to the hyungs for injuring him too many times to count).

Frowning slightly, Noah searched up some dance covers of the song to see if anyone else covered it and changed some of the choreo, and if so, what they did. There were a few, but none that stuck out to him or greatly reduced the upper body movement to prevent pain. So now there were two options; for them to do a cover of the original choreography, or for him to come up with completely new choreography and say it was the original. Decisions, decisions.

Giving him time to mull it all over, he rewatched the original choreography video again. This time around was spent trying to memorize it all instead of just watching and to do so, Noah ran through the moves quickly and "in tiny". Of course, he'd need to watch the video while teaching but this would help him get the bigger, the real, version of the moves down. Though, if he decided to create his own choreo, all of this memorization and practice would go right out the window.

If given the option, Noah figured that Hong-Yeon would absolutely choose the original choreography. He seemed like the type to stick with tradition, what was comfortable and well known. So he wasn't going to give the option to the otherโ”€this decision would lie in his very own hands. And speaking of hands, he really didn't want to use them all that much, so coming up with his own choreography seemed like a good idea in order to lessen the overall use of them. However, part of him was concerned that the fans and general public might not like new choreography for this type of song.

Fuck it, he'll combine new and original. Original choreography for the verses and Byeon choreo for the chorus. Noah watched the video one more time before pausing it and turning to the other occupant in the room. "Got it down. Tell me if you need me to slow down and ask any questions you may have about the dance or a particular move," Those types of interruptions he was okay with. "Do not interrupt just to insult me. I know you want to be here the same amount that I do, but the sooner we get this down, the sooner we can get the fuck out of here."

He turned away from Hong-Yeon then and unplugged his phone, hoping there was some sort of Bluetooth here. And yep, there was. Cool. Noah walked to the center of the studio and set his phone down by the mirror in the front. "In this dance, you're Irene and I'm Seulgi. We're starting with verse one and are gonna have to get up close and personal here, so stand right behind me and bend your knees." He then did the same. "Now bend over so your torso is parallel to the ground and rest your hands on my back, palms facing the audience. I'll be doing the same but resting my hands on my thighs. When the music starts, I look up and we rock back and forth on each leg for six counts."

Thankfully, the rest of the verse one and pre-chorus teaching went off without a hitch. Now it was time for the chorus, also known as the Noah choreography. "Get a drink, take a break. We're learning the chorus in five." He took a quick sip from his own water bottle before walking over to his phone and sitting down. It would take him a few to come up with his own choreography for the song, so might as well listen again.

  • outfit

coded by reveriee.
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