Final Days


Blood of the Dragon


NAME: ((First, middle, last, as well as any titles))

APPEARANCE: ((Picture preferred, description works as well))

AGE: ((Anything goes, really.))

GENDER: ((What do you identify as))

NATIONALITY: ((This is American, unless you are a tourist etc))

FORMER JOB: ((What job did you hold before you learned of the black hole?))

FAMILY MEMBERS/FRIENDS/PARTNERS: ((Did you have friends? Family? A romantic partner before all this?))

PERSONALITY: ((How does your character act))

SKILLS/STRENGTHS: ((What are you good at. At least three.))

WEAKNESSES: ((Fears/Disadvantages. At least three))

BACKGROUND: ((Self explanatory)

THEME SONG: ((Entirely optional))

OTHER: ((Miss anything?))

In Character:


Out of Character:
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Kordana "Kory" Bloom

NAME: Kordana "Kory" Iris Bloom


Kordana has a unique sense of style and is known to change it as often as she dyes her hair.

AGE: 19

GENDER: Cis-Female

NATIONALITY: Cuban African-American (She immigrated to the US from Cuba when she was young)

FORMER JOB: Kordana was an employee at a high end clothing store in San Jose and a college student.

FAMILY MEMBERS/FRIENDS/PARTNERS: Kordana had a large group of friends, mostly the people she worked with, her mother in the Midwest, and a boyfriend who lives in an apartment with her.



PERSONALITY: Kordana is a narcissistic young girl with her head in the clouds. She's young, she's pretty, she's smart, and she's get the whole world in her hands. She realizes that as well. She's a little vain but a sweet enough girl. She's extremely blunt and always tells the truth, even if it hurts someone's feelings. She cares immensely about the important people in her life but doesn't seem to focus on others. She's a little bit misguided at times but she always has someone who can get her back on track. She likes to consider herself an activist and isn't afraid to voice her opinions. She's a sarcastic, fierce young woman who's very passionate about what she does for a living. She's had some struggles with her career and personal life due to anxiety but she's seeking treatment for it.

SKILLS/STRENGTHS: Kordana is an extremely nimble, athletic girl. She's been athletic since a very young age and prides herself on her ability to stay in shape. She's a very charming girl who can use her cute smile and smooth words to get her out of situations. She's also a good actor and can lie in situations to protect her and her friends. She's decent with technology and is able to do some basic hacking (not that it'll matter now)

WEAKNESSES: Kordana is immensely afraid of the dark and can't stand to be alone in it. She can't stand when it's completely silent or when she's alone either as it makes her feel uneasy. She also has really bad anxiety and it can cause her to have a panic attack sometimes. She can also be unmotivated at times.

BACKGROUND: Kordana was born in Cuba to a single mother. While in Cuba she lived in the slums and barely knew any English. Her mother made sure she did very well in school so that she could have a good life. When she turned six they fled Cuba and headed to the United States. Kordana eventually learned English and began American school. She did so well in school that she was able to graduate a semester early with an Academic Honor's Diploma. She moved to Arizona and began to attend Phoenix University. She dropped out after a year and moved to San Francisco. Eventually she met her boyfriend, Karter, and got a job at the fashion store she worked at. They moved in together not long after they began dating. They've been dating for about 9 months now.

THEME SONG: [media]
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Franklin Feudo


Age: 13

Gender: Male


4 feet 2 inches

Brown eyes

Jet black hair

Nationality: American

Former Job: Used to work as a dog sitter for neighbors to earn side cash.


Susan Feudo (Mother)

Chubster (Pet rat)

Personality: Due to the chaos brought about by news of the black hole Franklin had to adopt an independent lifestyle. He highly cautious of anything around him making him a bit jumpy. He isn't one to jump into a fray and would likely take the cowardly method of doing things. He has a strong will to live which is represented by his cowardly nature and ability to struggle when cornered.


  • Being stealthy
  • Creative with what he has
  • A calm thinker


  • Insomniac
  • Panics in high stress situations
  • Cowardly and thus a bad teammate at times

Background: He was a common variety unmotivated young teen. Being raised by only his work-ridden mother he was always generally independent. School didn't matter much to him as there was never anyone to push him forward to aspire to a certain field. Rather he was an art junkie and an internet bug. On the day the news spread his town in Southern America didn't go into anarchy quickly. No, the town fell into ruins as trade stopped flowing destroying thus the flow of resources and wealth. With the increase of prices food was hard to come by. It was only natural for crime to spread wild in the streets. Franklin lost everything when people started to burn his neighbor to the ground. His mother lost to the flames brought about the understanding that things were coming to an end. He hasn't slept since that time.

Theme Song:

Tyler Raye Leanna O' Reiley

Goes by Raye and Ty



Raye is 5'1 and 95 pounds, her eyes are blue-grey. She has freckles across her cheeks and nose. Her hair goes down to her rib cage and is naturally lightly wavy.







Former Job

Raye was a Zookeper at the San Francisco Zoo. She took care of the tigers most often, but her technical area of expertise were the big cats.

Family Members, Friends, and Partners

Raye has her mother and step-father who live just outside New York City, and her younger brothers, John and Jack, who live with them. She had a few friends, but Raye was very dedicated to her job and preferred to spend time with her tigers over people.


Raye is very closed off when it comes to people, especially those she doesn't know. When she was younger, she dealt with very severe social anxiety and that still pops up occasionally, though not nearly as bad as it was. Once she opens up to you, however, you find that she is enthusiastic, intelligent, protective, and just a tad bit on the crazy side. Raye loves the tigers at the zoo as if they are her house cats and not wild animals that could eat her at any moment.

Skills and Strengths

-She's amazing with all animals, even wild ones. She's never met an animal who didn't take to her immediately.

-She grew up in an unsavory part of New York City, so she learned how to defend herself against people twice her size.

-She's very small, which means she has a wide range of hiding places and is quiet when she moves.

Fears and Weaknesses


-She is 5'1 and weighs 95 pounds. Also known as, if she's surprised by an attacker in a certain way that she has no time to formulate a plan, she's pretty easily overpowered.



Raye's mother and father were born in Ireland, but they moved to New York just after they got married. Her father died when Raye was 6 months old, when someone robbed their family's small pub. Her mother remarried when Raye was 7.

Raye was always very smart, and skipped two grades. She graduated highschool at the young age of 16 as the valedictorian and moved San Francisco to go to college. She graduated with honors at 19 and got a job at the zoo working with the big cats. She took to the tigers immediately. One of the bengal tigers had a cubs soon after she began her job, and one of the cubs was melanistic, giving her a blackish blue color. The tiger's brothers and sisters pushed her out of the litter, so Raye adopted her and made sure she was loved, fed, and trained. She named her Kaala, the Hindi word for black. When she got the news of the Earth's impending doom, Raye was at the zoo. Kaala followed her out, and protects her and whoever she's with.


Oh, and @Kordxna you're both accepted
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News Anchor, Karl Vomburg




GENDER: Cis Male

NATIONALITY: German-American

FORMER JOB: News Anchor for the Channel 7 News.

FAMILY MEMBERS/FRIENDS/PARTNERS: He had a few friends amongst the news crew, although none of note. His family lives mostly in Germany, except for his mother, who died in a car crash.

PERSONALITY: Faithful to his friends, although a little slow to trust. Karl possesses a strong willpower, and a dedication to his community, to continue his role when basically no one else has, even without pay. That is all that can be gathered, really. He is usually the voice of caution, preferring to be safe than take risks.


Will: Karl has yet to give up after the announcement, and as of the moment, is determined to continue keeping the city aware of world events.

Selflessness: As the last of the news crew, he is the only one keeping whoever is listening informed on events, and is struggling to maintain order through knowledge.

Hidden: Karl seems to have some sort of hide-out somewhere that he will be broadcasting from.

Cameramen: Karl has a few people working for him, that gather information, and record things, so that he can continue to keep people in on the city's events.



Unwilling to take risks


BACKGROUND: As a young man, Karl worked for a German news channel, where he learned much about the buisness, before moving to America with his elderly mother to escape the pollution of the "Black Triangle". He learned English, and lost most of his German accent, landing a spot on the Channel 7 News in San Fransisco, where has has been since. Not much else is known about him.

OTHER: Ok. Little thing. This character will be played ENTIRELY in third person. If that makes sense. He will not be played by me, or anyone. But instead, he will be the one remaining news anchor in San Fransisco, trying to relay information. He will only be heard, through radio, seen, on television, and read, in newspaper articles. His story will be told through those three mediums, without me actually playing from his point of view. This is a totally new way to play a character I have not tried yet. Karl is not my main, but he is the only character I have come up with as of yet. I will only play from his point of view, if someone is interacting with him. Which is hard. Because he'll be in hiding throughout most of the RP.

NAME: Dr. Emmet "Em" Johnson


Emmet is 6'4 and 190 pounds.

AGE: 30


NATIONALITY: African American (Technically mixed race, but that's what he answers with.)

FORMER JOB: Trauma Surgeon

FAMILY MEMBERS/FRIENDS/PARTNERS: His family lives in Indiana, his mother, brother, and father. He has a 3 year old daughter, Alexys from a previous marriage that ended very badly. He is friends with many of his coworkers and his daughters friend's parents.

PERSONALITY: Emmet loves helping people, though not nearly as much as he loves his daughter. He will do anything and everything for her. Em is quick to laugh and joke, especially on the job, which is very stressful. He has a goofy, laid back demeanor that makes everyone around him comfortable, but as soon as he needs to operate, he's like a military sergeant. Do as you're told or get out of his way.


He's a licensed medical doctor

- He is fairly strong

- He has a hard emotional shield


His daughter is his priority

- He doesn't really know how to fight

- He has a lot of debt to some unsavory people

BACKGROUND: Emmet grew up in small town Indiana, where his parents had a small farm. He left as soon as he graduated, when he was 18, and mde for the big city to go to school. He got his PhD by the time he was 26 and found work at the hospital he was interning at. He'd met his girlfriend, Jenelle, soon after he got to the city, and she got him into dealing, and that's how he paid for his education before getting a real job. Em and Jenelle married soon after he got his degree and had Alexys a year and a half later. Jenelle, however was hooked, and Em didn't want his daughter around that so after she was born and he found out Jenelle was still doing drugs, he got a divorce and full custody of his daughter. He was left, however, with Jenelle's debt to her dealers.

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William Alan Hendrix






William is tall and broad-shouldered, standing 6'3" and weighing 225 lbs. His frame is athletic and rather muscular. His jawline is covered in a trimmed beard/heavy stubble, while his skin is heavily-tanned. His eyes are a steely grayish-blue tint.


United States Army Infantryman

William's adoptive mother and brother were both deceased before the announcement of the black hole. He has not had contact with his father for several years.

William is soft-spoken and disciplined, though many would (not incorrectly) paint him as tense and even somewhat overbearing. He doesn't form close attachments of friendship and trust readily, though he has a strong sense of loyalty to those who have proven themselves "worthy"... through criteria known only to him.


+ Combat (Marksmanship, Tactics, etc.)

+ Fieldcraft (Navigation, Wilderness Survival)

+ Advanced First Aid


- Opiate Addiction

- Prosthetic Leg

- Mistrustful

BACKGROUND: William's biological mother was a teenage girl living in Atlanta, Georgia. She possessed no money, job, or family support system capable of properly caring for herself -- much less her infant son -- after he was born. Hendrix was taken in by the state, bouncing around between foster homes until his eighth birthday, when he was permanently adopted by a prominent Atlanta police officer and his wife, a nurse at Grady Memorial Hospital. He quickly bonded with Lance, the Hendrix's biological son who was near Will's own age. However, after the death of their mother during an attempted robbery, their dad slowly spiraled down into an alcohol-fueled depression that manifested as neglect (as well as occasional abuse) of his two sons.

With no one else to look out for them, the brothers supported one another all the way through high school graduation. Following graduation, William and Lance both enlisted with the United States Army, volunteering for service with the 75th Ranger Regiment. Both of them made it through the year of grueling infantry and airborne training before being assigned to the 3rd Ranger Battalion. After serving with distinction through a combat tour in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Will graduated Ranger School at the top of his class and earned command of a rifle team. He later transferred to his company's Sniper Section, where he made a name for himself over the course several years and dozens of confirmed kills to his name. He was awarded various medals and commendations for his service, including the Silver Star.

However, in early 2014, the sniper team Will was leading was ambushed in Afghanistan's Kandahar Province. Severely injured by an IED blast and pinned down by enemy fire, Lance came to his aid, dragging him to safety but not without being mortally wounded in the process. William survived, but his left leg was amputated below the knee and replaced with a prosthesis. Following his discharge from the Army, Hendrix returned to the United States. He spent the better part of a year in mental and physical rehab at Walter Reed, quickly adapting to his new prosthesis but was afflicted by an intense addiction to opiates as well a case of moderate post-traumatic stress disorder.

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Safton said:


William Alan Hendrix






William is tall and broad-shouldered, standing 6'3" and weighing 225 lbs. His frame is athletic and rather muscular. His jawline is covered in a trimmed beard/heavy stubble, while his skin is heavily-tanned. His eyes are a steely grayish-blue tint.


United States Army Infantryman

William's adoptive mother and brother were both deceased before the announcement of the black hole. He has not had contact with his father for several years.

William is soft-spoken and disciplined, though many would (not incorrectly) paint him as tense and even somewhat overbearing. He doesn't form close attachments of friendship and trust readily, though he has a strong sense of loyalty to those who have proven themselves "worthy"... through criteria known only to him.


+ Combat (Marksmanship, Tactics, etc.)

+ Fieldcraft (Navigation, Wilderness Survival)

+ Advanced First Aid


- Opiate Addiction

- Prosthetic Leg

- Mistrustful

BACKGROUND: William's biological mother was a teenage girl living in Atlanta, Georgia. She possessed no money, job, or family support system capable of properly caring for herself -- much less her infant son -- after he was born. Hendrix was taken in by the state, bouncing around between foster homes until his eighth birthday, when he was permanently adopted by a prominent Atlanta police officer and his wife, a nurse at Grady Memorial Hospital. He quickly bonded with Lance, the Hendrix's biological son who was near Will's own age. However, after the death of their mother during an attempted robbery, their dad slowly spiraled down into an alcohol-fueled depression that manifested as neglect (as well as occasional abuse) of his two sons.

With no one else to look out for them, the brothers supported one another all the way through high school graduation. Following graduation, William and Lance both enlisted with the United States Army, volunteering for service with the 75th Ranger Regiment. Both of them made it through the year of grueling infantry and airborne training before being assigned to the 3rd Ranger Battalion in 2004. After serving with distinction through a combat tour in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Will graduated Ranger School at the top of his class and earned command of a rifle team for his next two deployments. He ultimately transferred to his company's Sniper Section, where he made a name for himself over the course of six years with several dozen confirmed kills to his name.

He was awarded various medals and commendations for his service, including the Silver Star.

However, in early 2014, the sniper team Will was leading was ambushed in Afghanistan's Kandahar Province. Severely injured by an IED blast and pinned down by enemy fire, Lance came to his aid, dragging him to safety but not without being mortally wounded in the process. William survived, but his left leg was amputated below the knee and replaced with a prosthesis. Following his discharge from the Army, Hendrix returned to the United States. He spent the better part of a year in mental and physical rehab at Walter Reed, quickly adapting to his new prosthesis but was afflicted by an intense addiction to opiates as well a case of moderate post-traumatic stress disorder.


Tera Newgate










Various; most recently, prostitute


She has a mother and younger brother in Wisconsin with whom she's had no contact for months


Always the party girl, hard times have done little to dissuade her from this pattern, though it is now motivated more by nihilism than by hedonism. This has served to make her a bit more reckless, added upon the already rash nature of her actions. Despite popular opinion, she is very much grounded in reality, using a level head and quick wits to get herself out of trouble.



Quick thinking

Silver tongue


Sentimental nature

Rash actions

Extreme nihilistic tendencies


Originally from Wisconsin, Tera lived a comfortable suburban existence despite growing up with a single mother. She fell in with a troublesome crowd near the end of high school and fell in love with the party lifestyle. At the age of 21, she left her family home to join a group of transients from Canada. They travelled south through the States and into Mexico, where Tera developed a minor drug habit. During her withdrawal, her travelling partners abandoned her, forcing her to hitchhike, backpack, and work her way northward until she ended up in southern California. She worked odd jobs in a small town until she made enough to buy a cheap car and head out on her way, having little sense of direction. She's only recently arrived in San Francisco and now lives out of her car.

Tera with her old backpacking buddies.
Theme Song



She keeps a small unlicensed pistol in her glove compartment.
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[QUOTE="Valor Green]


Tera Newgate










Various; most recently, prostitute


She has a mother and younger brother in Wisconsin with whom she's had no contact for months


Always the party girl, hard times have done little to dissuade her from this pattern, though it is now motivated more by nihilism than by hedonism. This has served to make her a bit more reckless, added upon the already rash nature of her actions. Despite popular opinion, she is very much grounded in reality, using a level head and quick wits to get herself out of trouble.



Quick thinking

Silver tongue


Sentimental nature

Rash actions

Extreme nihilistic tendencies


Originally from Wisconsin, Tera lived a comfortable suburban existence despite growing up with a single mother. She fell in with a troublesome crowd near the end of high school and fell in love with the party lifestyle. At the age of 21, she left her family home to join a group of transients from Canada. They travelled south through the States and into Mexico, where Tera developed a minor drug habit. During her withdrawal, her travelling partners abandoned her, forcing her to hitchhike, backpack, and work her way northward until she ended up in southern California. She worked odd jobs in a small town until she made enough to buy a cheap car and head out on her way, having little sense of direction. She's only recently arrived in San Francisco and now lives out of her car.

Tera with her old backpacking buddies.
Theme Song



She keeps a small unlicensed pistol in her glove compartment.

NAME: Adrian Shea

APPEARANCE: 5'6 ft tall


AGE: 17

GENDER: Female


FORMER JOB: Army base

FAMILY MEMBERS/FRIENDS/PARTNERS: Adrian has a dad, a brother, also a sister. She hasn't been in contact with them for years now.

PERSONALITY: Has always been an outcast, no body really likes her because she's bluntly honest but can be really considerate and nice when you learn more about her. She tends to hide her emotions a lot but once she's comfortable around you she'll act playful and childish at times.

Very smart, Has skill with applying CPR and medical assistance, Strong at Parkour

Spiders, Un- trustworthiness, Anxiety attacks

BACKGROUND: Adrian always had a great life. Her family was altogether and she has a fair amount of friends. She's always been looked up to by her family members by acting as the most mature member in her family. Her mother died from cancer when she turned 12 years old. After that she couldn't pull herself together. She no longer spent any time with the rest of her family or friends. She surrounded herself with only school and any outside of school activities.

Theme Song:Come with me now

[QUOTE="Rainbow Mistress]
NAME: Adrian Shea
APPEARANCE: 5'6 ft tall


AGE: 17

GENDER: Female


FORMER JOB: Army base

FAMILY MEMBERS/FRIENDS/PARTNERS: Adrian has a dad, a brother, also a sister. She hasn't been in contact with them for years now.

PERSONALITY: Has always been an outcast, no body really likes her because she's bluntly honest but can be really considerate and nice when you learn more about her. She tends to hide her emotions a lot but once she's comfortable around you she'll act playful and childish at times.

Very smart, Has skill with applying CPR and medical assistance, Strong at Parkour

Spiders, Un- trustworthiness, Anxiety attacks

BACKGROUND: Adrian always had a great life. Her family was altogether and she has a fair amount of friends. She's always been looked up to by her family members by acting as the most mature member in her family. Her mother died from cancer when she turned 12 years old. After that she couldn't pull herself together. She no longer spent any time with the rest of her family or friends. She surrounded herself with only school and any outside of school activities.

Theme Song:Come with me now



Alexys "Izzy" Johnson


Izzy is a little tall for her age at 3'4, with big blue eyes, and hair the color of her mothers and the texture of her fathers.

(I apologize for the red eye in the pic I didn't feel like downloading it, fixing it, then re uploading it)

Age: 3

Gender: Female

Nationality: American

Family/Friends: Izzy only has her father, as she doesn't make very good friends.

Personality: Izzy is what's known as a wild child. She is perfection around her father, at least in his eyes, but at her daycare, she takes things into her own hands, so to speak. She's nice and likes to share with the other kids, but if they won't share with her, she bites them. She disciplines the other children on her own, and never tells the teacher if they did something wrong.


Oh my fuck. The draft I had got deleted. D: I had it almost done, and it just up and left. Sigh, will try to recreate the character.
[QUOTE="Jason Carlile]Oh my fuck. The draft I had got deleted. D: I had it almost done, and it just up and left. Sigh, will try to recreate the character.

Oh..that really sucks. Sorry to hear that.
I had about 5 paragraphs of backstory. (Overkill I know for this.) But still, I really enjoy fleshing out my characters.
giraffesarebetter said:

Alexys "Izzy" Johnson


Izzy is a little tall for her age at 3'4, with big blue eyes, and hair the color of her mothers and the texture of her fathers.

(I apologize for the red eye in the pic I didn't feel like downloading it, fixing it, then re uploading it)

Age: 3

Gender: Female

Nationality: American

Family/Friends: Izzy only has her father, as she doesn't make very good friends.

Personality: Izzy is what's known as a wild child. She is perfection around her father, at least in his eyes, but at her daycare, she takes things into her own hands, so to speak. She's nice and likes to share with the other kids, but if they won't share with her, she bites them. She disciplines the other children on her own, and never tells the teacher if they did something wrong.


Your picture fucking terrifies me

One of my most fleshed out characters. I know this is totally overkill for this, and I had to rewrite this twice now while at work. Sorry it took so long, but without further ado here is the character.

Jason "Fox" Wayne

Age: 44

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Occupation: Former Special Op agent, then small jobs and then a father.

Relations: Mother and Father are deceased. Wife is missing, presumed dead. Daughter was killed.

Personality: Jason was always a quiet man. He never was a party goer, never wanted to be in the limelight, never was the one to cause a ruckus. But he was the silent leader, he assumed the leader role because he was 95% of the time more mature than his friends and sometimes co workers. He is fiercly competitive, but is also very protective. He comes off cold and bitter, people mainly think that is because he is old. But mainly because of the heartache he has been through.


+Combat trained. Both hand to hand and ranged

+Strong willed


+Quick Thinking


-Comes off cold and bitter

-Survivor's guilt

-Age, his body is still in good shape. Just he is getting weaker with age

-No major medical skills

-Very Brash


Jason was a boy who grew up in an home that was a simple life. He never wanted to leave his parents or had fights. He didn't have any drug problems, he didn't have any health problems. He was your average boy. His father told him to give everything 110%. And he did, he was a very impressive athletic star. He grew up with good friends, and developed good bonds. He never was loud, he only yelled when he needed to. He wasn't a loud kid, he was very solemn and quiet. And that surprised many people. People said he was a 50 year old trapped in a 16 year old's body. He would just laugh it off and continue the day. He worked hard in everything he did. At age 18, when the Marines came for recruiting during every school year, Jason was convinced to take the fitness test. He passed with flying colors. They were so impressed that right after school they flew him to basic. He did basic and excelled in every physcial activity they threw at him. When they asked why, he just shrugged and said my father told me to put everything I got into something I liked to do. Jason was a man of action, words meant little to him. One day, an younger man, mid 30's came and asked to him to join Special Operations, (Spec Ops) and Jason accepted, but at a heavy price. He was told that he would have to leave behind his family in order to protect him. They would change his name in the system and call him someone different and he would have to be someone else. Jason agreed and told them to call him Fox. They agreed and Fox left for Washington D.C. to be inducted and started to be trained for Special Operations.

Fox's time in Special Operations was kind of a blur. He trained and practiced harder than ever for the next year and a half, sharpening his skills. Fox left Jason behind and became a effective assassin. He did reconnissance, assassinations and rescues. He's been tortured, beaten, shot, has survived explosions and just been through about everything in his service and tours. His actions stopped the war in Syria, help end the Ukraine conflict and help settle tensions in Korea. He's been all over the world and done everything for the American people. Fox, in a way. Was the best weapon, but no one knew who he was behind the facade. He created a story behind how he joined and no one knew who Jason was. Just Fox. He was in Spec Ops for 15 years, and he never felt remorse for the killings he's done. Fox was a weapon, nothing else.

On one mission Fox has to save 3 American hostages, one of them was a dark red hair lady named Scarlett. Scarlett was actually a U.S. Intelligence officer who was shocked to meet the legendary soldier. The public didn't know of his exploits, but the other agencies knew of him. Scarlett became infatuated with Fox, and Fox rescued all 3 officers. Fox, feeling pity on Scarlett requested her to be his operator and eyes in the sky. The agency hesitated but agreed. After 4 years of being partners, Fox let the facade drop and Jason came out and they fell in love. After Jason's last few years in the agency, the person who asked him to join, now the director and one of Jason's closest friends came to him and they talked. And Jason said that he was leaving, when asked why, Jason just said I am not putting 100% into this anymore. So the legendary soldier Fox retired and Jason returned, at age 34, back to normalcy.

After Jason and Scarlett retired and left the Agency, they had a little baby girl named October. Jason loved that little girl. Scarlett not wanting to be a stay at home mom just yet, started up a small store of items. From comics, to arts and crafts to pottery to trading cards. It was you can call it a pawn shop, but it had a homelike feel to it. Jason helped and also did a few short part time jobs but in the end, Jason did his debt to society and started raising October. They bonded pretty close and they had their fights, but Jason would do anything to protect her. One day, his old friend, the Director came knocking on his door. Jason's father passed away. Stricken by this, he went to the funeral. No one knew he was there. He asked the Director to notify him when his mother was on her death bed. The Director acknowledged the request and 2 years later he came knocking. Jason packed his bags and flew home. He sat down next to his mother, who broke down in tears knowing that her son was alive and well. And for the first time since his father's death, he wept for her and apologized for not telling them that he was alive. He gently carried his mother's casket along with his 2 uncles to the burial place. Jason knelt and apologized to both of them. He vowed to not leave October and Scarlett. Not until his dying breath.

It wasn't long after the death of his parent's that Jason became overprotective of October. October was 15, and Scarlett was entering her 40's along with Jason. Scarlett told Jason to relax and Jason tried to. He knew that October was getting older and he couldn't keep a leash on her forever. So he watched her grow while giving her advice. Scarlett's shop was getting bigger and bigger and Jason was proud of her. October was doing well in school and Scarlett was enjoying her store. Jason just started to enjoy himself when he found video games. He hated shooters, too much like his old job. He did enjoy racers and RPG's though. His daughter gave him hell for it. But Jason had nothing better to do, October was at school and Scarlett invested more and more time into her store. He only played for about 4 hours a day but he enjoyed it. Now he was a 16 year old in a 42 year old body. He worked out to stay somewhat in shape. Overall life was pretty good.

Just a year before the black hole announcement, October was 16 and was entering the rebellious teenager years. One time she was picked up by a small gang and Jason for the first time in 7 years suited up and saved her. Granted he could've gotten her easier and probably in a quicker way but he wanted to feel a little young again. October hated and also appreciated Jason's interfereing with her life. But one day, she was walking home and she got hit by a car. She didn't survive. Scarlett and Jason mourned for her. Jason wept alone to keep Scarlett strong. A few months after, Scarlett became missing. Jason searched high and low for her. Fearing the worse, Jason turned to alcoholism and fell into a depression. He stayed in his house, drinking, letting his body go, growing his hair and just becoming a filthy man and loathing in anger and in sadness. He lost everything and he wanted to die. He hated himself, he couldn't go on. He was a broken man.

After a year of self loathing and pity, Jason heard the black hole announcement. He let his old self, Fox, take over. He shaved his beard and trimmed his hair, and cleaned himself up. He grabbed most of his essentials, including some old gear and started to walk. Fox walked and met many people, some tried to kill him, some idoled him. But in the end, Fox was alone and he had 3 missions. Find out where Scarlett was, find October's killer, and survive. He wasn't going to hold back and he will do whatever it takes to bring his prey to justice.


His work gear

Him during his depression


Him most of the time and recently:


[QUOTE="Jason Carlile]

One of my most fleshed out characters. I know this is totally overkill for this, and I had to rewrite this twice now while at work. Sorry it took so long, but without further ado here is the character.

Jason "Fox" Wayne

Age: 44

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Occupation: Former Special Op agent, then small jobs and then a father.

Relations: Mother and Father are deceased. Wife is missing, presumed dead. Daughter was killed.

Personality: Jason was always a quiet man. He never was a party goer, never wanted to be in the limelight, never was the one to cause a ruckus. But he was the silent leader, he assumed the leader role because he was 95% of the time more mature than his friends and sometimes co workers. He is fiercly competitive, but is also very protective. He comes off cold and bitter, people mainly think that is because he is old. But mainly because of the heartache he has been through.


+Combat trained. Both hand to hand and ranged

+Strong willed


+Quick Thinking


-Comes off cold and bitter

-Survivor's guilt

-Age, his body is still in good shape. Just he is getting weaker with age

-No major medical skills

-Very Brash


Jason was a boy who grew up in an home that was a simple life. He never wanted to leave his parents or had fights. He didn't have any drug problems, he didn't have any health problems. He was your average boy. His father told him to give everything 110%. And he did, he was a very impressive athletic star. He grew up with good friends, and developed good bonds. He never was loud, he only yelled when he needed to. He wasn't a loud kid, he was very solemn and quiet. And that surprised many people. People said he was a 50 year old trapped in a 16 year old's body. He would just laugh it off and continue the day. He worked hard in everything he did. At age 18, when the Marines came for recruiting during every school year, Jason was convinced to take the fitness test. He passed with flying colors. They were so impressed that right after school they flew him to basic. He did basic and excelled in every physcial activity they threw at him. When they asked why, he just shrugged and said my father told me to put everything I got into something I liked to do. Jason was a man of action, words meant little to him. One day, an younger man, mid 30's came and asked to him to join Special Operations, (Spec Ops) and Jason accepted, but at a heavy price. He was told that he would have to leave behind his family in order to protect him. They would change his name in the system and call him someone different and he would have to be someone else. Jason agreed and told them to call him Fox. They agreed and Fox left for Washington D.C. to be inducted and started to be trained for Special Operations.

Fox's time in Special Operations was kind of a blur. He trained and practiced harder than ever for the next year and a half, sharpening his skills. Fox left Jason behind and became a effective assassin. He did reconnissance, assassinations and rescues. He's been tortured, beaten, shot, has survived explosions and just been through about everything in his service and tours. His actions stopped the war in Syria, help end the Ukraine conflict and help settle tensions in Korea. He's been all over the world and done everything for the American people. Fox, in a way. Was the best weapon, but no one knew who he was behind the facade. He created a story behind how he joined and no one knew who Jason was. Just Fox. He was in Spec Ops for 15 years, and he never felt remorse for the killings he's done. Fox was a weapon, nothing else.

On one mission Fox has to save 3 American hostages, one of them was a dark red hair lady named Scarlett. Scarlett was actually a U.S. Intelligence officer who was shocked to meet the legendary soldier. The public didn't know of his exploits, but the other agencies knew of him. Scarlett became infatuated with Fox, and Fox rescued all 3 officers. Fox, feeling pity on Scarlett requested her to be his operator and eyes in the sky. The agency hesitated but agreed. After 4 years of being partners, Fox let the facade drop and Jason came out and they fell in love. After Jason's last few years in the agency, the person who asked him to join, now the director and one of Jason's closest friends came to him and they talked. And Jason said that he was leaving, when asked why, Jason just said I am not putting 100% into this anymore. So the legendary soldier Fox retired and Jason returned, at age 34, back to normalcy.

After Jason and Scarlett retired and left the Agency, they had a little baby girl named October. Jason loved that little girl. Scarlett not wanting to be a stay at home mom just yet, started up a small store of items. From comics, to arts and crafts to pottery to trading cards. It was you can call it a pawn shop, but it had a homelike feel to it. Jason helped and also did a few short part time jobs but in the end, Jason did his debt to society and started raising October. They bonded pretty close and they had their fights, but Jason would do anything to protect her. One day, his old friend, the Director came knocking on his door. Jason's father passed away. Stricken by this, he went to the funeral. No one knew he was there. He asked the Director to notify him when his mother was on her death bed. The Director acknowledged the request and 2 years later he came knocking. Jason packed his bags and flew home. He sat down next to his mother, who broke down in tears knowing that her son was alive and well. And for the first time since his father's death, he wept for her and apologized for not telling them that he was alive. He gently carried his mother's casket along with his 2 uncles to the burial place. Jason knelt and apologized to both of them. He vowed to not leave October and Scarlett. Not until his dying breath.

It wasn't long after the death of his parent's that Jason became overprotective of October. October was 15, and Scarlett was entering her 40's along with Jason. Scarlett told Jason to relax and Jason tried to. He knew that October was getting older and he couldn't keep a leash on her forever. So he watched her grow while giving her advice. Scarlett's shop was getting bigger and bigger and Jason was proud of her. October was doing well in school and Scarlett was enjoying her store. Jason just started to enjoy himself when he found video games. He hated shooters, too much like his old job. He did enjoy racers and RPG's though. His daughter gave him hell for it. But Jason had nothing better to do, October was at school and Scarlett invested more and more time into her store. He only played for about 4 hours a day but he enjoyed it. Now he was a 16 year old in a 42 year old body. He worked out to stay somewhat in shape. Overall life was pretty good.

Just a year before the black hole announcement, October was 16 and was entering the rebellious teenager years. One time she was picked up by a small gang and Jason for the first time in 7 years suited up and saved her. Granted he could've gotten her easier and probably in a quicker way but he wanted to feel a little young again. October hated and also appreciated Jason's interfereing with her life. But one day, she was walking home and she got hit by a car. She didn't survive. Scarlett and Jason mourned for her. Jason wept alone to keep Scarlett strong. A few months after, Scarlett became missing. Jason searched high and low for her. Fearing the worse, Jason turned to alcoholism and fell into a depression. He stayed in his house, drinking, letting his body go, growing his hair and just becoming a filthy man and loathing in anger and in sadness. He lost everything and he wanted to die. He hated himself, he couldn't go on. He was a broken man.

After a year of self loathing and pity, Jason heard the black hole announcement. He let his old self, Fox, take over. He shaved his beard and trimmed his hair, and cleaned himself up. He grabbed most of his essentials, including some old gear and started to walk. Fox walked and met many people, some tried to kill him, some idoled him. But in the end, Fox was alone and he had 3 missions. Find out where Scarlett was, find October's killer, and survive. He wasn't going to hold back and he will do whatever it takes to bring his prey to justice.


His work gear

Him during his depression


Him most of the time and recently:


HOLY ACTUAL SHIT that was amazing *slow claps* wow. just wow. accepted, accepted, accepted
NAME: Leo Lamont




GENDER: Cis Male

NATIONALITY: French-American

FORMER JOB: Tour Guide in Alcatraz

FAMILY MEMBERS/FRIENDS/PARTNERS: His only close friend was Jae Lao His grandparents are disceased, and his parents are in New York.

PERSONALITY: A bit dorky, Leo attempts to be kind towards others that he doesn't know. He can come off as innocent, and a little naive at times. He is a little overtrusting of people, which can cause problems for him. Puns are his favorite, although he can rarely pull off one. He enjoys seeing people smile.


A knowledge of Alkatraz's layout and history

A halfway decent cook

Is rather cautious, and can usually come up with plans to prevent danger or to escape it.


He isn't the strongest, and lacks any sort of martial arts training, so he loses in hand to hand combat.

He is overtrusting, and thus easy to betray.

He has a fear of heights

BACKGROUND: Leo's grandparents fled the Second World War, meeting in America. They raised a family in New York state, where they remained. However, Leo had always been intrigued by the city of San Fransisco, and the island jail Alcatraz. It was a rather odd dream, but it was the only thing he thought himself capable of. He moved to San Fransisco with what little money he had, taking a job as a Tour Guide on Alcatraz. Soon after his arrival, his met his friend Jae Lao, a mechanic. Over the next three or so years, they grew to be close friends. He lives in a small apartment in the city, but spends most of his day on Alcatraz.


OTHER: This is gonna be fun

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