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Futuristic Erasing the World

(Sorry! I was swimming for about 3 hours so I haven't had the chance to respond.)

Saul Distor

He nodded at the man, thinking he didn't really understand what he asked or was just wanting to compliment it more than her preffered. He often ot bashed with compliments on his drawings but all he asked was 'Is it realistic' not 'What do you think.'

'Oh well...' Saul thought, then shaking his head left and right to answer his next question.

Since he can only create one thing at a time, requests were not something he was good with doing. He always tries to push his power but ends up becoming unconcious.

'I suppose I could just draw it for them... They could keep the paper since I have plenty of it...' He thought, dismissing the thought considering he had already answered.

His thought was interrupted by Luci walking up and asking to sit with them. He nodded and half-heartedly pointed to the chair next to Mason. He was to busy doing so that he didn't notice the powder explosion. He just stared at her and a twitch made the side of his mouth perk up. If anyone payed attention, they would've seen it but it quickly dissapeared and went back to his normal expression.

Saul was looking around to find some napkins until Mason pulled some out of his magical pocket.

'Right..' He thought, going back to his drawing.

For some reason, the other voices had been blocked out. Possibly because he was focusing on Mason and Luci for the most part that the other voice just faded into the background. He continued to draw until Mason spoke.

When he heard what he said, he nodded and showed the drawing to her and asked the same question he asked Mason, "Does it look realistic?"


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"H-hey!" Olivia smiled, "I slept really well thanks! D-did you?"

Before Maya had the chance to respond, Olivia's stomach growled lightly. A thick blush rushed across her face as she remembered how hungry she was, and she looked back down to her plate.

Olivia struggled to, but kept a smile across her face, trying to laugh it off as she picked up another piece of bacon and started awkwardly nibbling at the end.

"S-sorry.." She chuckled, "Still kinda hungry I guess!.."

She barely managed to speak up past a whisper, but hey, at least she could speak up!

@Princess Ktyria
Seya blinked when she noticed the boy look at her in a similar fashion as she looked at him. She blinked once more when she was told that he, named Jared, did not have a surname. She was tempted to ask why, but she bit her tongue, careful not to say anything out loud. It must be something personal at that point, and Seya wasn't ready to get on someone's bad side.

"Uh, s-sorry for making you sit here with me," Seya stuttered, about to stand up when Jared hopped to his feet and walked over to her. She froze, wondering what he was planning to do, but found herself surprised when he held out a hand to her. She stared at his hand, then back at him, then back at his hand as if it were the first time she saw a hand in her entire life.

Usually, when Seya fell or stumbled, people would grab her by her collar or her arm. Mostly, they'd just tell her to get up, and by they, Seya meant the people who ran this building, including the staff members and guards. Suddenly, she was brought back to her real time and began to panic, realizing that she was keeping Jared waiting. She clumsily took his hand, though she was still unsure of what she should do.

Should she use him to pull herself up? Wouldn't she just put pressure on him? Why did he decide to help her up--did it look like she broke a leg?

Seya was beginning to grow nervous again, so she just sat there, staring at anywhere but Jared. She was literally going blank--what did she do in a situation like this? Would it seem rude if she stood up on her own? That would be better, right? It wouldn't burden him, and she can just explain herself after...but her explanation was kind outrageous all on its own...

But there was another thought--Jared had offered something to her: an opportunity to do something. Something beside crying on her own or trembling in fear of someone entering her room. However, her mind was still swimming with thoughts on how to get up without causing Jared any trouble, and all the while, she was now gripping his hand like her life depended on it, still in deep, troubled clouds of thought.


[so sorry! I missed the notification--it was there when I rechecked it. >.<]
"You need to go have contact with others 2" A female scientist sad as they walked him into the breakfast area. "I don't have anything in common with the other 'Subjects' " He snapped back at her as they closed the door leaving him with the others and himself. "I hate this place" He thought as he sat down in a dark corner of the room and thought staring at the roof, "Lets see how this goes then" He said looking at the other subjects with worry. "Do they even realize whats going on" He said to himself trying to avoid attention.
Screaming; Screaming is all that could be heard from the halls surrounding a single room labeled "137". Anyone that knew that number knew it well, it belonged to sith and like many of the others rooms; it was unique to him. It was an empty room minus a table, one he'd be strapped to day and night with scientists looking over him and changing him, trying to perfect something that had no possible way of becoming perfect. His voice was raspy, and cracked as his voice lost his vibrant smooth sound the night before. It wasn't uncommon for him to lose his voice, it's nearly twice a week now that he undergoes the worst pain he's ever felt, magnified each time. The lights that have replaced his eyes flash the room red over and over as he cries out in pain. The scientists try and hush down '13' with drugs and muzzles; and just about everything else you could imagine. He wasn't a child anymore, nor was he for years now. He was a machine, one that still felt emotion and pain, but something no one cared about, or wanted to. If his mother or late father saw him now, they'd be disgusted, and throw him away faster than the scientists would.

After hours through the night of modifications and testing, multiple scientists took his exhausted and heavy self, throwing his bladed hands over their shoulders as it took usually three or more of them to lift him, and brought him through the halls. They saw nothing wrong with what they did, which they did every single time he had to leave his room whether others were there or not, but as they got to the breakfast area they tossed him down like a hunk of metal thrown into the trash. They brushed themselves off and walked off as Sith laid there, face down and teeth barred as he panted from exhaustion through the night, small amounts of his blood seeping through the metal pieces, and his jaw where the metal was infused to his face.

[hopefully I wasn't too bad or anything]
Seeing a hulk of metal interested '2' so he went over to it "You still alive in there?" He asked through telepathy. He kept looking at the person so that he could try and communicate and maybe even make a friend. "If your alive think something to me as a response" He thought for the other person to hopefully speak back to him.
Sith wasn't fond on communicating at the time, or recognized the fact someone was speaking directly to his mind. As he laid there on the cold hard floor, slightly stained with his blood that would have to be cleaned up day after day whenever he was thrown inside there, usually in the same spot even. His mind was only filled with the horrors of the night before; and the one before that; and the one before that. The screams in his memories fueled his nightmarish thoughts of what the scientists may feel; fear of him retaliating? Joy from the power of him? Or maybe just excitement in hurting another human being. His mind isn't sane on the mornings after those nights. He may be 'fixed' on relaxation hours, days without the pain, but if he felt fear for others it'd be the fear of what people would see in his mind past the screaming.

He slowly tried bringing himself up from the ground. Loud drips of his only required liquid to keep him alive dripped to the floor, just now starting to dry up as the tiny machines and metal inside him healed his slight wounds. The tall scorpion-being looked down at '2', his teeth closed like gates of hell ready to open and release the steam of his warm breath from the machines inside him; acting like the flames of hades himself in appearance.

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Jared held onto Seya's hand for a few seconds, waiting for an all clear that didn't seem to be coming. So he used his initiative and pulled her up, making sure she landed on her feet.

"There we go. No need to be nervous Hun, you're with a friend here." He continued to speak in a soft tone, hoping not to scare the poor girl. He rested his hand softly on her shoulder. That's what you did right? When you make people feel better, you rested your hand somewhere on their shoulder.

He stood there, still, for a few seconds, staring down at her before finally pulling his hand away speaking up a little.

"So anyway, I have to go get something from my room. Would you care to join me?" He smiled a little again, this time a little more genuinely, feeling a little more at ease around her now that he gathered she wasn't an immediate threat to him, "I do not mean to force you or anything of the sort. You just seem like you could use someone to talk to."

Heh...that thought alone told him he was way too paranoid about this place. Playing tricks on his mind everywhere he went. But Seya seemed like she was a nice girl. Maybe a little timid, but who wouldn't be.

He turned a little and took a step down the hallway, slipping his hands into his pockets and awaiting a response from Seya.

Alice hadn't intended to socialize, necessarily but was happy enough that Mason was talking. For lack of a clever response, she simply shot Mason a small smile and a small squeak of acknowledgment. She was never very sure of Mason due to his age, so she preferred to simply listen to him. She nibbled on the corner of her toast, observing her fellow subjects. The girl sighed as her fellow subjects formed into their inevitable groups, leaving Alice with the familiar feeling of floating around the outside. When Jubi spoke to her, she dropped her toast and leaned back on the stool.

"I think the air's bad in here. It's never touched a leaf, you know? A bird's never flown in it, and I think my body knows. Won't let me sleep until I get some dirty, natural air in me."

Alice groaned to herself. That sounded stupid. The girl smiled to Juby and decided to call for the retreat. She felt self-conscious, and decided that a jacket would solve the problem. "I'm off to change. See you around."

Alice walked out of the Cafeteria much more casually than Seya did, but they probably felt a similar amount of urgency. She took the direct route to her room and was planning on burying herself in her sheets or sitting in the shower until they took her for testing, but when she turned the corner she encountered Jared and Seya. She watched as Seya clung to Jared's hand. She stood, hoping she could pass without drawing their attention but Jared unexpectedly turned around and she caught his eye.

The girl smiled and spoke to both of them. "Are you guys good? You never know with screaming." Alice shifted her weight and brushed a strand of red hair out of her eyes. "No shame, Seya. I don't like the food much either."

@StoneyJr @RainbowStars
Seya nervously looked around, still a bit unsure as to what to do around people. It's been forever since she'd come into contact with others besides the staff of the building. Today was going great for her, but she was afraid to mess everything up.

But Jared didn't seem to mind her hesitation or her awkwardness, so she allowed herself to relax a bit. Seya's eyes widened at the sound of the word 'friend,' and she was literally about to cry tears of joy. But she kept it back and just smiled widely to herself instead.

She looked upwards, glancing at Jared before nodding at his question. "Y-Yeah, let's go!" Seya said, hoping to get more of a map of the building. Someday, she wanted to get out of here. She was never allowed to go outside, but when she wanted to, she could escape as long as she knew the place. She just wished that she would be able to do something besides faint.

But something else caught her eye--it was a girl who seemed to be headed to the breakfast lounge. Eager to make more friends, Seya lifted a free hand and waved at the girl, offering a smile at the same time. Friends were nice to have--they were so comfortable to be around. If only she knew this earlier, then she would have gratefully walked out of her room.

But the miracle wasn't with her--it was with those around her. They were truly wonderful people.

@StoneyJr @Porgongo
Jared looked down the corridor a little at the girl, who'd seemingly appeared out of nowhere to him, for a few seconds. He nodded a little, then lowered his head and proceeded to walk straight past her, looking back a little ways to see if Seya was following or whether she'd stuck behind to talk to the other girl.

Alice..yes. The Telekinetic. He remembered Alice a little, due to her reminding him of Olivia in some aspects.

'Won't be long!'

The words repeated in his head a few times before he remembered what he was doing. He had to get a slight move on, he didn't like leaving Olivia alone for too long. And so he kept walking down the corridor.

Jared started humming a little tune to himself, which soon became soft whispers, until he started singing to himself, not sure if anyone was even listening. Hoping they weren't. He enjoyed singing, but didn't enjoy an audience.

"Come with me...My love.."

He was a fair singer, though he'd practiced alot, even during battle. He only made it out of some simulations by singing to himself, timing his attacks with the lyrics.

"To the sea...The sea of love.."

Somehow he felt more empowered when the lyrics flew down his arm into every attack. Every swing leaving a trail of sadness and joy.

"I want to tell you...How much.."

Jared struggled with his emotions. Before that night all those years ago, they came to him like it was nothing. But now, he could barely feel a thing towards people. In some ways, when he was singing in battle, the people he was fighting...they were some of the closest friends he had..bringing out more emotions in one session, than he could feel in a whole week alone.

"...I love you.."

Jared felt a a soft, yet warm tear fall down his left cheek as he walked. He let out a small chuckle as he sang, remembering all the time he'd spent out on the streets, hiding, surviving. Many of the people in this place hated the scientists. The researchers. The guards. But he didn't. They'd taken him and his sister in all that time ago, when no one else would. And whilst they did experiment. They also gave him a roof. Food. A home, in a dysfunctional sort of way. The 'evil' men upstairs surely didn't care for them, yet that didn't stop him being thankful. No more running. No more hiding. No more fear of the unknown. How could he ever hate them?

By the time he reached his room, his singing had stopped, and his expression had turned back to it's stone-like formation.

"Damn.." He chuckled, clenching his fist tightly, about to punch the wall as hard as he could.

In the end, he just rested his forehead there against it, softly pressing his fist against the wall.


@RainbowStars @Porgongo


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Vince struggled in his room, pulling into a fit of rage as he attempted to pull the chains out of the wall. He slammed himself to the right to weaken the left chain, and tried doing this over and over to tear the steel loops out of the wall. He could hear other subjects pass, and their freedom angered him more. He pulled again and the chain loosened, knocking him to the right as he felt he could move more. He tried to lean to the right, attempting to reach the key that would get him out of these chains and out of this cell. He couldn't reach however, and pained grunts emitted from his throat as he pulled on the chain as hard as he could. "Help me!" He shouted, hoping that someone would hear him. He must have been near someone, he could smell various breakfast foods from behind his door.


(man, I wish I had friends.)
// So I have no clue how to enter & I didn't know this started.. I'm just going to give it my best shot.

Oliver, 17

Innocence, 14​

Oliver never really had a problem waking up early; in fact, it actually kinda helped the teenager sleep at night. But, for his kid brother, Innocence, getting up early was something he didn't enjoy. Therefore, waking up Innocence was always Oliver's first objective for the day. Something he really didn't find enjoyable, but if he didn't, he knew Innocene would literally sleep the day away and possibly miss breakfast. Where, then, he would have to listen to the child complain about being hungry until lunch. Though, they didn't share a room, the pair had somehow managed to end up having their room right next to each other. Oliver believed that it might of been because of the age difference between the two. Oliver assumed it had been the way Innocence screamed and cried or how Oliver began to attack one of the guards when they had tried to seperate them.

Oliver pushed himself out of bed, grasping a pair of fresh clothing, and exiting his room. Oliver stepped across the hall and politely knocked on his siblings door. When there was no responce, as he predicited, Oliver opened the door and stepped in. Flipping on the light, he heard a soft whine. "Oliver." Innocence groaned, pulling the sheets over his eyes. "Turn the light off." Oliver, ignoring his brothers plea, crossed the room to the dresser. Pulling out something for Innocence to wear, he tossed the clothing onto the occupied bed. "Inny." Oliver called, grasping the sheets. "We're going to miss breakfast. Get up."

"Just.. Five more minutes." Innocence mumbled, sleepily.

This caused Oliver to sigh, "How about a deal?"

"Like?" Innocence spoke, squinting to adjust to the new amount of light.

"I'll go take a shower and by the time I get back, you'll be dressed and ready to go. Deal?" Oliver replied, pulling a strand of his brothers hair to keep his attention.

"Yeah." Innocence replied, turning over. "Deal."

Oliver nodded, taking his clothing and walking back to his room. Oliver showered and changed into his fresh pair of clothing. He, once again stepped into his siblings room and sighed. Innocence laid curled up on the bed, now dressed in his daily clothing. "Innocence." Oliver spoke, shaking the boy. "You said you'd be up."

"No," Innocence yawned. "The deal was that I'd be dressed and ready to go." Innocence sat up and flashed him a smile, "I'm dressed and ready to go!"

Oliver shook his head, smiling. "Alright then. Lets go."



Innocence grinned, holding his arms out. "Carry me?"

Oliver rolled his eyes and sat on the edge of the bed. Innocence wrapped his legs around his brothers waist and rested his head on his shoulder. "Okay." He yawned.

Oliver stood, adjusting to hold the new weight and headed to breakfast.

Sith turned away from the silent child, and hobbled around the room hunched over as he would usually walk, though not many people have ever seen him. He didn't even need food, they just threw him in there because they didn't want him around in his room while they cleaned up the mess of liquids and other mess; as well as to not let his 'muscles' if you could call those advanced pieces of metal muscles, atrophy. He sat down at one of the tables in the room away from the others, but not far enough to be a part of the shadows. His hands resting on the table left small scratches from the blades on his hands, barely even touching the table. He wiped a bit of blood from his mouth, despite his whole armor was currently stained by it, and resumed resting it on the table. He was still trying to regain his composure; not in the best mood or capability to go out and make friends. If he could even have friends that is, being himself nearly devoid of emotions; unable to feel sympathy or empathy.
"I wonder what happened to 1 and 3-9" IRo thought to himself noting others where picking up his thoughts. "Who knows about 1?" Iro yelled aloud to make sure all the people heard him speak about the experiment know as '1'. "I guess no one remembers then" Iro said sadly looking through the faces in the crowd.



Luci looked down and mumbled apologies into her chest. A kitten like sneeze made her nose twitch and look up. She caught sight of the obviously stifling his laughter Mason, handing her a napkin and an object enclosed. She wiped off her face and held the object in her palm before turning to Saul.

Timidly she reached out towards his drawing as if to touch it, but drew her hand back. "Its wonderfully realistic! I really admire your drawings Saul they're always so cool!"

She smiled gleefully and turned back to Mason, holding the object towards him in her up turned palm.

"What is it?" She asked.


@Princess Ktyria

(sorry its so late :3)​

Maya Miles

Maya was about to respond back to Olivia but she heard him. Iro. She remembered him. He tried to stop her on her rampage... That didn't work to well, but he didn't die like the usual mess did. The color still drained from her face when she heard the mentioning of the other numbers. It was awhile ago, but he still didn't seem to know. She was happy he was still alive, she had been well aquainted with him before the incident and the sccientists erased his memory. Maya jumped up and ran towards him, tackle hugging the boy.

"Iro!" She practically yelled, pretending to not know anything about what happened to 1 and the rest, and ignoring his quesiton.

Saul Distor

Saul frowned a bit when she touched it but felt a bit better at the appraisal. He didn't like others touching the drawing. They could touch the paper, but the drawing was someone he thought he once knew. It was his little friend that would never leave him or hurt him.

"Thank you." He said in a quiet, soft voice.

He didn't like talking much or speaking up for that matter. Words didn't matter to him. Drawing mattered way more that speaking did, at least that's his opinion. When he heard Iro's question, he froze just like Maya did, but didn't recover as quickly.

'Don't do anything unrashional, Maya.' He thought, watching her carefully as she hugged the boy.

A breathe of relief escaped his lips. He was glad that the question didn't affect her to much, and if it did, she was doing a hell of ajob not showing it.

Iro stumbled back as the girl called Maya knocked him back when she hugged him. "Your Maya from what I hear" Iro said not knowing the girl but she felt warm so he put his arms around her and hugged her back after steadying himself up again. She was hugged against four long scars from a claw that hit him or something or at-least that's what the scientists said. "I feel like I know you" Iro sent to her through telepathy but he couldn't go through her thoughts because he thought it would be indecent. "So, umm how do you know me?" He asked her while looking at her his eyes kinda glossy from feelings he didn't know what they came from.

Sorry I can't be on today! (even though it's already more than halfway over)

I have too many exams tomorrow, so I can't stay on for long.

If any of you get bored (as in, the RP is beginning to show signs of dying) then please PM me.

Then, I will post something that will trigger a new event (hopefully), so the RP will continue to move along.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Once these first couple of days of the week are over, I should be free (somewhat). xD

Anyway, thanks for taking your time to read this message~
(Fucked up my post -_- )

Typing could be heard in the girls room as she drank some coffee from her cup with one hand, then simply setting it down a few feet away from her electronics, back to work with both hands. The everyday life of Skylar, she loved working with the technology; it was so much fun to do so. Right now she was currently working on a few upgrades to the coding of her nanobots that she had; not many people knew about these little things mind you. But yet, most people in here have them right now... crawling right through their bloodstream. She had made sure everyone had gotten them, even without their approval, through either having them ingested with meals, or late at night sneaking away and injecting via shots.

The girl pursed her lips together into a small smile as she finished for now, she looked over to the time and double blinked,
"Whoa, morning already? Damn, time sure flies, last time I checked it was what, 10?" Skylar spoke to herself before stretching and getting up. "Man, I sure can go for some breakfast I guess" the tech girl continued to talk to herself as she put on her purple and white jacket; grabbing the coffee cup once more and filling it up and taking a sip while leaving; locking the door behind her as she did so. She walked on down to the breakfast hall while taking small sips of coffee every now and again, looking around with her different toned purple eyes; bags underneath both of them. When she finally made it to breakfast, she got herself some chocolate covered toast and a bowl of cereal before sitting down and eating quietly.

Alex awoke in his bio dome to the sounds of some of the deer going about their daily activities, he awoke with a mighty yawn and a scowl on his face; something normal for him. He took a sip of the water to quench his thirst, looking around as he did so; wondering what was to happen today. After finishing this, he got up and stretched out everything before walking over to his gun, picking it up, and walking over to breakfast; one never knew when they were called to action around here. He made his way slowly to the breakfast hall before grabbing himself his morning meal; today they gave him a whole pig, sedated so he may kill it himself. Alex made his way over to an empty table before raking off his gloves and putting his weapon down; digging his claws into the pig and causing a slight squeal from it before chomping down into the neck with his fangs; silencing it. The warm blood, the taste of a fresh kill; Alex's favorite thing in the world, right after befriending his own animal friends that is. Oh how delicious it tasted as he ripped a piece of it clean off and began to chew down on it silently; blood dripping from his mouth as he continued to eat; not the best time to mess with him when his instincts kicked in.


Maya Miles

She smiled when he said her name. It had been so long and for some reason, she hadn't seen him around very often at all after the incident either. Maya felt terrible but ahppy at teh same time. Remembering what she did to them made her feel sick, and now seeing a survivor made her feel the same way as well. She said nothing when he said he thought he knew her. She was told to not talk about what happened and so she couldn't have said anything that wouldn't lead to the event.

"We were cloes friends, though it seems like you don't remember me." Maya said, pouting slightly as she pulled away from the hug.

The pit in her stomach grew so she took a step away from him and looked up, observing his expression to see if there were any sign of confusion, which of course, there were. She wouldn't be able to explain how so she'd probably have to make up some bull shit lie, which would make Maya feel even worse since she had to lie. Before she could say anymore, she felt a cold hand on her shoulder that made her freeze. The hand was comforting but frightening at the same time. Her muscles relaxed and she felt slightly dizzy.

"Thank you, Saul." Maya mumbled, knowing who's hand that belonged to.

He always helped her when she was about to do something she didn't want to or was convincing herself to do something bad. He was sort of like an older brother... But more friendly and quiet, more like a shadow.

Saul Distor

Saul continued to watch, worried about what may happen. She wasn't able to talk about certain situations that had happened, so he couldn't let her say to much or the scientists would punish him. He nibbled on the inside of his cheek as he watched her hesitate and take a step back.

'Something's going to happen... Right? Should I do it just in case?' He thought, trying to think of the possibilites at hand, 'Don't tke chances.'

Saul jumpe dup and rush over, placeing his hand on her shoulder.


He whispered in her ear after letting go and quickly leaving the breakfast area, not wanting to be interrogated by anyone who was curious as to what just happened.

Sith watched the people that entered, ate, and were busy conversing. His neon-red lights for eyes blinked at a slow pace as he examined everyone. He knew some there, and some he did not. Whether it was by just hearing conversations or past conversations, but an equal amount he had nothing on. The changes to him allowed an extensive memory that wouldn't ever be lost; a computer never losing memory from its hardware. Like the one person that tried to speak with him so far, he had no recollection of. Probably had just never been in any room at the same time, considering he never really got to go out in the halls without being dragged across someones view, just to be thrown into this same room over and over. Tired of thinking, he let out a sigh that filled the air infront of him with a puff of steam, the inside mechanics to him working in an over-drive state, trying to keep him moving but not in his more deadly state of function.

He stood up slowly, practically accidentally moving the entire table as his legs hit the underside of the small cafeteria type tables. He could only think to himself how they never upgraded anything since they, or atleast he was taken, to accommodate for the size changes. Though that only got him thinking on how long they've all be stuck together in that place, and he's yet to speak indepth to anyone about their situation. Then again, does anyone really want to talk about that? Especially with a guy like Sith, most likely not...
"Well, apparently we were friends, My only friend..." Iro thought to himself before he walked over to a shaded corner and sat down with his head between his knees. "I don't understand my purpose here, why won't they just kill me" Iro sobbed as he started to get teary eyes. A tear fell from his eye and hit the ground as he tried to hide the rest beneath his sleeve. A scientist came through a door and tapped him on the shoulder "2 we need to get you out of here" The scientist said as Iro stood up and was brung back to the box of a room he lived in. The pale white walls and floor with a single cot and a lone yellow light to illuminate the room. As he left the room where people where a few tears followed him since he had known what was about to happen from reading the mind of one scientist.
Olivia shyed away a little with everything happening around her. Where was jared? He said he'd be right back..

She looked around the room once more. That's when she saw two others walk in, but she didn't recognize them. She was sure she'd recognize someone with a damn tail, and the girl with the purple eyes....

When the kid with the tail picked up the pig and started eating..no more. That was it.

Olivia rose up out of her chair, leaving half her food, and walking towards the exit of the room shaking her head with a look of disgust plastered across her face, mixed with that of sickness.

"Vile, cruel creature.." She hissed to herself.

Olivia didn't often feel this strgonly or this negatively about anyone. But a live creature, and right there in front of everyone aswell. It was wrong on every level.

"Filthy animal!.." She hissed to herself again, closing her eyes to try and forget the images in her head.

She could feel a small spring of tears welling up in her eyes, so she kept her head down, making sure her hair covered her face as she walked past everyone and out the door. Without her realizing it, her hand had shot down to her waist, attempting to grab her gun. Her gun that was still in her room.

A feeling of vulnerability shot through her entire being. She pulled her jacket closed some more, feeling like she was shrinking away.

Olivia looked up a little, trying to get her barings, and was surprised to see two girls standing just outside of the room. She was too hyped up to even recognize them, simply flying to the right and running down the corridor, heading straight from her room. To Jared..

Saul Distor

Saul had went down the wrong hallway.. Again.

'How embarresing..' He thought as he continued his way back to the main corridor.

It as bad enough that he had to shut Maya up, now he's being his forgetful self. He shoved his free hand into his pocket, his right one being occupied by his pen and drawings.

Once he finally reached the main hallway, he suddenly fell sideways, then felt a slight pain from his side. He said nothing again and had a straight face the entire time as he looked around to see Olivia.

"Are you okay?' He asks, trying to be caring but sonding more harsh than he meant it to.

Saul got up and stared at her, observing to see if he created any wound on her.

(So short ;- ;)


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