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Dice Exalted Essence - To Kill A Primordial - OOC Thread

Okay, I'll take Midnight.

Psychie Psychie How are you imagining our interaction with Autochthonia to go? An invasion? An infiltration? A religious conversion? Because we're going to a whole different world, a lot of choices risk being left behind and becoming narratively irrelevant.

I'm just looking over Merits and considering character concepts, and naturally some of them lean in a very specific direction, like Primary Command and War charms about raising hordes of hungry dead. That's not subtle, and you don't bring that if you're infiltrating and sabotaging or starting a cult.

I've also considered taking Primary Ally and leaving the choice of Ally entirely up to you, if you would find that fun. That way the Ally would be guaranteed to be tied well into the story.

It would be a dick move to play a Midnight and ask for the Necromantic equivalent of the Mantle of Brigid or Emerald Thurible, as that would just be trying to upstage the Daybreak 😆. So if I get Artifact I'll probably have to create a custom Artifact, maybe for mass social.

Primary Hearthstone could be good, but I'll need to come up with a custom one.

Resources is mostly useless. Influence is marginal, unless the interplay between Autochthonia and the Underworld becomes important, or I take Influence for a powerful polity in Creation that's right beside where the Autochthonians pop out.
It would be a dick move to play a Midnight and ask for the Necromantic equivalent of the Mantle of Brigid or Emerald Thurible, as that would just be trying to upstage the Daybreak 😆. So if I get Artifact I'll probably have to create a custom Artifact, maybe for mass social.
Hey if you want to go the sorcery route go for it! I am still trying to figure out what I am going to play. It may not be a Daybreak. I enjoy RPing sorcery yes. I am open to suggestions as well for other castes. I am drawing a blank at the moment as to what I want to choose (TOO MANY CHOICES)
Maybe we can work together on something, then! Delving too deeply and greedily in the secrets of Creation is a great way to get both a Daybreak and a Midnight.

Ysyr could be a great starting point, with its mutated underclass looking up in awe at the ruling Sorcerers. Maybe we somehow got our hands on some forbidden lore (managed to get a job cleaning or organizing a great library? Conned our way in in a heist? Found an ancient ruin in the deepest depths of the city?) and studied it voraciously as a path to power and out of poverty and oppression.

Maybe we tried to enact a ritual to corrupt the sorcerous engine that awakens those lucky few to Sorcery out of belief that it could instead be made to awaken all Ysyr to Necromancy, but something went wrong and we died in the process. Maybe we tried to restore the ruined temple in the depths of the city to obtain its promise of enlightenment, but when we completed the work all the doors slammed shut leaving everyone trapped in perfect darkness for days until the first blood was spilled, when the hungry runes in the language of the Neverborn began to suck it up and glow fiercely, revealing more of their secrets with each new death.
Okay, I'll take Midnight.

Psychie Psychie How are you imagining our interaction with Autochthonia to go? An invasion? An infiltration? A religious conversion? Because we're going to a whole different world, a lot of choices risk being left behind and becoming narratively irrelevant.

I'm just looking over Merits and considering character concepts, and naturally some of them lean in a very specific direction, like Primary Command and War charms about raising hordes of hungry dead. That's not subtle, and you don't bring that if you're infiltrating and sabotaging or starting a cult.

I've also considered taking Primary Ally and leaving the choice of Ally entirely up to you, if you would find that fun. That way the Ally would be guaranteed to be tied well into the story.

It would be a dick move to play a Midnight and ask for the Necromantic equivalent of the Mantle of Brigid or Emerald Thurible, as that would just be trying to upstage the Daybreak 😆. So if I get Artifact I'll probably have to create a custom Artifact, maybe for mass social.

Primary Hearthstone could be good, but I'll need to come up with a custom one.

Resources is mostly useless. Influence is marginal, unless the interplay between Autochthonia and the Underworld becomes important, or I take Influence for a powerful polity in Creation that's right beside where the Autochthonians pop out.
I am envisioning that your party will at first infiltrate the Autochthonian host to be able to introduce the Great Contagion to the masses. Then the next big step would be the quest to find a way to drop Autochthon into a new Underwood, or at least, expand the current one and put the Deliverer and the Toymaker into high positions ruling over a vast new land with millions of fresh dead to enslave.

Starting a cult could be a good way to start out, depending on how you go about it.

Primary Command will have to wait a bit. Both the Deliverer and the Toymaker have small armies at their disposal. You won't be able to field a large force until you build up the ranks a bit.

A Primary Ally could be fun. Perhaps a different kind of Exalt; a Liminal or Outcast Dragon Blooded that want to serve the Underworld. Or even a Lunar that was bound to your Exalted Shard in a prior life. I'll have to think on that one.
I'm debating on one of my Merits, specifically the Resources one. I may end up changing it to something else. Maybe Followers, I don't know.
I was wanting to be able to have an Evocation for my Daiklave that would be an equivalent to the Charm Spirit Cutting Glance (pg 190 of the book). Would that power be in line with the level of the sword as a Secondary Merit, and if so, would I need to make any changes to get it to work? I have always hated trying to make up custom Charms and Evocations for this very reason. I don't want to get too little for what I'm purchasing, but I don't want to go overboard with what I'm trying to get. Make sense?
There are guidelines in the book for creating Charms. Taking Spirit-Cutting Glance is completely reasonable for an evocation, though you'll want to think about why the souls of your husband and his lover give you that power 😆. It's even perfectly reasonable to tack a personal mode onto the Charm. Perhaps you do extra damage to spirits who have broken an oath to you or betrayed you or something.
I have thought of an idea of trying a Liminal Exalted but i am not sure if they would fit in this adventure. I am open to suggestions and ideas associated with it. A great and powerful warrior from the Realm, so powerful that when they died their body parts were spread out throughout the realm to prevent their ‘resurrection’ but their name was long forgotten over the intervening years…but the Toymaker knew of them and painstakingly travelled and collected all of their parts and put them back together to serve.

They would more of a warrior type as the Liminel aspects do not really fit the usual aspect scheme and they do not have the capacity for greater feats of sorcery and necromancy.

He is basically a rebuilt fallen Angel of sorts.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Do you think this character would fit with the others and in this story?
Fun! I thought about a Blood aspect Liminal made by the Toymaker or Deliverer or even your Daybreak, because Liminals are awesome, except Liminals need to be tethered to a mortal creator by RAW (until E3, where they can retether themselves to an Exalt if they choose). If Psychie grants an exemption there's no reason you can't be tethered to a Deathlord, it just tosses away part of the theme Liminals explore - they're meant to be drawn irresistibly to the living even as they're reviled and shunned.
Fun! I thought about a Blood aspect Liminal made by the Toymaker or Deliverer or even your Daybreak, because Liminals are awesome, except Liminals need to be tethered to a mortal creator
Hmm yeah I forgot about this part, we could make their creator a mortal in the service of the Toymaker.
Now that I think on it a little harder, there are some lore problems with a Deathlord making a Liminal. I think I would have asked if your Daybreak could have made my liminal before you exalted. The Dark Mother really doesn't seem to like Oblivion for some reason, or the Neverborn, and it's entirely her choice whether a reanimation ritual creates a Liminal. She probably wouldn't ever allow a Deathlord to succeed in that, so a Liminal working for a Deathlord would have to be corrupted into their service, and the Dark Mother would not be happy with her child, but that could be fun drama.
Hmm I thought there was a mention in the Liminal section that some Liminals serve the undead too…when I get home from work I will check
So this is from the book
"Liminals of Essence 3+ may anchor themselves to an Exalt in their Circle, or to another powerful supernatural entity."

So they would have to be Essence 3 to anchor to an abyssal or to the Toymaker or to the Dark Lady.
So how is everyone doing on their characters? Any questions or concerns that I can help with? I'm anxious to get this game going and see how it works in the new system.
Outlines of a personality. A little bit of fiddling with charms left. Really no idea for merits. The problem with Primary Ally is they're technically stronger than us as E2 exalts, so narratively it's not great if they're around all the time. Secondary ally might be better, but then I have to figure out what to do with my primary. A fancy manse we'll leave behind? A custom super artifact? It's a puzzle.

If anyone wants to have history together or tie together concepts somehow, I'd enjoy that.
I am thinking that being able to swap the Primary Merit for a pair of Secondary ones might help out a bit in that regard. Give you guys a bit more to work with if you want to do that.
That might come in handy to do that. I could have my Backing and still have another Merit for a suit of armor or a hearthstone.
So how is everyone doing on their characters? Any questions or concerns that I can help with? I'm anxious to get this game going and see how it works in the new system.
I'm good here. Got my backstory and stats largely figured out; now it's just a matter of Charms and remaining Merits.
So how is everyone doing on their characters? Any questions or concerns that I can help with? I'm anxious to get this game going and see how it works in the new system.

As mentioned earlier in this thread I was thinking of building a Liminal Exalted. Normally they have to be anchored to a living mortal to basically survive, but at Essence 3 they have the ability to bond with an exalted or other supernatural creature. Now bonded to a mortal I do not see any way they would follow the will of a Deathlord, but if they were bonded to the Deathlord would be different clearly. But they have to be essence 3 to do so.

My original concept is this:

I have thought of an idea of trying a Liminal Exalted but i am not sure if they would fit in this adventure. I am open to suggestions and ideas associated with it. A great and powerful warrior from the Realm, so powerful that when they died their body parts were spread out throughout the realm to prevent their ‘resurrection’ but their name was long forgotten over the intervening years…but the Toymaker knew of them and painstakingly travelled and collected all of their parts and put them back together to serve.

They would more of a warrior type as the Liminel aspects do not really fit the usual aspect scheme and they do not have the capacity for greater feats of sorcery and necromancy.

He is basically a rebuilt fallen Angel of sorts

if we play a Liminal can we start at Essence 3? I know they cannot perform sorcery or necromancy as an abyssal can. This character would possibly be a charismatic warrior type whose name is Legend in creation or at least in the South.
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I certainly wouldn't mind going to Essence 3. Just so you know.
Just an idle thought; does anyone know of a version of Single Point Shining Into the Void Style for Exalted Essence that has been written up?
Just an idle thought; does anyone know of a version of Single Point Shining Into the Void Style for Exalted Essence that has been written up?
I found this online, but that was only after a few seconds looking.


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