Fall of Magic

well shit, that sucks. I think this'll come to life if you tag all 5 of us in the intro tho, get people moving. I'm really sad, because this RP looks like it'll have a bright future. I think waiting too long to start was your problem.

Cuz these guys are good, I know @Robertaka123 from another RP, it had a turn order so it died out pretty fast, nobody really gave a fuck, but what he posted had phenominal detail. He always stuck to charecter. I was interested in seeing him change to the selfless medic though, he was a sorceror in the other one.
Hmm, although I agree I probably waited too long, like I said the plot I had in mind will have you guys dying almost left and right, so I needed more characters to start.
maybe if we had three or four players who made multiple charecters?

like each person has a mage, an artificial mage, and a human, and they decide which one they like the most so that one survives?
Well I can say I'm thoroughly excited for this rp, I am curious to see just how long Dante will last...hopefully a while but if not I have some ideas, heheh
For some reason I am unable to access this thread besides the IC and first page of OCC. Due to this the launch will be postponed :(

For some reason I am unable to access this thread besides the IC and first page of OCC. Due to this the launch will be postponed :(
Yea, I still can't view the stuff. Finding a permanent solution for this will take me a while, sorry guys! If you know a way to fix this for chrome message me. I keep getting the 'Aw Snap!' message when I try to enter certain pages.
what we can do now for the sake of efficiency is if you know th email of one of the players, you can send the intro to them and they can post it with a note telling what has transpiredwith your tech troubles.
Ugh… I already said I can't see your posts you make because the page crashes. I'm pretty sure my phone works, but it's insanely hard to type something up on it and the wifi where I am at right now is horrible.























idea: type all your posts on your computer, send them in an email to your phone, and post and look at the posts solely from your phone.
This problem is baffling.

@Alstromeria My phone doesn't deal well with selecting things, and with how long the posts will be I highly doubt it would cooperate. Plus, I'm still POSTING on my phone. It takes a good minute or two to post if it doesn't crash for my regular post size. I don't want to think about how it would react to me GMing and playing several characters in the same post.

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