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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She nodded a little and just held onto him tightly, “right… you take this one, let me go get the stinker out the closet.” She mumbled, pecking his cheek and eventually pulled away, handing Keaton over to him who promptly fell asleep in his dads arms while Carmen went to Edens closet and pulled it open. “Right my little chaos gremlin, what’s going on?” She asked her, trying not to smile which would only set her off more but she’d ‘hidden’ herself under a pile of clothes and she just looked funny. “Come here, mommy needs cuddles right now” she coaxed.
Eden frowned a bit but eventually came out from under the clothes "Daddy said I can't have a princess bed. He say my bed is fine." She said as she cuddled up to her "Its Keaton's fault, he do this." She muttered bitterly
She sighed a little and pulled her in tightly, kissing her head. “Look at me, baby Keaton didn’t do anything. He’s just a baby still. Daddy said no because you haven’t outgrown your bed just yet. And we’re gonna be doing lots of nice things for the new house, you just gotta wait okay? Why don’t you and me go take a look at some cool decorations for your new room when I get back from my trip?” She suggested. “Make it a princess room still?”
Eden gave a small frown and thought about it before giving a small nod "Okay Mommy." She murmured keeping close to her still "Where are you going Mommy?" She asked quietly "Can I come too?"
She sighed and shook her head. “No you’re gonna stay here with daddy and Keaton. I’m only gonna be gone for a few days okay? I’m gonna… I’m gonna go see auntie max okay? But grandpa might take you out for a day or two as well if I ask him too, you wanna go see him?” She asked her. Her mother had only further distanced herself from them after Eden was born and according to Noah hadn’t ever so much as called to see if she had survived the attack. Her dad on the other hand she knew had been as hands on as a grandpa as she would allow and after all this time she was finally accepting that he was trying his best to make up for the years of being a shit dad and at least the kids had one grandparent who adored them
Eden gasped happily at the mention of her grandpa and nodded her head "Yeah okay! I go see Grandpa." She said happily cuddling her some "You tell Rory I say Hi?" She asked looking up at her
She nodded and sighed a little. “Yeah baby. Right let’s get you dressed so you can go see uncle jolly.” She told her, “you gotta say sorry to daddy though for shouting at him.” She told her, kissing her head and got up to let her pick out an outfit, going over to Noah in the hallway still. “You hear all that?” She asked him, wrapping an arm around his waist.
Noah nodded and sighed heavily "I need to get better at handling her outbursts. I just never know what to say." He said quietly before pulling her into him "Come here, you need a hug." He murmured before kissing her lovingly
She sighed a little and shook her head. “It’s been a rough few months for everybody but we do need to remember she’s only five.” She sighed a little, holding onto him tightly and burying her face into his chest. “I don’t know what we’d do without you.” She murmured.
Noah smiled some and shrugged gently "You'd make it, but your life would be less joke filled." He said giving a small laugh. He smiled when Eden came out dressed and ready to go hugging his lega tightly "Hey Princess, you ready?" He asked softly
She smiled a little and shook her head. “Alright you two. Don’t forget to grab snacks on your way home.” She told them, kissing Edens head. “Be good. Make sure daddy behaves too.” She smiled a little and went to go lay on the couch so she could keep an eye on Keaton in his rocker.

Eden giggled a little and headed out with him. “We have to take mommy some monster drink. She like that.” She told him, getting into the car and letting him help her into her seat. “Daddy when can I sit in the front seat?” She asked him but she was still in a booster
Noah chuckled some and nodded "She does love those huh?" He murmured as he started to buckle her up "Oh princess not until you're much much bigger. You have to be atleast thirteen." He explained giving a small smile "Don't worry though, the front seat is overrated."
She grumbled a little but at least forgot about it once the music was playing, singing loud in the back seat until they got to jolly’s and she insisted that Noah carried her inside
Noah carried her to the door once they arrived and smiled when she got excited seeing Jolly's dog. He set her down to go play once they were inside "Hey man, hows it goin?"
He opened the door and smiled, letting them in. “Where’s little man? I thought he got out yesterday?” He asked noah, “I’m tryna piss off nick by meeting both of them first.” He chuckled, taking noah through to the studio. “You uh… you hear about Rick?”
Noah chuckled a bit "He's at home with his Momma." He said before rolling his eyes a bit "You would try to do that." He said sighing heavily when he mentioned Ricky "Yeah Max called Carmen not too long ago. Fucking shame man, he was a good guy."
He shook his head and got logged into the computer to send him over a couple of files. “Well we’ll just have to come over soon as we can.” He told him, “you want a hand carrying the stuff out?” He asked, looking into the lounge at Sara chatting with Eden who was mesmerised with Sara’s baby bump. “It’ll be good to get back out on the road again but I think I’m starting to get why you don’t like it as much these days.” He smiled some
Noah looked back at Eden and gave a small smile "Its hard leaving them." He murmured before smiling more "So Carmen loved the house, Eden is excited to have a pool." He said with a small chuckle
He nodded and chatted with him while they got the stuff into Noah’s car then let him go once all the files had been sent over, getting up and heading out with him. “Hey Eden come here a sec.” He told hee, crouching down to her level. “Hey can you do me a big big favor kid?” He asked. “Next time you see uncle Nick, you gotta tell him that he’s super smelly and that you like me better.” He told her smiling as she giggled and ran off to get into the car.
Noah rolled his eyes when he heard Jolly and shook his head a bit "Don't tell him that!" He said before getting her in the car again "Come on Princess, lets go get Mommy some snacks."
Eden nodded and held onto his sleeve while he buckled her in, "Daddy can we get gold fish crackers?" She asked him "What's Keaton favorite food?" She asked
Noah nodded and gave a smile "Yeah we can do that. Oh baby his favorite food is his formula. He is too small to eat the food we eat." He explained to her.
She frowned and thought about it for a minute "But Mommy said he almost seven months and Grace little sister is same age and she eating foods." She told him frowning. "She say that Lilly favorite food is pancake." She told him frowning, confused.
Noah gave a small sigh and gave a nod "Normally yes babies can start eating soft foods. Keaton is different though because he was born so early, his body just isn't ready for it yet." He explained to her.
She frowned and crossed her arms "So he's stupid as well." She muttered, looking at the floor and being a little grumpy the rest of their outing until they got home and she ran up to Carmen to hand her a monster

"Oh thank you baby, Mommy needed this today." She smiled, kissing her cheek and watched her run off, looking over to Noah "Hey so I've booked my flight for day after tomorrow. I'll only be there for three days, Dad is gonna take her out on the weekend though so it'll help you out a little." She told him, watching him come sit with her while she was feeding Keaton.

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