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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Farveyl High [Mature][WIP]




First off, there is a list of face-claims I do NOT want to see.

Colton Haynes

Nina Dobrev


Ariana Grande

Dylan O' Brien

Kaya Scodelrio (whatever her name is)

Alright. Now that that's over with, we can chat about the sign up sheet. I would like you to keep it as it is, and before you sign up, please read the rules. I expect you to be active on the RP. Remove the text in the '()' and also, put the pictures where you please. Here we go.


(Add whatever you'd like)

Full Name:



Popularity Level:

Personality (written):

Background/History (written):





Relationships (Please include The bio of each family member. We can do other relationships as the RP starts.):


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Thea Grace Malone

Name: Thea Grace Malone

Age: 18

Grade: Senior - Grade 12

Gender: Female

Height: 5"5

Hair Color: Platinum blonde

Eye Color: Murky Green when's she upset, sea green when's she's content or happy.
Popularity Level: She's practically royalty in the high school

Personality: Thea is a reckless and impulsive person. She enjoys partying, drinking and boys, often getting herself and others into trouble just for fun. She considers herself a novelty, as she is always pulling off crazy stunts and makes the wise crack for entertainment. Thea can be very sarcastic and sharp-tongued at times. She always has a smart ass comment ready whenever someone says something antagonistic to her, and always bites back with a witty insult. She doesn't hesitate to speak her mind, and can be extremely stubborn in her opinions. Although Thea is not necessarily conceited, she is very aware of the fact that she is beautiful. She is rather proud of her body. Despite her sarcastic nature, Thea remains a social creature. She's adored by many and looked up to, and she has a Queen Bee status in the school, which she would do anything to keep. She could be friendly, warm, not shying away from meeting new people, and has considerable skill in social interactions. Thea also is shown to be adept of using her feminine wiles. She has shown an ability to seduce men and sweet talk them into giving her what she wants.

Background/History: Thea was born into a wealthy family, as an only child - that is; if you could call it a family. Her mother, was a successful businesswoman, entrepreneur and a brand name all in one, and everything in her career was going perfectly well until she became pregnant upon having a fling with a nameless man - it was one of those 1 in a 100 times where contraception didn't work. She couldn't bring herself to have an abortion and so she had a child whom she hated, she considered the biological difference a weakness in women, and so instead of looking after her daughter, she hired an Au Pair to do her job for her. Thea hardly knows her mother, who avoids her like a common cold, but she lives in a wealthy home with more money than she can spend, and an Au Pair who loves her more than anyone else.
Likes: Smoking, alcohol, chivalry, wit.

Dislikes Arrogance (unless it's her own), waking up early, people acting like they have a better moral compass than her, her parents

Loves Music, popularity

Hates Insects, the cold, racism
Justine Malone - Thea's hard working and cold mother. Although they are biologically linked, they have almost no personal connection between each other. There is a lot of resentment between them.

Chikelu Obwalueni - Thea's Au Pair. When with her, Thea is no longer the spoilt child that she has grown up to be and learnt to be in high school, instead, Chikelu keeps her grounded and teaches her kindness and morality. Although they are not related, Chikelu has raised Thea like her own child, and hence Thea loves her more than she would love any mother.

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Name: Chloe Makenzie Thompson

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Grade: 12

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Popularity Level: Very high up on the popularity scale

Face Claim: Madison Beer

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 108 lbs

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brunette

Ethnicity: Armenian, Italian, and French

Personality: Chloe has a very energetic personality, generally in a good mood. Chloe isn't the type to show every emotion she is feeling, which to some she may appear as heart less. She does care what people think about her, maybe a little bit more than she should. She isn't mean or rude, she won't go out of her was to embarass someone or make them feel bad.

Loves: Sleeping, Having fun

Likes: Coffee, Hip-hop, Being around her friends, Parties, Drinking

Dislikes: Her parents, being left alone, Thunderstorms, Junk food, Mornings, Cheaters

Hates: Emotional people



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Female wip

Male wip (if thats okay to have two... I want to make them twins ^^ Plus, so far you just have females so... :) ))


i opened my eyes to the light to see that i was blinded by it so i then again concealed myself into the darkness



Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Popularity Level: Is well-known throughout the school for being part of the old-money Simakov family and stays within the popular group for his own amusement and to avoid the drama of hanging around kids from a different class. Also infamous for sleeping around a lot and breaking off "relationships" within days.

Height: 5' 10"

Eyes: Cloudy Grey

Fashion: dark sweaters and dark skinny jeans, or black blazers with white t-shirts


no slide
no slide

no slide
no slide
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.1ffabb824bf5351694d6a2eead7defdf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.1ffabb824bf5351694d6a2eead7defdf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Name: Min-Jae "Jay, MJ" Park

Age: 17 (soon to be 18)

Grade: 12

Popularity Level: On a scale from 1 to 10, MJ would rate himself a 7 or 8.

Height: 177cm


Weight: 66kg

Hair Colour: Currently brown with a reddish tint, but he dyes it weekly.

Eye Colour: Dark brown

Personality: MJ is a shy and quiet fellow who dislikes getting involved in dramatic situations, at least that's what he tends to act like in front of people who don't know him. In reality, he is an incredibly mischievous and tricky teenager, he enjoys playing light practical jokes on people a and then getting away with it by blaming someone else. MJ may be mischievous but he is not cruel or mean, if he sees fights breaking out in school he immediately goes into peacekeeper mode and stops it in a just manner.


Background: Min-Jae was born in Busan, South Korea, to his biological mother Angela Cho. When he was 5 months old he was given to the Park family where he grew up hidden away from the public's eyes. Min-Jae never knew his mother, but he did know that family servants and maids treated him differently, he thought it was because both his brothers were ambitious and succeeded in their individual fields, he wanted to be better and stand above those who looked down upon him. Min-Jae asked his father if he could go to an actual school where he gain skills and compete with others, Jun-Woo was happy that his youngest son is striving to become better, he later enrolled MJ into Farveyl High, completely unaware that his son will get involved with more drama in that school than the outside world.

Likes: Reading, Playing video games, Various sports, drawing/doodling, rainy weather

Dislikes: itchy sweaters, people who are quick to judge, coffee(though he still drinks it), loud people/noises.

Hates: Interruption, waiting, being compared to others, spiders, being alone

Loves: Painting, Horse riding, animals, music


Jun-Woo Park(Father, 54): Heart surgeon turned businessman, then became one of the worlds most successful entrepreneur. He owns a company that grows and sells organic fruits and vegetables.

Genevieve Louise Park(Mother, 49): She was raised by her grandparents on a farm, became a model at the age of 16, met Jun-Woo when she was 24 and they've been together ever since.

Angelo Cho(Biological mother, 36): Daughter of a well known actor, a talented actress and singer. She and Jun-Woo had a one night stand whilst they were under the influence of alcohol, she later on found out she was pregnant with Min-Jae and begged Genevieve to take care of him for her because she didnt want the public to know about him as it could ruin her career and her public image.

Caleb Ji-Min Park(Oldest brother, 24): He was born at a rough time for Jun-Woo and Genevieve as they were struggling financially, so Caleb often gets annoyed by how spoilt his two younger brothers are. He works under his father as a part of the board of directors and is engaged.

Ji-Hu(second oldest, 21): Ji-hu arrived three years after Caleb when his father's company began to thrive. He was a troublesome kid in school and often got caught smoking or drinking, but as time went by, he got better and more ambitious, while

I can't with these BBcodes...



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Full Name: Mason Antonio Avana

Age: 18

Grade: 12

Popularity Level: He's one of the people that are on the top of the social hierarchy pyramid.


Written apperance: Mason stands about 6'2, with a mop of tousled silky dark brown hair (bordering black almost) traits he inherited from his Father's Spanish background. He is lean but carries a generous amount of muscle. His face is strong and structured, his chin is peppered with slight stubble. His eyes are a soft blue color with specks of brown. His skin is tan, due to his mothers Egyptian ethnicity.

Personality: Mason is quite the charmer, using his attractive demeanor to charm his way out of compromising situations. His attitude,while he's not putting up a smile to woo the human race is somewhat surprising. He's typically a blunt individual, lacking the skill of being able to sugarcoat at times. He doesn't take lightly to being threatened or feeling threatened in any way, if he does, it usually resorts in him being violent. He's sarcastic and witty, two qualities that can seep out at any given moment. He's also very protective over people he cares about. Nonetheless, people take a liking to him. He's one of the school's most valued heartthrob, student's and maybe even some teachers may refer to him as "Prince charming in a leather jacket."


Mason is the first born son of Abraham Avana, the CEO of a famous entertainment Agency, and Maibe Avana, a well-known veterinarian. Being the first born, there was a lot of pressure put on Mason to exceed any given expectation in society. His father didn't except anything less than the best, so Mason spent a good portion of his life trying to make his father proud. He joined soccer, a sport that he grew to love overtime. He also learned how to play the piano, an instrument that brought joy to him. Although he seemed to be doing more than enough, His father didn't think so. His only source of comfort was in the arms of his loving mother.

At age 9, Maibe and Abraham announced their second child. Mason was overjoyed for all the wrong reasons though. He was finally happy that the weight of the world might finally be taken off of his shoulders due to the new distraction of the family. When the baby was born though, Mason had instantly felt a connection.

As the siblings grew close, the parents grew farther apart it seems. Their relationship had seem to deteriorate over time, especially as Abraham's work started to overtake his life. One night, when Mason's mother was driving home, she was hit by a drunk driver. She was in critical condition, but fortunately she wasn't dead. But she has been in a coma for about 3 years now.

Likes: Soccer, drinking moderately- but not getting pissed face drunk all the time, sweets, animals.

Dislikes: Ultimatums, being threatened

Hates: Hospitals

Loves: Animals and playing the piano.



Abraham Avana (Father; 47)- CEO of a famous Entertainment Agency. Their relationship is strained, due to the fact that he's always bottled up in his job.

Maibe Avana (Mother; 39; in a coma)- His relationship with his mother was always close, before the accident of course. Her profession was a Veterinarian.

Cleo Avana (Sister; 8)- Cleo is his safe haven.

Rocco(Dog; 5 month old Great Dane) Robin(cat; 6 year old Himilayan cat)



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Octavia Blake

Octavia has a tiny body, her legs are tiny and toned, her arms are small. Her chest is medium sized, but it's the biggest thing on her body. Her face is tiny and slim, her cheekbones are goals. Her eyes are hazel, with just a taste of twinkling light shining in them.

Name: octavia blake

Age: 18

Popularity Level: She isn't exactly popular, but is well known. It someone says her name everyone knows who she is. Mostly because of her mom and dad owning the biggest fashion business in town.


I am going to come right out and say it. Octavia has an anxiety disorder. She is extremely insecure, and has frequent panic attacks. It mostly comes from not having a parental figure growing up as a child. She often uses sex to to temporarily disband her disorder. So she crazy and horny at parties. She is extremely shy and quite reserved when she is not at parties, and is extremely socially awkward. When you first talk to her, she is most likely to be rude, that's the only way she can hide she is nervous.



Panda Express






Her Teachers


Her Parents


Being Free

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Hana Kim


Basic Information
Name: Hana Kim

Age: 18

Grade: 12

Popularity Level: Generally friends with everyone but not popular in the sense of the word.
Height: 5ft 6in

Weight: 112lb

Hair Colour: Naturally brown. Currently dyed pink/blue.

Eye Colour: Dark brown.

Ethnicity: Asian.
Personality: Hana is a generally quiet person, she keeps to herself and does more listening than speaking, often hesitating before saying anything. That being said, when around close friends, she is able to open up and talk freely. Her style is her way of speaking up, after growing up in a 'typical Asian family' Hana learnt to respect her parents wishes and rules. So doing things such as dying her hair unnatural colours and wearing edgy clothing, is Hana's way of rebelling. However, Hana's clothing choice and hair style do not signify her rebelling against her parents specifically. Whilst she does like to go against the grain of the typical Asian child, she adores her parents and respects them wholeheartedly. She still obeys and listens to every word they say.

seen as a confident person, Hana makes friends easily. When she is social, she is confident and bubbly and very easy to talk to. Always smiling and being polite, Hana focuses on school work, valuing her work over parties some days. Most of this is due to her desire to make her parents proud, it is also due to her maturity level.
History: Hana comes from a wealthy background. She has lived in the city all her life, going from apartment to apartment for the first fifteen years of her life whilst her parents travelled across the states and to Europe and Asia. At the age of thirteen, Hana began to develop an eating disorder. She followed in her mother's footsteps and struggled with Anorexia Nervosa for a year before getting treatment. Hana's brother was her rock throughout her difficult times. After ending up in the emergency room, Hana spent three months in a well-paid inpatient therapy program which, to this day, only her family knows about. Hana began to recover and managed her mental health by focusing on school work. Recently, in the last year, Hana has been up and down in regards to her mental health, with her eating disorder slowly creeping back and self-esteem worsening again.

Hana's parents made Hana apply to Farveyl High as a way to help her mental health. They believe that if she is in a school environment as much as possible, it'll keep her mind off her eating.
In general, Hana doesn't dislike much. She is a very accepting person and doesn't have major, outspoken opinions of people or things.



Social Media

School Work



Loud People




Hana is very close to her family. They understand her mental health and appreciate how hard she works.

Ann Kim: Mother | 49 | Born in the US to a Korean family. Ann trained as a Kindergarten teacher when she was in college. She met Hai through mutual friends and quickly got married. Whilst travelling the world with her husband and children, she worked part-time at various schools teaching young children. Ann has a close relationship with her children and is very emotionally open.

Seo-Jun Kim: Father | 52 | Seo-Jun was born in the US and currently works for the government. He doesn't talk about his job to his children, nor does he tell them how much he earns. But judging from the schools Hana and Lee have been too and the amount of money he has spent on travelling the world, it's easy to assume he earns a lot.

Seong-Lee Kim (Lee): Brother | 20 | Lee is currently a student at Columbia University studying engineering. He is Hana's rock and spend a lot of time visiting her and vice-versa.

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Name: Jaemin Lee

Age: 18

Grade: 12th//Senior

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Male



Hair: Naturally black, dyed a dull blond

Eyes: Deep brown

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 132 lbs.



Popularity Level: He's certainly high on the ladder of scholastic popularity, but he's admittedly nowhere near royalty.

Personality: Depending on your outlook, Jaemin can seem closed off and mysterious or just another secretive cocky boy you come across in school. He's definitely let his place on the societal ladder get to him, and saying he's arrogant would be an understatement. He's really full of himself, but the key is that he doesn't show it off very much. He's not a very talkative person, so he doesn't exactly make time to show off that unlikable quality. While he loves to talk about himself, it isn't like him to reveal things about his home life, or really anything that isn't completely vapid. He's completely fine with talking about other things that aren't stupid, but not if they're about him. He's very secretive about himself for no real reason, although he says it raises his appeal.

While he's a bit shallow, Jaemin is smarter than he seems. He's attentive and observant, often seeing things that go unnoticed by others. Whether he acknowledges what he saw or not depends on his mood, as he's very impulsive. He does what he wants, when he wants. This also contributes to his poor judgement of situations and overall recklessness. He's also pretty blunt, which doesn't help these previous qualities at all.

Likes: Himself, Music, Birds, Social Media, Being alone, Books, Soda, His mother

Dislikes: Sour things, Crowds, Studying, Assholes, Being sick, Allergies, His father

Loves: Dancing, Movies, Cats

Hates: Insects, Thunderstorms, Public Speaking, His stepmother



Biography: Jaemin was born for the high life. His parents were doing well in their careers far before he came along, and it only went up from there. He was spoiled, to put it shortly, and he loved it. He got the best clothes, the best toys, whatever he wanted, he got it in the best quality it could be in. He didn't mind this kind of treatment at all. When he was younger, he realized his passion for dance at an early age. As expected, he was enrolled in the highest quality dance program that his parents could find for him. He loved it. He carried this passion throughout the rest of his life, and continues even now.

As he reached the end of middle school, things became a little rocky between his parents. His father had been caught in an affair with one of his coworkers, and shortly after that, they got divorced. Quickly after this, his father and his coworker got married. Jaemin continued to live with his mother, refusing to live with his father. Their relationship declined from that time on, and currently their relationship is very rocky as well. He absolutely refuses to associate himself with his stepmother, as he despises her. After this ordeal, his mother made him apply to Farveyl Highschool, partially to show his father that she could take care of their son and make him successful without him, and partially to get him out of her hair to get her life back together again. He didn't mind, and considered it a new start.

Haerim Lee [Mother] - A 53 year old romance novelist that whose name is often spoken among hopeless romantics around the world. Was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea before moving to America and meeting Jaemin's father. She is closer to Jaemin than his father is.

Taejun Lee [Father] - A 58 year old successful attorney. Moved with his family to America when he was 4 and lived most of his life there before meeting Jaemin's mother and having a family. He is not as close to Jaemin as he would like to be, due to their constant disagreements. After getting divorced with Jaemin's mother, he married the woman he cheated on her with.

Irene Bates [stepmother] - Coworker and now wife of Taejun Lee. She is 45 years old. Her and Jaemin have a very poor relationship for obvious reasons.

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Amari Brown

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.2f9a29d250f1dc01c22e7bf7819d297d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123590" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.2f9a29d250f1dc01c22e7bf7819d297d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Amari Mia Brown

Age: 18

Grade: 12th

Popularity Level: She is popular but doesn't consider herself highly as others.

Personality (written): Amari is a Fiesty 5 Foot girl. She's not afraid to stand for what she believes in and not afarid to get dirty in the process. She is known for being a hothead, She happens to get mad easily and things that don't satisfy her at all. But Other than her having a bad mood she's a cool and fun person to hang out with and she's loyal to those who are close to her. She also protects them. Amari is a educated person she loves writing and dancing. A lot of people judge her because she has anger issues but she's a sweet person really, If you get to know her.

Background/History (written): Amari grew up with her mother. Her parents got divorce the day she was born which happens to be part of her anger issues. She grew up rich I guess you can say because her mother is a professional book publisher and her father is a lawyer who visits her and looks after her as well. Even though her parents have a divorce, They still both love their daughter and have a strong bond with her. She's the only child and she can get anything she wants, Yet she still doesn't ask for much. When it comes to her parents she doesn't open up to them she is quiet around them. But With friends she's herself and has fun. Nobody really knows Amari's story. She has two sides, Just never know which one you'll get.


+Tall Boys






-Clingy People

-Snobby Rich People


-Small Spaces






Kenny Brown (Dad) 40: Her Father is divorced with her mother, He work as a lawyer known through out the town for winning Multiple of cases.

Jasmine Brown (Mom) 37: Her mother is a Book writer, Divorced with her husband she takes care of her daughter but the father still visits and helps out oftenly.



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I realize there is another character named Minjae and if that's too much of a problem I can change his name.



Go on your path



Seokjin Maeng


"You can call me Princess Jin"

Jin, Princess Jin







Eye Color:

"I'm Asian, so take a guess"


Hair Color:

"It changes with my mood"

Usually darker, anywhere between brown, red, and black. He has been known to dye it blonde every once in awhile.


Not very popular due to the fact that he only likes having a small group of friends and he is foreign. He hopes that this year he will make more friends and become more popular.


Even if you live



"What isn't a quirk, honestly? I'm pretty sure I'm a bunch of quirks pasted together"

Minjae gets unnecessarily nervous around girls but not guys, which leads to him dating more males.

Fidgets often out of nervousness

Always uses objects around him as toys to keep his fingers occupied

Before leaving a restaurant he always tidies up

Is always doodling on stray pieces of paper, sometimes he rolls them up afterwards

Always carries chopsticks

"That's not a quirk! You ALWAYS need chopsticks!"


Fast and efficient learner

Picks up languages quickly

Great dancer/singer


Amazing cook

Always keeps things tidy

Rarely gets mad at people he cares about



Often anxious

Insecure in his ability to speak English

Takes the teachings of his culture too far

Considerate to a fault


Minjae's mother swears that he was born a mini adult, and she's not far from the truth. Ever since he was able to walk Minjae acted more like an adult than a child. He would always have a stoic expression and only talk if it was absolutely necessary. His silence caused his parents to worry that he wouldn't be intelligent and bring dishonor upon their family, but in reality it was the complete opposite.

Once Minjae started going to school, his personality blossomed. Although at times he took things far too seriously, he gained the ability to open up and have fun once he was close to people. In elementary school, he had two friends he was extremely close to and continues to be close to today. Minjae only chooses his friends after immense thought and often after knowing them for awhile, but once he gets close to someone he will never let them go or let anything happen to them.

Despite distancing himself emotionally from many people, since he only chooses a select few people to be truly acquainted with, Minjae is not a cold person. He is incredibly compassionate to everyone he meets, as his past allowed him to develop a great deal of empathy. Unfortunately, once he grew up and started feeling the pressure of school, he closed up a little bit. Although he is still compassionate to everyone, he is painfully shy and only confides in his tight group of friends. Along with the pressure of school came his anxiety. His mother became very concerned at how enveloped in school Minjae became. Yet, although he was an anxious wreck, Minjae performed well in school in both South Korea and America and continues to do so.


Minjae Paek was born in Gwancheon, South Korea to a close knit family. His childhood was overwhelmingly normal even though he was often too serious. His older brother was the opposite, always talking, running, playing, and getting into trouble, as most boys do. Minjae grew up chastising his brother for his careless ways, which is unheard of in South Korea since his brother is older. Although his family is very traditional, Minjae isn't afraid to break the strict social code if someone is breaking the rules. Such was the case with his brother, who despised Minjae telling him off to their parents.

Once Minjae got more involved in school and everyone realized his intellectual potential, Minjae and his brother settled their differences. Minjae stopped telling him off, and his brother straightened himself out so that he could compare to Minjae in their parents' eyes. However, just as life was evening out, their family decided to move to America. The move didn't decimate Minjae, as long as he could concentrate on school somewhere he didn't mind. He attributes many of his passions in life to the move. When he discovered the lack of delicious Korean cuisine in America, he even developed a passion for cooking (and eating, of course). He also discovered his talent for singing in dancing in America, as school was not as rigorous in the USA and allowed him time for recreational activities. One thing that troubled him most about the move was how much he stood out. Where his parents moved, there weren't many Asians, and the racist stereotypes that followed him upset him greatly. More than anything, he wanted to blend in like he did in Korea but that just wasn't possible.


For a day



Korean food





Experiencing new cultures


People who are full of themselves


Mean people

Being in the middle of a bunch of people

Racist stereotypes


Disappointing people


Getting lost

Forgetting English

Not seeing his family







Fake people




His friends



Those who help others

His family

Being bilingual


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Vitez said:
I realize there is another character named Minjae and if that's too much of a problem I can change his name.

? ??

Go on your path



Minjae Paek


"You can call me Princess Minjae"

Minjae, Princess Minjae







Eye Color:

"I'm Asian, so take a guess"


Hair Color:

"It changes with my mood"

Usually darker, anywhere between brown, red, and black. He has been known to dye it blonde every once in awhile.


Not very popular due to the fact that he only likes having a small group of friends and he is foreign. He hopes that this year he will make more friends and become more popular.


Even if you live



"What isn't a quirk, honestly? I'm pretty sure I'm a bunch of quirks pasted together"

Minjae gets unnecessarily nervous around girls but not guys, which leads to him dating more males.

Fidgets often out of nervousness

Always uses objects around him as toys to keep his fingers occupied

Before leaving a restaurant he always tidies up

Is always doodling on stray pieces of paper, sometimes he rolls them up afterwards

Always carries chopsticks

"That's not a quirk! You ALWAYS need chopsticks!"


Fast and efficient learner

Picks up languages quickly

Great dancer/singer


Amazing cook

Always keeps things tidy

Rarely gets mad at people he cares about



Often anxious

Insecure in his ability to speak English

Takes the teachings of his culture too far

Considerate to a fault


Minjae's mother swears that he was born a mini adult, and she's not far from the truth. Ever since he was able to walk Minjae acted more like an adult than a child. He would always have a stoic expression and only talk if it was absolutely necessary. His silence caused his parents to worry that he wouldn't be intelligent and bring dishonor upon their family, but in reality it was the complete opposite.

Once Minjae started going to school, his personality blossomed. Although at times he took things far too seriously, he gained the ability to open up and have fun once he was close to people. In elementary school, he had two friends he was extremely close to and continues to be close to today. Minjae only chooses his friends after immense thought and often after knowing them for awhile, but once he gets close to someone he will never let them go or let anything happen to them.

Despite distancing himself emotionally from many people, since he only chooses a select few people to be truly acquainted with, Minjae is not a cold person. He is incredibly compassionate to everyone he meets, as his past allowed him to develop a great deal of empathy. Unfortunately, once he grew up and started feeling the pressure of school, he closed up a little bit. Although he is still compassionate to everyone, he is painfully shy and only confides in his tight group of friends. Along with the pressure of school came his anxiety. His mother became very concerned at how enveloped in school Minjae became. Yet, although he was an anxious wreck, Minjae performed well in school in both South Korea and America and continues to do so.


Minjae Paek was born in Gwancheon, South Korea to a close knit family. His childhood was overwhelmingly normal even though he was often too serious. His older brother was the opposite, always talking, running, playing, and getting into trouble, as most boys do. Minjae grew up chastising his brother for his careless ways, which is unheard of in South Korea since his brother is older. Although his family is very traditional, Minjae isn't afraid to break the strict social code if someone is breaking the rules. Such was the case with his brother, who despised Minjae telling him off to their parents.

Once Minjae got more involved in school and everyone realized his intellectual potential, Minjae and his brother settled their differences. Minjae stopped telling him off, and his brother straightened himself out so that he could compare to Minjae in their parents' eyes. However, just as life was evening out, their family decided to move to America. The move didn't decimate Minjae, as long as he could concentrate on school somewhere he didn't mind. He attributes many of his passions in life to the move. When he discovered the lack of delicious Korean cuisine in America, he even developed a passion for cooking (and eating, of course). He also discovered his talent for singing in dancing in America, as school was not as rigorous in the USA and allowed him time for recreational activities. One thing that troubled him most about the move was how much he stood out. Where his parents moved, there weren't many Asians, and the racist stereotypes that followed him upset him greatly. More than anything, he wanted to blend in like he did in Korea but that just wasn't possible.


For a day



Korean food





Experiencing new cultures


People who are full of themselves


Mean people

Being in the middle of a bunch of people

Racist stereotypes


Disappointing people


Getting lost

Forgetting English

Not seeing his family







Fake people




His friends



Those who help others

His family

Being bilingual


As soon as you change his name, you can post. Characters with the same name tend to confuse people.
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Marcus Jackson


Full Name: Marcus Dewight Jackson

Age: 18

Grade: 12th

Popularity Level: One Of The Most Highly Popular Guys

Personality (written): Marcus is A Smart And Athletic Young man. He is a honor student and Star student in almost all his classes, He is a jock but not a dumb found one like most his friends. Unlike most Jock's dream, Marcus isn't all about sex and drinking and party his education comes first then his goal. Marcus was taught to respect girls and he does as he is tell, He's a heartthrob, A Lady's Man, But at this point he doesn't go for the girls who throw themselves at him. He wants to find "The One" Who catches his eyes. Marcus is a very strong athletic person he's also competitive, Anyone who thinks they can beat him he makes them think twice. Don't underestimate His kindness for weakness, Marcus can be a dick when he wants and a asshole, and a fighter but he chooses to walk away, Because he knows he'll get violent and things will go bad as soon You get him

Angry. Marcus is also a fun and funny person to be around, He's protective to those who he cares about and he's always there for somebody when they need him.

Background/History (written): Marcus is the only child. He grew up with both his parents by his side and his mother taught him how to have a well behavior. His father taught him his athletic traits and also taught him to defend himself if anything goes wrong. His mother being a police officer taught him a few moves as a well.






-Slutty Girls

-Snobby People



-Getting Angry






Miranda Jackson (Mom) 38: She is married to Men and they both have Marcus. She works as a police officer.

Ken Jackson (Dad) 39: Ken is a football coach and he manages the hometown's football team.
Mariam said:
Marcus Jackson

Full Name: Marcus Dewight Jackson

Age: 18

Grade: 12th

Popularity Level: One Of The Most Highly Popular Guys

Personality (written): Marcus is A Smart And Athletic Young man. He is a honor student and Star student in almost all his classes, He is a jock but not a dumb found one like most his friends. Unlike most Jock's dream, Marcus isn't all about sex and drinking and party his education comes first then his goal. Marcus was taught to respect girls and he does as he is tell, He's a heartthrob, A Lady's Man, But at this point he doesn't go for the girls who throw themselves at him. He wants to find "The One" Who catches his eyes. Marcus is a very strong athletic person he's also competitive, Anyone who thinks they can beat him he makes them think twice. Don't underestimate His kindness for weakness, Marcus can be a dick when he wants and a asshole, and a fighter but he chooses to walk away, Because he knows he'll get violent and things will go bad as soon You get him

Angry. Marcus is also a fun and funny person to be around, He's protective to those who he cares about and he's always there for somebody when they need him.

Background/History (written): Marcus is the only child. He grew up with both his parents by his side and his mother taught him how to have a well behavior. His father taught him his athletic traits and also taught him to defend himself if anything goes wrong. His mother being a police officer taught him a few moves as a well.






-Slutty Girls

-Snobby People



-Getting Angry






Miranda Jackson (Mom) 38: She is married to Men and they both have Marcus. She works as a police officer.

Ken Jackson (Dad) 39: Ken is a football coach and he manages the hometown's football team.
You can post :)
Sara Ellis

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/sara.jpg.7874d19e474fc9b8eeae7fb8d0bde6b7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123691" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/sara.jpg.7874d19e474fc9b8eeae7fb8d0bde6b7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Sara Amanda Ellis

Age: 18

Grade: 12th

Popularity Level: Sara is nice to everyone, but there's something snarky about her that keeps her from really being popular.

Personality: Sara is a self-conscious but judgmental. She never lets anyone pull anything on her. She tends to be more outgoing than anything else, but when she speaks up people usually wish she didn't. She is rude, witty, and absolutely obsessed with drama. She likes to know everything about everyone, but sometimes she can't stop talking about things that were suppose to be secrets. However, Sara tends to be honest and no one has to wonder where they stand with her. She tends to be very generous with what money she has, and if you get close to her, you can depend on her for doing anything for you.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/sara2.gif.7f26465ee20d7e73d704ced6ce9754bc.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123692" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/sara2.gif.7f26465ee20d7e73d704ced6ce9754bc.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background/History: Sara was born fifth in a family of known for their generations of successful business people. Four older brothers left her knowing how to mess with people who were bigger and stronger than her. Her mother, the model, taught her the importance of her looks and how they can get her places, but also taught her how to be a fighter because she was going to need to know how to protect herself. Her father, the CEO of ComParte - the computer hardware giants, didn't teach her anything because he was busy teaching her brothers how to major in business and not art. When she came out of the closet, her family barely reacted, telling her she would settle down with a man eventually.

Likes: Collecting glass bottles | Video Games | Mexican Food |Melanie Martinez

Dislikes: Popcorn | Disingenuous people | Country music

Hates: Crowds | Sports | Business Talk

Loves: Girls | Dogs | Purple


Adam Ellis (Dad) 55 : Successful CEO, uninspired by women in general, a "man's man", very good with words, bad at feelings.

Penelope Ellis (Mom) 47 : Practically the opposite of Adam, Penny is strengthened by powerful women, and have for the past 10 years attempted to make herself a brand. At almost 50, she's still a jaw-dropper, and has done several ads for women-positive businesses.

Brothers: Ethan (28), Jackson (26), Zepher (24), Aaron (21)



  • sara.jpg
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  • sara2.gif
    978.7 KB · Views: 329
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Age :


Grade :


Popularity Level :

Chase is well known throughout the school as a main drug supplier. He's not one of the "Cool kids" but is always there when they need their fix.

Personality :

Chase is a people person, he loves cracking inappropriate jokes and has a crude sense of humor. He's a huge flirt and doesn't like to stay tied down. He also loves to party and is usually the supplier for all the alcohol and drugs.

Background/History :

When chase was 5 years old his father vanished from his life, leaving behind him, his mom, and his little sister. Growing up wasn't easy for chase, due to the fact that his mother was now a single mom struggling to put food on the table for two kids. As Chase grew older he knew that he would have to start working to help support himself and his little sister. In 9th grade, Chase was arrested for drug possession with intent to distribute. He was expelled from his high school, forcing him to move to a new town where he could be accepted. At the age of 16 Chase was living on his own, selling multiple types of drugs out of his apartment. Now 18, Chase owns his own car, a small home, and sends a check home to his mother and sister once a month.
















Mother: Ava, 35 years old

Sister: Claire 14 years old

Father: Charles (Age unknown)





  • Name

    Adriano Emanuele LaGioia





    Sexuality and Gender

    Heterosexual Male

    Popularity Level

    He is the typical 'bad boy' and is well known among the school, usually hangs out with the royals. Well known for being a womanizer and a trouble maker.


(This is my first BBCode it kinda sucks but oh well)

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/ W / I / P /


Rahim Kaveh Saidi


Ahi || Ra








Sexual Orientation



Rahim, to be blunt, is a big 'unknown' to most in many a situation, this one included; the simplest answer would be
not very; his general attitude and distance have left him around a vague medium despite his often unused social ability. He deigns to keep his heritage out of the picture, perhaps for pride's sake, perhaps for privacy.



Intelligence : Speaks for itself, no? He isn't one lack in either logic or sharp tactics, which he isn't afraid of making known.

Independence : Squishing up to people in power he blatantly dislikes is not on his list of favourite things.

Passion : For all his aloof pretence, he does have a drive of boiling emotion underneath. Getting it stoked is the tough part.

Patience : Rahim is a difficult cookie to out-wait or rile up, but as usual, it comes with its price - if he does lose it, it will not be pretty.

Kindness : Who would think that Rahim would have a soft and shy side? Well. Not many. He both hates and is somewhat relieved by that fact.


Pride : Oh, he's doing something wrong? He doesn't care. And now you've gone and pointed it out, he'll make it worse just to spite you.

Distant : Rahim has a tough time trying to open up to others. Perhaps afraid of their reaction? Perhaps afraid of it being exploited? It has its dull moments.

- Wilful : Stubborn as hell, certainly to a fault. Do I need to elaborate?

Bitter : Small things don't generally bother him, but he won't forgive, and oh boy he won't forget. Revenge is not below him.

- Fire : His sometimes irritable and more often passionate temperament is arguably his weak spot, whether in an argument or even in the bedroom. Perhaps even a little on the masochistic side.


- Rahim tends to twist or pull at strands of his hair if he's thinking deeply.

- Instead of fidgeting or moving around when stressed, nervous or emotional, like many do, he will go very still to the point where he seems to be hardly breathing


|| The ocean | Peaches | Cats | Early mornings ||


|| His emotions getting over him | Boredom | Damp, cold weather | Bland food and bland people | Excessive smoking ||


|| Needless cruelty | Repeating himself | Apologising ||


|| Hazy morning air | Swimming alone | Being proven right ||

no slide no slide






145 lbs

Eye Colour

Golden brown

Hair Colour

Dark chocolate

Skin Tone



Rahim has his earlobes pierced with two gold hoops, despite not always having them in.


The only other mark on his skin is a thin, old scar on his right temple, half hidden by his hair.







W / I / P


Jaleh Saidi -
Mother - Alive :

Yaser Saidi -
Father - Alive :

Payam Yaser Saidi -
Older brother - Alive :

Jordan Ashe -
Good friend - Alive :



Jordan Kayden Ray

''Super rich with nothing but fake friends''

Age: Jordan is seventeen but he'll be eighteen on 20th May

Grade: Senior

Popularity Level: He is very popular.

Personality: Jordan is a smart guy. He knows his way with people, whether it is trying to convince girls to go out with him or to get his teacher to give him a higher grade. Plus, his extremely rich status helps with that too.He is very protective of what is his. If he likes a girl, he won't let anyone else have her. He can be very jealous too. He can quite short tempered sometimes which usually ends badly because he knows how to fight. Being used to getting everything he wants, he doesn't like it when he doesn't get what he wants. Jordan tends to act a lot more confident than he really is though. He knows deep down, half his friends are only his friends for his money but he tries to brush it off.

Background/ History: Jordan is the oldest male in his family. He has been grown up with a wealthy status since he was born. His grandfather was a very popular architecture, which his father soon took some artistic traits from and started his own animation company. The family make a lot of money.[/Cinzel] His mother works in a co partnership for a fashion magazine. Both parents are very absent in the life of their children, which results in them repaying their absences with presents and whatever they want. Jordan never really was into art and design, he is actually quite sporty. He is a boxer and a trackstar.

Likes: Jordan likes to train. He is constantly either practising his running or boxing. He has a very bad sweettooth and is constantly snacking on sweets. You wouldn't think it but he is actually good with kids and he likes babysitting his younger siblings. He likes partying. He does enjoy having money.

Dislikes: He doesn't like when people anger him. He hates seeing people cry but he doesn't show it. He dislikes opening up to people. He can't stand drugs.

Loves: Being in peoples company, sports and his younger siblings.

Hates: Absence of his parents.


Kayden Marcus Ray: Father: 42 : Owns an anmination company.

Jessica Claire Ray: 40 :Mother: Co partnership of a fashion magazine.

Riley Ray: Sister: 20 : College Student

Jack Ray: 13: Brother: Student

Jason Ray: 9 : Brother : Student

Isabella Ray: 4 : Sister

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Couldyoustfu said:
@irl000 If you read the first post of this thread Ecstasyia did say she didn't want Colton Haynes, don't know if it's relevant
@Ecstasyia isn't doing the role play anymore, so might not be a problem.

Edit: My bad, oops. :3
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irl000 said:


Jordan Kayden Ray

''Super rich with nothing but fake friends''

Age: Jordan is seventeen but he'll be eighteen on 20th May

Grade: Senior

Popularity Level: He is very popular.

Personality: Jordan is a smart guy. He knows his way with people, whether it is trying to convince girls to go out with him or to get his teacher to give him a higher grade. Plus, his extremely rich status helps with that too.He is very protective of what is his. If he likes a girl, he won't let anyone else have her. He can be very jealous too. He can quite short tempered sometimes which usually ends badly because he knows how to fight. Being used to getting everything he wants, he doesn't like it when he doesn't get what he wants. Jordan tends to act a lot more confident than he really is though. He knows deep down, half his friends are only his friends for his money but he tries to brush it off.

Background/ History: Jordan is the oldest male in his family. He has been grown up with a wealthy status since he was born. His grandfather was a very popular architecture, which his father soon took some artistic traits from and started his own animation company. The family make a lot of money.[/Cinzel] His mother works in a co partnership for a fashion magazine. Both parents are very absent in the life of their children, which results in them repaying their absences with presents and whatever they want. Jordan never really was into art and design, he is actually quite sporty. He is a boxer and a trackstar.

Likes: Jordan likes to train. He is constantly either practising his running or boxing. He has a very bad sweettooth and is constantly snacking on sweets. You wouldn't think it but he is actually good with kids and he likes babysitting his younger siblings. He likes partying. He does enjoy having money.

Dislikes: He doesn't like when people anger him. He hates seeing people cry but he doesn't show it. He dislikes opening up to people. He can't stand drugs.

Loves: Being in peoples company, sports and his younger siblings.

Hates: Absence of his parents.


Kayden Marcus Ray: Father: 42 : Owns an anmination company.

Jessica Claire Ray: 40 :Mother: Co partnership of a fashion magazine.

Riley Ray: Sister: 20 : College Student

Jack Ray: 13: Brother: Student

Jason Ray: 9 : Brother : Student

Isabella Ray: 4 : Sister

Yes, I did. So I ask you to please re-read the character sheet and change the faceclaim or you will not be accepted. Even though I might not be ROLEPLAYING anymore, I am still active and the GM of this Roleplay. All rules should still be followed.
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Archangel said:


/ W / I / P /


Rahim Kaveh Saidi


Ahi || Ra








Sexual Orientation



Rahim, to be blunt, is a big 'unknown' to most in many a situation, this one included; the simplest answer would be
not very; his general attitude and distance have left him around a vague medium despite his often unused social ability. He deigns to keep his heritage out of the picture, perhaps for pride's sake, perhaps for privacy.



Intelligence : Speaks for itself, no? He isn't one lack in either logic or sharp tactics, which he isn't afraid of making known.

Independence : Squishing up to people in power he blatantly dislikes is not on his list of favourite things.

Passion : For all his aloof pretence, he does have a drive of boiling emotion underneath. Getting it stoked is the tough part.

Patience : Rahim is a difficult cookie to out-wait or rile up, but as usual, it comes with its price - if he does lose it, it will not be pretty.

Kindness : Who would think that Rahim would have a soft and shy side? Well. Not many. He both hates and is somewhat relieved by that fact.


Pride : Oh, he's doing something wrong? He doesn't care. And now you've gone and pointed it out, he'll make it worse just to spite you.

Distant : Rahim has a tough time trying to open up to others. Perhaps afraid of their reaction? Perhaps afraid of it being exploited? It has its dull moments.

- Wilful : Stubborn as hell, certainly to a fault. Do I need to elaborate?

Bitter : Small things don't generally bother him, but he won't forgive, and oh boy he won't forget. Revenge is not below him.

- Fire : His sometimes irritable and more often passionate temperament is arguably his weak spot, whether in an argument or even in the bedroom. Perhaps even a little on the masochistic side.


- Rahim tends to twist or pull at strands of his hair if he's thinking deeply.

- Instead of fidgeting or moving around when stressed, nervous or emotional, like many do, he will go very still to the point where he seems to be hardly breathing


|| The ocean | Peaches | Cats | Early mornings ||


|| His emotions getting over him | Boredom | Damp, cold weather | Bland food and bland people | Excessive smoking ||


|| Needless cruelty | Repeating himself | Apologising ||


|| Hazy morning air | Swimming alone | Being proven right ||

no slide no slide






145 lbs

Eye Colour

Golden brown

Hair Colour

Dark chocolate

Skin Tone



Rahim has his earlobes pierced with two gold hoops, despite not always having them in.


The only other mark on his skin is a thin, old scar on his right temple, half hidden by his hair.







W / I / P


Jaleh Saidi -
Mother - Alive :

Yaser Saidi -
Father - Alive :

Payam Yaser Saidi -
Older brother - Alive :

Jordan Ashe -
Good friend - Alive :

Once you finish, you're accepted.
Ecstasyia said:
Yes, I did. So I ask you to please re-read the character sheet and change the faceclaim or you will not be accepted. Even though I might not be ROLEPLAYING anymore, I am still active and the GM of this Roleplay. All rules should still be followed.
Completely understand! Sorry, I didn't even notice. I've changed the character anyway

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