Fairy Tai: A New Beginning


Blaine the Tomcat

Here We GO!!!!!!!

*insert picture*

[ Name ]

[ Nicknames/Aliases ]

[ Age ]

[sexual Orientation]

[ Gender ]

[ Mage Type ]

[ Type of Magic ]

[Magic Moves]

[ Rank ]

[ Hair Color ]

[ Eye Color ]

[ Skin Tone ]

[ Height ]

[ Weight ]

[ Crest Location ]

[ Crest Color ]

[ General Description ]

[ Likes ]

[ Dislikes ]






[ Strengths ]

[ Weaknesses ]

[ Abilities/Skills ]

[ Personality ]


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[ Name ]

Dayson Nightingale

[ Nicknames/Aliases ]

The rule maker.

[ Age ]


[sexual Orientation]


[ Gender ]


[ Mage Type ]

Caster Magic

[ Type of Magic ]

Jutsu Shiki & Dark Écriture

[Magic Moves]

All of freed's (http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Freed_Justine#Magic_and_Abilities)

[ Rank ]


[ Hair Color ]


[ Eye Color ]

Light purple

[ Skin Tone ]


[ Height ]


[ Weight ]


[ Crest Location ]

Back of right hand

[ Crest Color ]


[ General Description ]

Dayson is a slim man of average height with neck-length light-purple hair; his bangs are brushed to one side, covering the majority of the right side of his face. His eyes are a shade of light purple and his usual attire is a knee-length double-breasted coat with some standard black pants. He carries a rapier with him

[ Likes ]

✔People who follow Rules

✔Honest people


✔The guild


[ Dislikes ]

XPeople who break rules

XBeing indebted to people

XDishonest people



[ Strengths ]

☯He is very cunning which help's with his magic.

☯Overly prepared for many situations.

☯Can fight with a sword if opponent(S) get close to him.

☯He has fast movements. ( very agile)

☯Large amounts of magic energy.

[ Weaknesses ]

☠Low physical stamina

☠Goes over the top if people break the rules


☠ Not the physically strongest person


[ Abilities/Skills ]


✶Enhanced Durability

✶Can use magic to make himself stronger

✶Great at using his magic.


[ Personality ]

Dayson often displays himself as a cool-headed, though lazy and bored individual. He is described as being rather depressing, showing dislike in many things yet little interest in activities that he does enjoy or even his own future. Furthermore, Dayson has shown that he is a pessimistic, believing that "heroes" do not exist; rather, he believes that surviving in the world would only come out of the individual's own power. He is quite intelligent, being able to solve complex mathematical problems in moments, simply by knowing the equation.

and when he feels indebted to someone he will go out of his way to repay that debt, even if it goes against his own personal interests. Dayson also seems to strongly believe in the rules imposed by his Magic making it so if anyone breaks his rule a fate worst than death will follow after. He has a high amount of respect and love towards his family(his guild) and would risk his life for every single one of them.


Dayson was born into a family with no magical talent but he was different and it could be seen from a young age. Dayson took a massive interest in magic so his parents got him a teacher at this point he was eight. After Six years of teaching Dayson his teacher vanished but not before killing his parents and almost killing him for some unknown reason this only drove Dayson to try and become stronger and he joined Fairy tail to try and do that.​
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[ Name ]

Kellun Kirk Deaono

[ Nicknames/Aliases ]

The God of Fairies

[ Age ]


[sexual Orientation]


[ Gender ]


[ Mage Type ]

S-Rank/Guild Master

[ Type of Magic ]

Lost Magic

Flame God Slayer

[Magic Moves]

*To be done*

[ Rank ]


[ Hair Color ]


[ Eye Color ]

Dark Brown

[ Skin Tone ]

Light Peach

[ Height ]


[ Weight ]

135 lb.

[ Crest Location ]


[ Crest Color ]

Blood Red

[ General Description ]

Kellun has raven feather black hair possessed from his father Romeo. He has dark brown eyes inherited form his grandfather, and stand at a 6'0 height level. He weighs around 123 lb. His usual apparel possesses a formal suit and a tie. He has a scar over his guild stamp from a fight with his very own teacher.

[ Likes ]

? Cigarettes

? Alcohol

? Candy

? Dragons

? HIs Guild

[ Dislikes ]

X Gin

X Tea

X Most People

X Movies

X Kids

[ Strengths ]

? He is very strict

? He is strong

? Fast

? Manipulative

? Has Big Magic Reserves

[ Weaknesses ]

? Not to bright

? Sometime too strict

? Alcoholic

? Foggy Mind

? Clumsy

[ Abilities/Skills ]

? Hand to Hand

? Gymnast

? Manipulative

? Swordsman

? Cooking

[ Personality ]

Kellum is the opposite of fun at times. Meaning on missions he I very strict and commanding. At other times he is compared to his favorite mage in Fairy Tail history, Natsu Dragneel. He is fairly clumsy and manipulative.


He doesn't talk abouit t much beside his parentage.

Am I allowed I reserve a spot? (It's a little hard to register for this on the electronic I'm using at the moment) 

[ Name ]

Serephene Everglaze

[ Nicknames/Aliases ]

Serene, -anything anyone calls her-

[ Age ]


[sexual Orientation]


[ Gender ]


[ Mage Type ]

Caster Mage

[ Type of Magic ]

Caster Magic (Water (Juvia's magic), Ice-Make)

[Magic Moves]

Same as Juvia's and Gray's--just different names

[ Rank ]


[ Hair Color ]

{Dark} violet

[ Eye Color ]


[ Skin Tone ]

Pale (not vampire pale)

[ Height ]

5'2" (156 cm)

[ Weight ]

90 lb (41 kg)

[ Crest Location ]

Between the edge of her collar bone and left shoulder

[ Crest Color ]


[ General Description ]

Serephene has long hair that stops at her waist, and waves towards the end in the slightest. She is usually seen in comfortable attire, though she changes her clothes regularly. She is seen most often in a dark violet sweater and a dark colored skirt with short, black boots, her tied up into a high ponytail. She does not necessarily carry anything, as she stores it away her weapons magically, but she does carry a small messenger bag.

[ Likes ]

? Food (especially sweets)

? Animals

? Soft things (ex: pillow)

? Company

? Reading/Learning new things

[ Dislikes ]

X Food with strong flavor (too bitter, to sweet, etc.)

X Sugar-coated lies

X Harm brought upon her guild/guild members; people who harm others for entertainment

X Gore (to the point where guts are flying everywhere) and horror

X Spiders/certain bugs (ex: cockroach)

[ Strengths ]

? Weapon-use in combat (sword/bow-and-arrow)

? Keeping her emotions in check

? Arts (drawing, singing, music, etc.)

? Quick thinking/reaction(s)

? Aim and accuracy

[ Weaknesses ]

? Indecisive (if not a very important task)

? Athletic build (she cannot do most sports at all)

? Communicating (ex: starting a conversation)

? Deep thinking (lost in thought, often wanders off or is unaware of things)

? Strength (can be strong in combat, but lacks physical strength--pinned down easily)

[ Abilities/Skills ]

? Has a certain level of mastery in her magic

? Cooking (especially desserts and sweets)

? Nimble/Agile

? Dealing with people

? Intelligence

[ Personality ]

Serephene is quiet and rarely expresses herself, in both verbal communication and facial expression. Even though she is thought of as cold and distant, she is surprisingly gentle and caring, valuing other people over herself. She has never experienced love, whether it may be family affection, BF/GF love, or friendship, and feels a lonely most of the time, even though she would never admit it. She is straight-forward with her responses, and does not like anything "sugar-coated," which is why her replies sometimes end up sounding blunt.


Serephene is the daughter of a wealthy, powerful family, and was always alone and only allowed outside within the house's property. She was not allowed to make contact with anyone besides the people who serve the family and her family members, and grew up without much support from her parents, as they were always elsewhere. She had taken an interest in magic, and studied on her own, slowly mastering her powers in secret. She chose to leave the family when she was 12, and her parents coldly sent her off, believing that she'd return and beg for forgiveness, which wasn't the case. Serephene traveled around for the next two years, and finally found Fairy Tail, and grew very attached to it.

Favorite Song: The Spring by Joe Hisaishi--I like it because it's the kind of music I like, and he is my favorite composer~

[ Name ]

Akita Severa

[ Nicknames/Aliases ]


[ Age ]


[sexual Orientation]


[ Gender ]

"Huh. I don't know. Let me consult my breasts. *looks down shirt, then back up* They say I'm a female."

[ Mage Type ]

Caster type

[ Type of Magic ]

Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic

[Magic Moves]


[ Rank ]


[ Hair Color ]


[ Eye Color ]

Chocolatey brown

[ Skin Tone ]

Not tan, but not pale either. Right in the middle.

[ Height ]


[ Weight ]

110 lbs

[ Crest Location ]

Right shoulder

[ Crest Color ]


[ General Description ]

Akita is a tall, strong young woman. Her hair, blonde with a slight curl, reaches down to her shoulder blades. She is most often seen in a brown down jacket, the kind with the furry hood and long pants of some sort. Never a skirt. Never. She has a belt that she uses to hold her weapons, twin sickles, the larger by the name of Denkou (Lightning), and the smaller Tonitrua (Thunder).


[ Likes ]

? Warm places


? Dragons


? Orange juice

?Eating in general

? Batteries

[ Dislikes ]

X Spiders

X Cold places

Being insulted

X Being told what to do

X Rude People

[ Strengths ]

?Weapon skills (Sickles)


?Physical Strength

?Skilled with magic

[ Weaknesses ]

?Metal objects(Lightning rods, etc)

?Not good with kids

?Seasickness (Only Seasickness)

?Prone to nose bleeds

[ Abilities/Skills ]

?Beautiful singing voice

?Skilled in combat

?Extremely flexible


[ Personality ]

She is generally cold and sarcastic, but around people she trusts she can actually be sweet and caring. She is fiercely loyal and brave, but with bravery comes rashness. She will run into battle without thinking about it.


She doesn't speak of her past much. Things have however been pieced together from what she has said, and what she has said in outbursts.

She was raised by an elderly female dragon with golden scales named Elera, the last of the Lightning Dragons. This female was much too old for having hatchlings, so when she found this young child alone, she raised the child and taught her to read, write, and most important, her magic. But something happened to the dragon. Something bad that devastated the young girl, and as such she has clammed up about the matter. She only talks about it with people whom she trusts highly.

As for my favorite song, I'd have to go with

by Fall Out Boy, for now. Why? Because I can imagine sooo many epic battle scenes when I'm listening to it, and I'm just-"Awwwwww sh*t this is mah jaaaaam" hahaha
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/kiki_s_delivery_service_by_ofskysociety-d66yxmc.jpg.d428530b3e536520d77c4495149467b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26560" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/kiki_s_delivery_service_by_ofskysociety-d66yxmc.jpg.d428530b3e536520d77c4495149467b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Raven Evermore

Nicknames/Aliases: Sky Witch

Age: 13

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Gender: Female

Mage Type: Caster Magic

Type of Magic: Wind Magic

Magic Moves


Rank: S-Class

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Black

Skin Tone: Light

Height : 5'3

Weight: 107

Crest Location: right thigh

Crest Color: Red

General Description: Raven is a pretty average looking girl. She always where her favorite black dress, red bow and red flats. She always carry a brown bag, cat, and her broom with her also her radio.

[ Likes ]

[emoji818] Ice cream

[emoji818] Cats

[emoji818] flying

[emoji818] People who follow their heart and does the right thing

[emoji818] magic

[ Dislikes ]

X Spiders


X thunder storms

X bad people, rudeness

X nightmares

[ Strengths ]

? Sticks up for what she believes in no matter what

? Skilled with magic

? good with animals

[ Weaknesses ]

? spiders

? snakes

? thunder storms

[ Abilities/Skills ]

? Flying

? Sewing

Personality: She is a happy girl. She smart and knows how to take care of herself. Stands up to people when she has to. She can be a little shy but over comes that the more you get to know her. She is also a daydreamer.

History: Lived with her mom and dad and her black cat Artemis. She had a simple life. Never had any probs. Her cat Artemis goes everywhere she goes.

My fav song is Set apart this dream by flyleaf



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