Elder Tales *Log in* (Roleplay Open)


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By its eleventh expansion pack, the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) Elder Tale has become a global success, with a user base of millions of players. However, during the release of its twelfth expansion pack: Novasphere Pioneers thirty thousand Japanese gamers who are logged on at the time of the update suddenly find themselves transported into the virtual game world and donning their in-game avatars. In the midst of the event, a socially awkward gamer named ________ (Insert Name Here) gets caught in this event and have to face this world, which unfortunately has now become their reality, along with the challenges and obstacles ahead of them.
Dimitri was up late it was almost the time that the expansion came out and he did not want to miss it the new Novasphere Pioneer the downloading was about to be finished it was 11:57 in the Afternoon he knows his parents would be mad but the temptation was to big he waited maybe he'll see some of his friends after all in the world of Elder Tales he was different a Half-Alv Enchanter called Frost Icicle. He looked at his screen and when he seen that it finished downloading and he launched the game he looked at his character and clicking on the Start button suddenly disappeared from the real world... But he was not the only one there are others to this story.

@Libra259 @Dkingow @Astaroth Suzumiya* @Noivian @Spanner @JPTheWarrior @SolistheSun @NickTonCutter @AllTheFangirlThings @Thesmashbro

@PixieDusts @Safety Hammer @Kurosaki Niaxi. @High Moon @Dante Verren @Tsutarji @Zeldafangirl @Ginko The Mushishi @Paint The Wind @Enmyira

@BeebeTheWarrior @Mythicana @Sir Jake @Alaster Von Grim @Astaroth Suzumiya @TheCandyEmo @Ballerina @Huntress47 @Yaboku God of War 

(Those who haven't made a character yet could and should I mean if you want to join if not sorry....)
Sona buy in the store the game as she talk to her friend about weird things on how awesome and how they will lvl up in the game in a team together. some of her friends would go in stream but she was so shy to do that so she is just gonna play up on her own. once when she arrive home she started opening her computer and start installing the game while she cook her food. she was making spaghetti and order up some pizza since she is a big eater.

she finish up eating and cleaning her plate after she got back to her computer that have successfully installed the game. smiling in satisfaction she start the game and made her own character. before she click start her mother called from the phone. they made a little chat as she click start. Suddenly a flashing light surrounded her room and she disappear as her phone drop in the ground were here mother is still talking... who will know what shall happen to her next
Autumn was at home waiting for the game to finish downloading. Autumn was talking to her pals and how they could team and lvl up together . soon the game was done and autumn smiled.

She was a fun girl but sometimes she can be alittle shy in the real world but in the game she likes to talk to other players. 

After she ate her lunch and cleaned up everything she pressed start. Smiling as the game started and she made her character. then suddenly a flash of light surrounded her room and she disappear into the game. 

who knows what here story.


@Astaroth Suzumiya*


Ariah Slade slammed shut her laptop in victory. She had completed all that had needed to be done in one day, and the the left the entire night for fun. Slaying monsters, swimming through gold, that kinda thing. Also known as Elder Tale. She had matched her in-game appearance to her real world one as closely as possible, trying to convert herself as much as possible into the virtual world. 

Arriving home, she slips through the two story house, alone. Quickly heating up a cup of ramen, she jumps into an office chair, the momentum carrying her over to her computer and monitor with ease. Scooting up a little farther, she boots it up and woofs down her ramen and sits contently drinking the reaming broth. Her computer takes her to her home screen, where she double clicks the icon for Elder Tale. 

As the music for the epic game begins, she can feel her determination and inspiration rising with every second. Smiling in hopes of victory against her foes, she slips on her headset and clicks begin. 

Starting off in a small Japanese town on the Japanese server, she mills about looking for healing potions. 
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Haruhiro and Sakura

Haruhiro turned on his computer. He smiles as he calls his friend and crush. She didn't know he liked him, and he would prefer to keep it that way, so their friendship wouldn't be ruined. He sighs and waits for her to answer. He rests his head on his chair looking at the ceiling. It was dark but he didn't mind playing in the dark, since it would help him focus on the game. Elder Tales was amazing. He spent hours creating his character and he was really happy with the result. It was a version of him more cool and awesome. He grinned as he is interrupted by Sakura. "Hello? Haru? Do you hear my voice? " she asks smiling on the other side of the call. She too was logging on the game. She was happy that she and Haru created the characters around the same time. That way they could play together until they reach the end of the game. She was really happy when he invited her to play. She liked him but she was to embarrassed to say anything. Haruhiro didn't look like he had the same feelings and so she didn't really wanted to tell him about her feelings. Haruhiro smiled even more and said "Heyy yes I can hear you! So you are at spawn? " he asks as he entered the game. He was still level 10. Compared to the pros who had level 90 he was nothing. But that would just make him feel like he had a big adventure ahead of him. Sakura smiled "Yes, yes I am see?" she grins as she makes her character, whom she named Pyra, wave at Haruhiro's character, GuiltyCrown. He coughs and he said "So wanna slay some goblins today?" he asks and Sakura nods "Mhm. We can't really hunt other things." she sighs with a smile "We could try for the Goblin King, but that is maybe too strong." Haruhiro agrees "When we level up again, we will try to kill him then" he says and she grins.

Yato was coming back at his apartment, yawning. It was a busy day and Yato needed to relax. After checking some stuffed on the internet, he found back and invitation on a game called "Log Horizon" on a mail. How much time it have been since Yato didn't played this game? He was only lvl 10 and didn't played really much at it. Deciding to sign up back and buying the new expansion, Yato could login into the game and saw his avatar. Putting his hand to covered his vision, Yato sigh and smirk "Oh god,my avatar is so cringy... Why did i put so much tattoos on him?" tilting his head, Yato scratch his chin "Well at least his ears are funny" after blinking his eyes by pressing the start button, Yato yawn and though jumping where he was was, feared "Wait... Where i'm?" Yato was not in his bedroom anymore... Cheking his own body, Yato raised up his arms in front of him, admiring the tattoos in shock. He then wash his hair with his hands and notice a bandage on his head... "Yeah,i understood. I was so sleepy that i fell asleep on my computer, and since the last thing i saw was my avatar, i'm actually experiencing a lucid dream. Never thought i will experience this one day."
Renya wiped the sweat that came to cover his forehead after almost six hours of playing. His eyes were already bloodshot from the intensive playing that he had to do in order to conclude the raid by himself. 

Since it was the way of the release, he wanted to finish the raid that he got into before it was too late, so he started his daily ritual of playing way sooner than what was normal for him. As an experienced player, he had quite the reputation to protect and, consequently, he couldn't fail that medium sized raid because something like an expansion. He played as a madman for almost 6 hours to close the gap that the lack of party members caused, his AOE spells that made him famous in the server storming at the Draconic shaped boss like a violent storm composed from infinite lighting bolts, the subclass that he fought to acquire helping him with the exausting fight till the very end.

"Raid Concluded" The system voice sounded into his ears when he finally managed to give a decisive hit to the beast, his breathing immediately relaxed when the pop-up appeared into his screen announcing that he was being teleported to his home in Akihabara for the execution of the expansion. The raid rewards would naturally be deposited into his storehouse as he configured, so he could relax and wait till the expansion was out to see the result.




After haggling with several shopmasters, Ariah had her potions. Now to test them out. Heading out to the lowest monster fields known to her, she raises her sword, initiating battle with several low-level Briar Weasles, who were no match for her level nine strength. They fell, and deteriorated. Smiling smugly, her faces turns into one of joy. She watched her EX bar raise annnnnnnd YES. LEVEL 10.

"Ohhhhhhhh yeah!!" she yells into the headset, and then strutting across her room in a victory dance. However, a sense of misdirection throws her off and she lands on her butt, forcing her into opening her eyes.

Except, she was no greeted with her room.

She was greeted with the forest, and the smell of crinkled leaves. 

"No way! Did I hit my head?" she inquires to the open forest, devoid of any life," No answer? Fine, I've always wanted to be a real life hero anyway. Even though there is a possibly this is just brain damage...." 

Strutting back to the town, not realizing this was something serious and indeed real, she slide her sword along her back, hands dutifully on her hips to convey a sense of purpose and authority. 
Sona wake up as she look around and standing up in a... small village "w-w-w-were am i?" she thought as she look at herself  then flash back comes in her mind 'oh i remember i was downloading Log horizon as i eat and call mom...when i click start' she pause and look st herself "cant it be?" she touch as she pinch herself "awe" she hiss and look around in panic and everything circling her and she was getting scared that more she look . she try to blink and hit herself  "calm down this is just a dream this is just a dream WERE THE HELL AM I !!! PLEASE SOME ONE ANYONE HELP ME" she said as she started to cry
Frost looked around and said "Where am I?" He looked around and seeing the Elder Tree said "Th... this is Akihabara really am I in the game?" He looked around and triping on a rock accedently somehow opened up the menu he looked around and seeing the log out button pressed it "Dame no use." He looked and seeing his friends list was looking at who was online and who was not seeing his friend RyujinKiba was online he thought to him self "if this is the game maybe." He clicked the voice chat button and waited...


Haruhiro and Sakura/GuiltyCrown and Pyra

Haruhiro and Sakura were slaying some goblins. They were having alot of fun. Both of them did lots of damage but their defense wasn't as good. So it was fun seeing their characters run around the mobs while doing damage. They were both laughing when suddently their computer screen turned pure white. Haruhiro gets confused. Lag? No this isn't what lag does... Oh wait maybe it's the update! Yes exactly "Hey Sakura don't worry." he says with a smile. Sakura sighs "It's the update right? Not a virus right?" she asks but before Haruhiro could respond, the light from the computers increased, blinding for moments. Sakura screams and Haruhiro follows her. When they opened their eyes they were falling. Around them there was only white. A white void. When was this going to end? They didn't know. They couldn't see each other and that made them shiver. Was the other one alright?!

After a bit the Void disppeares revealing a Planet. Earth, they thought. They were falling towards it, into Japan and then into a zone of it. While they were falling, Haruhiro managed to see the giant tree. No way... he thinks. Was this the game Elder Tale? Before he could think more he saw his clothes. They were just like his avatar's. Suddently he turned into pixels. When Haruhiro opened his eyes, he was standing still in the middle of a street. A post apocalypse setting. Buildings full of plants. Everything here was being controlled by nature. Around him there were other people that look as confused as him, others even crying. There were also others selling food. They were Npcs or People of the Land.

Haruhiro realized something and looked around desperate, but he sighed in relief when he saw Sakura's character, Pyra. Gods, she was beautiful ,even in game. Haruhiro shook his head and walked towards her saying "Pyra!" he starts to run. Sakura, or Pyra, looked at him. Tears came out of her eyes as she runs towards him and didn't stop until he had her arms around him. She hugged him crying. Haruhiro, or GuiltyCrown blushed but he embraced her in his arms "Heyy... calm down." he says smiling a bit. What the hell was happening?!


(Open for Interaction)
Sona look around and run as she dumb into someone "awe im so sorry but were am i?! can u guys please tell me" she said shivering in fear as she look at them "all i could remember was downloading Elder tales game " she said as she look at them "do u guys know am i hallucinating are we in the real world is this real?" she ask them as she shiver in fear and look around the area as she hold her instrument "im dreaming im dreaming"

"It's finally done. Now I can see my loot." Renya muttered, once more entering the game at the moment the expansion was finished.  Immediately after pressing start, the veteran player's vision got blurry coupled with a strong dizziness, making him unable to discern the surroundings for quite a while before he finally opened his eyes.

"What the..." he couldn't help but let out a loud expression of surprise that definitely didn't suit his quiet personality when he saw his surroundings. He wasn't in his room anymore, being located in a stone room decorated with multiple antiques and a lot of gold coins around the floor, a place that he recognized clearly from his years of gaming: His house store room in the game.

His conjectures about the situation were almost immediately dispelled by a sound that he recognized, the call of someone from his friend list. Surprisingly, the menu popped up near his face asking if he wanted to receive the call, that apparently came from Frost Icicle, and he naturally accepted it with a movement of his finger.

"Frost? You're also inside the game?" He asked in a nonchalant tone to hide his own nervousness, mimicking the way he generally talked in the voice chat of the game.
Jason smiled as he put her helmet on. "Finally ale to jump back in. God I hate when the servers are down." He said as he laid on his bed and closed her eyes.

She opened them to see herself in the login screen for Elder Tales. 'Welcome to the New World DKGOW' the message appeared before she swiped it away. "Time to get to the fun." She said with a very feminine voice.

DKGOW ran through the market area looking at all the new items and what she could buy. "It looks like I may be getting me a new staff." She said as she walked into the shop to look around. 

When she finished shopping she walked out of the shop. Suddenly she was in the forest. She looked behind her to not see the shop she just left. She sighed. "I hate games that randomly teleport you." She said as she walked down the ways trying to find her way out of the forest. It looked so real like she was walking in a real live forest. She stopped as she opened her menu to look at the map. 'No Data Available on Area.' "Great just what I need to get lost." She said as she ran down the path she found. 
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GuiltyCrown and Pyra

Haruhiro was about to tell Sakura something but got interrupted by someone who hit him in the back. He pushes Sakura away and turns around seeing the woman with blue hair and eyes. She would be pretty but her face was showing fear and despair, and it would scare Haruhiro a bit. He shook his head and sighed "I-I think this is real..." Haruhiro says looking around "You can feel what you touch and in a dream that is impossible. Even your nose works. By the looks of our surroundings we are in Elder Tales." Sakura cleans her eyes and nodded "Ye-Yes That is true. Is this part of the new expansion?" she asks and moves her hand down, revealing a menu "Oh so this is like the manga that you and me read..." she says "The Log Off button doesn't work" she says pressing it again and again. Haruhiro sighs and looks back to Sona "Calm down Miss. What we need right now is to keep it together an think." he says "By the looks of it, we are playing vrmmorpg instead!" Sakura says "If you think like that, it isn't that bad... the only problem is that we can't get out" she says looking down.


He sighed he answered "Hey ya I am Dude I was downloading the new Extension the Novasphere Pioneers i think it's called and I happened to just appeared but man we should meet up soon like at the Big Tree in Akihabara." He looked around and laughed a bit it wasn't different and before he left for the big tree he bought some food. walking down the street the People of the Lands the NPC of Elder tales where looking at him he didn't think much and continued walking and sitting at the Big tree smiled.

Autumn smiled at her spawn area and she desighed to start a chat with Pyra "hey guys? This game is so awesome "she smiled as she sent her the message then she then walked into town "ah what a nice day " on her way to town she had found a wolf and she killed it and it drops its pelt "oh thats cool.."she thought then she sat on a bench by the big tree


"Mhm. The same happened here, I didn't even got to see the loot of my last raid yet..." Renya, no, in the game it would be more correct to call him Ryujin, complained. In fact, he was quite surprised by what just happened, but it wasn't as if getting nervous would help with something.

"Akihabara? It's still my main city, I can get there in a few moments" he replied in the same nonchalant tone, agreeing with meeting with the other player. Immediately after that he finished the "call", wandering by his storeroom to verify his equipment before departing.

The action barely took 3 minutes, as the specs of his character were more or less the same as his original body it wasn't hard to adapt, and was followed by the immediate departure to the Big Tree.
"Hell yeah!" Jiro yelled as he jumped with joy. One moment he was in his computer chair logging into the game the next he was looking through the eyes of his character. no he was his character. "This is freaking awesome!" he could smell, he could see, he could touch the actual game itself. His out burst received him so noticeable glares from nearby players but he didn't care.

He wandered down the streets of the city whistling and smiling. He looked around at all the players who where scarred or depressed. "Man I don't get it. this is like a dream come true. Why would hey be freaking out?" He thought to himself. He had made his character the same dimensions so t took no time at all for him to get used to his new body.

Pyra sighed as she read the message. Someone is having fun... She really wasn't in a good mood and so she didn't answer. In fact she was angry and sad. Though living a adventure with Haru was great but, she couldn't help it but feel like they were in some sort of prison. Her body didn't stop shaking and that wasn't a good sign. She was scared. She looked at Haru and fortunetely, he was talking with the blue haired girl who had bumped into him while they were hugging. She interrupted the moment and she didn't like that. Sakura sighed and start thiking. Autumn actually gave her an idea! She decided to open her Menu and press the Friend's List button. She started scrolling down the names with her hands until she found the two she was looking for! Banda or GreenBush and Hinata or Saphire. She tried to call them. Ok just imagine you have a phone... she thinks.


Banda sighed as he looks at his body "This is bad" he says out loud not really carring if her friend Hinata heard him or not. He looked around. Elder Tales huh? Well my life is somewhat boring, but this is taking my wish to the extreme. Plus my friends were dragged into this too. He thinks as he looks at Hinata. She looks at him and huffs "What? Do I have something in my face?" she asks raising an eyebrow. Banda grinned and hold his hands in the air "Sorry sorry" he says with a smile "I was just thinking... that if we were dragged into the game.. it isn't as bad. I mean we could be trapped in horrible things right?" he asks already knowing her answer. He and Hinata were together in his house when this happened. She was layed down in his bed like it was hers, with her pc on her hands. He was playing the same game as her on the computer at his table. "So guess the pizza will have to wait right?" he asks with a nervous grin.


She sighs "Yeah guess it will have too... I am hungry too" she says as she touches her belly "You aren't good at dates you know? You even let the woman you bring on a date be hungry" She says looking around and trying to tease him at the same time. Banda lowered his arms and said "That wasn't a date... you literally came into my house without telling me and went to my room... You also ate my chocolates..." he says and she nods "And they were very good. Deli-" She was interrupted by a ringing phone sound and icon at the top of her menu that suddently appeared. By the looks of her friend, the same happened to him. They both clicked the icon and suddently a voice could be heard for both "C-Can you listen to me?" Pyra says in her mind. Hinata sighs "Y-Yes I can. Where are you? Are you with Hal?" she asks, referring to Haruhiro. Pyra nods "Yeah... Yes I am. You want to come to us? We could then solve this problem toget-" she is interrupted by Banda "Sorry but I don't think this will be solved so simply. We have no clues and we have no idea what is happening. If this works as the Game, then we don't even have a way to clear it." he says and both the girls nod "So... should we, form a Guild? So we can have a house to stay?" Pyra asks and Saphire nods "Our money should be enough but we will have to go fight mobs later, because our pockets will be empty" the three nodded and using the map, Saphire and GreenBush made their way towards Pyra and GuiltyCrown.
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Autumn walked along the streets of the city, hoping she would run into Sakura and some of her other friends "hmm i wonder what i could get for this wolf pelt or what i could make out of it " she smiled happily 

"hmm why has she not messaged me back..maybe she and haru are doing something together "she thought to herself. she walked into an inn and she saw a Salesman "ohh sir how much can i get for this pelt or can i make a hat out of this "she smiled and her fox ears twicted "oh nvm just sell " the salesman buys it from her for only 35 cash "aww ok"she walked outside with her cash and then she messaged Sukura "hey where are you guys " she sent the message and after she walked to the market "hey do you have a guild i could join...i feel lonely now that everyone is with their guy friends and im playing ...all alone...haa sorry for my ranting..so Guild?"

Yuki was just eating a piece of birthday cake as she smile she her parents were at work she just looked at the game she smiled finishing her cake as she finished downloading the giame as she start the game" what the...." she say as she she was in the game she just looked around" where am i" she say as she was in a town as she was really confused she had a staff and and a stuffed toy as she bite on it as she was scared @anyone 
Jiro was walking when he saw the figure of a small kid chewing on a stuffed toy. Deciding to see if she was alright Jiro approached her. "Hey kid whats wrong?" even though he probably already knew the answer. Most people seemed to be freaked out while a rare minority where like him who where happy that they where in here.

Yuki just looked at him" hi there i'm not a kid today is my birthday so i'm 14" she say as she just looked at him" i'm fine though" she say as she looked around" where am i" she say looking at him" what is this place" she asked @Dante Verren

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