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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod "Yeah that might be a good idea for sure." She murmured before going up to shower and sighing heavily. They hadn't been very intimate since everything had happened, they'd tried, but then he was too tired or was no longer in the mood. She was starting to worry if it was her now, because he wouldn't even look at her naked most of the time these days.

Noah thanked him quietly and dug into the food giving a heavy sigh "She flatlined this morning..." he murmured keeping his eyes on her the whole time taking a deep breath to calm himself and not cry yet again.
He headed up after an hour and smiled seeing her just finishing up getting into comfies "You wanna go do a maternity shoot on the weekend? Take Rory and make it like a family one?" He asked, "Like me taking the photos." He told her, pulling his hoodie and t-shirt off to lay down, kicking his shoes onto the floor and waited for her to get comfy before scooting in closer.

He frowned and sighed heavily "Noah I don't.... I know how much she'll push to stay here but.... They've been pretty clear that we need to be prepared for the worst." He reminded him. "It's gonna take a miracle for her to survive this." He pointed out
Max nodded quietly and scooted away from him when she got into bed "Yeah that would be nice." She said quietly as she held her body pillow close to her just trying to get some kind of nap in.

Noah shot him a glare and shook his head "Don't fucking talk like that! She's going to make it goddamn it!" He spat at him before taking a deep breath and shutting his eyes "I'm sorry...I just....I'm scared."
He shook his head and sat up. “Nope. Not playing this game right now, what’s wrong?” He asked her frowning. “Don’t tell me nothing cause I know my wife better than that.” He told her

He nodded. “I know. Shit if you werent I’d be more concerned.” He muttered. “Go see your kid Noah, I’ll call if anything happens.” He promised.
Max sighed heavily and rolled over as best she could to face him "Is it me? Is my body disgusting to look at now?" She asked quietly as a few tears fell "You haven't looked at me naked since we found out about my pregnancy....is my body ugly now?"

Noah nodded and stood up making his way to the NICU. He sat beside the incubator as he arrived and gave a small smile as he watched his son "Hey there...I um...I'm your dad." He whispered placing his giant hand on the egg and gulping when he noticed that his son was only slightly longer than his hand.
He frowned and shook his head, sighing heavily. “Oh, oh babe no, no no.” He murmured, reaching over and cupping her cheek. “Hey look at me, you’re as beautiful me today as you were when I met you.” He promised her, leaning down and kissing her forehead. “I don’t…. It’s not you honey. Not at all.” He promised. “It’s….” He sighed and looked away for a moment before turning back to her. “I can’t …. I can’t get it up…. I’ve managed like twice since Paris and I don’t…. I’ve been a little freaked out by it.” He sighed quietly.

His nurse came over to check on him and smiled. “Hi there, you must be Keatons dad.” She said gently. “He’s doing good today, opened his eyes a few times.” She told him. “We’re still running a few tests but they should have answers for you no later than tomorrow on where the problems are.” She told him before starting her checks.
Max frowned deeply and cupped his cheek gently "Have you told the doctors about it?" She asked him gently before moving her pillow to the floor and scooting close to him and tanglimg her legs with his the best she could.

Noah nodded and gave a small sigh "Yes I am, thank you for taking care of him." He said softly as he watched Keaton a bit "Will I need to be here to get those results?" He asked
She nodded. “If you’re not here you’ll get a call but we don’t give results over the phone” she explained, finishing up with him and left Noah to some privacy again.

He nodded and sighed, holding her to him. “They’ve said it’s probably stress but fuck apparently all of it is stress even though it doesn’t matter how relaxed I am and I’m still having problems. I’m just scared honey.” He told her, kissing her head.
Noah nodded in understanding and sighed softly "As long as I get the call I'll make sure to be up here." He said softly before she left. He gave Keaton a small smile and sighed some "Lets hope you're tall like me yeah? Then we can both terrorize your mommy."

Max gave a heavy sigh and nodded some "Maybe we need to look at different doctors? Find one that can actually give us some answers." She said softly kissing him gently "I'm scared too, but I know we'll get this figured out."
He just nodded slowly and held her close, "But I don't want you to doubt for a minute that I think you're beautiful. Always have and always will." He promised, cupping her cheek "I love you." He murmured. "Wouldnn't be good with you having my kids if I didn't." He smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I'll look into something tomorrow... Now get some rest before you gotta go pick up the crazy lot." He smiled.

Another guy came in to see his own child after a little while and nodded over to Noah, "How long?" He asked him after they'd both been sat there in silence. "We've had Lilah in here for three weeks so far, she's pushing through bit by bit though." He smiled some.
Max gave a small nod and cuddled him as much as she could before falling asleep with him.

Noah looked over at the guy and sighed softly "A day....he uh...he's only been in here a day." He explained giving a small smile "She your first?"
He nodded to him then shook his head "Number four. First one in here though. And first daughter." He told him, not about to ask prying questions though "What about you?" He asked, watching her some.

He stayed awake for most of their nap time but held her close, rubbing her bump and talking to their little one, "Your grandparents are pretty cool too y'know. At least your grandma is.... Your big brother can't wait to meet you. I'm not sure if he understands he can't play with you yet though. We;ll work that out once you're here though." He promised, smiling to himself some before finally drifting off. He wasn't up again until he could hear three very hyper little boys downstairs, getting up and heading down there, chuckling at them running around the living room playing together, going to find Max. "You didn't wake me up." He murmured, kissing her cheek
Noah nodded and gave a soft chuckle "Second, first son, first time in here too. If you're anything like me, she'll have you wrapped around her finger by the first month." He explained giving a small smile at the thought of Eden "How old are your sons?"

Max smiled softly as she munched on her chips letting him steal a few "Wanted to let you rest." She said sweetly before pecking his lips. She held him close for a minute giving a small laugh as she heard the boys.
He nodded "You kidding? Moment we knew it was a girl had me hook line and sinker." He smiled, "They're five and eight." He told him, nodding to himself. "Haven't had a chance to tell them what's going on properly yet. They just know Mom's not been home in a while." He sighed some. "But with a little luck we'll get 'em home soon. Nice to meet you." He told him, getting up when he got a text and headed out of there.

Nick walked in after persuading the nurses and headed over to Noah "Hey, they took her for some tests. Said it'd be about an hour." He told him, smiling at the baby "This one yours?" He asked him, nudging him a little.

He rolled his eyes a little when they got the loud toys out and just pecked her cheek, "I'm gonna go get the study tidied up but I'll leave the door open, shout if you want me." He told her, going to try and get stuff done.
Noah talked with the man a bit longer and said goodbye once he had left. He glanced over ar Nick and nodded some "Yeah, this is Keaton. Keaton Nicholas Davis." He said quietly giving a small smile to his friend.

Max nodded and waved him off "Go go, I got this handled." She murmured sweetly before turning her attention back to the kids. It was a few hours later when she was getting ready to take the boys home. She went up to the study and frowned seeing Ricky wasn't there. She started searching the house all over until she finally found him sat in the shed that was in their backyard. She let out a sigh of relief and gave a small smile "You can't let me know you're coming out here?"
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He hummed quietly in response, looking up and smiling a little sheepishly as he noticed it had gotten dark out. “Oh hey…. Sorry. I needed to concentrate on these emails and I could hear em over my headphones.” He chuckled, getting up and heading inside. “I’ll have dinner ready by the time you get back he promised, kissing her cheek and helping her get the three of them loaded into the car.

By the time they got back Rory was getting sleepy and wandered inside with his mom, noticing the house was fairly dark and they couldn’t hear his dad anywhere, yawning and wandering over to the couch while he watched his mom calling his dads name, too tired to pay attention to the lack of response.

He nodded and smiled watching the little one. “That’s a cool name little dude. Two badass uncles you’re named after.” He smiled at Noah. “Nadine is working tonight so I’m gonna head home to watch Eden. Matt and jolly are back tomorrow though so theres another one of us around.” He told him. “I heard nick called you.”
Max gave a small laugh and nodded "Alright, I love you. I'll see you soon." She murmured before going to the car. When they got back she frowned seeing it was still dark in the house. She got Rory layed on the couch while calling for Ricky starting to get worried when she got no kind of response. She went to the kitchen and turned on the light going wide eyed when she saw Ricky on the floor by the door "Ricky!"

Noah gave a small nod and sighed at the mention of Folio "Yeah, he had heard about Carmen. Wanted to express how sorry he was and that he hopes she gets better. He wanted to talk further to catch up but I told him that would need to wait." He explained giving a small shrug and standing up "Well let me go be with her then."
His Mom was just sitting down to dinner when the phone rang, muttering about timing until she saaw it was Max and answered "Hey sweetheart, everythign okay? You don't usually call this late." She frowned some, "Max.... what's wrong?" She asked hearing her crying on the other end

He nodded and left with him, heading out of there to go take over watching Eden.

HEr nurse was bringing her back in shortly after Noah had got back in and smiled at him, "Good timing. I don't have any results yet but they'll be available by the morning tomorrow." She assured him, "She uh, she did give us alittle scare during the MRI but we got her stable again." She told him, "It would be good to talk to her y'know." She coaxe dbefore leaving him to privacy again
Max was hysterical by this point just wanting her husband to be okay. "They're taking Ricky to the hospital. I don't know what to do anymore, they keep saying its stress and it just...it can't be that and I'm terrified with the baby coming, I just don't know what to do anymore." She rambled down the line just needing someone to talk to.

Noah sat down with her and gave a nod to the nurse "Thank you for all your help." He murmured before taking Carmen's hand in hers. He took a deep breath before closing his eyes "Keaton....he's looking good baby. He's so beautiful, I think he looks like me." He said quietly smiling a bit as he opened his eyes and looked at her "I get an update on him soon, I'll tell you what they let me know."
She frowned and shook her head "Hey hey, slow down sweetheart." She coaxed, "What happened this time?" She asked her gently, frowning when she explained what was going on, nodding "Why don't I come down for a couple weeks? I'd like to see my grandson anyway and I'm not having you having to worry about both your boys and the baby at the same time. Let me come down and help alright?" She told her, "Try to relax alright? He's gonna be just fine." She promised her, hanging up after that and went to book flights.

The next time he came to was with the sun coming up and groaned quietly, looking around and seeing Max sat in a chair next to the bed frowning some, "Can't sleep in a chair like that." He mumbled, reaching for her hand. "I guess I blacked out." He muttered, rubbing his face with his free hand

Nick rang him much later on once Eden was getting ready for bed so she could say hi to him, "Hi Daddy! Uncle Nick said tomorrow we gonna take the kitties for a walk in the push chair." She giggled happily, occupied enough to not be so worried anymore.
Max woke up from her light sleep when she heard his voice "Yeah....your heart nearly stopped.." she whispered before squeezing his hand in hers "Your mom is going to come down for a little bit, just to help out a bit." She said quietly well and truely exhausted at this point.

Noah smiled happily when he heard Eden "Oh that sounds a lot of fun." He said softly "You be good though okay? Don't drive Uncle Nick crazy."
She shook her head and giggled "No! Daddy uncle Nick drive me crazy." She laughed as Nick turned the camera to face himself for a moment and muttered somethign about it was definitely Noah's kid. "Can you read me bedtime story?" She asked him yawning a little

He frowned but nodded and sighed quietly. "Good.... I'm not having you do it all on your own." He frowned, watching a doctor step in to talk to them, managing to sit up a little "Anything?" He asked him but frowned when he set a cup down on the side, sighing quietly and nodded "Alright but there's not gonna be anything." He told him, knowing he wanted a drug test "I'm clean and sober and I have been for years now." He muttered, shaking his head.
Max frowned deeply at the doctor and gave a heavy sigh. She was tired of them always thinking it was drugs and alcohol when he'd proven time and time again that he was clean.

Noah smiled softly and nodded "Yeah I can do that, what are we reading today?" He asked going to his bag that Nick had brought. He'd made sure to have a few books packed so that he could do this for her.
She got snuggled in under the covers and picked one out, falling asleep before he was even finished and Nick slowly left the room, talking to him for just a ocuple minutes before hanging up and leaving him to it.

-4 months-
Ricky grumbled a little as he got up, yawning and stretching before heading over to the crib on the other side of the room and lifting a very grumpy Iris up and into his arms, bouncing her ever so gently, "Shh, shh, I got you, I got you." He murmured, kissing her head, "Mommy's gone to do you a bottle alright?" He cooed to her. She'd refused to be fed by the boob from the moment she was born and after a lot of trying and convincing they'd finally found a system that worked for her. He smiled as Max came back in, yawning big "See, here she is. Just getting you some milk." He murmured, taking the bottle and going to sit down to feed her. He'd done a complete one-eighty from the way he had been with Rory and he could hardly stand to put her down let alone let anyone else hold her aside from Max. "He stay asleep this time?" He asked her quietly. His own health had been like a yo-yo but seemed to finally be stabilising for once.

Keaton's nurse looked over when Noah stepped in for the morning and smiled "Good morning, we got some news for you today." She told him happily. She'd watched the poor man look worse and worse as the weeks had dragged on and on the few conversations she'd had with him she knew he could do with the good stuff. "Doctor thinks that after we do those tests today, so around four this afternoon, you should be able to hold him for the first time." She told him. "He's getting stronger bit by bit." She told him encouragingly. She knew that his wife was still barely hanging on and add onto that the man responsible had been released on bail for a few days until he'd been caught going into her hospital room by Noah himself. "How is Carmen doing?" She asked him hopeful
Max gave Ricky a tired smile and nodded as she handed him the bottle. "Yes thank goodness." She murmured as she climbed back into bed. She'd been exhausted lately with Iris going through a sleep regression and Rory not wanting to sleep in his new toddler bed. She was happy to see him so over the moon with Iris, but it also made her feel bad for Rory. It was like Ricky almost didn't care that he was there any longer, he was becoming short with him and didn't take him out as much either.

Noah looked over at the nurse and gave a tired smile "Thats wonderful." He said quietly before turning to look back at his son. He'd been absolutely exhausted these past four months. He was doing everything he could to keep himself together, but he was wearing thin and was growing more concerned the longer Carmen stayed out. "She uh, she's stable. Thats about it." He whispered

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