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Moving in - the suite open
    Sleep left him abrupt and sudden, jolting up where everyone else was awake and already asking the questions that needed asking. Much of the wake up was thanks to Botan's outstretch of his wings. "Uh-? Wha-?" With each utter of confused noise he was turning in a different direction, pointing and head scratching. There were so many wild things with this setting, but knowing that anyone who wasn't a Seeker was an experiment, made the appearances of everyone less shocking. There was nothing that insinuated he was to lead, it is on his own goofy whims he speaks to the crowd he is just meeting as a charismatic principal over an intercom, "Ok children, settle down now, class is in session! If we aren't fighting, like the cat said, we're being tested! Hope it's not a math test. Also you-," He takes Botan with one hand on a leafy wing and the other on his opposing shoulder and scrapes him off the table, having also deduced he is the one who smacked him awake, "-you're in the way."

    The thud of Botan being slid of the table was of no concern to him, standing he dusted his hands like he'd just cleaned something up. A small grunt could be heard as Prickles met the floor. Mercury had been awake for just long enough to hear Boryan Acapella (Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's his name), Verity Meer, Deon, Reese (Could his last name be Witherspoon?), and Merrit (Crockpot) speaking. He is less involved about stooping to serious and paranoid demeanors, the majority of what he senses from the hodge-podge of this group, but he also is as aware that this is no park walk. Cake walk, whatever. "I am yours truly, Mercury, as the name might suggest- I turn into liquid metal and... some other shit. But what's more is...." Mercury paused for a moment, while collaboration of some sort seemed to be their goal, he wasn't sure if he should be selling himself like a weapon or a soldier the way he's used to doing. And also he lacked the means to provide a fun demonstration. Well that was interesting. He clears his throat, "I slip through doors and crevices, then 'surprise!'," he takes a moment to say the word alongside jazz hands, "I'm suddenly behind you, and it's lights out." Downplaying himself seemed best at this time, though his persona often did that for him well enough on it's own. He wasn't sure what to make of everything yet, and everyone else seemed to be this way besides wordy guesses. Cat-man sounded like a wise old man. Some of the folk gathered here just by a glance were easily shy beans. And some were probably nuts, or high, like Piglet and Prickles. And some.... could be moles.

    A door on one end of the long table opens, it was hard to notice it from how well it blended in with the rest of the wall. Mercury moves to the door, then whips around back to the gala of misfits in a split second of 'You see this right?' And then with no other warning he strides outside to what appears to be a living room or some kind of main room. Were they being stored and now shown to a company they'll be working for? "Alright, not bad," he starts as he investigates the amenities. As he moves through one of the doorways, it opens to a long hall, several doors with everyone's name on it. A hotel perhaps? He found his own rather quickly and as he nears a thin light moves across him back and forth in duet with noises, and then the door opens. At this other lights and noises can be heard all across the 'suite,' from rooms, hall, living area, kitchen, etc.

    "Welcome, I am your host, Dolly, at the Seekers discretion, I will help you settle in and get to know things around here. As you may have learned from the Banquet Room, you are not here to fight one another, so please refrain from doing so outside of training exercises. This program is new and is thought best to have our more experienced helpers run alongside our overseers. Boryan you have been given access and management of the kitchen and supplies in relation. Mercury and Sondor, you have tentatively been charged with organizing and managing training and equipment for the Activities room, you're suggestions will be checked for how necessary the requests are. Marina, you are given the reins of the pool room and activities held in. Any misuse will lead to revocation."

    On one hand Mercury was stoked, purely for the fact he was going to run activities which shot of many ideas, on the other, this was still unnerving. His hand was to his side as he looked to the ceiling like this was where Dolly could see him, "Any other information, like what our mission is." A noise like ticking was all that went on for awhile, then confetti and streamers ejected from vents as well as a banner that read "Happy House Warming." Joining in with this joke of festivity was a young male who was excitably running in the rain of party favors. The tiny vents had closed now, so Mercury and maybe others were confused at why the colorful pieces and ribbons of paper continuously fluttered down.

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    coded by natasha.